The meeting between Luo Yikong and the Virtual God was scheduled on an agricultural planet called Guyu Star in the Star World. At this moment, outside that inconspicuous planet, fleets of Virtual Civilization, Dream Civilization, Daotian World Human Civilization, Dragon Civilization, Star World Human Civilization, and Emperor Star Civilization gathered. However, although they did not belong to the same civilization, they were divided into two camps, one led by Virtual God and the other led by Luo Yikong.

The fleets of the two camps had already been arranged. In terms of quantity, Luo Yikong had the advantage, and the fleet size was five times that of the other civilization fleet, but in terms of quality, Virtual God had the advantage, all of which were level 7 civilization warships.

The Virtual God and Luo Yikong agreed that the two would meet on Guyu Star, and the fleets of both sides would stay outside the planet, and no rash actions were allowed without orders.

"General Cole, it has been so long, will something happen?" At this moment, in the main ship of the mixed fleet of the three worlds of Daotian World, Emperor Star World, and Star World, Mu Qianxue asked with some concern.

More than two hundred years have passed, and Cole has become a general of the Xingjin United Army, in charge of a black hole-class main fleet of the Daotian World, and is no longer the captain of the star-class fleet two hundred years ago.

As for Mu Qianxue, with the technological support of the two worlds of the Emperor Star World and the Daotian World, the technology of the Star World has not only reached the level of the fourth-level civilization, but the average life expectancy has reached more than 400 years. Mu Qianxue still looks very young and beautiful, even though more than two hundred years have passed, but she has lost her former willfulness and childishness, and has matured a lot, almost the same as her sister Mu Qianwu.

"Wait!" Cole just replied calmly. Although he and Mu Qianxue each commanded their own fleets, the overall command was not in their hands, but in the hands of Luo Yikong, including Xuanyuan Chen of the Emperor Star Civilization, who also acted according to Luo Yikong's orders.

At this moment on Guyu Star, Luo Yikong met with the virtual god for half an hour. Facing the guy in front of him who occupied his sister's body, Luo Yikong was always thinking whether he could kill her directly. After all, he was very powerful now. Since everyone in the Emperor Star Civilization joined the player system and virtual rules began to spread throughout the Emperor Star Civilization, Luo Yikong felt that he had become much stronger than before.

"Are you Luo Tianchen?" The virtual god stared at Luo Yikong. During this half hour, she repeatedly wanted to confirm whether she was the phantom god, and even threw many questions in the past to test Luo Yikong.

"Is this important? Tell me first, is my sister still there?" Luo Yikong has always been worried about Luo Yiling's situation, but he used to be too weak, so weak that the virtual god could suppress him with just a look. Now that he is powerful, Luo Yikong wants to confirm whether Luo Yiling is there...

"Tell me first, are you Luo Tianchen?" The virtual god also naturally knows what Luo Yikong is thinking. It doesn't matter to her whether Luo Yiling exists or not. The important thing is that as long as Luo Yiling exists, Luo Yikong can be restrained.

"Well then... then I am Luo Tianchen..." Luo Yikong admitted it directly, and this indifferent attitude of admission stunned the virtual god for a moment.

"Now tell me, does my sister Luo Yiling exist?" Apart from Xuanyuan Luoying, Luo Yiling can be said to be the person Luo Yikong cares about the most. Even if he had no feelings for her, he still split many clones and went to various worlds to search for her.

"Her consciousness has been erased by me a long time ago. Do you think her consciousness can last for thousands of years? Ridiculous!" The virtual god said somewhat unhappy.

"Is that so..."

Luo Yikong acted very calmly, which surprised the virtual god a little, but the next second, the virtual god felt that the space around him solidified, and time also stopped.

A sword light slashed directly at the head of the virtual god, and those who were killed by that sword would be completely wiped out in time and space...

The virtual god immediately activated his power and virtualized himself. The sword went straight through the body of the virtual god without hurting him at all...

Luo Yikong was still sitting in front of the virtual god, without any movement, with a calm face, as if the sword just now was not slashed by him, but instead, the endless mountains in the distance behind the virtual god were all wiped out, and an abyss appeared on Guyu Star at that moment...

Seeing the power of Luo Yikong's sword, the virtual god's expression was no longer relaxed, but became very serious...

"Have you become so powerful?"

"My sister Luo Yiling is not dead, at least not before you get my system..." Luo Yikong said calmly. The virtual god could not waste Luo Yiling's card.

"That's obviously my system! But if you plan to trade the system for your sister, I can accept it."

"Yes, but after the transaction, our life and death are just a matter of your words." Luo Yikong knew very well what it meant to hand over the system to the virtual god. It meant that no one and no civilization in this world could stop her. The virtual god could take her civilization and directly ascend to the ninth-level civilization, recreating the scene of the virtual era.

"Luo Yikong... Do you remember what the first thing I gave you was?" The virtual god asked Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong also knew that this was the virtual god testing his identity... to confirm whether he was that person, and when the virtual god gave that thing, Xuanyuan Luoying was not with that person, so even Xuanyuan Luoying didn't know about this...

"You gave me the authority..." Luo Yikong hesitated for a moment and said...

He admitted that this sentence was a gamble. After all, under the rule of virtual civilization, everyone is constrained by the system. The system seems to be a gift, but it is actually a constraint. Xuanyuan Luoying once talked about the Saint King. As for the origin of the Saint King, even Xuanyuan Luoying didn't know it. It was like he appeared out of thin air. People who appeared out of thin air must not have a system. The virtual god wanted to recruit him as a subordinate and control him at the same time, so the first thing he rewarded must be the player system authority.

"Luo Tianchen! You die!"

Hearing Luo Yikong's answer, the virtual god instantly exploded and became murderous. It was obvious that Luo Yikong's answer was correct...

Luo Yikong didn't know that the first time the virtual god gave the so-called Fantasy God King was not the player system, but the authority to control the time rules of the virtual world. Not many people knew about this. Many people only knew that the guy supervised the long river of time, and didn't know that the guy had the time authority of the virtual world. If Luo Yikong answered that it was the player system, he would have been exposed. However, in order to prevent being exposed, Luo Yikong specially chose a large-scale answer... authority.

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