Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 206: Leave the sadness to yourself

Lin Meiyue is much more careful than Gu Yuan. She originally regarded "Chu Luoxun" as her sister, but she had no blood relationship, but "Chu Luoxun" had a higher assist force than her sister.

This is probably a youth novel in which the world is assisting the male lead Gu Yuan and the female lead Lin Meiyue.

Without "Chu Luoxun", whether Lin Meiyue can confirm the relationship with Gu Yuan, she herself has no confidence.

So Lin Meiyue brought "Chu Luoxun" consolation products. They were all the sweets that "Chu Luoxun" likes to eat, such as cakes and chocolates. Of course, "Chu Luoxun" smiled more brilliantly and hugged him. After Lin Meiyue, she said that it is a pity that she is not a man, otherwise she must marry Lin Meiyue home!

That's right, Lin Meiyue is the kind of extremely gentle, kind, and innocent girl. She has the most beautiful heart, but it is a pity that she has no sense of existence because she is not good at expressing herself.

"Chu Luoxun" also trained Gu Yuan, and told him to treat Lin Meiyue well, or she would be a ghost and would not let him go!

"Chu Luoxun" seemed very lively and cheerful at the moment, so when Lin Meiyue asked her what her physical condition was, she confidently said, "I was only admitted to the hospital for routine check-ups! I'm fine, and I'm completely dead. Question!"

But Gu Yuan was dubious, because "Chu Luoxun" had entered the hospital twice in a short period of time. He couldn't help but said, "Didn't you have a routine check up last time?"

What he meant was obvious, since he had done it before, why did he do it again so soon?

"Chu Luoxun" still smiled, without any pause or hesitation, and said without hesitation: "I just looked around, there was no major problem, so I didn't perform a specific inspection. But this time it was a head problem after all, so I went to rest by the way. The purpose is to live for a while."

The head of "Chu Luoxun" was when she went to the game yesterday, and suddenly she couldn't stand, and then fell down, causing her beautiful cheeks and smooth forehead to bloom...

In fact, this head injury was just a skin injury. It was not the reason why she was sent to the hospital, but it just concealed her real cause.

"I'm prone to fatigue at first, and I've been over-consuming recently...As long as I get a good rest, I'll be fine soon, and then I can continue to school!" The vigorous voice of "Chu Luoxun" always makes people feel, She is indeed very healthy and energetic. If you ignore her pale cheeks and no **** lips.

After the pure Lin Meiyue listened, of course she was happy. She wished "Chu Luoxun" a speedy recovery, and then continued to guide her violin.

However, Gu Yuan still couldn't believe "Chu Luoxun". He felt that her answer was like a prepared statement.

"Chu Luoxun" is not as pure-hearted as Lin Meiyue, she clearly has a seven-orifice exquisite heart, can always see through all the mists and illusions at a glance, even Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue like each other, she has already noticed it, and then assisted. , Match up, finally let them hold hands and confirm the relationship between boy and girl friends.

The goddess Chu is like a woman who can see the world's love completely.

In fact, "Chu Luoxun" got the same illness as Gu Yuan's mother got. Her body will become weaker and weaker. She can't hold the violin, and can't even walk on her own. She has to sit in a wheelchair...

This is fate, this is reincarnation.

This is also perfectly in line with the drama and structure of the novel, which is the so-called "no coincidence is not a book", but in reality, how can there be such a small probability of coincidence?

After Gu Yuan and others left, the smile on "Chu Luoxun"'s face disappeared. She was used to leaving the laughter to the world, others, and sadness to herself.

"Chu Luoxun" felt it, and wrote a song "Leave the Sorrow to Oneself"—

I think it's because I'm not gentle enough

Can't share your sorrow

Leave my sadness to myself

Your beauty let you take away

I never have

Reasons to be happy

I think I can hold back the sadness

Pretend there is no you in life

Think of me every now and then

Can you think of me too

Is it possible

Is it possible

The "you" in this song, of course, refers to "playing". For a girl who loves music with her life, how sad is it to lose the ability to "play"?

The creator Leng Zi interpreted this song in the novel and pointed this out.

However, the "Chu Luoxun" party would not agree with the creator Leng Zi's narration. They only felt that this song was written to the male protagonist Gu Yuan, and the "your beauty" in the lyrics clearly refers to Lin Meiyue!

There is also the lyric "I think it’s because I’m not gentle enough", which fits well with the personality of "Chu Luoxun". She is optimistic, strong, and confident, but she rarely shows the kind of gentleness of a little girl. The careful and gentle Lin Meiyue formed a sharp contrast, and Gu Yuan once said that Lin Meiyue's most attractive, gentle and considerate.

This is not the attribute of the careless, heartless, and cheerful "Chu Luoxun".

"Chu Luoxun" always likes to force Gu Yuan to move forward, always regardless of Gu Yuan's own thoughts, whether it is to force him onto the stage, or directly choose the song "Sorrow of Love", if it is replaced by Lin Meiyue, She would definitely not use such a tough method.

In all fairness, most men still prefer girls like Lin Meiyue, like a dazzling goddess like "Chu Luoxun", her gentleness may only exist in music, and her fragility, loneliness, sadness...

However, the facts have proved that what she did has completely made Gu Yuan, the once-fallen genius, rise again, and her realm has greatly increased. She is no longer just a pianist who can only play according to the music score, but a piano. Performers, the kind that can resonate strongly with the audience!

Can this be considered the gentleness of "Chu Luoxun"?

In the ward, "Chu Luoxun" put down the finished song. It turned out that the nurse came in. Obviously, it was not for her routine check-up, but to put some drops. All kinds of medicines clearly meant taking jujube pills...

"Chu Luoxun" saw the nurse, UU read www.uukanshu. com showed a bright smile again, with her beautiful face, even the nurse sister could not resist her charm, but the nurse sister showed a look of regret on her face, she was just for this beautiful girl Destiny, and feel sad.

The nurse sister didn’t know that "Chu Luoxun" could play the violin. She only knew that "Chu Luoxun" could play the guitar. When she was physically strong, she would play and sing in the hospital garden. The songs written are all very nice songs that make people immersed in her singing and can't extricate themselves from it.

I don’t know when, her whole person is like a slowly withering flower, she has no physical strength to sing, she can only take out a pen, and constantly compose new songs, in this way, to continue to chase her The music you love...


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