Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 579: God Creates the Star Attack

"Lord Holy Lord! Your nose..."

Hearing the shouts of the people around him, Luo Yikong frowned, reached out and touched his nose, and found that blood had flowed from his nose at some point. At that moment, Luo Yikong felt a little weak and exhausted. Luo Yikong is not an ordinary existence, and the occurrence of this situation can only show that there is something wrong with the world bound to him.

"Lord Holy Lord! Urgent report from the World of Stars! Five minutes ago, all the fleets in the World of Stars were destroyed, and all the defenses of the entire Stars and the entire world were wiped out. The enemy fleet is now about to arrive at Daotian World." At that time, an Imperial Star civilized soldier reported to Luo Yikong, and when he heard the news, Luo Yikong's heart suddenly sank.

"So fast?" Luo Yikong was a little surprised. On the one hand, he did not expect the virtual god's fleet to be so fast. On the other hand, Luo Yikong also did not expect that the world of stars would be destroyed so quickly. In Luo Yikong's estimation, the Star World should be able to sustain for half an hour until support from the Emperor Star Civilization and Daotian World arrives.

"Lord Holy Lord, the virtual god has united all the major civilizations in the virtual world, that's why it destroyed our barrier world so quickly!"

"United all civilizations in the virtual world!" Luo Yikong was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that the only ones who came to attack them were virtual civilization and dream civilization. Those advanced civilizations would only act as fishermen. Who knew that the virtual gods would actually unite with them? Woke up. This time Luo Yikong didn't even have the 3% chance of victory.

Those civilizations in the virtual world do not want the rise of virtual gods. Unless the virtual gods sell out some interests and let those civilizations act, and those civilizations believe that the virtual gods cannot return to the top because of this, no matter how big the interests are, they will not be able to cooperate. Get up, after all, survival is the first goal of civilization.

"These idiots are really bad!" Luo Yikong already had a rough answer in his mind. The virtual gods paid a lot of money to sell off those civilizations. At the same time, those civilizations thought they had their own eyes on them. It was impossible for the virtual gods to rise in a short time. .

But as the owner of the system, Luo Yikong naturally knows what the Virtual God wants to do in the first step of taking back the system. Not to mention those seventh-level civilizations, even the sudden appearance of the eighth-level civilization will not be able to stop the Virtual God. .

"How many people in Daotian World have not yet been evacuated?" Luo Yikong asked the Emperor Star Civilization soldiers beside him.

"Lord Holy Lord, there are still about 1 billion people in Daotian World who have not evacuated..."

"It's too late in Daotian World, so work hard to evacuate the people from the Last Emperor Star World! The other fleets obey the order! Go to Daotian World to fight!"


The moment Luo Yikong gave the order, the fleet that was already ready to go quickly assembled. Luo Yikong also controlled Xuanyuan Luoying and left the Shenchuang Star to go on the expedition...

A huge space wormhole appeared in front of the Shenchuang Star. Led by the Shenchuang Star, it turned into a ray of light and rushed into the wormhole. The major fleets of the Emperor Star Civilization followed closely behind and entered the space wormhole. among……

Luo Yikong stood in the control center of the Divine Creation Star, controlling this huge Divine Creation Star through a light ball. Standing here, he could see the outside scene clearly... Another Xuanyuan Luoying was also sleeping. Here, I was finally awakened by Luo Yikong...

Passing through the dark plane wormhole, what appeared in front of Luo Yikong was a dense group of fleets fighting. The space in it was constantly shattering, and the dense explosions were almost more numerous than the stars in this star field...

The battle ahead was the Daotian World fleet, but under the attack of the combined fleet, the Daotian World fleet had lost more than half of its fleet in these two minutes...

When Luo Yikong saw this, he no longer hesitated and immediately activated the power of the Divine Creation Star. The main guns of all the battleships of the Emperor Star Civilization were all locked on the Divine Creation Star at that moment. I saw the order to fire was issued, and the dense main gun beams all bombarded the Shenchuang Star, but all those beams were absorbed by the Shenchuang Star.


The Divine Star was once able to infinitely amplify Xuanyuan Luoying's mental power. As Luo Yikong took control of the Divine Star, he discovered that the Divine Star was a super amplifier that could amplify most of the energy. Attack the target.

A white beam of light was emitted from the Shenchuang Star and fell into the dense fleet. Some warships that were caught off guard evaporated directly, leaving no wreckage behind.

That white light penetrated the entire battlefield and fell behind the fleets of advanced civilizations. Because the space was torn apart layer by layer, those battleships of advanced civilizations could not even escape to high-dimensional space...


Just like a supernova explosion, dazzling white light burst out from this world, and a large number of advanced civilization warships were instantly destroyed in the explosion...


"Lord Holy Lord!"

Seeing Luo Yikong's face turn pale and the abnormality in his body, Xuanyuan Chen on the side was also startled...

"I'm fine..." Luo Yikong knew that it was because the Daotian world had been severely damaged just now, and he had been bitten back. The power of that shot directly destroyed the galaxy that was about three light years away, and the destruction was still spreading...

Sure enough, after the white light disappeared, a large gap was blasted out in the array of advanced civilization fleets, replaced by a huge black hole, wildly devouring the surrounding warships that had escaped the explosion but were seriously damaged...

"Continue!" Luo Yikong gritted his teeth, even if it cost half of the Daotian world to be destroyed, he would wipe out all those battleships here.

After Luo Yikong's order was issued, the surrounding warships also began to fire main gun beams at the Shenchuang Star where Luo Yikong was located again...

"Boom boom boom!!!"

However, when those main gun beams were fired, although most of them were absorbed, a small part still exploded, causing the Shenchuang Star to shake violently...

"What's going on?" Luo Yikong frowned, as part of the Shenchuang Star had been damaged.

"Lord Saint, the Shenchuang Star has just been hit by space weapons, and several warships disobeyed orders and are colliding with the Shenchuang Star! It's... it's the Zerg!" After receiving the news, Xuanyuan Chen, who was reporting to Luo Yikong, learned that the Zerg controlled their warships, and his face suddenly changed.

"Dead Blood Civilization? Looks like they've infiltrated! Destroy those warships!"


Luo Yikong didn't care about the warships that had fallen to the Zerg, but locked onto the combined fleets of the advanced civilizations again. Facing the attack from the God Creation Star, the warships of the advanced civilizations couldn't even escape...

A beam of light shot out from the God Creation Star, and once again penetrated the entire battlefield...

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