Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 210: 1st cut

Su Li himself is quite happy and dances happily on Weibo, because Zhao Youyue liked her illustration and reposted her Weibo, but it is a pity that the mysterious Lengzi would not play Weibo, otherwise Zhao Youyue Definitely let Lengzi greatly forward it.

Su Li knew that she had made the right move again, which won the favor of Miss Zhao. At the same time, she also made her Weibo fans pay more attention!

Now her nickname is slowly being forgotten by many fans. She looks like she has completely changed her mind...

This is the real Su Li!

She has never thought of pitting readers, and she is full of thoughts about how to please readers, especially local tyrant readers. She is very positive about getting closer to Miss Zhao!

She always pays attention to the works that Zhao Youyue likes, and will try it out in person. If it is also in line with her appetite, then she will certainly have to do something to show how tacit understanding she and Miss Zhao are.

As for pitting readers, it is purely a force majeure factor.

She can't be blamed for this, only a mysterious power from the East...

Su Li hopes that everyone believes that her heart is good, but her luck is not too good, so she accidentally took the blame.

Otherwise, if you say that she is a manga artist, how could she become a representative of the Depression System?

Su Li only missed two lines of poems called Gou... The original author Rosemary Old Thief misunderstood me and deceived people too much, so I must go to fight with him!

Although Lengzi doesn’t play Weibo, Zhao Youyue still forwarded this exquisite illustration to the group, and it was naturally well received. Many fans said that Su Li is worthy of being a great cartoonist. This hand-drawn illustration is really drawn. The demeanor of Goddess Chu!

Han Leng's attitude towards his cold fan group has always been very complicated. His original purpose of establishing this fan group was purely to investigate Zhao Youyue's feelings about this work. At that time, he had not "transferred love"...

As a result, I never expected that "April is Really Beautiful" can now become like this, and it has become the most powerful work in the current youth novel!

"Sprout" also values ​​Han Leng very much, and hopes to announce his identity and make a strong publicity. After all, he is only a freshman. This is a genius writer of high school students and deserves vigorous publicity. Maybe it can make this work even more popular!

However, Han Leng has been declining and dragging, because more and more fans now think that "Lengzi" is a female author. Who made him make a noise...

It's just that Han Leng disappeared and stopped appearing in the group, but he would often peek at the screen.

But the number of fans in the group is increasing, and they are also very active...

So Han Leng saw the "Chu Luoxun" illustration painted by Su Li. At that time, Han Leng was already obsessed with the goddess Chu and could not extricate himself from it.

Although this two-dimensional cartoon of the goddess Chu seems to have entered the world of his own work, and the three-dimensional goddess Chu he sees is different, he still secretly saved it in his mobile phone, and immediately set it to Own mobile wallpaper now.

Every day when I turn on the phone, I see Goddess Chu, which really makes him feel incredibly sweet and happy.

Deep down, Han Leng is still very grateful to Zhao Youyue. After all, his work can be so popular, and he cannot do without the other party's full promotion, but he will always do some very naive things when facing Zhao Youyue... …

But now, Han Leng was finally able to face Zhao Youyue calmly, and then he found that Zhao Youyue was not as perfect as he had imagined. He also found that her character was more majestic, and the indifferent nature made Han Leng admire even more.

Han Leng has grown up. He felt that his previous self was really on the top. He was taken over by the sudden adolescent commotion, and he didn't have a clear understanding of Zhao Youyue at all.

Now that he "was awake", he and Zhao Youyue have regained a good friendship, and he has a feeling of gentle friendship.

Han Leng would never say those awkward words anymore, but had a normal exchange with Zhao Youyue, his attitude was very natural.

He didn't go deep into what Zhao Youyue thought of this work, as long as he knew that the other party liked it very much, that was enough.

Han Leng has decided to expose his identity after the work is finished. No matter how Zhao Youyue looks at him, he is also mentally prepared for everything.

All in all, now Han Leng has regained his favor with Miss Zhao again, a very pure favor, not mixed with many complex and young feelings before.

At this time, Jiang Qing, who bought "Sprout" for the first time, has already seen the latest series of "April is Really Beautiful".

Of course Jiang Qing was very happy to watch at the beginning, because "Chu Luoxun" is going to ensemble with Gu Yuan again. For a **** "Chu Luoxun" party like her, the first ensemble has already shown her. Hey, this second ensemble, Gu Yuan, who is a little out of the psychological shadow, should be able to perform a perfect ensemble with Chu Luoxun, right?

Jiang Qing had an expectant smile on her face. Seeing that the goddess Chu forcibly asked the male lead to play the song "Sorrow of Love", she didn't care about the male lead's opinion. She felt that the goddess Chu was particularly domineering, which was probably a kind of domineering. The tenderness?

Then, in the process of practicing the ensemble between "Chu Luoxun" and Gu Yuan, there were a lot of plots that made readers laugh after reading it. It was really warm and interesting.

Jiang Qing felt that it was a pity that the female lead Lin Meiyue, the light bulb, was always present, which was very helpless. If she hadn’t known that Lin Meiyue’s personality was particularly simple and kind, she would suspect that the other party was "Scheming Moon"-early to see "Chu Luoxun" was the greatest threat to her, so he guarded against "Chu Luoxun" everywhere, and refused to give "Chu Luoxun" and Gu Yuan a chance to be alone.

However, no matter what, you can't stop the second public ensemble between Goddess Chu and Gu Yuan!

Jiang Qing hummed in her heart, looking forward to the plot of the two ensemble.

However, what surprised Jiang Qing was that the concert ensemble that day, "Chu Luoxun" did not even show up!

At first, Jiang Qing thought Lengzi was very naughty again. In order to whet the appetite of the readers, he came out again. Anyway, at the last moment, the goddess Chu will definitely appear gorgeous and dazzling!

These creators are too cunning, they like to write plots that readers can't guess!

When Jiang Qing saw a violinist mocking "Chu Luoxun", she immediately sneered, and waited for the goddess of Chu to teach you how to be a man with music!

However, "Chu Luoxun" did not show up in the end.

Instead, Gu Yuan took Lin Meiyue directly onto the stage...

Why is it so?

The **** "Chu Luoxun" Party Jiang Qing was severely injured by Leng Zi's first stab. Okay, how about the ensemble? ——

Today's third update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

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