Chapter 158 Please Get Out!!


Kneeling on both knees, the Fourth Palace Huang Guangyan shook his head.

“You can’t move me… Can’t move me. ”

He kept repeating this sentence in a daze, not to threaten the person in front of him, but to comfort his own heart that was about to collapse.

The moment the insect reached that line of sight, the Yellow Light of the Fourth Palace understood.

In the eyes of this person, there is no can’t be, only want and don’t want to!

Did he even try to threaten him?

How dare he be so bold!

“Of course I won’t kill you.”

The teenager closed his eyes again and slowly opened his mouth.

“But I’ll take you out of your favorite game and make you a spectator.”

“Of course, the method will be a little rough and hurt your spirit, so please ask you Haihan.”

What did the words spoken in a playful tone make Huang Guang mean for a while?

As soon as the thought appeared, the consciousness of the Yellow Light of the Four Palaces seemed to fall into the deep sea and sink continuously.

“School is about to start again.”


“What’s going on inside the house?”

“Because the owner of the family is seriously ill, the Shijo family, who are paraphyletic and tiger-eyed, seem to have begun to take action, but the action is very hidden, and the specific nature has not yet been investigated.”

Two figures, one after the other, walked in this silent corridor, whispering questions and answers.

The place where they were located was the most silent back courtyard bamboo forest in the entire Four Palaces Mansion.

The girl walking in front of her, her face is exquisite, her temperament is cold, and her red eyes are dull, as if she contains a gray darkness that cannot be removed.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, the girl’s slender brow frowned.

The sharp gap to the side of the front girl’s look changed, and the blonde maid’s azure eyes in the back drooped slightly.

She knew very well that she was not thinking of anything unpleasant, the girl in front of her, but hated here.

Even just walking in this building and seeing these things makes it feel sick to their stomachs.

She did not feel anything wrong with her master’s reaction.

As a child of the Hayasaka family who has been attached to the Shinomiya family for generations, Hayasaka Ai knows very well how disgusting this seemingly quiet and beautiful courtyard contains desire and ugliness.

Growing up in such an environment, the girl in front of her has not been completely polluted until now, and it has to be said that it is already a miracle.

“Miss Night…”

“Huh? Got news about the brothers? ”


Morning Po Ai said so, slowly bringing his recent new discoveries to him.

“Recently, the mansion seems to have been visited by multiple people from military backgrounds.”

“In addition, there are also some Shenbi people who have appeared.”

Hearing this, Hui Ye’s line of sight was deflected.

“Big Brother?”

In the entire Four Palaces family, in addition to the head of the family, the highest status is the Fourth Palace Yellow Guang, who is the eldest son, and it is not too much to call it by his power.

Since his father, who was the head of the family, fell ill, the management authority in his hands had been taken over little by little by the eldest son, and unconsciously, the latter had swallowed up most of the important property of the Shinomiya family, and the power of the remaining sons had been squeezed to the point of almost exhaustion.

“It should be true, after all, at present, in the Four Palaces Family, the only person who holds real power is the Great Young Master.”

Hayasaka Ai said this, paused slightly, and waited for the girl’s reply.

“Let him go.”

Hui Ye didn’t mind at all.

“As long as that person does not die for a day, he can only be an agent forever, and now his dependence is nothing more than something that can only be possessed in this special period, which seems to be like the sun in the sky, but in fact once this delicate balance is broken, everything will be in vain.” 」

“Is there anything else?”

“Miss, your trail is being monitored by Young Master Yunying, and the other party has no intention of hiding it.”

“Do you really want to let the other side run rampant like this?”


Hui Ye sneered.

“He likes to watch and let him go, thinking that this kind of guy who has no talent other than excess self-esteem will continue to play the role of a weak sister, but it will make him more at ease.”

“If you can’t compete with Huang Guang, you will use your brain on other people, and this amount of instrument is still trying to become the head of the Four Palaces Family?” It’s delusional. ”

Morning slope loves to look at Hui Ye and does not know what to say.

Among the several blood relatives of the family master, the eldest young master has a desire for power, the second young master is rarely active, and the third young master is talentless, the only one with excellent heart and ability, but he is the least valued in the patriarchal family…

But this is also good, the depths of the Four Palaces Family, I don’t know how many people’s hearts will be blackened, and the strange and changing interpersonal relationships will eventually affect Miss Huiye, and it is not a kind of happiness to be able to withdraw from it.

“Speaking of which, I am thinking of the anecdotes I heard the other day.”

Speaking of this, Hui Ye seemed to remember something funny, and there was a hint of ironic laughter at the corner of his mouth.

“This… I don’t know what to say. ”

After listening, even the early anti-love who has seen many absurd things has to frown.

The mysterious people who came before them turned out to be so-called spellcasters.

What was even more ridiculous was that the eldest son of the Four Palaces Family not only believed in things like divine and ghost spells, but also had to look for an unknown diviner to heal the master, and even did not hesitate to raise the crowd for this, while at this time, Hui Ye’s heart was constantly sneering.

Chaos, better than the city.

The Four Palaces, this dirty place, is finally about to usher in a great upheaval.

In her heart, she longed for the entire Four Palaces family to be destroyed in it.

The so-called brocade and jade food, pampering and treating the superior is just an illusion, and this is just a richly decorated cage.

Locked in it and unable to breathe, she never had a sense of belonging to the Four Palaces family.

Suddenly, Hui Ye’s footsteps stopped and turned suddenly.

The unresponsive early slope stepped out and stood at her side, exposing everything behind her.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, and in a trance, she saw a figure walking past her eyes.

Who is it…

Before she could think about it more, a familiar call came from her ear.

“What’s the matter, Miss Hui Ye?”

“Nothing, maybe I was wrong.”

Hui Ye woke up and was about to leave, but suddenly heard a commotion coming from not far away.

“Not good! Young Master Huang Guang had an accident! ”

“Someone assassinated! Someone is assassinating! ”

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