Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 615: Cutting off the past


Luo Yikong frowned slightly, and the entity of a sword appeared in his hand, and that sword was the eternal sword that represented the power of time...

At this moment, Luo Yikong can not only use three divine swords at the same time, but after Destiny and Origin, the third sword has also begun to materialize.

As for why it materialized, Luo Yikong himself didn't know. He didn't know whether it was because he completed the cause and effect of the Divine Sword itself, or because the Divine Sword itself was a rule and he unintentionally completed the rules, or whether it was something he didn't know about. Under the circumstances, it was recognized by the Divine Sword itself. In short, Luo Yikong did nothing during this period, but the entity of the Eternal Sword appeared in his hands.

"In this way, I can use the power of time." Luo Yikong raised the eternal sword in his hand, and then slashed out...

This sword seems ordinary, but it carries the power of time and transcends the limitations of time and space. As for how much time it can span, it all depends on Luo Yikong's personal strength...

In Luo Yikong's eyes, he saw that time kept going backwards until he saw the moment when Xuanyuan Lan planted a genetic bomb on himself...


Luo Yikong spurted out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, the memory of the gene bomb that Xuanyuan Lan planted on Luo Yikong was erased...

At the same moment, Xuanyuan Lan, who was standing with Ying Xuan in the battleship control center, suddenly frowned and felt a little uncomfortable...

"What's wrong?" Ying Xuan also noticed something was wrong with Xuanyuan Lan's expression.

"It's nothing, I feel like I forgot something..." Xuanyuan Lan felt that a memory suddenly disappeared, but she didn't know which memory it was.

The past history cannot be changed. No matter how it is changed, the ending will return to the original track. Luo Yikong did not change the past, but cut off the small period of history that had already happened. No one except Luo Yikong would I remember that Xuanyuan Lan and the others planted a genetic bomb on Luo Yikong. However, due to reasons that cannot be changed in history, the genetic bomb on Luo Yikong still exists.

"Lord Xuanyuan Lan!" At this time, a human soldier quietly walked up to Xuanyuan Lan.

"What's wrong?"

"The human being you asked me to take care of was suddenly seriously injured. After our comprehensive examination, we found that the guy's body was implanted with a genetic bomb." The soldier reported, because Luo Yikong cut off everyone present from the past. The reason for the connection at that moment, so they had forgotten that they actually planted the gene bomb.

"I didn't expect that the virtual civilization would use this method to control our compatriots, and the dignified virtual civilization would also use such despicable methods. Help him get rid of it! It can just make him return home. The genetic bomb was planted precisely because the virtual civilization did not trust him. He and we are different." Xuanyuan Lan said with a righteous look on his face, not knowing that he ordered the genetic bomb to be planted.

After Xuanyuan Lan gave the order, his men immediately began to clean up the gene bomb in Luo Yikong's body. Because they planted it, they were very familiar with it and cleaned it up very quickly. However, after the gene bomb in Luo Yikong's body was completely cleaned, everyone looked puzzled, because the gene bomb was so familiar, it was almost as if they had planted it themselves. Cleaning up a gene bomb is like cracking a code lock. If it is a gene bomb planted by a virtual civilization, they may not have the confidence to unlock it, let alone unlock it so quickly.

Of course, only Luo Yikong knew the truth. Cutting off the past also caused Luo Yikong to be severely injured. If he had been a little weaker, he might have died on the spot. Sure enough, the impact of time is so great that even Luo Yikong in his heyday would not easily touch upon the past.

Luo Yikong was lying on the experimental table, thinking about the situation he was currently facing. Perhaps it was not a bad thing to encounter the dragon civilization and the human civilization that united with the dragon civilization at this moment. The virtual god has been observed for a long time, and his personality is even more capricious. Sooner or later, he will find out that he is Ye Kong. It is not a bad thing to take this opportunity to get rid of the virtual civilization and join the dragon and human sides. Now Luo Yikong was sure that the so-called illusory god Luo Tianchen in history might be himself, so Luo Yikong also gave up looking for Luo Tianchen and started looking for Xuanyuan Luoying.

"How is it going?"

Hearing this voice, Luo Yikong opened his eyes and saw that it was Xuanyuan Lan...

"Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?" Luo Yikong looked at Xuanyuan Lan in front of him. It seemed that he had cut off that part of the past, causing Xuanyuan Lan's attitude towards him to also change.

"It's quite pitiful to see you being controlled by a virtual civilization. You are probably the descendant of the group of humans who were enslaved back then. Do you want to join us?"

"You believe me so easily?" Luo Yikong frowned.

"Of course, the virtual civilization planted a genetic bomb on you. They don't trust you, but we trust you. Although your genetic bloodline is a bit mixed and special, it doesn't matter. After all, we are also compatriots."

Hearing what Xuanyuan Lan said, Luo Yikong began to think. It seemed that when he first met Xuanyuan Lan, he had not been tampered with by the virtual civilization. This led to Xuanyuan Lan's distrust, and in Luo Yi's case After Kong cut off that period of the past, Xuanyuan Lan regarded the genetic bomb he left in Luo Yikong as a legacy of virtual civilization. For a time, Luo Yikong's identity changed from a surrendered lackey to an oppressed human being. compatriots. Xuanyuan Lan's attitude at this moment and his previous attitude are the best proof.

This also made Luo Yikong realize that the power of time is really terrible. This tiny change actually has such an effect... Fortunately, time has restrictions on any existence in time. Even if you control the rules of time, you can't do whatever you want. You must know that Luo Yikong just cut off that period of time in the past and died directly. As for changing the past, I am afraid that the moment you want to change it, it will be erased by time.

It is precisely because of this that even the virtual god who controls the long river of time cannot be truly invincible... Time is powerful, but there are many powerful restrictions...

"What is your status?"

Hearing Luo Yikong say this, Xuanyuan Lan was also stunned for a long time...

"My status in the remaining human civilization should be medium. Although it is not the highest, it is not an unknown person."

"Then can you help me find someone?"


"Her name is Xuanyuan Luoying..." Luo Yikong's mind emerged with that familiar figure. For many years, that figure has never been blurred...

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