Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 276: Righteous partner

Unlike Bai Yunshan, who doesn't understand people's hearts, Miss Zhao's best is to win over people's hearts.

Although the friendship between girls is more complicated and not as straightforward as between men, Zhao Youyue never thinks so much, she just treats others in the most sincere way.

It seems that she always suffers, she is taken advantage of by others, but in fact, in the process, she has already established a psychological advantage over other girls, and other girls have also been infected by her personality charm.

After all, she is a disadvantage in the eyes of others, but in her own eyes, she just uses the "dog food" she has prepared in exchange for what she wants.

Some people who are too much do not even need to do anything by herself, so naturally there will be people below who will help her handle it. For example, Shen Menglian, who is always very maintenance of Miss Zhao, will go to those who don’t know good or bad. Protecting Zhao Youyue's interests, but in fact, this is safeguarding her own interests.

It was like a snack. Zhao Youyue gave more to others, and naturally less gave her Shen Menglian. This was something that Shen Menglian could not tolerate.

Zhao Youyue actually didn't realize that she was a person with great leadership ability. She was used to dominating others, but instead of using that kind of tough means, she was subtle, making others succumb to her and willingly defend her.

If Zhao Youyue were to go to a girls' school in the second element world, she would definitely become the legendary "sister", and many girls would revolve around her.

The current Zhao Youyue does have this kind of capital, because she is the most beautiful girl in the class with the best grades. She also has specialties that no one else has. Under the propaganda of Shen Menglian, a more vain fellow, Zhao Youyue will not be like this. At the beginning, she was considered to be a person with a difficult family background, and her background was no smaller than that of Bai Yunshan's monitor.

Under such a situation, it is conceivable how difficult it would be for Bai Yunshan to find someone to testify...

"Qiu Ya, you said, have you seen Zhao Youyue playing mobile phones and game consoles during class, violating school rules and regulations?" Bai Yunshan asked her deskmate very confidently.

In Bai Yunshan's view, Qiu Yana is a really good boy. She seldom talks and always immersed herself in books. He is very serious and attentive. She is very good at taking notes in one hand!

Bai Yunshan thinks that she has a very good relationship with Qiu Ya at the same table, and she must be willing to help her testify and stand on the side of justice!

Qiu Ya lowered her head deeply, afraid to speak at all.

Then she heard Zhao Youyue's gentle and healing voice: "Just tell the truth, I believe in the character of Qiu Ya."

Qiu Ya said weakly after hearing this, "I am studying seriously when I finish class, and I don't pay attention to what Zhao Youyue is doing, so I don't know what she did or whether she violated school discipline or school rules."

Zhao Youyue smiled and praised: "Student Qiu Ya is really a good boy who works hard."

Then she raised her eyebrows to Bai Yunshan and said, "Sir, in comparison, you don't continue to focus on studying after class, but instead pay attention to what I'm doing. Isn't it too broad?"

Bai Yunshan was hurt by Qiu Ya's telling the truth. Is it possible that she is also a bad person and is also lying?

In fact, this was the reaction of a normal person. It wasn't her business at all, but Yunshan Bai brought her to testify. Is she really going to offend Zhao Youyue, who is very popular?

"Then why don't you concentrate on studying after class, but make those messy things?" Bai Yunshan asked rhetorically.

"I'm also studying, just in a different way. How else can I maintain such good grades? What you said about playing mobile phones, game consoles, etc. is really outrageous, I think you may have hallucinations..." Zhao Youyue still kept a gentle smile.

Bai Yunshan only discovered that when a superb student like Zhao Youyue is secretly messing up, as long as she is not discovered by the teacher, no one can help her, because in this school, grades are paramount and good grades can cover up all problems.

Bai Yunshan did not find a witness in the end. As for the miscellaneous things in Zhao Youyue's desk, she naturally did not find the same...

Where did you go?

Zhao Youyue divided them all directly, and distributed them to the girls in the class who had a good relationship with her. In this way, everyone, like her, was accomplices.

After dividing, she just buys it again.

Miss Zhao's family is so self-willed.

In fact, Zhao Youyue doesn't care that these things are confiscated by the teacher, just like she bought another latest model after the fruit phone was confiscated.

But that will reduce the teacher's impression of her, which is not good. Maybe you have to write a review book, which is even more uncomfortable.

In the eyes of the teacher, she must maintain the most perfect image of an excellent student.

Zhao Youyue is the best at doing superficial skills.

And Bai Yunshan's report of Zhao Youyue's behavior this time made her completely isolated again, but she didn't care about it, she thought she was right.

If you are in a class where you can democratically vote for the monitor, then Bai Yunshan is afraid that she will step down. The person in charge will undoubtedly be Zhao Youyue, who has the heart and righteousness in hand, but Zhao Youyue becomes the class leader. What will this class be like? It’s unimaginable...

Zhao Youyuehui still maintains excellent grades, but other students, maybe.

Yang Liqun still trusts Bai Yunshan, and he comforts the monitor who had lost in the confrontation with Zhao Youyue: "You don't care about Zhao Youyue's situation anymore. If you can surpass her in grades, you will naturally appear more effective in the class. Weight. A student’s duty is learning, and the only criterion to test whether a student is serious about studying is academic performance."

Yang Liqun actually wanted to make Bai Yunshan more flexible, but he still didn't want to do it. If Bai Yunshan changed, it wouldn't be her.

"In other words, in this school, with good grades, can you do whatever you want?"

Yang Liqun would like to say sorry. This is the fact. Exam-oriented education looks at grades in such a naked way. Our school only trains high scorers. As long as the grades are good, it is a superior existence!

If Zhao Youyue's grades are not as good as Bai Yunshan, then he, the head teacher, is determined to deal with her decisively, because he trusts Bai Yunshan more.

It's just that there are too few special cases like Zhao Youyue. She is now the first of the liberal arts students in the school, the chief student.

Therefore, she can do whatever she wants.

"Of course not. No one can do whatever they want. Everyone needs to abide by the school discipline and school rules. The world is fair, and the school is equally fair." Yang Liqun said sternly.

Zhao Youyue likes such a fair school!

She didn't bear the hate to report Bai Yunshan, who was isolated by the whole class. Instead, she became the person in the class who likes to approach her the most, because she felt that Bai Yunshan was righteous, and Miss Zhao, also wanted to be a partner of justice! Don't make her look like a dark force...

Bai Yunshan was just indifferent, but she unknowingly approached Zhao Youyue. There was no way, other people were unwilling to approach her, so she was afraid of being reported by her... and Zhao Youyue was not afraid.

This is a very interesting thing.

And what makes Zhao Youyue even more excited is that he can finally enter the world of new works through the "gate of dimension"!


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