Chapter 201 has no essence of liking or disliking!!

“Speaking of which, Lin Chuan seems to be out of town, right?”

“Ah, it is true, Lin Chuan went to Shibuya.”

It is said that the battlefield was a little confused.

“Shibuya?” Isn’t it hard to talk to?. After all, that place is a bustling area of commerce, and there are many beautiful women shopping. Maybe he just went hunting for Yan? But I hope he succeeds. Because then I can classmate you with Hakawa……”

“Oh no, it’s to meet someone.”


“I don’t know, it seems to be a girl playing shogi……”

Looking at the feather wings that did not have the slightest discoloration on their faces, the battlefield gradually frowned.

Hakawa tilted his head, as if wondering why the former reacted the way he did.

However, the other side does not seem to have the intention of explaining.


There was no waiting to explain, but for the belly sound, which symbolized hunger.

After hearing this, Hakawa put down his pen and got up to pick up the apron hanging on the side.

“Classmate Hakawa, you are…”

“It seems like it’s time for lunch, how about trying my craft?”

After Yu Chuan got dressed, he smiled and said.

These words and deeds are completely to relieve the original siege of the battlefield of Fang Cai.

“I can’t ask for it!”

The eyes of the battlefield burst into light, and the chicken pecked at the rice and nodded continuously.

“Then I’ll sacrifice the ugly.”

After watching such a Yukawa enter the kitchen, the appearance of the battlefield gradually changed.

After Fangcai’s joy gradually faded, only worry remained… In a few moments, a few simple dishes were already on the table.

“I’m moving.”

The two girls moved their chopsticks at the same time to the dishes on the table.


After swallowing the food in his mouth, the battlefield stopped chopsticks.

“What’s wrong?” Isn’t it to your taste? ”

“No, it’s delicious. But after eating your local cooking, I want to understand something. ”

“What’s the matter?”

Hakawa was a little puzzled and blinked his eyes.

“Before that, I had some questions I wanted to ask you as proof.”

“Classmate Hakawa you know the seasoning, right?”

“No matter what, this kind of thing is also known.”

“So what do you think of a lot of people’s arguments about putting sauce, soy sauce and pepper in an omelette?”

“Ah, there is such a thing, there is a dispute over what condiments to put in the food.”

As for my opinion, it is probably that people’s tastes are not the same.

“Well, then there’s butter and jam in the other fridge, do you see that?”

“It seems that there is, and I have seen you take it out before.”

Yu Chuan made a reminiscence, looked at the ceiling, and then suddenly a spirit as if he realized something, and then nervously.

“Ah, I’m sorry, don’t you like to add those spices?”

“These are put on hold for the time being, I have a few more questions to ask.”

“May I ask.”

“It’s about your eating habits with Hanagawa classmates.”

“My eating habits? My eating habits should be very ordinary. ”

Opposite the wing of Hakawa, who usually said this, the battlefield did not seem to believe the word ‘ordinary’ as the former said, and continued to speak.

“Then the question begins. Do you eat sushi dipped in soy sauce? ”

The battlefield originally made the action of pinching sushi.

“Not dipped.”

“Eat tempura dipping sauce?”

The palm of the battlefield is held in a weak hand, making it like a colander to fry shrimp.

“Not dipped.”

“Do you drink yogurt and put white sugar?”

The original hands of the battlefield were used as horns and placed on the head.

“Don’t let go.”

“Do you write with ketchup on omelet rice?”

The battlefield is like a maid in a maid’s café.

“Cute ~ Meng ~ Q.”

“Don’t write.”

“Do you apply dipping sauce when eating assorted grilles?”

The original hands of the battlefield were constantly stir-fried, just like the master who sold assorted grilles on the stall. ”

“Is the meal ball sprinkled with salt or sugar?”

“Don’t sprinkle anything.”

“How many sugar cubes will be in the coffee after the meal?”

“Please give me unsweetened black coffee, thank you.”

At this point, the question is over, and Yu Chuanyi is also in a trance.

“I understand that the original students on the battlefield should like to put seasoning in the meal, no wonder they just leaked such a surprised look.”

“No, I just didn’t believe that there would be people without seasoning and said, and the battlefield was focused on the dishes on the table.”

“The original unsalted omelette is also the first time to see it, so is the bread, and no jam mayonnaise is applied, and it is the first time I have seen it directly when it is served.”

“Classmate Hakawa, is it someone who is very resistant to the seasoning of meals?” The kind of person who wants to enjoy the taste of the material itself? ”

“Huh? It’s not like that, but isn’t the meal delicious even without seasoning? ”

It was said that the battlefield had revealed such a look.

“The decisive statement appeared.”

“Eh? I just want to say that tasteful and tasteless are actually the same ear. ”

Hamagawa was a little stunned, and then the words slipped out of his mouth.

“The so-called non-confession is such a situation.”

Battlefield Hara held his chin in both hands and stared at Hagura.

“I’m full…”

Soon the dishes on the table were swept away.

At this time, the battlefield had already begun to wash the dishes.

So, what did your previous question conclude? Battlefield original classmates. ”

“Coming to the conclusion that you are simply the opposite of partial eating, Hanagawa classmate.”

“It’s no longer a question of what you like to eat and what you don’t like to eat.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

The sink for washing dishes is in the corner of the living room, and the two people are less than ten meters apart, even if they are facing each other, they can hear what each other is saying.

“That is to say, you don’t care what you hold, what it tastes like, Classmate Hakawa.” To put it extremely, as long as you can get nutrition after eating, no, even if there is no nutrition, eating can fill your stomach, right? ”

“Don’t you have to talk about people like a fighting machine?”

“I’m sorry, but if that’s not the case, then you’re being tolerant of everything, and that’s it.”

“But, Classmate Hakawa, I don’t approve of this way of life for you. Not just eating habits, but in other ways, like you, isn’t anything acceptable? ”

“Having something to hate is just as important as having something you like.”

“If one person is very gentle and tolerant to all people, is that not equivalent to making no difference to all people? If so, why talk about liking? ”

“Classmate Hakawa, you have someone you like, right?”

It was clearly just an understatement, very ordinary inquiry.

However, Yu Chuanyi could not answer.

Now, she can’t say that she has a definite ‘like’ meaning for Lin Chuan’s behavior.

“The so-called liking does not only mean that someone can do something, but also represents particularity. I am only gentle with you, open my heart only to you, and smile only at you. But, but Ah Yu Chuan, if you don’t feel that you are treated specially, how can the other party feel your love? ”

Battlefield Hara continued.


As he spoke, Battlefield suddenly noticed that his cheeks were a little red, and he lowered his head to the Hakawa wing.


“But people also ‘chirped’… Lin Chuan…”

Hakawa’s voice grew smaller and smaller, and finally it was so small that it was almost inaudible.

“……… When’s the thing? ”

“Just some time ago…… Battlefield former classmates, why are you crying and laughing…”

“Nothing… I’m just a little confused……… The so-called look at the mood of the old father who married his daughter……… Is this such a wonderful feeling…”

“I’m sorry, I can’t understand what you said, but in the mouth of my former classmates on the battlefield, my generation seems to have inexplicably dropped by one generation… and”.

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