Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 223: Gorgeous appearance

Of course, Zhao Youyue is very calm. Where she needs someone to tell her what real music is, she has already felt it from Chu Luoxun's music.

So she just glanced at him curiously and vaguely felt that he was a little familiar, but she didn't know his name at all.

No way, Zhao Youyue is like this. Whether it is the top students in the school or the opponents in the music competition, she will not pay attention to it. Every time she surpassed herself a little bit, it was enough.

Zhao Youyue did not speak. Liu Yuxi, who had been by Zhao Youyue's side, said unceremoniously: "How do you speak as a player? Do you want to engage in psychological warfare? My sister doesn't like you!"

This male violinist, after being trained like this by Liu Yuxi, his momentum was slightly reduced, but he was a little embarrassed: "I will introduce myself first. My name is Hang Yongming, and I am an art student in the second year of high school. This competition, For me, it’s just a little experience. I don’t care about awards. So it’s not a provocation or a psychological warfare just now. It’s just a pity for her!"

Zhao Youyue suddenly remembered at this time, she said: "Hang Yongming? Could it be that you are also from Jiangnan High School, I remember you seemed to have performed at a school party, many people know that you play the violin very well."

Zhao Youyue's tone is very light, just stating a fact, but Hang Yongming's triumphant looks can't be concealed. He feels that it is a great honor to be praised by a goddess-level beauty and music talent like Zhao Youyue... It would be nice if her tone fluctuates more strongly.

Hang Yongming suddenly said: "Is it a school girl? Now in the first year of high school, and then enter the art class in the second year of high school?"

In order to show that this school is a quality education, Jiangnan High School has special art classes and physical education classes, but generally those who enter these two classes have poor academic performance.

The students in these two classes are actually quite discriminated against in the school. After all, Jiangnan High School focuses on academic performance and strength first. When others hear that you are in an art class or a physical education class, of course they will take a low look.

In fact, there are more art students in art classes and very few music students. Maybe the latter is more expensive and requires more talent.

Hang Yongming should be regarded as the veritable first violinist in Jiangnan High School. He performed at the school party in his first year of high school. He surprised four people because he was not playing classical music, but the violin version of the two-dimensional anime song he made himself. Once he chose a repertoire, he was also ready to play like this!

"No, I should enter the liberal arts class." Zhao Youyue said lightly.

"What? You play the violin so well, why don't you take the professional route? I think you have the potential to become an international violin master! After all, you can play a piece of music with such precision and perfection, and not everyone can casually play it. I did it." Hang Yongming's tone is really big every time he speaks, and he opens his mouth whenever he says anything.

"Then you just said that the violin I played was boring?"

"Because you don't have your own understanding of the music, the songs you play are too rigid to surprise the audience at all! I don't know if you have ever read a youth novel called "April is Really Beautiful". Your style and The male protagonist who once went astray is very similar, but the music that really touches people's hearts is from Chu Luoxun! Uh... this is the soul character in the novel and the character who gave me a new epiphany in music. , So I decided to learn from her in this final!"

Zhao Youyue seemed to see another believer of Goddess Chu. She couldn't help but ask: "Which is your preliminaries?"

"Fourth... But I think the ranking is really not important. The important thing is to pull out the music that makes the audience boil and indulge. This is the meaning of music, isn't it?" Hang Yongming said fanatically. Then all kinds of hints made Zhao Youyue learn from Goddess Chu.

"What you said makes sense, and I agree with it." Zhao Youyue stated earnestly, how could she disagree with Chu Luoxun's way of music? That's her too.

Hang Yongming seemed to have met a confidant who looked like a ruin, and then he saw that Zhao Youyue did not seem to know "April is Really Beautiful", so he started all kinds of Amway, and vowed to say that the author Lengzi should be an insider. Otherwise, it would never be possible to write classical music so professionally.

"April is Really Beautiful" is a youth novel, but it is worth reading for all the players, so that they all learn something, don’t always play lifeless and infective music, that kind of music is too much. Bored, didn't you see the whole hall was lifeless?

Liu Yuxi was holding back a laugh. She thought that this violinist named Hang Yongming was also funny. Could he naively think that Zhao Youyue would really be like Chu Luoxun in the music competition?

Thanks to Zhao Youyue, Liu Yuxi also watched "April is Really Beautiful". Of course, she appreciates Chu Luoxun's character very much, and she also agrees with Chu's music method, and believes that the other party's musical realm is so high that no one can. To the point, it's just a pity that the body...

However, Zhao Youyue is now participating in a music competition, and her purpose is to win praise, not to please the audience.

Finally it was Zhao Youyue's turn to play. She was wearing a gorgeous long dress and holding a violin, walking slowly towards the stage. When she appeared in the center of the stage, there was a small commotion in the whole venue!

No way, Zhao Youyue's appearance is so amazing, especially her hair has been retained in the past few months, she is wearing a long skirt with long hair, of course it is amazing!

And many viewers recognized that she was the strongman ranked first in the preliminaries. She is a violin genius who is favored by many insiders. She may be a late bloomer, because she didn't have any record before.

Zhao Youyue's parents gazed at her gorgeous and dazzling daughter, especially Wang Wei, who almost burst into tears. She didn't know how much she expected. Her daughter was watched by everyone and became the center of the crowd!

Although there are still many gaps, at least the first step has been taken...

Han Leng was stunned, almost yelling the three words "Chu Luoxun", because Zhao Youyue's every move is too much like the Chu goddess, especially the goddess temperament!

What's wrong with this?

The judges also cast their appreciative eyes on Zhao Youyue...

And when Zhao Youyue started playing Han Leng finally breathed a sigh of relief, this is not Chu Luoxun's style at all!

But this seems to be Gu Yuan’s style, indifferent, sensible, and cold. It seems that no impurities can penetrate into her precise music. It perfectly restores the classical music composed by the composer, and can be judged from the very beginning. Highly rated!

And Hang Yongming, who was also paying attention to Zhao Youyue, got angry out of the ground. What about Chu Luoxun?

He was fooled!

However, he decided to turn anger into strength, and wait for a performance that made the judges jaw-dropping to tell Zhao Youyue what real music is! ——

Today’s second update~~~ Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly pass~~~ Below is a heartfelt thanks to everyone this month, I hope everyone will take a look~~~

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