Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 194: It's you

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"Are you there?" Su Li hurriedly looked around, "Where is it?"

Ye Hai and his wife also looked around, especially Li Mengyao. She was deeply wary of the female anchor "Ayu". She only felt that the other party was unpredictable, why should "Yu Shengfan" cos like that? Isn't there any ulterior purpose in this?

"I didn't see it! I saw an aunt passing by. It can't be the female anchor'Ayu'. Although the other party may not be beautiful, it can't be an aunt!" Su Li continued. .

"Oh Huo? You just said that I'm getting more and more beautiful, so why do I change my mouth now?" The smile on Zhao Youyue's face has grown stronger, and she still likes to tease Su Li.

Su Li hadn't reacted yet, but Ye Hai widened his eyes and looked at Zhao Youyue in disbelief. What she said just now meant that she was admitting in a disguised form that she was the female anchor "Ayu"?

"You are'Betta Yu Shengfan'? Miss Zhao, how is this possible! Do you want to open the live broadcast as well?" Ye Hai couldn't help the doubt in his heart after all, and asked.

"I am me, what happened to the live broadcast? I can't let people forget Xiaoyu. Although she died in the novel, she is now resurrected in reality. Now my live broadcast room is becoming more and more popular. High! One day, everyone will know that there is a two-dimensional character who has come to the three-dimensional real world!" Zhao Youyue responded like this.

Ye Hai was completely stunned. He really couldn't refute Zhao Youyue's words. What happened to the eldest lady's identity? Why can't I open the live broadcast? People really don't open the live broadcast for money, but for love!

As soon as something is in love, the force frame instantly rises!

That's right, if it wasn't for love, how could she imitate "Yu Shengfan" like that, and even compose the music for "South of Nanshan"! Speaking of it, does this mean that the eldest lady is very good at music?

It must be true, she has shown a superb violin skill in the live broadcast room! Then she can compose for "Nan Shan Nan" alone, and even complete the lyrics, which is quite common...

At this moment, after Ye Hai knew that the female anchor "Ayu" turned out to be Zhao Youyue, he really didn't know how to describe his complicated feelings for a while, and he felt a little disappointed again.

Originally he thought that Ayu cos "Yu Shengfan" cos was so good, it means that she is very fond of him, and the other party happily agreed to come out and meet him...It is not his narcissism, as long as it is a normal man, he will It's a bit of a reverie, but this time he brought his wife with him, of course he refused, he is a good man!

In fact, he was guessing in his mind at the time that Ayu would not turn on the camera no matter what, maybe his appearance was really bad, maybe he might be a fat man. How could he give up his beautiful wife for a fat man?

But the fact now is that it turns out that all of this is his illusion, which is probably the same as the "I can kill" illusion that arises when playing games!

It turns out that "Ayu" is Ms. Zhao Youyue, a young and beautiful girl. Her appearance is probably the highest among the three women present, and she is definitely not interested in a married uncle like him, whether it is from online chat or You can see this from the calmness of the meeting just now.

Su Li finally woke up at this moment, she hugged Zhao Youyue all of a sudden, gave her a facial cleanser, and said bitterly, "Miss, when I made an appointment with you before, you knew it, right? No, but you didn't say it, you still watch our jokes!"

Zhao Youyue was buried in Su Li's arms. The perfume on the other party's body mingled with body scent is still very good. After all, Su Li is now a great cartoonist, and the perfumes used are all high-end products recommended by Zhao Youyue.

Moreover, the cartoonist of Su Da is as guarded as a jade. Seeing that there are so many Lily plots in her works, this guy is afraid that he has fallen into the evil way of Lily!

"Sister Li, don't be like this, I'm not giving you a surprise and surprise! Walk around, let's go first, I have booked a private room, the environment is very good, you can enjoy tea!"

Zhao Youyue broke free of Su Li's embrace, and led the three of them into the business club. As soon as he entered, the waiter took the initiative to serve.

After Li Mengyao learned that the female anchor "Ayu" turned out to be Zhao Youyue, her grievances about "Ayu" disappeared completely. Most of the women's instincts were very keen, and Li Mengyao was also very familiar with Zhao Youyue on the Internet. The four had been in a discussion group, and she also added Zhao Youyue as a friend.

Li Mengyao doesn't believe that a proud girl like Zhao Youyue will be interested in her husband. Similarly, her husband will not be interested in Zhao Youyue. She is only sixteen years old...

Ye Hai suddenly realized that at this time, the female anchor "Ayu" agreed so happily, instead of treating him as a liar, just because he found that the way he left behind was indeed true, except that the eldest lady Zhao Youyue was also true. Naughty, she didn't even tell her, she waited until we met before revealing it!

Although Ye Hai almost confirmed that Zhao Youyue should be " carefully distinguishing her voice, it is indeed very familiar, but after he came to the box and sat down, he couldn't help saying: "Da Miss, otherwise you can imitate "Yu Shengfan" now... You also know the purpose of my visit this time, I really want you to dub Xiaoyu, I believe this will definitely not insult Xiaoyu's role Yes, as long as you show the kind of imitation in the live broadcast room. "

As soon as Ye Hai said this, Su Li and Li Mengyao both showed a look of interest. Su Li suddenly remembered that incident. It was that Zhao Youyue had imitated "Xu Jing" in front of her. She looked like she was scared. The key is that Zhao Youyue still had a single ponytail hairstyle...

Zhao Youyue took a sip of tea and didn't say much. She directly started the "Yu Shengfan Possession" state. If she was playing games now, she would definitely not be able to suppress her desire to speak and poison her tongue. But now, she does. Not playing games.

In her daily life, Yu Shengfan is actually a very quiet girl. She is surrounded by deep loneliness. It seems that apart from games, there is nothing else that interests her.

When she was not playing games, she was a quiet eldest lady. Ye Hai had written about this setting, and he didn't know if he remembered it.

"I'm'Yu Shengfan', are you the bad creator who used to spy on me in the world of fiction? I didn't expect it, we can meet again."

"Yu Shengfan," the loli voice that Ye Hai could almost never forget, appeared again!

Like Li!

It really is you!

Ye Hai looked at Zhao Youyue with bright eyes...


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