Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 631: Stopped Time

"Come with me!"

Luo Yikong's tone left no room for doubt. Even Xuanyuan Xue, who was used to seeing many high-ranking people and big shots, was shocked by Luo Yikong. As for those who wanted to stop Luo Yikong just now, they had no weapons and equipment. Next, Luo Yikong knocked them all down in one glance.

Luo Yikong originally wanted to pass through the space door, but he also needed to capture someone with permission to pass through. Xuanyuan Xue happened to be here to solve this problem. Judging from the attitude of those people towards Xuanyuan Xue, Xuanyuan Xue's identity was definitely not simple. , should have the authority to enter the core living area through the space door. Moreover, through the memories of those who were devoured, Luo Yikong knew that the authority to modify the space gate must be completely controlled by the Pangu. The Pangu was already in chaos. How could those traitors still have the authority to modify their mood? Therefore, Xuanyuan Xue should be a legally passed person at present.

"Can you open the space door leading to the core area..."

"Yes..." Xuanyuan Xue was also frightened by Luo Yikong, and she could only tell the truth at this time.

Luo Yikong looked at Xuanyuan Xue's performance and felt a little disappointed. Although he was almost similar to Xuanyuan Luoying in many aspects, including appearance and arrogant personality, they were not exactly the same. If this was the Xuanyuan Luoying she was really familiar with, even if there was someone standing in front of her who could easily take her life away, she would not be as obedient as the current Xuanyuan Xue.

Xuanyuan Luoying's personality is a bit dull, and people like this are often easily killed, but she has climbed to the top step by step. Although Xuanyuan Luoying was arrogant, her unyielding character also attracted Luo Yikong.

Luo Yikong took back his mind. Now that he was sure that Xuanyuan Xue was not Xuanyuan Luoying, there was no need for him to be so concerned about her. Although Luo Yikong doesn't know how to find Xuanyuan Luoying, Luo Yikong believes that one day they will meet in this long river of time.

The origin emerged in Luo Yikong's hands. Before being thrown into this cell, Luo Yikong had been searched, but there were some things that they obviously couldn't find.

"You are a member of the virtual civilization!"

Xuanyuan Xue saw a sword appear out of thin air in Luo Yikong's hand, and immediately thought of the players of the virtual civilization. Only the system backpack of the players of the virtual civilization could take out items without any space fluctuation. You must know that the space in this cell is sealed, and even space storage equipment cannot be used. Only if the virtual civilization digitizes everything, records it in the system data, and embodies it through virtual rules when necessary can all of this be achieved.


Luo Yikong replied calmly, and then slashed out with his sword, forcibly breaking open the space cell...


After a ray of sword light, the space cell was split into two. Before Xuanyuan Xue could react, a large number of devouring tentacles erupted from behind Luo Yikong, and Xuanyuan Xue was tied into a rice dumpling and carried behind his back...

"What kind of monster are you?" Xuanyuan Xue's voice was trembling. It was definitely not the ability or body possessed by humans. The man in front of him was not a human at all, but a monster with a human appearance.

"It's not a monster, it's a human being."

At this time, the soldiers around the space gate quickly approached Luo Yikong. As for the escapees, these soldiers were ordered to kill them on the spot, no matter who they were...

Another sword appeared in Luo Yikong's hand, the eternal sword with the power of time...

"Are you ready?"

"What are you preparing for?" Just as Xuanyuan Xue was confused, Luo Yikong's body once again erupted with tentacles, completely wrapping Xuanyuan Xue in it, just like the internal protective film protecting everyone when the spacecraft was traveling at super-light speed. Same. Xuanyuan Xue's body might not be able to bear the speed Luo Yikong would follow, so he was protected in advance with an absolute protective layer formed by the devouring tentacles.

"Where is he!"

At that moment, all guns were locked on Luo Yikong, including all nearby mechas and drones. At the same time, some soldiers opened their eyes on their foreheads and attacked Luo Yikong with their mental power...

However, because Luo Yikong changed his appearance at this moment, they did not associate Luo Yikong with the enemy who controlled time not long ago. This also resulted in them not having the means to counter Luo Yikong's manipulation of time immediately. And this is fatal to them.

"Time! Pause!!"

In an instant, the rules of time materialized into the phantom of a huge clock appearing in the sky above Luo Yikong, and this time Luo Yikong had no intention of holding back. You must know that compared to holding a hand to subdue a person, killing a person is far more important than killing a person. Be simpler. There are heavy troops guarding the space-time gate. Every pause and the length of the pause are very costly to Luo Yikong. He must fight his way out in the shortest time, so he will not hold back.

Luo Yikong was not the Virgin, and could not show mercy to these soldiers, which resulted in the Pangu falling into the hands of the traitor, and a greater disaster occurred.


Luo Yikong exploded at full speed, and the ground beneath his feet exploded instantly, but due to the pause, all the exploding fragments stopped in the air...

Luo Yikong turned into an afterimage and fell into the soldiers. During the pause, the soldiers and mechas near Luo Yikong all exploded into pieces, but the pieces of flesh, blood and mecha fragments all stopped. In the air, you can even see the expressions of those soldiers before time was suspended on the broken heads...

Luo Yikong held two swords in his hands, and in the stopped time, he turned into a shadow and rushed towards the space gate. Just like a meat grinder, all the soldiers and mechas along the way were crushed into pieces... Because it was in the stopped time, the pieces were still floating in the air...


Luo Yikong was panting heavily. This kind of stopped time consumed a lot of Luo Yikong. At the same time, Luo Yikong burst out at full speed and fought his way out. This was a double consumption for Luo Yikong. Even though he accidentally swallowed a lot of unlucky guys in Area C before and replenished a wave of energy, but at this moment, he was also It can't be consumed anymore...

"Twenty-one... twenty-two..."

Finally, at twenty-two seconds, Luo Yikong felt his legs go weak and fell to the ground. At that moment, because Luo Yikong reached his limit, the stopped time resumed flowing...


He fell down at full speed during the paused time. After time resumed flowing, the impact of the fall was completely beyond Luo Yikong's imagination. Luo Yikong flew out directly, rubbing against the ground for hundreds of meters along the way, leaving a long deep groove on the ground before stopping. You know, the ground was made of synthetic metal steel plates...

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