Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 263: Time to relax

In the novel "The Strongest King", Yu Shengfan once sang "South of Nanshan" in the game, and Zhao Youyue also sang it in the live broadcast room, which surprised many audiences.

It's not because of how well Zhao Youyue sang, but because the song appeared in such a Mingming novel, even the lyrics are not complete, but the female anchor "Ayu" sang it, not only the tune is very beautiful, but also the lyrics It's all completed. If this is all original by the female anchor, how outstanding is her talent?

Rosemary Ye Hai knew that Zhao Youyue's talent in music was extraordinary, but he didn't even think about Zhao Youyue's ability to travel through and enter the work, after all, it was too mysterious.

He thought that Zhao Youyue had a specialty in music since he was a child, and because he liked his book too much, he was touched and perfected Nanshannan.

Zhao Youyue used the "Yu Sheng Fan Card" at the beginning, so she couldn't sing the song "Nan Shan Nan" perfectly. She felt that there was a flaw in it, so she stopped singing it once.

But now is different. After she has "Chu Luoxunka", she sings the song "South of the South Mountain", and of course the effect is exploded!

Presumably, when the animation of "The Strongest King" officially begins to be broadcast, those audiences will be completely conquered by her singing. This is not actually Yu Shengfan's singing, and the music all-rounder Chu Luoxun imitates Yu Shengfan. That’s all for perfect interpretation.

Once again, Dong Yang, the animation supervisor, looked at him with admiration, and then he asked Zhao Youyue if he wanted to sing the ending song of the animation "The Strongest King" again. Anyway, this candidate was still vacant.

The opening song is sung in a male voice, and the ending song is a female voice.

Zhao Youyue happily agreed. For Chu Luoxun, who loves music, she is always happy to help when someone wants her to make a difference in music.

The animation production team of "The Strongest King" is really satisfied with Zhao Youyue. I only think that Rosemary is really foresighted, and it can find such a versatile player, saving them a lot of trouble.

Zhao Youyue is their biggest surprise in the dubbing process this time!

Dong Yang also asserted that as long as Zhao Youyue develops into a professional voice actor, she will definitely become the industry's leading super popular voice actor, and her appearance is also a huge advantage.

However, Zhao Youyue's family knows her own affairs, and if she asks her to dub the characters she possesses, or even act as the actor of this character, then she will undoubtedly be full of confidence.

Because this kind of thing has been done a lot in the world of works, especially the character "Chu Luoxun", it took her almost a whole semester to finally get this magic card, everything she has to Chu Luoxun , Know everything!

But asking her to dub other characters would embarrass her...

Zhao Youyue's dubbing efficiency is very high. In late August, she finished all the scenes about Yu Shengfan, and her summer vacation is about to end, but she feels that this is the most fulfilling experience in her history. A summer vacation.

During the dubbing process, she also learned more. Don't forget that in her free time, she can also turn on "Xu Jingka" to indulge in learning.

Zhao Youyue’s main learning object is Song Gang, a powerful veteran voice actor. Although the opponent has social phobia and femininity, he still appreciates the attitude of younger generations to actively learn in dubbing. He is also willing to teach Zhao Youyue. Some are only available on voice actors. Only the school can be exposed to dubbing knowledge.

All in all, this time Zhao Youyue's task of dubbing "The Strongest King" was finally successfully completed. If she is asked to dub her "wives" in the future, she thinks it will be easier, and the completion speed will be faster and more efficient. Higher, after all, it is once cooked and cooked again.

Zhao Youyue also received the first amount of money in her life that she got through her own efforts.

The average new voice actor is 500 to 700 yuan per episode, but Zhao Youyue was raised to 800 for his outstanding performance. At the same time, this also took into account the characteristics of the role of "Yu Shengfan". She is a silly talker after all. Often in an episode, there are a lot of things to say.

Fortunately, "Yu Shengfan" died early, or if she lived until the finale of the work, the voice actor who dubbed "Yu Shengfan" would definitely feel that dubbing Xiaoyu for a long time would be a torment!

"Yu Shengfan" has a total of 25 episodes, so Zhao Youyue's salary is 20,000 Chinese yuan, which is a huge sum of money for ordinary high school students, and it is completely possible to show off all kinds of purchases. I bought it, but for Miss Zhao who still has more than 100,000 in the small vault, 20,000 yuan is no more than that.

But its significance is very important. It can prove that Miss Zhao, who has always relied on her parents, can also make money on her own!

It's a pity that Zhao Youyue's parents are still not at home, otherwise she would definitely be tempted to brush up on her sense of existence, but she also has concerns, because it feels like it is difficult to explain why she can dub Yu Shengfan, the key is that she deserves it. Good...

After thinking about it, Zhao Youyue decided to keep a low profile. She felt that she would show off her little achievement everywhere, and she seemed very uncomfortable. A real great person does not need to pretend to be compelling, just wait for others to discover his greatness. Just place it.

Invisible force is the most deadly.

In the past, Zhao Youyue had no skills, so she was unwilling to be a passer-by. She always wanted to do something to prove herself. Her mentality was not very stable. But now, she has experienced so much and possesses abilities that ordinary people cannot match. Even if she is a passerby character, it doesn't because she knows that she can transform into a protagonist from a passerby character at any time, this is her confidence!

After Zhao Youyue returned home from the capital, she didn't want to do anything for a while, so she wanted to relax.

It is true that for Zhao Youyue, harvesting Chu Luoxun’s classic character card is something she is particularly excited about. Therefore, as soon as she has the opportunity to use Chu Luoxun’s card, she hurries to use it, wishing to show it off to the world. The goddess Chu is in the harem. Whether it is playing the violin in school or recording the ending song for "The Strongest King", it is a way for her to show her sense of existence.

But in fact, the pain and mental pressure she endured in order to obtain the Chu Goddess Card was very heavy, and it has not been relieved until now.

So it's time to relax, she likes leisurely daily life.

Zhao Youyue suddenly found that she still lacked a character card, that is, the "Salted Fish Card", a character card specially used for relaxation and leisure. After opening it, you can become a salted fish, completely relaxed, and proficient in all kinds of enjoyment...

Because Zhao Youyue is not really good at playing, she only knows how to play with mobile phones. How can this relieve the mental stress caused by "death"?

Yes, whether it was the death of "Xu Jing" or "Chu Luoxun", it was Zhao Youyue who experienced it personally. The former is fine, and the process of death is not described much, but the latter is dead for half of the book. Book!

If she doesn't do anything to alleviate the sequelae, then she is afraid that she will never dare to use the extreme method of death to create the classics in the future.

So in the next world of works, she has to live happily anyway...


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