Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 271: Zhao Youyue with long hair fluttering (for the leader [Shuyu, fleeting...

Zhao Youyue, who was in her sophomore year in high school, and her in her first year of high school, are already very different from each other, and her sense of existence has been significantly improved!

This shows that her hard work for the whole year has not been in vain, whether in reality or in the "door of dimension".

Moreover, she did not cut off her long hair, nor did she ponytails, which would make her feel restrained and uncomfortable.

Now she can finally take care of her hair with her mother, Wang Hua, and her hair quality is actually better than Wang Hua's.

Actually, the feeling of fluttering long hair is pretty good now. If it can please her, let it be for one year. If in the third year of high school, she feels that time is too tight and it is troublesome to take care of her long hair, then she will choose to cut it again. , Anyway, it will always grow longer.

By the time she is in college, time becomes abundant, then she can keep long hair.

Some of her habits still remain, for example, she would rather take a few more steps than Liu Shu drive the luxury car to the school gate, making her seem to be deliberately emphasizing that her family background is unusual.

Zhao Youyue always doesn't like others to care about her appearance and family background. She strives to be a more talented and capable, powerful and independent girl.

Isn't this kind of girl very handsome? Nowadays, handsome young ladies are popular!

In addition, she still prefers to wear school uniforms when she is in school because of its convenience and simplicity.

However, the long-haired version of Zhao Youyue wears her school uniform again, and she has a completely different feeling from the short-haired version of her. Now even if she wears the school uniform, she will not appear to have no sense of existence.

Because of her dark and smooth hair with her beautiful appearance, coupled with her own temperament cultivated by immersing herself in study and music, she is destined not to be a passerby anymore, she can definitely be worthy of this school The name of the school flower!

It’s a pity that there are very few activities to select school flowers in reality, unless the girl is already the most famous in school and her appearance is decent, then she will naturally wait for the throne of the school flower, even if someone is more beautiful than her. No fame, what's the use?

Of course, Zhao Youyue is only famous in her grade now, and she hasn't really made her name in the entire campus, and this year's second year of high school is when she continues to expand her influence.

In her first year of high school, she was very low-key, because she had no confidence and high-key, whether it was academic performance or specialty, she didn't have it.

But now, she is among the top ten excellent students in the school, and most of the students know the news about her violin tenth grade and winning the provincial gold medal.

In this case, she just wants to be low-key, and can't be low-key anymore, so it's better to show her excellence completely and let people look up to it.

Zhao Youyue's class was originally on the first floor, but now she is on the third floor, because there are four classes on each floor.

Moreover, the teaching building has also been changed. There is a separate teaching building for each grade. The second grade teaching building is sandwiched between the third grade and the first grade.

Zhao Youyue almost walked to the teaching building of the first year of high school again, but halfway through, she finally remembered, and then she turned back to the teaching building of the second year of high school, and climbed the third floor before coming to her eleventh class, the whole school The best liberal arts intensive course.

However, when Zhao Youyue thought that her little angel Jiang Qing was no longer in the same class with her, she felt a little disappointed. There was also a talented man in Han, who wanted to train him as a royal literati, but she did not expect to become a women's clothing chief. Good luck makes people.

She doesn't know whether there are any students who are good at writing in the new class. She thinks that the possibility shouldn't be great. There are not many writing geniuses like Han Leng in this world.

Zhao Youyue always appreciates talented people more, because she herself is also working hard to become more talented and perfect.

Zhao Youyue was not in a hurry to enter the classroom, but now in the corridor, leaning on the railing, overlooking the campus, in front of which is the third grade teaching building, and in one year, she will move to the first floor.

In addition, the intensive class pays attention to "survival of the fittest". It is settled once a semester. Those in the intensive class whose academic performance is not as good as that of the ordinary class will be ruthlessly kicked out, and then supplemented by ordinary class students. This mechanism is the supremacy of strength. Cruelty is cruel, but it can effectively spur students in the intensive class. Don’t think that everything will be fine if you enter the intensive class...

If Zhao Youyue was still in her first year of high school, she would never want to enter this kind of class full of murderous atmosphere, making it as if everyone was a competitor, and if she was kicked out, how shameful she would be?

But now Zhao Youyue is different from before. With her performance, no matter what, it is impossible to be kicked out.

Then Zhao Youyue also overlooked the many beautiful flower beds on the campus. The greening of this school is still very good, and walking among them is also a kind of enjoyment.

At this moment, a warm voice came from Zhao Youyue's ear: "Zhao Youyue, it's an honor to be in the same class."

Zhao Youyue turned her head and looked at only to find that it was Zhu Ran, the monitor of the previous class. He did not expect that he also chose to study liberal arts. It seemed that he was still participating in a math competition.

What she didn't know was that Zhu Ran still recognized that he really didn't have the intelligence to participate in math competitions. Even if he worked hard, he would only get a third prize. What's the point?

It's better to give up all competitions and focus on the college entrance examination. His science scores are not bad, but he prefers liberal arts. His advantage in liberal arts is still quite big.

"It's the old squad leader, sir sir, hello!" Zhao Youyue looked at Zhu Ran, who was very ordinary and wore black-rimmed glasses, and responded with a smile.

Zhu Ran didn't dare to look at Zhao Youyue's beautiful smile, she was really a long-haired version of her, too dazzling!

Thinking of the summer vacation, he didn't recognize her, it would definitely make her feel grudge, he was a little depressed, but he can't blame him, she has changed too much!

Zhu Ran didn’t even put his eyes on the inexistent student like Zhao Youyue before, but now, he says very flatteringly: “Zhao Youyue, the violin you played in the class last time is really nice. Dumbfounded!"

"Thank you for the compliment of the old squad leader!" Zhao Youyue still smiled and responded. She was always so polite, with the elegance of a young lady.

Zhu Ran exchanged a few words at random, all complimenting Zhao Youyue's remarks, and then walked directly into the classroom.

Zhao Youyue still looked around at the scenery before entering the classroom.

Then she found that she seemed to have entered the daughter country, and the entire class had fewer than ten boys.

This is probably the norm for intensive liberal arts classes...


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