Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 191: Resonance between creators (for the leader [Wei Feng intends]...

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Ye Hai and Li Mengyao, the couple flew from the capital to the provincial capital on Friday. In the process, he felt more and more good about his wife Li Mengyao.

Because Ye Hai is a relatively lazy person in life, he often loses things about it. Sometimes, he always forgets where to find the information book he wants to check, but as long as Li Mengyao is there, she can definitely help him find it.

And this time when he went out, Li Mengyao also prepared everything for him. If nothing else, the two of them will spend a few days in the provincial capital of Jiangnan Province, and the child will be temporarily taken by the old man.

Anyway, Ye Hai is one hundred and twenty percent satisfied with his wife. He doesn't know how he should live if he leaves his wife. It will definitely become a mess.

So Ye Hai would never do anything to apologize to his wife anyway.

The incident of the female anchor "Ayu" was purely an accident. He really wanted to find out if it was the character in his writing that had gone through...

The two arrived in the provincial capital on Friday, and Su Li went straight to pick up the plane. When Ye Hai saw Su Li, he couldn't help feeling that this teacher Su Li was really young and beautiful, although the last time they got a comic copyright contract, I've seen each other a long time ago, but now Su Li is obviously more charming.

Of course, this is due to Zhao Youyue's credit. Now that Su Li has also become a well-known cartoonist, Weibo fans have more than one million followers, and his annual income is at least one million.

After this woman has money, she can use money to exchange her beauty. The most direct thing is of course plastic surgery.

But Su Li didn't need it, because her foundation was good, but she didn't pay attention to maintenance before. Now that Miss Zhao is giving her guidance and becoming her role model, Su Li's charm has naturally increased greatly.

There is a saying called "the one who is near Zhu is red, and the one who is near ink is black." This is not unreasonable. Su Li even has a great improvement in temperament, and the whole person is a lot of atmosphere, just because she is active Move closer to Miss Zhao.

Su Li greeted Ye Hai’s wife Li Mengyao enthusiastically. Compared to Ye Hai, she was actually more familiar with Li Mengyao. She might be the same woman and have more common topics.

Ye Hai saw that his wife and Su Li were so close, she somehow thought of the wonderful Lily plot between Xu Jing and Yang Qianqian in Su Li’s debut novel Pure Love. He suddenly felt that his head seemed a little green. ...

But of course Ye Hai chose to forgive her!

For a while, the atmosphere on both sides is very good. After all, the two are successful collaborators. With the joint efforts of the two, "The Strongest King" has the current results.

"By the way, writer Ye Da, tomorrow I will invite Miss Zhao to come, let her also check on and see how sacred the'Ayu' is." Su Ideal came to this matter and said it. .

"Miss Zhao?" Ye Hai didn't react for a while.

"It's You Yuehao, Miss You Yue, the starting account for rewarding you in the Golden League [I am You Yue's brother] should be in her hands." Su Li explained.

"Oh oh! It's Miss Youyue! I didn't expect her to be surnamed Zhao! Zhao family, tsk tsk." Ye Hai realized that he had always called Zhao Youyue "Miss Youyue" before, but he didn't. Know that the other party's surname is Zhao, and it is from Zhao's family.

"In other words, her name is Zhao Youyue?" Li Mengyao interjected.

"Yes, her name is Zhao Youyue, and her background is unfathomable. I can't believe that such a young lady would like to read novels and comics so much..." Su Li said with emotion.

"I can't believe it. There are readers who will give a book a reward of 100,000 Chinese yuan. In fact, a one-time reward of 10,000 Chinese yuan is already very hard to believe!" Li Mengyao remembered the original "The Strongest King" "The day she had the Golden League, she felt incredible!

I can only sigh, the world of the rich is really incomprehensible, it is a whole hundred thousand Chinese yuan, just like this...

In fact, they have all misunderstood. For Zhao Youyue, it is very painful to reward one hundred thousand Chinese yuan at a time, but her cousin Zhao Hao is different. This guy is the second generation of the same level as the son of the richest man, Ding Yuncong, wrong. Zhao Hao should be counted as x three generations, after all, his surname is Zhao.

And Ding Yuncong can proudly send tens of millions of supercars to his own e-sports players. What is it that Zhao Hao rewards a book with a golden league?

One hundred thousand yuan? The drizzle wasn't enough, it wasn't enough for Zhao Hao to have a top-attribute levelless equipment in "Sleep to the West".

In fact, the super local tyrant fans of the Supreme God also have the financial resources, but they are too lazy now, because there is no "God War" in this era, and the super local tyrants are no better than the operators...

"I have never met this Miss Zhao Youyue. I only saw her photos. This time I can meet you. I would like to thank her face to face for her strong support." Ye Hai said, "At the beginning, I said. The prototype of'Yu Shengfan' written is indeed a trick for this eldest lady, but I didn't expect that the more I wrote later, the more out of control..."

"I understand this feeling! It's up! I did the same at the beginning, and I drew the finale of "Pure Love"... Writer Ye Da, I was miserable by you. I drew it in "The Strongest King". Dead fish, this pot seems to have fallen on my head again. Now there are rumors on the Internet that as long as it is a work I painted, there must be a gloomy plot in it, so I am watching the work of the comic artist Su. You must be vigilant!"

Su Li said in a complaining At that time, Ye Hai tried to cheat the readers, and then slammed the pot like crazy. She, as a painter, turned her back on the back. Many readers still think that there is "historical conviction". Su Li was the culprit who killed Xiaoyu.

Ye Hai smiled awkwardly and hurriedly said: "This is probably the resonance between such outstanding creators like us! Don't say more, I will treat tonight, you can take me and Mengyao to the best and most upscale restaurant here. !"

Su Lixin said that this Rosemary Gou was really thicker than her face, and she deserved to be an old thief who killed Xiaoyu by underestimating it. She's such a cute new scam, and she can't do anything with each other!

"Alright, writer Ye Da is worthy of the platinum **** of starting point, proud! In fact, Miss Zhao is more proficient in eating. I think she should be a gourmet, very particular about eating, so that it seems a little extravagant... But I followed She has also gained a lot of knowledge, so let's go to the private restaurant tonight. If I don't go with Miss Zhao often, and get acquainted with the boss, I might have to make an appointment."

Su Li seems to be helping Zhao Youyue and is willing to be the running dog of the Zhao family, but from the strong sense of superiority in her words, it can be seen that she herself enjoys it...

After all, the superior existence of the Zhao family, being able to associate with them, is indeed worth showing off.

Not everyone in this world is worthy of the surname Zhao, nor is it rich, so you can have the surname Zhao...


Today's third update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

No way, the fourth is to write about Xiuxian, get it done before fighting for a little bit, everyone goes to bed early, just wake up tomorrow morning to watch~~~

In addition, can the sign-in bonus coins not be used in the book? It is not counted as a subscription at all, and it is not counted as the author's income. This is very hurt, crying~~~

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