"System, do you think he will really walk alone in the long river of time for fifty thousand years and span hundreds of millions of years of time and space for me?" Lin asked the system in her body. Although he is the virtual god of the virtual civilization, But the only one that could listen to her voice was her system.

"Host, according to the situation where human nature dominates all rationality and rules, this may be true. And I have deduced it for the host many times, but the ending is very vague. Maybe that person really will be real in the future. Maybe it’s my host, so I can’t deduce it.”

The system that exists in Lin's body at this moment is much more humane than when it was in Luo Yikong's body in the future. At least Luo Yikong's system does not have a chat function. Maybe this is the most perfect state of the system.

"People around me have always been nothing but awe and fear of me. I am the first virtual race born in the long history of time. I was born to carry all the virtual civilization. I was born to control and manage thousands of worlds outside the boundary wall, and The ruler of this era. Many civilizations only know my strength, but they don't know that I am disgusted with being just a tool. I have heard about the so-called love among humans, and I have also seen it. Sometimes I also want to know what the so-called love is. What..." Lin once destroyed human civilization, so Lin also knew something about her former opponents. From human civilization, virtual civilization learned suspicion and conspiracy, so she used this to destroy human civilization.

In human civilization, she had heard that humans have a very noble and great emotion called "love". When the human civilization was being destroyed, many humans rushed toward her like moths to a flame, and those people were more or less affected by love. It was just the difference between big love and little love.

After thinking for a long time, Lin looked at Luo Yikong, who was half-kneeling in front of her with a look of embarrassment, and said expressionlessly: "If you don't let me down, I won't let you down."

Lin had made up her mind. She wanted to see what kind of person the human being in front of her was like for 50,000 years. She wanted to see what the so-called love was...

When Luo Yikong heard what Lin said, he was also confused. He didn't react for a while and didn't understand what Lin meant...

"Although I'm very handsome, the Virtual God shouldn't be confused by male lust!" Luo Yikong thought secretly in his heart. Although he didn't know why Lin's attitude changed so much, the other person's murderous intention towards him seemed to have disappeared. .

"But you are too weak, so you must become stronger as soon as possible!" Lin looked at Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong's strength was enough to deal with some small fish and shrimps, but it was not enough in front of her. Lin wouldn't allow such a weak guy to be around her.

"Then just give me a player system!" Luo Yikong sighed. The fastest way to improve your strength now is the player system...

Hearing Luo Yikong's choice, Lin shook her head...

"I will distribute the system to all worlds. It seems that everyone becomes stronger as a player, but in fact these are just external forces, not their own power. With just one thought, I can take back all the power they have obtained. I believe you I don’t want this either!”

The so-called player system is just a way for Lin to control her subordinates while strengthening them. The most important thing around Lin is this kind of doll that she can control, so she doesn't want Luo Yikong to become like that. exist. Just as she had just made up her mind and said to Luo Yikong, if you don't let me down, I won't let you down.

"It's okay if you don't give me the system. Give me something else by the way!"

Luo Yikong extended his hand unceremoniously at this time, but Lin slapped Luo Yikong on the head without any politeness, knocking Luo Yikong down into the water of the river of time, causing splashes.

"The strength of the strong never relies on charity from others or taking shortcuts, but relies on oneself walking his own path step by step. Otherwise, no matter how strong he is, that kind of strength is just a temporary illusion and does not belong to him. I Although I was born powerful, I am now able to overlook all the worlds and monopolize the long river of time. I will only show you the way, not open the back door!"

What Lin said really surprised Luo Yikong. Luo Yikong naturally knew what Lin said, but what Luo Yikong said just now was just a test for Lin. If Lin really gave Luo Yikong the player system, Luo Yikong would really not dare to accept it. After all, life and death depended on each other's thoughts. It seemed that the other party really cared about him.

Luo Yikong was once powerful. If he were to do it again, he believed that he would grow up again. Although he could only use two divine swords now, Luo Yikong believed that one day he would regain control of twelve divine swords.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Now the virtual civilization is entangled with the dragon civilization in the small world outside the virtual world. Just go there as an ordinary virtual soldier!"

"Start a war with the dragon civilization? Let's see if we can get in touch with those guys from the dragon civilization!" Luo Yikong thought secretly in his heart, although the current dragon civilization does not seem to be that easy to contact.

"Aren't you afraid that I will die? Going to such a dangerous place." Luo Yikong looked at Lin in front of him and asked, and Lin frowned slightly when she heard Luo Yikong's answer.

"That means you deserve to die, and the weak deserve to die!"

"Should the weak die?" Luo Yikong smiled bitterly. Whether it was the past or the future, the virtual god was still the virtual god. However, Luo Yikong did not agree with Lin's concept, whether it was the past or the future. There is no life that is born to die. Weak lives also have weak ways of living and have the right to survive.

The weak died in the war, not because they deserved to die, but because they burned themselves out for what they believed in and protected... The ones who really deserved to die were not the weak, but those who used the weak as fuel, enjoying everything that countless weak sacrificed, but arrogantly discriminating against those weak...

No matter how high the mountain is, it is formed by the accumulation of countless gravel and dust, and no matter how vast the ocean is, there are countless water drops... Although all living things are weak and not the protagonists, they are the majority on the stage...

Luo Yikong looked at Lin in front of him. In Luo Yikong's memory, after Lin fled for a long time, her virtual civilization was eventually overthrown by those weak people in her eyes...

"Okay, I'm willing to go!"

Luo Yikong stood up and agreed to Lin directly, and seeing that Luo Yikong agreed, Lin also nodded slightly...

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