Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 628 Starry Night Rain

"Sir, Area C has been breached."

A soldier reported to Xuanyuan Wang, who looked at the scene of Area C being breached, was silent for a long time, and then spoke...

"How long are we to the destination?"

"There is still an hour."

"An hour? Enough! Tell our fleet to be ready to abandon Pangu at any time, and let the virtual god and others deal with Pangu. We only need to gain the trust of the virtual god through Pangu. Although the plan has a little deviation, it remains basically unchanged." Xuanyuan Wang whispered, as long as we gain the trust of the virtual civilization and have the opportunity to get close to the virtual god, that's enough.


A large number of devouring tentacles burst out from behind Luo Yikong, interweaving into a pair of blood wings, and then Luo Yikong flapped the blood wings and flew at full speed towards the gap...

With Luo Yikong's speed, he quickly rushed out of the blockade and arrived at Area B. At this time, Luo Yikong also noticed that Area B was not peaceful either. There were two fleets confronting each other in the air, so that for a while they didn't care about the spaceships that escaped from Area C.

The larger of the two fleets is the garrison fleet of Area B, which belongs to Xuanyuan Wang, while the smaller one is the Xuanyuan Lan fleet that left Area C earlier. The former has a fleet size of two planetary fleets, while the latter has only one planetary fleet.

However, most of Xuanyuan Wang's fleet has been dispersed to various parts of Pangu, and the focus is not here in the battle with all the opposing forces, otherwise the fleet that appeared in front of Xuanyuan Lan would not be of this size.

"Xing Yeyu, do you really want to stop me?" Xuanyuan Lan looked at the projection of the handsome black-haired man in front of him with an indifferent expression, and his expression was a little ugly. Most of the humans in Pangu are from the Xuanyuan clan, and Xing Yeyu does not belong to any of the five major clans, but he can get a position as a fleet captain here, which is enough to show his extraordinaryness.

Xing Yeyu is only 328 years old, which is considered young in today's human civilization. During the war between humans and virtual civilizations, virtual civilization swept the main world of human civilization with overwhelming force. When most of the defense lines collapsed, Xing Yeyu's small defense line resisted the attack of virtual civilization for 43 days, successfully evacuated all civilians, and led the remaining soldiers to fight to the death. When Xing Yeyu received the order to retreat, there were only three people left beside him.

Although the gains and losses of a small defense line are insignificant for the all-out war between the two civilizations, even Xing Yeyu is like a speck of dust. But the fact that a speck of dust can survive the head-on conflict between the two civilizations is enough to prove its strength.

"I'm just obeying orders! Xuanyuan Lan! Surrender!" Xing Yeyu said coldly. He received an order to block any rebel fleet, and if the other party does not surrender, he will be annihilated!

But Xing Yeyu was unwilling to eliminate Xuanyuan Lan, after all, the other party was a hero recognized by himself.

Xuanyuan Lan, 431 years old, was born in Tianlan Xingyue Lake Town in the human world. At the age of 21, he was admitted to the Fleet United Academy, the most glorious academy of human civilization, with excellent results, which caused a sensation. At the age of 32, he graduated and served as a staff officer of the border fleet of the human civilization immigration world. He happened to encounter the invasion of foreign civilization at that time. Xuanyuan Lan won the recognition of all the senior leaders of the fleet at that time with his own tactics and wiped out the invading civilization. At the age of 56, he served as the captain of the Emerald Ship under the third garrison fleet of the mother planet. Later, at the age of 59, he resigned from the position and took the initiative to ask to go to the battlefield of the border world. When the civil war of human civilization broke out, Xuanyuan Lan directly resigned and went home. It was not until a hundred years later that the virtual civilization invaded in large numbers that Xuanyuan Lan stood up.

Xuanyuan Lan commanded a planetary-scale fleet to cover the evacuation of human civilians on a planet and fought against a star-scale virtual civilization fleet. Even with advance preparations and ambushes, the gap between the star-level and planet-level scales is still despairing. Facing such a desperate enemy, Xuanyuan Lan resisted the virtual civilization fleet for a day with a determination to die, and his fleet was completely wiped out. Even Xuanyuan Lan was forcibly tied into the escape capsule by his subordinates, and finally floated in the universe for a year before being discovered by a passing evacuation spacecraft somewhere.

Xing Yeyu is a hero, and Xuanyuan Lan is also a hero. At this moment, they only believe in themselves and think that the other party is bewitched by the people above.

"You obey orders, and I naturally have to obey orders! Then let's fight!"

Xuanyuan Lan also understood at this time that reasoning was not reasonable. Although he was unwilling to attack his compatriots, the only way for now was to defeat the other party.

As the order was issued, the fleets of both sides immediately broke out in a fierce battle over Area B. However, considering the civilians in the city below, the fleets of both sides tacitly did not use star-destroying weapons and large-scale lethal weapons, but adopted the fleet combat method of low-level civilizations, and the fleets fought to the death. The so-called fleet death match refers to the situation where the fleets of both sides are very close, and beyond-visual-range weapons are not very effective. In the case of fear of accidentally injuring friendly forces with large-range weapons, a large number of drone warships are dispatched to cooperate with the main warships to engage in a melee. The simplest way to put it is a close-range melee death match. Generally, only low-level civilizations and fleets that have lost most of their means and are forced into a desperate situation will fight in this way.

This method of fighting is to use a melee method to make the opponent unable to use large-scale lethal weapons easily because of the friendly forces in the melee. The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, once the melee starts, the fleet will have no formation, it is difficult to execute orders quickly, and all conspiracies and tricks will be swallowed in the stomach and difficult to execute.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The continuous explosions in the sky are like blooming flowers of fire. A large number of drones and warship wreckages are burning with flames and falling from the sky, as if there is a rain of fire in the sky. A large number of beams form dense light rain flashing and shuttling in the high-altitude battlefield. The density is so high that some beams collide with each other.

The fleets of both sides have been in a melee, killing each other, and it may not be so easy to stop both sides.

Luo Yikong floated above the edge of the battlefield. Now the civil war of the Pangu human civilization fleet has made Luo Yikong completely certain that the high-level internal Pangu may have been in trouble, and the traitor has already started to attack the human high-level. However, the fact that such a movement can be made means that the traitor is also in a high position. Even now, Luo Yikong is not sure whether those human leaders are dead or not. It would be terrible if they were all killed.

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