Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 201: Sweet

It must be admitted that the readers who read youth novels these years have great hearts and strong bearing capacity, but they will not just abandon the book when they see something wrong like Internet readers.

Although there are many online readers who have entered the pit because of the recommendation of You Yuehao from the starting point, jumping up and down, asking Lengzi to give a great guarantee that he will not do excessive things to the goddess of Chu, but this cannot make the mainstream of youth novels. Readers moved.

Speaking of it, even if Lengzi guarantees, it is really a guarantee, not?

Mainstream readers are still arguing about the two female roles of Chu Luoxun and Lin Meiyue, because whether it is the musical intersection of the protagonist and the goddess of Chu, or the gradual approach between the protagonist and Lin Meiyue in real life, they are all written so impressively. Can't stop.

Lin Meiyue pointed out that the perfect love between the protagonist Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue had long been approved by Leng Zi, not to mention that even Chu Luoxun had no intention of competing with Lin Meiyue, but sent various assists...

They now have time to date every day, and Lin Meiyue is still jealous for Gu Yuan. Of course not to the goddess Chu, but to her best friend Wang Yan. She always huddles with Gu Yuan as an excuse to discuss music.

As a result, it naturally hit the wall seriously. Even if Wang Yan's music level is not as good as Lin Meiyue's, he deserves to discuss music with Gu Yuan?

But because Lin Meiyue ran into Wang Yan and Gu Yuan alone once, Lin Meiyue was very upset about this, and Gu Yuan was also a little embarrassed. It was actually a coincidence. Gu Yuan asked Lin Meiyue to read together in the library. As a result, who knew Wang Yan ahead of time? Coming, it's embarrassing.

At the critical moment, she still has to rely on assists to the goddess Wang Chu. She treats the heroine Lin Meiyue like her own sister. Not only does she guide her in music, but also emotionally encourages Lin Meiyue to be more active and strong, and she must not let her go.

As for Wang Yan, this ill-intentioned guy, Goddess Chu made her own efforts, taught her how to behave with music, and told her that she was not worthy to talk about music with the male protagonist.

Chu Luoxun also created opportunities for the male and female protagonists to be alone. At the patisserie she opened at her home, her family background finally appeared. She was not a big lady, but her family was also relatively privileged. His parents opened a chain of cakes. The shop is already a well-known brand.

And the cake shop she found for Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue is exactly where she often stays. It is completely dependent on her mood if it is open or closed. This cake shop is full of warm atmosphere, special art, and various musical instruments. , Chu Luoxun is all proficient.

It has two floors. When Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue were alone, Chu Luoxun stayed upstairs alone. She also prepared cakes and milk tea for them, all for free.

With the assistance of Chu Luoxun, Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue successfully held hands and confirmed the relationship between the boy and girl friends, but they were too shy, so they did not want to be exposed in the school.

Whether it was Gu Yuan or Lin Meiyue, they were actually quite puzzled as to why Chu Luoxun helped them in this way.

Chu Luoxun said that she can get a lot of music inspiration from the beautiful relationship between the two.

The two were still dubious, Chu Luoxun didn't talk too much nonsense, sitting directly in front of the piano in the cake shop, and sang a song "Sweet"——

I gently taste what you said love me

Still remembering the tenderness you gave

I gently taste this fragrant temptation

You have everything i like


I gently taste what you said love me

Reluctant to eat sweets that smile

I lightly tasted the portion although not much

But absorbed your love completely

There is no doubt that this song "Sweet" is probably the same as "South Mountain South" in Rosemary's novel. It was written by the creator after "Shang Tou". They all thought the lyrics were their own original...

When Han Leng looked back and read the lyrics of this song again, the melody could even be heard in his ears!

And Chu Luoxun's very beautiful singing voice. After all, she is an all-rounder in music. It is a must to sing a top class!

Han Leng was very satisfied with the lyrics he wrote under his inspiration. He was even a little confused and confident. With his lyricist talent, wouldn't it be against the sky if he partnered with a talented composer?

Han Leng thought of Zhao Youyue subconsciously, but quickly shook his head. How could Zhao Youyue compose music? She was not the Chu Goddess in his writing!

If Zhao Youyue can compose, then he will wear women's clothing!

Yes, in order to reflect Chu Luoxun’s genius in music, he set this song "Sweet" as Chu Luoxun’s improvisational original, and then used words to illustrate how sweet and beautiful this song is, describing Gu Yuan Yuan's first love with Lin Meiyue.

Under the superb writing style and the really sweet lyrics as evidence, readers can also feel the sweetness coming over them!

But to be honest, Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue’s first love is really sweet and very stable. They move forward step by step, but some readers think that Chu Luoxun is the most suitable male protagonist, because Lin Meiyue is too ordinary and likes to play. Petty.

Although this makes this character really cute, they still prefer the atmospheric Chu Luoxun. How can Lin Meiyue's warmth of sunshine compare to her?

Some readers pointed out that if Lin Meiyue is the girl next door who can be seen everywhere, then Chu Luoxun is the existence of the most beautiful fantasy of many men. How can such a girl appear in reality?

And the meaning of the novel is not to realize the fantasy that cannot be realized in reality?

Therefore, I hope that Lengzi can carefully consider the final choice of the heroine, even if the heroine has confirmed the relationship with Lin Meiyue, isn't he still unmarried? What if you just let the hero change his mind?

As a result, this suggestion was sprayed to death, because the male protagonist Gu Yuan of "April is Beautiful" is not a scumbag. He is too innocent, so he needs all kinds of assists, and then step by step confirmed the relationship with Lin Meiyue.

And he himself is very clear that he only likes Lin Meiyue, and he does not have the dullness of some male protagonists, let alone being shaken because other girls like him, such as Wang Yan, who has shown good feelings towards him in various ways. But Gu Yuan refused completely.

Coupled with Gu Yuan's compelling music, this male protagonist has won the recognition of many readers, otherwise no readers would think that he and the goddess Chu are very good.

But if the male protagonist changes his heart, then the image created before will completely collapse...

Of course Han Leng will not write that the male protagonist has changed his heart, even if he has changed his heart in reality, but he can express his true love for Chu Luoxun by depicting music, which is absolutely pure and limited to music. Love.

Therefore, he is really cunning. He obviously didn't write about the love triangle, but the readers just wanted to make up the love triangle, and the readers even believed that the song "Sweet" was written by Chu Luoxun for the protagonist.

The song "Sweet" completely convinced Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue of Chu Luoxun's best lie.

Lin Meiyue happily recorded this song, and when she was alone with Gu Yuan, she listened to it with the same earphones. Their shoulders were tightly pressed together and they were holding hands, and their hearts were even closer because of this song...

The feeling of first love is so sweet!

When they were in love, Chu Luoxun was alone, immersed in music in the beautiful moonlight.

The moonlight is still so beautiful.

Just a little lonely.


Before Han Leng took the initiative to contact Zhao Youyue, the scene of Chu Luoxun immersed in music alone appeared in his mind, and his heart seemed to calm down.

Chu Luoxun definitely does not belong to the hero in the novel, but to his creator!

"It's been a long time, Miss Zhao." Han Leng took the initiative to send a message in the past——

Today's first update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

This book was originally launched on the Chinese website, and I hope to read this book on the first website~~~

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