Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 219: The matter of asking for leave

Zhao Youyue did not expect that Han Leng was also a "Chu Luoxun" party. It seems that the "Chu Luoxun" she possessed has already seen a sense of existence in "April True Beauty", and its influence even exceeds that of the hero and heroine. .

Zhao Youyue herself feels very contradictory about this, because she really likes the dog food plot of a sweet love between the male and female owners, but now the dog food plot seems to be out of date... and the influence of "Chu Luoxun" The bigger, the better for her to shape this character.

Even many Lin Meiyue parties are worried about the fate of "Chu Luoxun".

There is a strong sense of contradiction between the sweet dog food of the hostess and the misery of "Chu Luoxun", but it also further sets off the misery of the latter.

Time went on like this, Zhao Youyue successfully asked for leave this Saturday to participate in the final of the provincial violin competition.

When Lao Qiu knew that Zhao Youyue still had a special skill on the violin, he was obviously very surprised. His impression of Zhao Youyue was almost still on the ordinary girl who was once an ordinary girl. He did not expect that she has become the best student in the class now. Playing the violin.

"Go to the peace of mind competition. If there is a party at school next time, you must go up and show off your expertise! Zhao Youyue, you are usually too low-key. If you said earlier that you would play the violin, the New Year’s party last semester, You should go up and perform!" Qiu Yingchun, the head teacher, said kindly.

Qiu Yingchun’s attitude towards Zhao Youyue now is very good. It’s not because Zhao Youyue is rich. For an old-school teacher like him, students who are rich but don’t learn well are the most annoying. Those who are honest and serious like Zhao Youyue Students are what he values ​​most.

Even when Zhao Youyue's original grades weren't as good as they are now, Lao Qiu also had a good impression of her, but sometimes she would forget her because she was too thin.

Everything stems from Zhao Youyue's attitude. She never seems to cause trouble to the teacher, nor does she suddenly develop a rebellious mentality. She is always there very quietly, watching the flowers bloom and fall indifferently.

Zhao Youyue probably poured all her desire for trouble-making into the world of works.

"Okay, for the collective honor of the class, let me perform, and I will perform!" Zhao Youyue responded like this.

Lao Qiu laughed at once. Look, this is obviously a perfect student. Not only does he have good academic performance, but he also has such a sense of class collective honor. Such a student is really rare!

However, Zhao Youyue was singing a high-profile, if Han Leng heard this, he would definitely be tempted to expose Zhao Youyue's unknowingly heavy mask. If she really had a sense of class collective honor, then he would eat shit!

He couldn't forget that this guy did all sorts of rowing behaviors when he was cleaning the class collectively, and he didn't take the collective honor seriously.

She would go up to perform purely because she also has a desire to express herself in her bones.

This guy Zhao Youyue treats almost all classmates equally and smiles in a right way. If she concludes that she is happy to make friends with other classmates, that would be a big mistake!

She is actually the best person to approach, and also the most difficult person to approach, because everyone will find it easy to get acquainted with her, but becoming friends... can only say that you have thought about it.

At most, it's just acquaintances.

And Zhao Youyue's acquaintances can probably be all over the world, because she does not exclude knowing more people, especially creators.

Han Leng slowly discovered this in the process of continuous communication with Zhao Youyue. Fortunately, he seemed to have received Zhao Youyue's approval and became a friend.

He wrote the inspection for Zhao Youyue and reminded Zhao Youyue in advance that there was a problem with Yu Shengfan's plot. Obviously, he contributed to it. But the two are still old classmates and have a long time accumulation.

This has satisfied Han Leng. As for his lover, Han Leng said that he already had Chu Luoxun in his heart, and for the unfathomable eldest lady like Zhao Youyue, let it go.

Han Leng had completely given up to figure out what the other party was thinking, because her usual expressions and behaviors seemed so indifferent, and there was no one or anything that could make her react strongly.

Unless she encounters another masterpiece that makes her happy, or the plot of a work touches her, then she will be ambitious about this work, and suddenly become very enthusiastic from indifferent.

In fact, this kind of sharp contrast is what makes Han Leng feel strange. Is it because she really recommends Amway because of her pure love?

He always felt that Zhao Youyue was not such an enthusiastic person. She obviously had a faint, let alone feeling about everything, as if nothing was her business, and she didn't bother to care about it. What made her uncharacteristically change her indifferent feeling. Attitude?

Han Leng observed and thought for a long time, but couldn't see through...

"What? You have to ask for leave on Saturday?" Lao Qiu looked at Han Leng suspiciously.

"That's it. The editor of "Sprout" magazine told me that there is a media that wants to interview me. Teacher Qiu, you know how popular my current "April is Really Beautiful"... Just now, the teacher said, "Yes. ', is there anyone else who also asked for leave?" Han Leng pretended to be puzzled.

"Haha, I almost forgot, you are now a great writer, Lengzi, and I have a student like you, so I really have a long face! Now I am waiting for you to disclose your identity, so that I can go everywhere and say that you are my proud student. Since it's a media interview, you must go. By the way, I want to ask if Chu Luoxun will die, tell me the truth!" Qiu Yingchun suddenly said seriously.

Han Leng was shocked, he opened his mouth and replied: "I won't die! How could I write her to death? Now I abused her just to show her strength, but Chu Luoxun can eventually overcome the illness!"

"Not bad!" Qiu Yingchun slapped Han Leng on the shoulder, "As expected of my proud disciple! Will you take the path of a professional writer in the future? Your current academic performance, but the decline is severe..."

"Uh...I will pay attention. I also want to take the college entrance examination. After this book is finished, I will transfer my energy to study."

"Your idea is very good. After all, professional writers are also risky. Maybe your book is and it may not be possible to download it. It is better to have a retreat. So let me give you Adjust a seat and let others come to help you learn."

"Teacher Qiu, don't use it, Brother Chen... classmate Chen Haoran has such a good grade in science, he tutored me the best, I just want to be with him." Han Leng hurriedly said. Catch a cold.

"Oh, you are all called brothers and sisters, he can still help you study? He is obviously embarrassed with you! Don't think I don't know that he will watch you sleep!"

"Teacher Qiu, you really are..." Han Leng didn't say the words "eyes like a torch".

"You will be at the same table with classmate Zhao Youyue in the future. That's it. She is such a good child who is serious, hardworking and simple to help you study! Her academic performance is better than Chen Haoran, especially English, but how bad is your English? Don't you know it yourself?"

"This..." Han Leng was dumbfounded. He didn't expect to find any excuses to ask for a leave to peek at Zhao Youyue's violin music competition to collect materials. This situation would come out! ——

Today's second update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

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