Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 260: Speak with strength

Although the most popular work on the Internet today is the just-finished youth novel "April is Really Beautiful", even because of this work, many "aestheticians" have been born, and they have commented on the relationship between the characters. The voices of party disputes, over-interpretation, and calls for Lengzi to come out and explode are very loud.

If Leng Zi is really a man, then hurry up and explode photos of women's clothing, and the address is also exploded, don't think that everyone just walked out of Chu Luoxun's sorrow, and they would forget to send him the blade!

However, in the field of online novels, "The Strongest King", which will appear as a new animation in October, is still the most topical work, because it is still in the hot serialization, and it can be stable in the original situation every month. The top five in the list can reach the top with a little operation, but Rosemary is too lazy to do this kind of thing.

In it, the classic female character "Yu Shengfan", even if he has already left the stage, is still cared by countless fans. This is the influence of the classic character.

Classic characters have a common attribute, that is, they will never be forgotten. As long as there is a topic that can be associated with classic characters, then everyone will inevitably have an impression of her for the first time.

Yu Shengfan is certainly not the heroine of "The Strongest King", but she is undoubtedly the most important female character in the early stage of this work. She also plays a key role in connecting the past and the next. She makes Lin Feng on the road to become the strongest king. Go one step further...

The fetters of the two watching each other in loneliness has also moved many readers. Now that "The Strongest King" is going to be made into an animation, how can you find a new voice actor to dub this extremely important classic female character?

Many netizens who are quite insightful in the field of animation have spoken out——

"Is Tianyi Animation Production Company totally unconcerned about the work "The Strongest King"? Didn't they see how important the role of Xiaoyu is, and that's why they are so messy?"

"Is it because of the lack of production costs? But such a big IP like "The Strongest King" is actually the same treatment? Why did Tianyi get the animation adaptation rights for this work!"

"I think the most worried thing now is Rosemary, the original author of "The Strongest King". He is very responsible for his work. I don't know if his mentality will explode when he hears this news..."

"The quality of a seiyuu really has too much influence on a character. To put it bluntly, the seiyuu is the soul of a character, and with the difficulty of dubbing the character of Yu Shengfan, it is really not something new voice actor can control. Those classic tongue-in-cheek words, I'm afraid they will lose their flavor!"

"Can't help but think of Xu Jing, the classic female character in "Pure Love". In the animation, she was completely destroyed by the voice actor. I always feel that Yu Shengfan will end up in the same way. Wait, this will not be Su Li's. Wrong?"

"This can also involve the pit-husband cartoonist Su Li? She really deserves to be the'pot of this world'!"


This time, those Xiaoyu's most iron fans all jumped out to speak, and others couldn't help but @ on Weibo, the old voice actor "Ding Hui" in the original grapevine.

Ding Hui responded that Tianyi did invite her to dub Yu Shengfan at the beginning. Of course she also had this intention, but it didn’t take long for the other party to change her words again. She said that she had a more suitable candidate. I thought it was a bigger seiyuu, but I didn't expect it to be a newcomer now.

Obviously, Ding Hui is a little bit emotional about the robbing of her original role. She has not actually watched "The Strongest King", but Yu Shengfan is so popular in the field of two dimensions. There are so many videos about her, and fans voluntarily made them for her. This shows how popular this character is!

As long as she is well equipped for this role, then she feels that her career as a voice actress can take another step!

Therefore, now she doesn't mind jumping out and falling into trouble at this time, she almost broke the news that Tianyi Animation Production Company is shady, and what new voice actors are completely the product of unspoken rules!

Her Weibo was immediately reposted and liked, and netizens began to humanize the mysterious new seiyuu who has not appeared until now, but they started in the wrong direction!

Zhao Youyue is actually not even a seiyuu, but netizens go to major seiyuu firms to find new voice actor, it is impossible to find a needle in a haystack, right?

And all voice actors, large and small, are also very curious about which new voice actor who can be so active and can actually get such a classic role, even if she has given up her body, that is worthy of admiration!

In these years, as long as it is related to the entertainment industry, there are more or less hidden rules, mainly because there are so many good roles. Unless you are really professional, who is not the choice? Those who will act secretly, of course, can be one step ahead.

Zhao Youyue is still very calm about the public opinion on the Internet, because she is full of confidence!

Can this powerful voice actor have a better effect than "Yu Shengfan" himself?

Zhao Youyue herself didn't want to mess up her favorite works and characters, so she was well prepared.

Zhao Youyue likes to use facts to prove everything, so in this case, she went to the capital, accompanied by Rosemary and his wife, to the dubbing scene.

Of course, before this, the Rosemary couple, as the capital people, of course did their best as a landlord, took Zhao Youyue to tour the capital, and added a lot of material for Miss Zhao, who likes to take photos and post to the circle of friends.

The classmates who added Zhao Youyue's WeChat, saw Miss Zhao talking and laughing with the supreme god-level Internet writer Rosemary again, of course all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, Miss Zhao will always be so arrogant!

Rosemary Ye Hai also noticed the disagreements on the Internet about Yu Shengfan’s seiyuu candidates, but he didn’t take it to heart and didn’t want to explain. The more you explain this kind of thing, the more unclear it will be. Everything depends on Zhao Youyue’s own strength. !

If Zhao Youyue is not up to the task, it will definitely be replaced, and it will be delayed for another season. However, Ye Hai is full of confidence in Zhao Youyue, because she is the Yu Shengfan in his mind!

However, apart from Ye Hai, Dong Yang, the animation supervisor of "The Strongest King", felt that this wild road appointed by the original author must have been changed. Other voice actors also had doubts about this. For example, he played the most with Yu Shengfan. The voice actor Song Gang, he is the voice actor of the male lead Lin Feng.

But what these people never expected was that the wild road opened his mouth...


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