Become a Doomsday Administrator

Chapter 89: Taking Action

Every Vampire is the most ardent believer of the Blood God, and every Vampire city has a statue of the Blood God standing there. Even in the slave factories of high-level Vampires on the outskirts, statues of the Blood God also stand.

Generally, humans are not allowed to approach the Blood God Statue, otherwise they will be killed. Only on special days like "God's Descendance Day" will a large number of humans be escorted to the Blood God Statue.

He raised the knife and dropped it, and a head rolled to the ground, and then a large amount of blood sprayed out and fell into the blood pool in front... The blood in the blood pool continued to surge, and was blocked by the tall Blood God statue next to the blood pool. Absorbed...

The human slaves lined up in a long line, numbly watching the people in front of them being slaughtered, but they could only pray that it would end here. There were only a thousand human slaves sacrificed, and there were less than ten vampires responsible for guarding them, but no one thought of resisting. Over the course of thousands of years, generations of ancestors have exterminated the idea of ​​resistance in their hearts, just like domestic animals.

"Mom, I'm afraid!"

A boy pulled at the corner of his mother's tattered clothes in front of him. This was the first time he faced death. Although he accepted this fate when he was born, he couldn't help but tremble when death came... …

"Don't be afraid. Just close your eyes and it will be just like sleeping. It will be fine in a moment." The mother comforted her helplessly. Faced with this situation, she could not protect her child at all. All she could do was to make her child less afraid. Just fear.

"If one day I fail to become a god, will the humans in my world be like this, being slaughtered for generations without anyone resisting." Luo Yikong hid in the dark and watched all this. Race wars within a world are already so cruel. What would happen if a world-to-world war breaks out one day and you fail? Luo Yikong didn't dare to think about it at all, because the result could only be more cruel than what he was seeing.

"At least in this world, humans are their food, so humans can survive... As long as they are still alive and have not been exterminated, then there must be hope." Xuanyuan Luoying could see that although the situation of humans in this world is very Tragic, but at least it is not extinct yet, and there is still hope of rebuilding civilization.

"What is your world like?" Luo Yikong suddenly asked Xuanyuan Luoying, which made Xuanyuan Luoying stunned for a moment. He did not expect Luo Yikong to suddenly ask about her world.

"My world was once like this, conquered by others, and even a random big shot could destroy our entire universe. At that time, I was just a slave like them. It wasn't until later that a person appeared and let We have taken back our own world. In the next hundred thousand years, our civilization will develop to an unimaginable level, and we will inevitably plunder the lower worlds..."

"In short, you have become your own enemies, from the guardians who protect your homeland to plunderers. Is that why you were killed by Lao Hui with the Twelve Divine Swords?" Luo Yikong interrupted Xuanyuan Luoying. If so, it seems that this is the general situation.

"I just want to make our world stronger so that tragedies will not happen again. Among billions of worlds, there are more low-level worlds than there are grains of sand in this world. We just use the 'sandstone' to build What can be wrong with our "house"? If we don't understand our suffering and think that we are evil based on our behavior, is that too double-standard? I am evil for the sake of the people in my own world, and others are evil for the sake of the people of thousands of worlds. Good, then it's all for the sake of different people, why do I do evil while others are good?" Xuanyuan Luoying obviously heard this sentence from Luo Yikong, and Xuanyuan Luoying knew that Luo Yikong had always regarded her as an evil being. , just because she has always regarded all life in the world as "dust".

"If one day, my world is in trouble, I may sacrifice other worlds... But I still can't stand the idea of ​​treating people as dust. If one day I find the answer, I will tell you." Listen. After hearing Xuanyuan Luoying's words, Luo Yikong's heart was shaken for a moment and he felt a little confused. At the same time, Luo Yikong also changed some of his views on Xuanyuan Luoying. Perhaps in Xuanyuan Luoying's world, she, Xuanyuan Luoying, might be a hero.

"The answer..." Xuanyuan Luoying just smiled faintly, as if she was laughing at Luo Yikong's innocence.


A woman was carried to the side of the blood pool, and the bloody sword was already placed on the woman's neck. However, the boy behind him kept crying and wanted to rush forward, but was held tightly by a vampire soldier.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! After your mother is gone, it's your turn!" A cruel smile appeared under the helmet of the vampire soldier. Their usual pleasure was to torture these humans.

Just when the sword in the hand of another vampire soldier was about to be swung down, a black figure suddenly rushed up. Everyone only saw the flash of red light, and the sword-holding arm of the vampire soldier was cut off. The vampire soldier didn't even have time to react before he was kicked by the shadow into the blood pool.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The protective equipment of the soldiers who fell into the blood pool were all corroded, and the flesh and blood fell off quickly. Not even the bones were left in the screams...

"There seems to be some kind of special creature in that blood pool, but it's too small, at least not visible to the human eye." Xuanyuan Luoying suddenly felt something and reminded Luo Yikong.

"Is the so-called Blood God the concentration of these special creatures? Or are these special creatures the source of her power, and they have a symbiotic relationship with her, so she uses these blood foods to feed these creatures." Luo Yikong guessed in his heart, is the so-called Blood God a powerful existence born because of this world, or a terrible existence created by the previous civilization? But one thing is certain, after destroying the human civilization of this world, that existence has been recognized by the world and became the god behind this world. Just like Luo Yikong's administrator authority has reached 100%, completely controlling the world.

"Who are you? Why interrupt the sacred sacrifice of the Blood God ritual? Even if you are a high-level blood clan, you must leave an explanation."

A voice came, pulling Luo Yikong back to reality. At this moment, Luo Yikong has changed his appearance through the system, and he looks like a young boy of sixteen or seventeen years old...

"There is no need to leave an explanation, because I am a human being." Luo Yikong smiled faintly. Before taking action, he had already figured out the information of the blood clan here. The strongest high-level blood clan is only at the level of a level 40 personal BOSS.

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