Become a god from looting the rich

Chapter One Hundred and Three

In just three days, Yu Zheng was unkempt and walked in front of Zhang Hang with trembling hands.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the radiation that we finally extracted in three days, and I don't know if it will be enough for you."

Zhang Hang looked at the purple plastic ball in his hand with a complex expression on his face. There was more radiation in this plastic ball than in Ye Mingzhu. When he held it in his hand, he felt the sharp pain of the needle stick in his palm.

"You guys have a good rest. After today, our Yunshen Academy will definitely become the most famous research institute in China. You will have a headache then."

This time, regardless of whether it is energy equipment or new elements, it may not be able to be researched if it is put in the outside world even if it takes more than ten or twenty years for those research institutes, but in just two days, the Yunshen Institute took them out. It's hard not to be famous.

"President Zhang, I hope you can help cover up this matter. The Yunshen Academy is a paradise for us researchers. I hope you can continue to let us concentrate on our research here."

If it was to be famous and make money, they would not agree to Zhang Hang before. They came to the Yunshan Academy for the science and technology in Zhang Hang's hands, and Zhang Hang promised that they only need to concentrate on research. Once they become famous, they Don't even think that you can do research in peace of mind. If people are confused, Yunshenyuan will be dispersed.

Zhang Hang pondered for a moment, looked at the professors who had lost his strength behind him, and nodded.

"Just like I promised you, the Yunshen Academy is just a pure research institute. You only need to concentrate on researching the technology I provide to you."

Coming out of Yunshenyuan with purple light radiation, Zhang Hang dialed Mr. Yin's phone. The problem of the sharks has endangered the people around him. Who knows if other sea fog will appear in the manor, so I quickly solved it. Yuren, he can rest assured.

When Mr. Yin heard that Zhang Hang could solve the problem of the sea fog, he arranged a special plane for Zhang Hang to Yanglin City. As for the method, Mr. Yin did not ask too much. Everyone in the Special Investigation Bureau They have their own secrets, as long as they don't want to tell, Mr. Yin will not interfere too much.

"Zhang Hang, there is another person who went to Yanglin with you this time. You can take care of it when you can."

Before hanging up the phone, Mr. Yin suddenly asked.

Zhang Hang frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me about this. What does it mean to have someone else to take care of?"

"Our leader above has a grandson who wants to see the world, and the matter of Kairen Haiwu is such a big deal, so..."

Mr. Yin didn’t finish his words, Zhang Hang knew what he meant. He refused without saying anything. Although they said they had Ye Mingzhu in their hands, Yu Zheng and the others had also researched violet radiation, but no one dared to say violet radiation. It can be 100% sealed, and if you can run away in danger, it's all about it, and it's a burden.

"Zhang Hang, I can't do anything about this. The big deal is that I owe you personal love, and this little kid doesn't need your life to save him, just do your best when you encounter danger."

Mr. Yin said for a long time, Zhang Hang really had a headache and he could only agree to it, but there was only one request. If this little kid messed up himself, he would be welcome.

Unable to think of a way to deal with the sharks, Zhang Hang could only go to see Yu Zheng and their research. In the afternoon, a simple box was sent outside the Yunshenyuan. The person who connected it was naturally from the Special Investigation Bureau. This is a national treasure, and others will be greedy if they cannot be escorted.

Zhang Hang looked at the bright and clean Ye Mingzhu in the box, his eyes flashed with golden luster.

"let me out!"

The white light circulates in the Ye Mingzhu, a terrifying shark is struggling in the Ye Mingzhu, trying to crawl out of the Ye Mingzhu, but in the Ye Mingzhu, besides the white light, there are also purple air currents, like a chain that binds the shark to the Ye Mingzhu. internal.

Twenty of the twenty-one night pearls have sealed the sharks, and only one night pearl has a tiny crack on it, and the white light dissipates inside, only a faint purple air current.

"It seems that the shark who appears now came out after this Ye Mingzhu was damaged."

Zhang Hang didn't know who sealed the shark in the Ye Mingzhu. No matter who did it, this person must be very strong. The purple air currents in the Ye Mingzhu have no clues in the memory of the celestial masters of the past.

"Professor Yu, I have a Ye Mingzhu here. You study and study the composition inside the Ye Mingzhu."

Atlantis’ technology can completely wipe out the sea fog. Maybe you can find a way to seal the shark people from the Ye Mingzhu, or even completely eliminate the shark people. After all, the seal is not 100% safe, just like this broken Ye Mingzhu. Twenty night pearls means that there are twenty sharks. If they ran out any day, it would be a disaster.

Yu Zheng was holding Ye Mingzhu and wanted to refuse, but Zhang Hang could take out Ye Mingzhu for them to study. There must be something tricky in it.

With Yu Zheng and the others helping to analyze the internal structure of Ye Mingzhu, Zhang Hang thought for a while and found a laboratory to start drawing a new Tianshi Talisman. He couldn't put all hope on Yu Zheng and them. After all, science and technology dealt with the supernatural beings. This is the first time for creatures, and no one knows how to use it.

At night, Yu Zheng rushed into Zhang Hang's resting laboratory in a hurry.

"Ms. Zhang, we have analyzed the ingredients of Ye Mingzhu!"

Zhang Hang jumped up from the recliner, followed Yu Zheng and ran into the laboratory. Unlike ordinary Ye Mingzhu, even if the light was turned on in the room, there was still a dazzling light in Ye Mingzhu.

"President Zhang, the ingredients of this Ye Mingzhu should be artificially made, and there is strong radiation inside, which is the purple light that we can see with the naked eye."


After looking at the spectrum of the purple airflow, Zhang Hang looked at Yu Zheng and asked, "Do you have a way to simulate this kind of radiation?"

If Yu Zheng and the others could simulate the purple air current, they wouldn't have to find a way to reproduce this purple air current to seal the shark.

It's a pity that Yu Zheng and the others don't know what kind of radiation the purple air current is. It is impossible to simulate the purple air current for a while. As for the other research institutes, don't even think about it.

"problem occurs!"

The mother-in-law talisman in Zhang Hang's pocket suddenly started to burn. The mother-in-law in his hand was in Lu Xuan's hand. Now that the mother-in-law is burning, Lu Xuan must have something wrong, and his life is still in danger!

"You continue to study, I'll go back!"

Zhang Hangshun picked up the energy equipment that had been briefly discussed and rushed out of the Yunshen Courtyard.

At this moment, inside Zhang Hang's manor, a cloud of sea fog is expanding, and the charms Zhang Hang arranged outside the manor are shining, and those sea fog that wants to rush out of the manor will be stopped back.

Inside the manor, the anchors cowered and hid in Lu Xuan's room. Zhuang Mengdie, Lu Xuan and Lu Xiaoyun flashed with faint golden light on their bodies. The three of them leaned on the Heavenly Master Talisman to block the sea mist that tried to penetrate into the room. .

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