Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 240: Song of the Soul

Gu Yuan came to see Chu Luoxun alone, his head lowered, extremely depressed, as if he was the one who was dying.

Without Lin Meiyue, whether he still had the courage to look at Chu Luoxun would be a question.

When Chu Luoxun saw him like this, of course he cheered up, and said with a smile: "I was sent to the intensive care unit yesterday. It was a headache. This is my first time in the intensive care unit. The place makes people feel nervous. Xi, it made you laugh...Hey, I said you fellow, when you visit the patient, can you stop crying and crying!"

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Gu Yuan quickly apologized.

"Hey, I also brought my favorite cake. I'm going out to eat." Chu Luoxun smiled happily.

"It's cold outside..." Gu Yuan persuaded.

"I just don't want to be in the ward!" Chu Luoxun said capriciously.

Then Chu Luoxun asked Gu Yuan to carry her out and go to the rooftop.

When Gu Yuan was carrying her, he only felt that the girl's weight was too light, and he realized how torturing Chu Luoxun this disease was.

At the same time, he was carrying her on his back, feeling like he was carrying the whole world, and her smile from beginning to end seemed to remind him that she is the perfect goddess who can kick the sickness away!

He also remembered at the same time that this seemed to be the first time he had come into contact with her at such close distances. He suddenly hoped that he could keep walking with her on his back. He recalled many scenes of being with her. In fact, he liked her very much. I understand that he likes dolls and sweets. Her heart is actually very soft. She is a very ordinary girl...

But once, he didn't dare to approach her at all. He always felt that she was too dazzling and not suitable for him. It was only at this moment that he realized that she was really a mortal, and that was why she was tortured by the illness.

When the two came to the rooftop, Chu Luoxun saw that the sky was snowing, and smiled brighter and brighter, and couldn't help but admire the beauty of the snowflakes.

Chu Luoxun was placed on the bench and said, "Do you still play the piano?"

"I don't play anymore."

"Sure enough, you are depressed by yourself again."

"I can't play it anymore, the music takes away my important people one by one..."

"Isn't there still Meiyue? Besides, I feel pretty good! You still have me!" Chu Luoxun smiled, "I will have surgery on February 18th. I will definitely get better, no Stop struggling to the last moment, this is your fault, everything is your fault! Why I am so nostalgic for this world is because of you!"

That's right, Chu Luoxun's body, Zhao Youyue, has always been the staunch Lin Meiyue party, and will always support their pair.

And February 18th is also the day of Gu Yuan's finals.

"Aren't you going to struggle for a while? Aren't we the best at struggling? We are all in the finals! Come again!" Chu Luoxun did everything to encourage him.

Hearing the words "come again", Gu Yuan remembered the only time he had performed a public ensemble with Chu Luoxun. He had been looking forward to the second time with her, but because of her health, there was no second time at all.

Whenever he thinks of that scene, his body will have infinite power, but his mouth says: "I haven't touched the piano for a week, and my fingers are..."

"Isn't it the same when you accompany me?"

"At that time, I often touched it, but now it is impossible to play well! It is a miracle that I can play well in this state!"

"Miracle... can be created."

The next is one of the most classic scenes in the whole novel, because Chu Luoxun used her trick-the air violin!

This is the miracle Chu Luoxun showed in front of Gu Yuan!

She actually stood up from the bench, stretched out her hand into the void, and fetched the violin from the snow flying all over the sky...

She began to play, with a calm smile on her face.

Gu Yuan turned his head and looked at her in surprise. He seemed to see a transparent and gleaming violin in her hand. She was devoting herself to playing, but he could hear the sound of the piano!

All this is of course Gu Yuan's brain supplement, but if Chu Luoxun's expression is not so lifelike and his movements are so standard, how can he make it out of his brain?

Gu Yuan seemed to see the perfect goddess who was extremely gorgeous and radiant on the stage, the girl who made him want to approach but dare not approach...

This is the song of her soul.

Chu Luoxun had indeed exhausted everything to hold the throat of fate. She even played the "air violin", even if she could no longer pick up the real violin.

A strong sense of shame was born in Gu Yuan's heart. Compared to her dedication to music, what is he who always gives up lightly?

"Look, miracles or something, as long as you want to do it, it will always happen." Chu Luoxun was barefoot now on the snowy ground. Her feet were actually unconscious, but she stood up with sweat on her head. Now she just moved a little, it was painful.

After Chu Luoxun said this, she fell down, Gu Yuan hurriedly helped her, she said: "You are also in my heart, Gu Yuan. Both of you are the best friends in my life. Me. Actually, I have known you for ten years. I was lucky. I happened to meet you at that time. Unfortunately, I still don’t know much about you. I’ve known you for so long and I’m not as good as Meiyue. I’m really envious. You know everything she knows, I want to know more about you. Haha, learn more about you later, I will get better!"

Gu Yuan was a little confused, what was the situation in ten years?

But he only knew that she in the snow at this moment was also very beautiful.

Under the miracle performed by Chu Luoxun, Gu Yuan finally cheered up again. He decided to use music to convey his blessing to Chu Luoxun on February 18th, not only Chu Luoxun, but all the love. The people behind him, all the audience.

This day finally came, and Chu Luoxun was pushed into the operating room. Before that, she just wrote a song for Gu Yuan-"Just Meet You".

In addition to there is also a very precious photo she kept. It was Gu Yuan when she was a child. When she was taking pictures of herself, he happened to be taken in. This was the only one between them. Pictured.

Even though Zhao Youyue was reluctant to give up, she still chose to leave. What this meant was self-evident.

Even though her desire to survive at the last minute was very strong, it didn't work, she had already done everything well.

However, she did not leave the world of "April True Beauty" for the time being, but came to the scene of Gu Yuan's competition.

She will fulfill Chu Luoxun's last wish-to play with Gu Yuan.

As long as Gu Yuan's music reaches that level, she can appear in the music in a spiritual way and ensemble with her.

Gu Yuan would only think that he himself had hallucinations and started to replenish his brain again, but he didn't know that it was Chu Luoxun's soul--

Today's third update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

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