“That’s fine.”

Lin Chuan said softly.

“Click, rest assured, the reason why Kuroha River is special is not because of the barrier cat.” Didn’t the Hawaiian shirt uncle also say that if it weren’t for the fact that the dependent was the class leader little girl, the barrier cat itself was just a weak weirdness that could not be noticed by existence or not. ”

Xiao Nin, who was sitting on Lin Chuan’s knee, shook his little foot.

Once because of its own existence was taken away, the blade had to change into the form of a child.

The so-called weirdness will also change subtly according to different human cognition.

Because the people who clearly realized her existence were only Lin Chuan at the beginning, who also subconsciously regarded her as a child, and subtly, Oshino’s words and deeds in this state also began to approach the direction of the young girl.

“This kind of thing is just easy for me.”

Oshino said this and raised his head proudly.

This is one of the few opportunities she has to boast about.

“Really? Really reliable, really reliable. ”

Lin Chuan understood and gently touched the former’s blond hair. This is also part of the former’s requirements.

Perhaps because of the envy of seeing Hakawa’s behavior at that time, Xiao Nin’s behavior is now the same as the former, or even more arrogant.

However, Lin Chuan did not hate this.

He gently picked up Oshino and walked inside the house.

According to Xiao Shinobi, Kuro-bunagawa will not appear again, and the matter will finally come to an end.

It wasn’t too early that it was time to go to bed.

Without Kurobakawa’s harassment, he could also meditate tonight or do his own thing.

Girls who only wear pajamas and coats are all kinds of pampering, and Lin Chuan can’t be completely indifferent. Rather, there is still some darkness in my heart.

Speaking of which, inadvertently, it seems that something is wrong.


Lin Chuan coughed twice in his heart and stopped thinking about it.

Evil evil has corrupted my Taoist heart!

Lin Chuan threw away the thoughts that should not exist in his heart and returned to his room.


In the quiet bedroom, only the girl’s steady breathing sounded.

Taking off his glasses, the feather wing with his hair scattered was now falling into a deep sleep, and his slightly raised eyebrows and completely undefended appearance made people can’t help but feel pity.



Inside the room, there seemed to be a faint cat call.

Starting from the root of the hair, the black hair gradually turned into a school-like pure white, and the top of the head, the triangular cat ears seemed to grow from between the hairs, but the slight trembling movement showed that it was a real flesh and blood cat ear.

The girl opened her eyes, and the pupils in them exuded a little excitement, but then they turned into doubt…


As you can see, Meow, Kurobakawa appears here again.

This name was given to Meowth by Uncle Hawaiian and Lord Immortal at the same time, and Meow felt very accurate.

Unlike the last time, this time the consciousness between Meow and the master is really completely separated, rather than being dominated by one side in the entanglement of each other as before.

Before the meow happened, the owner had indeed completely forgotten the meow, and this time, because it was the body dominated by the meow, it would not leave any memory meow.

Weird meow? Weird meow?

Meowth also thought it was strange.

Logically, Meow should have disappeared from his master’s body after being sucked by the vampire last night.

According to the master’s knowledge, the vampire’s blood sucking does not simply refer to blood, but also refers to existence and life meow.

This is why the Bible says that blood is the cause of life.

However, it is a completely unquestionable fact that Meowth is now in this room so dignified.

Meow, who should have died, is still alive, which surprises Meow.

Death is a very terrible thing, but if death can help the master, meow does not matter.

But to be alive is indeed a happy thing.

Meowth couldn’t help but look up and laugh happily.

But soon, Meowth realized a problem.

Why is Meowth here?

At this point, Meow is also like everyone else, and has some doubts.

Last time, the pressure accumulated by the master’s fifteen years of painful life was successfully relieved by becoming a meow and then absorbed by a vampire.

So, why does Meowth appear again in such a short period of time?

As the embodiment of the master’s pressure, Meowth should know the source of pressure, that is, the reason why Meowth itself will be born, to solve it.

But Meowth doesn’t know.

Meowth is not clear and there is no way to explain.

After all, meow is just a meow.

Strange, too strange meow.

It seems that this time, the master seems to have consciously buried this matter in his heart.

Buried deep in the meow, even deep enough for Ben Meow to be able to snoop on.

After thinking about it for a long time, Meow couldn’t get an answer.

Really, the owner is embarrassed by the cat, such a difficult question, how can Meow think of it himself…

To ease her anxiety, Meow decided to think while licking her paws.

“Do you want to go find that immortal lord?”

In Meowth’s mind, the first thing that appeared was the face of the immortal.

It looks very indifferent, but it will reveal a gentle, somewhat troubled look when the master leans up and rubs and hugs.

Although Meowth has only been watching from the sidelines, he also knows that the immortals are very powerful Meow!

Perhaps, I know more things than my master!


Meowth remembered the scene in the park at that time and couldn’t help but shiver.

Immortals are also terrible meows….

If it had just passed, and it had been discovered that the consciousness had been completely separated from the master, would the immortals have directly killed Meow?

Meowth’s appearance this time is carrying an important mission, and he cannot die without solving the problem.

However, now there is no clue meow….

Whoops, what to do…

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