Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 618: The Inner World

Luo Yikong was put under special surveillance. After all, he was a humanoid biochemical weapon. As for Luo Yikong's blood and some body tissues, they were also taken away for research. Luo Yikong, who was once in the Daotian World, could suppress the virus in his body through the rules of the Daotian World because he was a fusion of the consciousness of the Daotian World. But now Luo Yikong is not as good as before, so he can't suppress it. Luo Yikong can't control any drop of blood flowing out as before, and the inability to control the virus in his body will cause Luo Yikong to accidentally cause a biochemical disaster.

Luo Yikong was immediately transferred to the highest level of security laboratory on the Pangu, and of course Luo Yikong couldn't resist. However, those people still prepared a projection for Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong could use the projection perspective to play in the inner world of Pangu.

After entering the interior space of Pangu, Xuanyuan Lan also brought Luo Yikong a good news and a bad news...

The good news is that Xuanyuan Luoying was found, and the bad news is that there are more than 100,000 duplicates of this name, including 3 in the orthodox Xuanyuan royal family, and even Xuanyuan Lan cannot view the information.

However, in order to find Xuanyuan Luoying, Luo Yikong still chose to search through the hundreds of thousands of information. Although Luo Yikong's virus body has made Luo Yikong almost sleepless, this continuous search is still boring and painful, but Luo Yikong has gotten used to it. Time has come for 50,000 years, so it's not afraid of this.

After five days and five nights of continuous searching, as the last person's information passed in front of him, Luo Yikong also sighed deeply, he still didn't find Xuanyuan Luoying.

Once on Shenchuang Star, Luo Yikong had seen the statue of Xuanyuan Luoying when he was young, so he had an impression of what Xuanyuan Luoying looked like in this era, but none of those people matched the Xuanyuan Luoying in Luo Yikong's memory.

"Ying... where are you?" Luo Yikong felt a sense of loss. He had come to this era, but he couldn't see her.

However, this sense of loss was short-lived for Luo Yikong. After all, Luo Yikong was never a person who would give up. After thinking for a while and coming to his senses, Luo Yikong immediately began to control his projection and planned to walk around the inner city of Pangu from the perspective of the projection.

It must be said that the human civilization technology of this era is indeed extremely advanced. After Luo Yikong connected to the projection, he immediately found himself in the city. It was not obvious that it was a projection acting on his behalf, as if he was in the city himself.

A forest of high-rise buildings surrounded Luo Yikong, and the walls of the buildings kept broadcasting news, GG, and movies. This moment gave Luo Yikong an illusion, as if he had returned to the Daotian world, but the technology here was more advanced than that in the Daotian world.

Looking at everything around him, even Luo Yikong, who had seen countless worlds destroyed and countless civilizations rise and fall in the long river of time, felt a trance... He thought that after leaving the long river of time, he would no longer be alone with others, but even after leaving the long river of time, he was still alone...

For a while, Luo Yikong actually missed the Daotian world a little. This was the first time since he got his feelings back... Even when walking in the long river of time, Luo Yikong never missed it, because he was numb at that time...

People came and went in the city, and Luo Yikong shuttled among the crowd, as if he was out of tune with this place...Walking aimlessly in the city, Luo Yikong thought of his ordinary past. At that time, the two worlds had not yet merged into the Daotian world, and he was just a young man living in a big city. At that time, he only wanted to make some money, play games, and lie down to live a lazy life. He never thought that one day he would become the master of a world, and he never thought that he would save a world.

Everything that was ordinary in the past has gradually blurred in Luo Yikong's memory, as if those ordinary experiences in the past were more like a dream...

Luo Yikong pondered and unknowingly walked to the door of a tavern. The decoration style of the tavern was relatively simple, which was completely an outlier in a city full of technology.

"Humans have already reached the eighth level of civilization. Do they still need alcohol to numb themselves?" Luo Yikong muttered to himself while looking at the sign of the tavern. This tavern reminded Luo Yikong of the tavern in the Fire Seed Base.

Luo Yikong walked into the tavern. Perhaps because it was daytime in this area, the business in the tavern looked relatively quiet, and it seemed that there was only Luo Yikong, the only guest...

"Guest, what do you need?" At this time, a black-haired girl with a third eye on her forehead asked Luo Yikong, and Luo Yikong knew that the third eye on the forehead was possessed by almost every human in this era, and only Luo Yikong was an outlier. When the third eye was opened, it could give itself a strong mental power. The reason why Luo Yikong did not have it was because it came from the future, and the third eye had degenerated and disappeared in the future human beings.

Because the girl was not tall enough, she stepped on a stool under the counter to barely look at Luo Yikong. The girl looked only about eleven or twelve years old, and was as cute as a doll. However, Luo Yikong knew that the average life expectancy of humans in this era was a thousand years, and this was also due to casualties on the battlefield. The girl in front of him looked like a child, but she might be hundreds of years old.

"Just juice..."

As soon as Luo Yikong finished speaking, the girl stared at Luo Yikong with a strange look, as if to say that Luo Yikong was messing up the place and came to the pub to drink juice...

"Uh...then let's order a beer..."

Luo Yikong thought about it and decided to order a glass of beer. However, when the beer came, Luo Yikong suddenly realized that he seemed to be a projection, so how should he drink it?

"I suddenly remembered that I am a projection..." Luo Yikong looked at the girl in front of him with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, you can try to drink it."

"Drink it?" Luo Yikong frowned, took a sip from the cup, and found that the wine was actually transmitted directly to the mouth of the main body...

"This technology!" Luo Yikong was shocked. It can be said that the use of space technology in people's livelihood has reached the pinnacle. Luo Yikong has never seen a civilization that can use space technology to this extent.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not a country bumpkin from that interstellar desert!" The girl couldn't help but complain when she saw Luo Yikong's shocked expression.

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