Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 254: Miraculous music

Han Leng himself actually doesn’t know much about classical music, but he has a superficial understanding of classical music through his novel "April is Really Beautiful". He owes all this to his Chu goddess, of course, in the process of writing the novel. He himself went to check a lot of information and listened to a few concerts.

He may be compared to Middle 2 and Wenqing in terms of personality, but in terms of writing, he can indeed be regarded as pursued and responsible, so he was able to create a classic youth novel like "April is Really Beautiful".

Because of his superficial understanding of classical music, Han Leng learned about Zhao Youyue's violin style, which is a typical style for music competitions. It is like a student with high scores and low competence in exam-oriented education. It has no practicality at all!

He has almost imagined that everyone will not be listening to her music as it is to see her gracefully playing the violin. After all, she is so pure and moving today, full of feelings of first love.

Therefore, Miss Zhao can't compare with the Chu goddess in his music anyway!

When he is facing Zhao Youyue now, he always uses Chu Luoxun to cheer himself up, as if only in this way can he resist Miss Zhao’s erosion on him, otherwise he is really afraid of being imperceptibly affected by Miss Zhao. Conquered by unique personality charm.

The other classmates are different from Han Leng. They still look forward to Zhao Youyue's piano sound very much. In fact, no matter how good she is, after knowing that Zhao Youyue can win the gold medal in the provincial music competition, everyone thinks she is amazing!

After all, she won the prize. By the way, she seems to be at the tenth level of violin. This seems to be the highest level, right?

They obviously don’t understand the difference between amateur level ten and professional...

Even those top students think Zhao Youyue is amazing. After all, the gold prize of the provincial music competition is equivalent to the first prize of the provincial math, physics and chemistry competition. There will also be bonus points for the college entrance examination. Zhao Youyue is maintaining academic performance at the same time. , Can still have such a specialty, how can this not be admired?

Zhao Youyue walked up with the violin. In the process, she opened the "Chu Luoxun Card", and a very confident and beautiful smile appeared on her face!

For Chu Luoxun, the music all-rounder in the novel, her own brain supplement ability is also very amazing. She now feels that her clothes have become gorgeous long skirts, like a magical girl transformed into a magical girl!

She is actually the magical girl of music!

And it seemed that she was not walking towards the podium, but the grand stage. Below it was not just an audience of dozens of people, but hundreds of thousands of people!

She is about to use music to bring carefree happiness to these audiences who are about to be separated, and soothe their depressed hearts...

Zhao Youyue exudes a strong aura from all over her body!

As described in the novel, when Chu Luoxun started to play, that moment was her most gorgeous and dazzling moment, and her body seemed to exude radiance!

Han Leng was completely stunned. For some reason, the more he looked at Miss Zhao at this time, the more he resembled the goddess Chu in his mind, especially the smile on her face. The optimism and confidence that exudes really made him too much. Feel familiar!

How is this possible?

Is he crazy, he actually feels that Miss Zhao is possessed by the goddess Chu!

It is precisely because Han Leng experienced Chu Luoxun’s magical "spiritual music" when he was "on the top", so at this moment, his feelings are the deepest, and he is also the easiest to produce brain replenishment...

And the other classmates just felt that Zhao Youyue's whole person seemed extraordinary at this moment, as if exuding the legendary "dominant spirit", making everyone have the urge to worship!

The song Zhao Youyue chose to play was not a classical song, but a violin song composed by the talented composer Chu Luoxun-"Song of Youth".

Just by looking at the name, this is a violin song full of vitality and positive energy, and it is also very easy to resonate with the audience!

She finally started playing!

At first, everyone seemed to watch the excitement like a layman. Anyway, everyone couldn't hear what she was playing, but after a while, almost all the listeners were immersed in the artistic music!

Even Lao Qiu is no exception!

Lao Qiu seemed to feel that he seemed to have returned to his student days. Who hasn't had that beautiful and moving youth? Who doesn't want to listen to the first love girl in his heart, a song of youth sung to him alone?

Many classmates seem to have returned to when they had just entered high school. They experienced the anticipation and tension of entering high school for the first time, and then they began to experience this fulfilling year again...

Some people seem to have come to the basketball court, sweating with their friends; some people seem to be alone in the school library, quietly reading a favorite book; some people are holding the hand of their favorite girl and strolling in the campus; some The cleaning is being carried out hard, and the entire classroom seems to be stained with the light of the setting sun...

In this melodious violin sound, everyone recalled what made them the happiest and sweetest thing in their campus life this year. Some people laughed and some cried, because secret love is a kind of sweet sadness. It was originally A successful pantomime becomes a tragedy when it is said.

How many people, the school uniform is the only couple costume between him and her, and the graduation photo is the only group photo between him and her.

In the beautiful youth, there are always various regrets, but how many years later, when looking back on the past, they are all part of the song of youth, so beautiful and beautiful.

Han Leng's eyes were dull. He stared at Zhao Youyue deeply. In the music that soaked in her heart, he actually recalled what he thought he had already given up...

But now he understands. It turns out that he didn't give up at all. On the contrary, he kept talking about my favorite Chu Luoxun getting more and more profound.

But he also knew that she would only treat him as a friend forever.

However, people who really like me can’t be friends, even if I look at them a few more times, I still want to have them. I have never given up loving you, just changed from strong to silent.

Han Leng finally smiled, only to feel that the resentment accumulated in his heart these days has disappeared in this perfect violin sound!

He has been completely immersed in this world shaped by music...

And at this time, there was already a dark crowd outside the class, listening to this song of youth in intoxication, and no one made a noise!

Everyone is listening quietly...

This has to be said to be a miracle. The scene that can only happen in the novel actually happened in reality.


Today's first update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

I found out that Chapter 96 of the book was harmonized because it involved Miss Zhao's family background. Shouldn't it be called Miss Zhao's family? The background is so awesome!

Friends who want to read this chapter can follow my WeChat public account "Drunken Sleeping Smile Yiren" (just search for Drunken Sleeping Smile Yiren), which has been posted on it.

In addition, everyone knows that the book "Transformed Female Schoolmaster" is my deep regret, but at the starting point, the content of the finished book can no longer be modified, so I decided to post the revised intensive edition of Female Schoolmaster on On the public account, it will give it a perfect ending to make up for the regrets it once had. There is also the sweet daily extras of "Ganwumei Want to Be a Cartoonist", which will also be posted on it in the future, so if you have WeChat, you can follow it. ~~~

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