Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 252: Heroine form

No way, mainly today's Zhao Youyue, whose appearance and dress are really eye-catching!

Many people are actually the same as squad leader Zhu Ran. They didn’t recognize Zhao Youyue at first. Instead, they were wondering what is the sacred person of this beautiful girl who can be regarded as a colonel, and whether she has gone to the wrong class? After a year in this class, I have never seen such a beautiful girl!

Then they took a closer look, and they were suddenly even more surprised. Isn't this the one?

By the way, it's called Zhao Youyue, right?

The outstanding student who can compete with Huang Zongchao for the first place in the school.

Many students think so in their hearts--

"How is this possible? Student Zhao Youyue is so beautiful?"

"It's amazing. It's just a long hair. How come you become a super beautiful girl?!"

"At first, this classmate Zhao Youyue didn't seem to exist at all. Why did he suddenly become a goddess? The eighteenth woman?"

"Fuck! Why is it going to be divided into classes? I found out that I had worked with this super cute and beautiful Zhao Youyue for a year before, and I feel that this year has passed for nothing!"

"This dress... is really amazing, it explains what is called the ultimate purity!"


Most boys feel that they are amazing. Maybe the beautiful school flowers in the minds of men should be like this. The upper body is a pure white shirt, the lower body is a short skirt, knee socks, and small leather shoes. Everything is so pure and beautiful. .

At this moment, Zhao Youyue may become a lifetime memory of many boys in the same class.

Chen Haoran, who had been attracted to Zhao Youyue's mathematics representative for a long time, also stared blankly at the long-haired version of Zhao Youyue who appeared gorgeously on this day. She only felt that her youth had been captured by her!

But very helpless, in the next high school, he will definitely not be in the same class as Zhao Youyue, because he will choose science, majoring in physical chemistry, and Zhao Youyue will definitely choose liberal arts, majoring in history and politics. In the field of liberal arts, she is even better than Huang Zongchao. .

The head teacher, Lao Qiu, also suggested that Zhao Youyue choose the liberal arts, and believed that she could hit the number one in the liberal arts. When the arts and sciences were ranked separately, she would naturally become the first in the school, because Huang Zongchao would definitely choose science.

In fact, in China, the gold content of science is indeed higher. About 70% to 80% of top students will choose science. After all, it will be easier to find a job for science majors in the future.

However, Zhao Youyue is not good at overcoming scientific problems, nor does she participate in any competitions in mathematics, physics and chemistry. This is not what she is good at, unless one day she gets a character card as a female scientist.

As for those things to be recited in the liberal arts, because of the "Xu Jingka", she can memorize it patiently, and her own experience far surpasses her peers, which makes her invincible in the liberal arts field, and she likes it more. Some liberal arts.

This was probably also influenced by her mother Wang Hua, after all, Wang Hua is a professor of Chinese language and literature and a pure literary writer.

At this time, Chen Haoran even had an impulse. He even wanted to boldly confess to her today, but he still couldn't do it. He was afraid of affecting his and the other party's study. In any case, he would not fall in love in high school... …

However, he felt that he should do something, otherwise, with Zhao Youyue's current appearance, really no one would care about it as before?

This possibility is too small.

Chen Haoran faintly regretted that he could get the moon first through Han Leng's approach to the water tower. At that time, the short-haired version of Zhao Youyue was not as dazzling as it is now...

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it.

Zhao Youyue is no longer in the form of a passerby, but has switched to the form of a heroine!

It was not until Zhao Youyue sat in her seat that the class became noisy again, and she herself felt the gaze from all directions. Even Wang Yang in the front seat turned back frequently, wanting to talk to Zhao Youyue, but because of her gorgeousness Transformed, but hesitated to speak.

Sometimes girls are so beautiful that men will not be able to have the courage to talk to each other, for fear that they will be abrupt and beautiful...

The only thing in the class that didn't notice Zhao Youyue was naturally her deskmate Han Leng at this time.

Han Leng may have cultivated immortality again, or he was still in a state of depression, so as soon as he entered the class, he would go to bed at the desk and sleep, anyway, he would not go to class today, he could completely sleep unscrupulously until he was old.

Regardless of whether the class was noisy or quiet, he did not look up.

Recently, Han Leng is indeed in a state of depression, and he can't lift up his energy at all. The reason is of course-he wrote Chu Luoxun to death!

Han Leng knows that Chu Luoxun’s death may make her character image completely engraved in the minds of many readers. She will become a classic character and make "April Really Beautiful" a movie that people will never forget. Forgotten classics...

However, he was not happy at all. He would rather Chu Luoxun be still alive and still feel her every move, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but there is no doubt that she has completely left.

Han Leng is different from Rosemary Ye Hai. Ye Hai took the initiative to write Xiaoyu, and he knew exactly what he was doing.

But Han Leng was pitted by a mysterious power, and his favorite Chu goddess disappeared completely in the world of his works...

What does this mean?

This of course means a broken love!

This is more painful than his secret love for Zhao Youyue without any disease!

Han Leng is an extremely lonely and the appearance of Chu Luoxun makes him feel that this is a miracle, so that he is no longer alone! The goddess of literature is looking after him!

Every time he was writing a story about Chu Luoxun, he felt that Chu Luoxun’s moving voice seemed to be in his ears, telling him her story. He no longer knew how many times he had appreciated her. It’s a pity that he can’t write all of it, he can only write selectively. Although he thinks all of these are his brain supplements, these brain supplements are so realistic!

He even wondered if he had crossed into a parallel world, saw all this happening with his own eyes, and then recorded them with pen...

All in all, Chu Luoxun's appearance made him no longer lonely, he did everything to love her, and for this reason he even disobeyed Miss Zhao!

Han Leng knew very well that his favorite was Chu Luoxun, the girl who really understood his loneliness, the girl who was always with him when he was writing...

Zhao Youyue did not take the initiative to speak to Han Leng, who was at the desk next to her. She began to play with her mobile phone on her own, which was to relieve the small embarrassment of being paid attention to. At this moment, when she missed herself as a passerby, she could also be a role model. The crowd eating melons was onlookers, instead of being watched by people like they are now.

At this time, the head teacher Lao Qiu finally came and began to arrange today's activities.

Han Leng finally got up, and he glanced at Zhao Youyue who was on his side subconsciously. He just retracted his gaze, and then turned his head to his side and his eyes widened!


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