Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 269: Steadily rising

Zhao Youyue also took out two songs at once. In fact, there are two songs "Angel's Wings" and "I Just Met You". She won't sing them all at once, or it would seem too shocking, she still wants to wait for everyone. Digest it all.

In addition to these two songs, she also sang "South of the South of the Mountain" that everyone had always wanted him to sing before, causing the barrage in the live broadcast room to explode again!

"I don't know if it's an illusion, Ayu's singing ability seems to be advancing by leaps and bounds!"

"At the first time I heard "South of the South Mountain", I just admired the talent of the anchor, and now I feel that the anchor can become a singer!"

"What kind of games are you playing? Why don't you just be a music anchor? You can surpass the betta fish. This song has already conquered people..."

"I'm becoming more and more curious about Ayu's identity in reality. With such a talent for music, is there no entertainment company?"

"I always feel that Ah Yu can make his debut with just a little packaging, and then take the world by storm with these original songs!"

"It's a pity for Ayu, these songs should be released on an album, not just sung on the live broadcast."


Zhao Youyue naturally noticed the various praises on the barrage, but she had decided a long time ago that she would definitely not use these songs for profit, she just simply wanted to bring happiness to everyone...

The popularity of the live broadcast room has soared to more than 200,000, and her total number of followers is only a few hundred thousand.

So between the time when Zhao Youyue finished singing, she called on everyone to follow and subscribe, and then she found that the number of subscriptions began to surge!

Now Zhao Youyue can finally say with some confidence that she can be regarded as a popular anchor.

Although she has not been a blockbuster in the live broadcast industry, step by step, through her talents in games and music, she has attracted many audiences, even if she does not turn on the camera!

In fact, Yan Fan’s loyalty is still relatively low these days, and there are many people who can rely on their faces to eat. Therefore, after many Yan Fans are tired of looking at the face of a certain anchor, once a more beautiful anchor appears, they will naturally shift their positions. .

But anchors who rely on their talents and their own unique live broadcast style to eat are different, because they have their own unique selling points, and no one can replace them!

So their fans are very iron!

Zhao Youyue can now be regarded as an anchor with her own unique selling point, so she walks very steadily step by step, and fans appear very loyal. There seem to be not many local fans, and no one throws hundreds of thousands of millions for her. But she has won the appreciation of many ordinary audiences, even if they can only give her fish **** and praise.

In addition to those three songs, Zhao Youyue also sang some popular pop songs in this world while opening "Chu Luoxunka".

To tell the truth, this kind of cover is more enjoyable for most of the audience, because they think they are familiar with it, so they have a sense of substitution!

They can also compare Ayu's cover with the original song, and find that her cover is not inferior to the original song. Of course, she can't say that she sings better than the original song, only that each has its own charm.

After all, some popular songs are sung by male singers, but Ah Yu sings with her light and beautiful girly voice. It can be said to be refreshing, like Wang Qingquan, washing the hearts of all audiences...

Zhao Youyue also saw that some barrage suggestions are worth adopting, that is, I hope she can settle in NetEase Cloud Music and get a radio station. If you want to listen to her songs in the future, just go to NetEase Cloud Music Search.

Others suggested that she open a Weibo or something. They wanted to know her dynamics, and if she had new original works, they could also send them directly through Weibo.

Zhao Youyue snapped her mouth quickly and almost told her Weibo from the famous reader and the master of the big book list [You Yue] Hao, but when the words came to her lips, she suddenly felt wrong. You must know that [You Yue] Hao's identity is exploding. Overphotographed.

And Zhao Youyue vaguely feels that Ah Yu’s identity is likely to be a big fire in the future, and it must be more concerned than the identity of a famous reader of [Youyue]. She usually likes to blog on Weibo. If Weibo follows Shutai Gao, her every move is exposed to the gaze of fans, then she will definitely be uncomfortable.

So she registered a new Weibo, the Weibo name is "Ayu", but the nickname "Ayu" was registered long ago, she changed her mind and changed it to [Ayu is a small fish] Fortunately, this nickname has not been taken.

The audience attracted by music was even more surprised when they discovered that Ah Yu was still a master of "League of Legends" and was about to become the king!

In this rank, even if she can't be called the first female player in the "League of Legends" national server, but the top ten can definitely be considered!

The most important thing is that she is not the kind of **** player, but the master who carries the audience!

You must know that if a girl player hits this rank, he can only guarantee that he will not be pitted in this rank, but he does not have the strength to carry the audience!

And being able to carry the in the first division shows that her strength is far more than the master, but the strength of the king, which is not inferior to those professional players!

It’s just that Zhao Youyue hasn’t received an invitation from any professional team so far. Maybe because those professional teams still have doubts about the authenticity of Ayu’s level. , Who knows if she is here to explain, another master is playing on behalf of...

Zhao Youyue didn't care about this at all. She didn't have the idea of ​​playing professionally, but she only had to be able to sling professional players in the rank game. It would be very enjoyable to see the sling once and then taunt it hard.

There is no such thing as "Hanbok" in this world. Players from the country of the Goryeo domain are also mixed in the first district of the national server. Zhao Youyue can now also be ranked as a professional player in the country, and they are still slaughtered by her!

This is Yu Shengfan, who is the talent of the game max, the horror that appears in reality, just like Chu Luoxun's unmatched in the field of music...

When Zhao Youyue was broadcast today, many viewers were very unwilling to give up, hoping that she could sing a few more songs, and some small local tyrants "Airplane Renewal". With Chu Luoxun possessed, Zhao Youyue also sang again happily. It took two songs before it was released.

This day should be regarded as a turning point in her live broadcast career.

She decided to take advantage of the last few days of the summer vacation to record all the songs in those novels in a professional recording studio, upload NetEase Cloud Music, and share it with all those who love music.

Not only songs, but violin music can also be recorded, there are always people who love to listen to it.


Today's first update~~~ Seeking rewards, subscriptions, recommended tickets, monthly tickets~~~! ! !

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