Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 570: Old Belial

Restart the calendar year 1230...the Holy Year of the Emperor Star Civilization...

The three-layer world project of the World Ring Plan has been completed, with the core being the seventh-level civilized Emperor Star Civilized World, the middle layer being the sixth-level civilized Daotian Civilized World, and the outer layer being the fourth-level civilized star world.

Due to the comprehensive input of science and technology from the Emperor Star Civilization, today's Daotian World's technological level has leapt from a fourth-level civilization to a sixth-level civilization in just over two hundred years after the threat of the Emperor Star Civilization's destruction, shortening the average The accumulation of science and technology required by civilization for tens of thousands of years. The once enemy of the Emperor Star Civilization has now become an inseparable relative and ally of the Daotian World. After the abandonment of the Spiritual Body Network of the Emperor Star Civilization, all the people of the Emperor Star Clan had been placed in the Eternal Life Network before the death of Xuanyuan Luoying. This is used to solve problems such as the aging of the Emperor Star tribe and mental body viruses.

The outer star civilization also received scientific and technological support from the Daotian world, and many major technological revolutions broke out. For more than two hundred years, while the star world was continuously being transformed into the outer layer of the world ring, humans in the star world Civilization has also reached the level of fourth-level civilization. Some outstanding talents can cross the outer world and reach the middle Daotian world to study abroad.

The Emperor Star World, Daotian World, and the Star World have formed a whole and are bound together. This also means that if the outermost Star World is hit, the Daotian World and Emperor Star World inside will react immediately. come over. Although it occupies the most unsafe outer world and serves as the shell of the two worlds, having two powerful civilizations standing behind it is not a bad thing for the star civilization. The Star World is already weak, but even so, the three major worlds must abide by one rule, that is, they are not allowed to interfere with any high-level decisions of other worlds in the world ring. This is the basic respect given to their respective worlds.

Restart calendar year 1230... exactly one hundred years after Xuanyuan Luoying's death...

On a deserted star somewhere in the Daotian world, a white-haired young man was standing on a tall rock mountain, looking at the endless desert in front of him...

"The environment here was originally very good, but the mining turned it into this. Fortunately, the artificial atmosphere and some facilities are still usable. Although it is a bit harder, we can still survive." A white-haired boy behind the white-haired boy The old man said.

A gust of wind brought the billowing heat wave from the desert towards us, blowing up the young man's long snow-white hair, revealing the young man's icy face. His emotionless eyes were like black holes, giving people a feeling of swallowing everything. The feeling... And this young man is Luo Yikong. Hundreds and thousands of years have not left any traces on his body. He is still so unchanged...

"You've been here with them during this period of time, transforming and upgrading the biological mecha Final Disaster, it's been really hard... Belial..."

The old man behind Luo Yikong was the former chairman of the Tripartite Council. He was the person who secretly promoted the biological mecha project. He once relied on the biological mecha to fight against the rebel fleet. If there had not been an internal rebellion, then The final disaster might really wipe out the entire resistance fleet and extend the life of the Tripartite Council for another hundred years. It’s just that history has no ifs.

Belial, who had lost everything, was hidden by Luo Yikong and Tong Final Disaster, guarded by the Nine Nightmares. Luo Yikong knew that Belial was firmly on the side of mankind. In order to deal with possible enemies in the future, Luo Yikong did a lot of ideological work for Belial before convincing him to come up with the only information about biological mechas. information and participate in manufacturing. It was only in order to prevent being discovered by the newly established Star Ember Alliance that Belial did not register for the immortality network, so he continued to age. Even with genetic medicine, it could only extend his life for a few hundred years, and now he is almost reaching his limit. .

Thanks to the efforts of Belial and the scientists under his management, the Final Disaster, which now incorporates the technology of the Emperor Star civilization, has become more than a thousand times more powerful than before, and they also plan to produce a mass-produced version of this mecha.

"What I do, what I think, what I pursue... everything is for mankind..." Belial said in that hoarse voice. He was once the Supreme Council President of the Tripartite Parliament. Although he acted radically, was militaristic, and He has some contact with external civilization, but everything he does, he thinks, is to bring human civilization to the top.

"It seems that you are still dissatisfied that I did not support you back then, and that I have chosen the Star Ember Parliament and the Star Ember United Army now... But whether it is the original Parliament or the current Star Ember Parliament, I have watched it step by step. . Some paths you think are right, but that’s just what you think. If you just follow your own path, you can go all the way without regrets or look back, but if you take the world with you, you can take with you countless lives. "

Luo Yikong shook his head. In fact, when he came down from the virus planet a thousand years ago, Luo Yikong conducted a systematic deduction of the Daotian world. In that deduction, he saw the scene of Lolis' sacrifice, and also saw As Xuanyuan Luoying grew old, she finally saw the future including Jiu Xiang's death. Regarding these, Luo Yikong actually knew that in order to take this route of sacrificing a few people in the future, Luo Yikong did not get his feelings back to prevent them from being affected.

Later, because of the birth of his clone Luo Kong, that is, Luo Tianhuan, which had an impact on the future, Luo Yikong thought that perhaps the impact of his clone on the future could bring everything to a better ending. After all, not many people can influence the future, although the final future is not clear. But the death of Luo Tianhuan also brought everything back to the starting point.

Luo Yikong followed that path. Although he had seen the scene of Xuanyuan Luoying aging, he did not know the reason for her aging. Until Xuanyuan Luoying let the twelve swords descend at the same time, connecting the scenes that Luo Yikong had deduced and seen, Luo Yikong understood at that moment. He wanted to stop it, but he still didn't take that step, because once he stopped it at that time, the two of them would die together. Even if he tried his best to save Xuanyuan Luoying, it didn't change her aging ending. She was such a proud person who cared about her beauty. In the end, she could only die old and ugly. Although she still smiled when she died, Luo Yikong knew that she was most afraid of aging a little bit.

Luo Yikong thought that the feelings that were separated would not be so painful anymore. The memory cycle of hundreds of millions of people he experienced on the virus planet made him numb to many human emotions, but in fact, he was only numb to other people's feelings, not his own...

Some things, even if you know them in advance, may not be changed, and this is the most painful...

But Luo Yikong will not look back because of this. For those who sacrificed their lives, he can only keep going...

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