Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 208: Her laughter

In fact, for youth novels, torture should be a relatively common element. After all, there are always some regrets in most people's youth.

And a youth novel, if it can arouse strong resonance among readers with a heart-to-heart plot, it means that it is really out of mind.

It is a pity that most youth films often use the element of "abortion" to reflect pain, as if in the minds of those screenwriters and directors, this is the youthful daily life of young people in the new era...

Obviously, this is too wrong. "Abortion" does appear in some people's youth, but most people's youth is still relatively small and fresh, and will not mess with those messy things.

Just like the perfect first love between the male protagonist Gu Yuan and the female protagonist Lin Meiyue of "April True Beauty", it is full of youthfulness and beauty, but unfortunately many people are missing a "Chu Luoxun", and probably never even had the opportunity of first love. .

The most beautiful thing in this world is that when I like you, I realize that you also like me.

This is probably also the element of the most perfect first love, otherwise it is the reality. Often only one party likes the other, and two people together may only be moved by the other party’s pursuit, or seeing other people She fell in love one after another, and she was lonely, so she just made do with the crowd and fell in love.

Reality is such a reality, so there is so much forgiveness, because you are just an improvised object, he can improvise, anyway, it's good to be happy.

Originally, what Han Leng wanted to write was a pure story about perfect first love. The main thread is the emotional drama between Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue. There may be some misunderstandings and twists and turns that make readers worry, but in the end The ending is perfect.

The character of the male and female lead is destined to have a very stable relationship...

This is a yy work of Han Leng's first love to him. Because reality disappointed him, he used novels to please himself.

Even the musical element is just an embellishment, so that the male and female protagonists can have a common language, and at the same time, it can also enhance the compelling style of the novel, even if he himself does not know much about music, especially classical music.

But since the character "Chu Luoxun" appeared on the stage, everything has changed!

The musical elements that originally embellished the article are all strong!

Han Leng is afraid to say that he doesn't understand the classical music circle at all, but it seems like what he wrote, so much so that many readers ask Leng Zida if you have been in the classical music circle...

Originally, the appearance of "Chu Luoxun" was also used to promote the relationship between Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue. She was just a supporting actress.

But because the plot about her was written smoothly, even Han Leng’s editor in charge said that whenever "Chu Luoxun" appeared, his words seemed to be full of spirituality that could not be described in words, and he would be favored by the **** of music. 'S girl writes alive, even such a perfect person, it is impossible to appear in the three-dimensional reality...

Han Leng can’t stand up to the praise. In addition, both editors and readers say that this character is very good, very sunny, positive, and not lacking in compulsive style. When reading texts about her, she will not only be optimistic about her. Infected by her cheerful personality, she will also be moved by her music, even if her music is just words, you can "hear" the sound from the words.

Han Leng, the "former net essay author" who can't stand the boast, began to subconsciously add drama to "Chu Luoxun". She is even responsible for the comic of the whole work, because she always does something funny, about her words, They are filled with a breath of joy.

Although "Chu Luoxun" has the beauty of the goddess, the talent of the goddess, and the self-confidence of the goddess, she rarely has the coldness and inaccessibility of the goddess. She is not a chaebol eldest lady, but an ordinary person who has cakes at home. There are three or four chain stores.

Such a family should be regarded as the richer middle class, so she was able to learn multiple musical instruments. If she deliberately set "Chu Luoxun" to be born in poverty, it would be more fake.

When readers see the plot of "Chu Luoxun", they will subconsciously smile-this time, what will this joyful girl do?

How would she assist the male and female lead?

How can she save the hero from the psychological shadow through music?

How can she patiently teach the heroine to make her violin proficiency higher?

Unknowingly, this beautiful girl who was originally portrayed as "a lonely girl seeking defeat" in music has completely surpassed the original heroine Lin Meiyue, who was originally appointed by Han Leng, and even the male lead Gu Yuan was also affected by her light. Concealed.

However, neither the editor nor the reader felt that there was any problem. Instead, they thought that Leng Zida's articles were getting better and better, and the charm of the goddess Chu was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

On the Internet, people keep sighing that if there is such a friend in his/her youth who is always optimistic and cheerful, full of laughter and laughter, that’s fine, she will see through the people you like and just like you. Then assist you and her...

"Between me and the winner of life, there is a goddess of Chu!" This sentence even became a hot topic on Weibo for a while.

Because "April is Really Beautiful" is so popular, "Chu Luoxun" has become a very popular female character. After reading all the serializations of this youth novel in one breath, many netizens can't help feeling that the hero and the heroine are really true. "Lying to win", with the assisting king "Chu Luoxun", why worry about losing his first love?

Therefore, many readers believe that "Chu Luoxun" is the soul of the book, the real protagonist, and the other two are just pseudo protagonists.

No way, in many works, some supporting characters are so well portrayed, and they are far more popular than the protagonist, so many years after this work is finished, everyone still remembers the supporting role, but the protagonist’s name is forgotten, probably because, Whether the protagonist is called Zhang San or Li Si, it does not affect the overall situation, and even a different protagonist will do.

Of course, the male protagonist Gu Yuan of "April is Really Beautiful" is still very popular, and his image of a fallen genius re-emerging is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. He is also praised for his dedication to the heroine Lin Meiyue from beginning to end.

He is not slow ~ Although emotionally young, he has a responsibility and responsibility, which gave Lin Meiyue a strong sense of security. She also said that she would be at ease with Gu Yuan.

This is a very charismatic male protagonist, so there is a "Chu Luoxun" party, which is actively running for "Chu Luoxun", and implicitly hinted to the creator Leng Zi that it is better to let "Chu Luoxun" take the position. , She and Gu Yuan match so well, and there is such a common language in music, that is the resonance between geniuses!

And when the "Chu Luoxun" party became more and more powerful, the new issue of "Sprout" was finally on the market...

The hard-core "Chu Luoxun" party and Zhao Youyue's tablemate Jiang Qing has already bought the magazine for the first time. What kind of laughter and laughter will the Chu goddess who is going to watch this issue bring her?

However, the place where the word "Happy laughter" often appears is "GG in laughter"——

Today's first update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

Xiuxian arrived at seven o'clock, and then worked hard to update this chapter~~~ There will be four more changes today, and today there will be an outbreak of five changes, so let's smash the monthly pass to your heart's content! ! !

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