The cold winter did not last long. Soldiers on all fronts also changed their defenses and returned in triumph one after another. Among them, soldiers who have made outstanding achievements in the war will hold a grand military parade in the streets of the capital, which is the highest honor for them.

Because of Alice's own existence and the fact that the special team cannot be exposed to the public, this military parade does not include her, nor anyone in her team. Even if they die, they will die, and the basic glory of a soldier will be lost. Not worthy of enjoyment.

However, although the war has ended, the Huang Empire obviously still needs Alice's power, so it has given Alice and Ye Kong the qualifications to live in the capital, but those people are always monitoring the two.

Because the war is over, Alice can tell Ye Kong many things, but there are some secrets that Alice still chooses to hide because she knows that Ye Kong knows those things, which is not a good thing for Ye Kong.

Alice told Ye Kong the stories that happened on the battlefield, but she still did not tell Ye Kong about the fact that her comrades turned into monsters.

During the victory parade of the Huang Empire, Ye Kong, accompanied by Alice, as an ordinary citizen, watched the soldiers walking neatly along the avenue in the crowd. Every soldier carried the chilling spirit of returning from the battlefield, and their morale was high. high.

People on both sides of the avenue threw flower petals to the soldiers, and even the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers. However, facing the scene of returning victoriously, Alice was not happy at all... There was sadness between her eyebrows...

Ye Kong naturally noticed Alice's expression. Now that the war is over, Alice still can't relax. Most likely it's because of herself.

Ye Kong looked at his legs. How great would it be if he could stand up and run like a normal person?

"Alice, what's bothering you? Can you tell me?" Ye Kong asked Alice behind him, and the latter shook his head.

"No, brother Ye Kong. I just thought of the past."

"Alice, if possible, let's go live together in a place where no one will disturb you! In fact, it doesn't matter whether I can stand up on these legs." Ye Kong knew very well that Alice was a powerful being born from the experiment, but this kind of Existence is often a threat in peacetime. It is very likely that the birds will be wiped out and the dogs will be cooked. Ye Kong is not sure whether there are people from the Huang Empire watching him, so he can only try to hint to Alice to escape as soon as possible.

"Brother Ye Kong is really smart, but I can't get away anymore, but it doesn't matter. As long as I can see the day when brother Ye Kong can stand up, it's enough." Alice looked at Ye Kong who was sitting in the wheelchair. Kong, secretly said in her heart, in fact, she also knew what Ye Kong meant, but she also knew that she could no longer escape.

After the grand victory parade, Ye Kong was arranged to go to the Huang Empire's First Royal Hospital for leg treatment. This hospital was the Huang Empire's top hospital, and there were some big names in it. It didn't just mean having money. Come. Ye Kong knew that Alice would definitely ask the higher-ups of the Huang Empire to treat her legs, and the price would be that Alice would continue to act as their killing machine.

Ye Kong knew all this, because not long after she was transferred to this hospital, Alice left Ye Kong in a hurry, saying that she was going to perform some important mission. Ye Kong wanted to do something, but couldn't do anything.

After Alice left, an old man in a white coat also walked into Ye Kong's independent ward...

"It seems that you are Lolis's brother. You can call me Dr. Luo."

"Loris..." Hearing this name, Ye Kong's head throbbed. He felt as if he heard this name somewhere...

"Sorry, you should only remember the name Alice. Lolis is just her code name when she goes out to perform tasks." Dr. Luo brought a chair and sat down beside Ye Kong's bed...

"What mission did Alice go on?" Ye Kong asked Dr. Luo in front of him, and the latter did not hide anything.

"Clean up the unstable factors in this empire, that is, the powerful existences that affect the rule of those people, including Alice herself, who is also a threat. Those existences came out of my laboratory, and they are all my works. I "Children." When Dr. Luo said this, his tone was a little low. Alice's mission was to kill those comrades who had fought alongside her and called her captain...

"So this is the price Alice paid to heal my legs?" Ye Kong was shocked. He killed his comrades with his own hands. How determined was this! Alice is crazy!

"That child is really desperate for your brother, but after killing my works, it is also the time for Alice's death. The child seems to know this, but still goes to carry out the task." Dr. Luo stared at Ye Sora, he knew that the only person who could truly influence and control Alice was the man in front of her.

"No, I have to save her! I have to save her!" Ye Kong didn't want to see Alice die. She was his only relative in the world.

"Not only do you want to save her, I also feel the same way as you. After all, she is also the most perfect work I have created." After finishing speaking, Dr. Luo took out two bottles of medicine and handed them to Ye Kong...

"What is this?" Ye Kong looked at a bottle of red and a bottle of blue potion in his hand and was stunned.

"Improved alien blood and the antidote to destroy it. The red potion is to prevent Loris, the complete existence, from being destroyed. I want her to become stronger, and the blue potion is the last hope of mankind. If she loses control... But if that day really comes, I don't want you to use the blue potion, because Loris will die."

"Why me?"

"You are the person that child trusts the most. Only you can get close to her at any time, so I put the decision in your hands. I know you. You love Loris, but you also love humans more. I don't know what is right or wrong in the future, so you can definitely make the right choice for me. Also, please rest assured that no one is monitoring this room, and I will not live long. Before that, I have to do what I should do..." Dr. Luo took out a scalpel and put it on Ye Kong's neck...

The Huang Empire wants to eliminate the unstable factors left over from the war. In addition to Alice's monsters, the main person in charge of his experiment is also among them...

Dr. Luo doesn't want Alice to die, nor does he want human civilization to face an unprecedented disaster...

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