Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 598 Cause and Effect

"Brother Ye Kong! Brother Ye Kong!!!"

Ye Kong could vaguely hear Alice's heart-wrenching cry, which sounded anxious and desperate... Ye Kong had never heard Alice cry like that...

Slowly opening his eyes, Ye Kong saw a gray sky and Alice, who had cried like a tearful person and looked desperate. As for his body, he felt unbearable pain all over. This pain should make him scream in pain, but at this moment, he couldn't even muster up any strength... He felt tired, more tired than ever before, and very sleepy...

At this moment, Ye Kong's lower body had become For a pile of minced meat, even if Alice desperately protected Ye Kong, she only preserved Ye Kong's upper body, and Ye Kong felt tired because of excessive blood loss...

"Alice... I'm so sleepy... so sleepy..."

Ye Kong smiled miserably, and at this time he also knew what was going on with him... Reaching out his trembling hand, Ye Kong took out the red potion from the two bottles of potion that Dr. Luo had given him from his pocket...

The red potion could make Alice stronger and keep her alive, but the price might be the destruction of the empire and the catastrophe of mankind. After all, after her death, no one could restrain Alice. The blue potion could end it all, but it would kill Alice.

Perhaps Dr. Luo knew that Ye Kong might face such a choice, but between the great love of all mankind and the small love for Alice, Ye Kong still chose the small love... Because he could not do such a thing no matter what...

"This will allow you to live..."

"Brother Ye Kong... Don't... Don't leave me! I only have you! Only you!" Alice cried out, hugged Ye Kong in front of her tightly, and felt Ye Kong's increasingly weak life breath...

"Loris! The Empire is now officially arresting you for rebellion against humanity!"

The fleet in the sky announced Alice's crime, but at this moment Alice just hugged Ye Kong and completely ignored the fleet. ...

Ye Kong stretched out his shaking hands and wiped away Alice's tears, but as soon as he wiped them away, tears welled up again... At this time, Ye Kong couldn't help but recall the dream that Alice had told him when she was a child. She wanted to be a hero... a hero of all mankind... instead of living for him, Ye Kong...

"Alice... don't be sad... don't be resentful... we agreed... to be a great hero of mankind..." Ye Kong smiled slightly, and this made Alice stunned. She didn't expect Ye Kong still remembered her original dream... the dream that was ridiculed by others...

Until the moment before his death, Ye Kong still felt that there were still many things he couldn't remember, and many things were not completed ...But the darkness was already in front of him...

His hands fell down helplessly, but Ye Kong still had a smile on his face...

Ye Kong was dead...

"Brother Ye Kong...Brother Ye Kong was dead...It was all because of you...It was all because of you!!!" Alice crushed the red potion in her hand and absorbed all the viruses in it. At the same time, she turned around and glared at the warships in the sky...

From that moment on, Alice was dead, and only Loris was left...the biggest enemy created by humans...


In the main river of time where the time of thousands of worlds converged, a hand reached out from the river of time, and soon a black-haired boy struggled to break away from the entanglement of time and stood Standing in the waist-deep river of time...

"I... remember everything... It turns out that I am Luo Yikong... and also Ye Kong..."

The black-haired boy muttered to himself, and he was Ye Kong, or in other words, his real identity was Luo Yikong who should have been swallowed by time... It's just that because the future result has already happened, time swallowed Luo Yikong and let him go to the past to plant that cause and complete that cause and effect...

The past that has already happened cannot be changed. Both Ye Kong and Luo Yikong made the choice destined by history...

Regarding Loris, he once sacrificed her for the Daotian world. Unexpectedly, in the past, he actually gave up the whole world for her. In the end, it was the means left by him, Luo Yikong, that led to the overthrow of the blood clan civilization established by Loris. The human civilization of that blood moon world died because of the past Ye Kong, and was born because of the future Luo Yikong, but for Luo Yikong, that Luo Yikong was the past, and Ye Kong was the future. All this is a cycle of cause and effect, just like an invisible big hand fiddling with the chess game.

"In this way, I have repaid this karma..." Luo Yikong sighed and walked towards the downstream of the long river of time, which was the future...

Going downstream should be smooth, but Luo Yikong felt an unprecedented strong resistance, as if it was preventing him from returning to the future.

Luo Yikong had no choice but to look upstream of the long river of time and try to step upstream. Going upstream should have strong time resistance, just like what Luo Yikong felt at the beginning, but there was no resistance at this moment, and even Luo Yikong kept moving forward, and his body did not turn into a baby like before...

"Does time still want me to go back to the past?" Luo Yikong looked puzzled, but since time had no ill will towards him, he could only step forward. You must know that traveling through time in the flesh like Luo Yikong is completely a suicidal act. Going against the current is like Luo Yikong before, becoming a baby and being swallowed by the vortex of time. Going along the current to the future will also age quickly and be swallowed by time. Generally, advanced civilizations travel through time through warships, and cannot interfere too much with what happens in time, otherwise they will be punished by time.

But now Luo Yikong is not only not affected by the time of the countercurrent, but time is even unimpeded for Luo Yikong, which makes Luo Yikong suspect that either time has its own consciousness like the will of the world, or someone controls the entire river of time. Controlling the entire river of time means controlling all the time in countless worlds. This ability cannot be achieved even by virtual gods at their peak, because it is too shocking, because it means that the other party can easily destroy all worlds through time and eliminate all enemies from the root of time.

The surrounding space is full of stars, and the river of time flowing continuously is also full of stars. If it weren't for the fact that one is well aware of the dangers of the long river of time, this would be a rare beautiful and quiet place in the world...

Luo Yikong looked at the upper reaches of the long river of time, where there was no end in sight, as if it was endless...

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