Chapter 144 Thank you, Leak!!

“The details are not clear for a while, but when the meeting returns, Gojo Goku continues to say so, facing the dull-looking knotweed among the three.”

“The main purpose of coming back this time is you, Knotweed, to take this opportunity to give you a little lesson.”


Lessons? ”

Knotweed suspected that he had heard wrongly.

“Okay, if you don’t hurry up, use a guy and you’re going to run the bag.”

Gojo Goku walked up to the knotweed and grabbed the former’s clothes, and a flicker disappeared in front of Naichi and Fukuro.

The scene in front of you suddenly became above the lake, the knotweed looked down, and the clear water of the lake reflected his face.

Before he could think about it, Gojo’s voice sounded from above.

“I’ve been coming to the high school for a while, but this time I’ve been removing spells everywhere, and I shouldn’t have much time to complete the relevant knowledge, just take advantage of this time to give you a good make-up lesson.”

“Is there really no problem in class now…”

Knotweed is a bit weak-hearted.

Although he knew that his teacher had completely crushed the spell, he still had some trepidation in his heart.

At that time, watching the battle two hundred meters away was thrilling, let alone experiencing it up close, after the last time he faced the curse tire, the knotweed had fully recognized his current position.

At that time, the spell spirits that were much weaker than in front of them could suppress the two of them breathlessly, let alone this one was much stronger.

But fortunately, the last time there was Ji Si Xiute, this time there were five teachers in the town and opposite them, after a short period of breathing, Leak Hu finally adjusted his breathing.

Will die.

Leaky Hu’s heart was well aware of this.

He came here completely with the idea of killing if he could kill and running if he couldn’t kill, but he overestimated the obvious gap between the enemy and the enemy in front of him, and he could not allow him to continue to keep his hand.

As a spell spirit, as a new human dignity, he could not accept such a crushing situation!


It was at this moment that Leaky Hu noticed the sudden appearance of knotweed on the side.

This is, the container of the accommodation!

Xia Youjie’s words came to mind again.

“At present, there are two purposes, the first is to seal the Five Enlightenments, and the second is to join the Su Tan.”

“Because there is an unplanned existence that suddenly appears, in order to prevent changes when the time comes, we must unite all the beings that may become helpers.”

The role of the beach is very important, so you can’t kill the little ghost.

But why did Gojo bring him here? Didn’t that make them aware of their plans?

“What happened to that little devil, you threw it over and sent him to his death?”

Leaky Hu looked unchanged and asked tentatively.

“Ah, this is the knotweed Yuren classmate, who came to study and visit.”


Hearing the words, the leaky grin, the dark teeth with the purple blood at the corners of the mouth, look at the self-inflicted horror.

“It’s stupid enough to bring a drag oil bottle with you!”

Hearing this, Gojo smiled heartily.

“It doesn’t matter, because you… Really weak. ”

Hearing this, Leaky Hu suddenly felt a moment of silence in the world, leaving only the sound of a broken string called the Rational String.

Gojo Goku didn’t seem to see the other person’s gradually distorted face and continued to speak.

“To be honest, I did fight a certain being before I fought you, but unfortunately I lost, and I lost without any repercussions.”

“This can’t help but make me start to doubt myself, is it not possible that the strongest I have boasted of before is just my frog at the bottom of the well, arrogant and arrogant?”

“But after fighting you, my confidence has recovered a little.”

“Thank you for giving me back my confidence.”

It is said that even the knotweed on one side feels a little excessive.

Not only the language, but the sincere tone from the heart, anyone who listens to it will break the defense.

Sure enough, in front of the two of them, the top of Leaky Hu’s head and ears suddenly spewed out terrifying fire and lava!

“Stinky little devil, don’t underestimate me! Watch me burn your smiling face to ashes! ”

The ultra-high temperature and the burst of air waves stirred the originally calm water surface, setting off wild waves, and the moment the water beads touched the scorching air, they evaporated into the moist and hot air of the water mist, and the knotweed could not help but raise his hand to block in front of him, although there was a five-point enlightenment of the infinite limit technique to resist, the latter could still feel the forehead movement of the air!

This guy!

More terrifying than any monster I’ve ever seen!

If it weren’t for Gojo’s hand on the knotweed’s back, he would probably have been sitting on the surface of the water at this time!

“Rest assured, there is my king…”

Gojo saw the situation and whispered comfortingly, and then looked at the opposite side of the leak.

At this time, the other party’s ten fingers had coincided, and the spell was surging strongly.

“Field unfolded!”

“Build a coffin around the mountain!”

Rocks rose from the surrounding ground, and the lake under the feet of the two people also turned into a rocky ground, and the stones above seemed to grow automatically to envelop the two people.

As its name describes, the coffin is ironclad!

Blazing lava rushes around and bubbles keep rising, splashing dripping lava! The bright light generated by it will shine the smile of the spell spirit on the opposite side of the person in particular.

“The realm unfolds, builds up around it with a spell force, and casts a magic form of the realm of birth.

What you had entered in the Junior Hall before was an unfinished realm with no magic cast, and if it was a complete realm, it was estimated that you would die before Ji Sixiu could strike. ”

“Unfolding the field is very draining of spells, and the average person may only be able to unfold two or three times a day, or even only once.”

“However, the benefits in exchange are also very huge, first, the state improvement under the environmental elements, and second, the spell initiated by the caster is absolutely hit.”

As they spoke, a huge stone bolt burst towards the two of them!

Gojo Goku no longer approached him as before, but raised his hand to smash it.

“But it doesn’t matter, although the spell is absolutely hit, it is not absolutely useful, you can directly use the spell to fight like I just did, or escape from the field, of course, I don’t recommend this.”

Gojo paused before pulling down the blindfold before adding.

“Well, actually, there’s something even simpler and more brutal, which is to directly defeat the caster himself, but it’s very labor-intensive, and you can think of it as if you didn’t hear it.”

“For us mortals, the most effective means of confrontation is that we also expand the field, and when both sides unfold at the same time, more excellent techniques will gain an advantage, but also a little bit depending on the phase and the power of the spell.”

At this point, the opposite side of the leak Hu could no longer bear the attitude of Gojo Goku, who was blind.

“Turn to ashes, Gojo!”

The lava surged from the ground, and the viscous lava of the huge wave of terror rushed towards the two people, like the sky falling!

“Then that’s the end of the teaching.”

“Field unfolded.”

“Immeasurable emptiness!”

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