Become a Passerby Heroine

Chapter 282: Combine people and cars, and the crows fly by plane!

The trick of "crow flying in a plane" was blown out of the world in Xiaochun's mouth. She also posed a pose to personally demonstrate what is called "crow flying in a plane", and she saw her hands making wings...

Obviously, this is only Xiaochun committing the second grade, but for elementary school students, such behavior is actually quite normal. To say that they are "secondary sickness" is to praise them, because they have not yet entered the second grade of middle school, elementary school students. Full of all kinds of wonderful fantasy, it couldn't be more normal.

Therefore, the boy who is also a primary school student advocates boldness, he is very solemn, because he was indeed bluffed by Xiaochun, but he who is strong when he is strong, not only did not have the idea of ​​shrinking, but wanted to thoroughly learn the nirvana "crow" "Flying by plane" is so scary.

Then the two began to compete. Xiaochun’s new book was named "Crow Xiang Tianxia" by her. It looks a bit like Batman's Batmobile. You should imagine how handsome this Batmobile is. In fact, Zhang Haolie felt that he himself This friend Xiaochun's car is really very aura!

This handsome, sky-breaking appearance has already caught the eye!

Then in the course of the game, Zhang Haolie was dumbfounded!

This "Crow Xiang Tianxia" clearly has such a tiger name, and the appearance of the car is so handsome. Why does it run so slowly? There is also the legendary "crow flying by plane", why not come out?

In fact, Zhang Haolie has long been accustomed to all kinds of backwardness in the early stage. He must not be able to break out until a critical time. He shouted "Come on, Peerless Sabre" and the like, as if it were a spell, or a stimulant. Entered his own "Peerless Sabre", and finally completed the anti-kill!

But this time, what he never expected was that he actually took the lead from the beginning, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger. He didn't need to say anything to win easily...

Xiaochun or Zhao Youyue, she was running with a four-wheel drive at this time. She felt really amazing, because no matter how long she ran, her face was not red and her heart beats. What kind of terrifying physical strength is this?

In reality, if there is such a magical buff, what marathon is a piece of cake, right?

In fact, Xiaochun didn't care about winning or losing at all. Seeing her own Batmobile-like "Crow Xiang Tianxia" running so steadily and attracting the attention of other spectators, she felt very enjoyable!

How should I put it, when someone competes in a four-wheel drive race, maybe it is speed, but what she compares to others is appearance!

She just wanted to show her gorgeous four-wheel drive in front of everyone, and also to screenwriter Tian Jun.

Tian Jun himself owns shares in a four-wheel drive toy company, and he is also very proficient in drawing four-wheel drive vehicles. In the "upper" state, he must be able to see how gorgeous and handsome Xiaochun's four-wheel drive vehicles are!

Zhang Haolie finally couldn't bear it. He said in a passionate tone: "Xiaochun, hurry up and use your trick to'crow in a plane', otherwise I will win!"

Xiaochun showed a solemn expression. She sighed, as if she was reluctant to make a big move. She said in her mouth: "Are you really going to force me to use that destructive move? "

The spectators saw the master temperament exuded from Xiaochun's body. They only felt that this female four-wheel drive driver and her extremely handsome car must have terrifying nirvana!

That's right, such a gorgeous and handsome four-wheel drive, like a work of art, how could it not have its own exclusive skills?

Only the big road cargo four-wheel drive vehicles of the miscellaneous fish players do not have nirvana. Otherwise, the four-wheel-drive vehicles with the extreme appearance like "Crow Xiang Tianxia" must be waiting for the nirvana to surpass the "peerless saber" in one fell swoop!

Zhang Haolie was once again bluffed by Xiaochun’s "fascinating self-confidence", mainly because he had always been behind in the early stage. At that time, he didn't panic at all, because this is his game style and his early encounters. All kinds of setbacks, when everyone felt that he would definitely lose, he completed another exciting reversal!

Therefore, Zhang Haolie’s games are often very spectacle, and he has the essence of "desire to promote first suppress", but now he is in the lead, but he is disturbed. He always feels like he has become the kind of supporting role who was overtaken at the last moment. He is very uncomfortable with routines!

But after all, Zhang Haolie is not a cowering male protagonist, he is the protagonist of that kind of classic hot-blooded comics, no matter how bottomless he is, he will fight, and he will never admit defeat until the last moment!

Therefore, Zhang Haolie said with enthusiasm: "Xiaochun, just let go, my ‘peerless saber’ will meet any challenge and will never lose in the fight to the last minute!"

And then Xiaochun's show operation "The Crow Flies in a Plane" shocked all spectators and male advocates...

She yelled: "Look at my car and man, and the crow is flying!"

Then she picked up the "Crow Xiang Tianxia" with both hands, raised it above her head, and transformed herself into an "aircraft". She took a short cut and operated fiercely as a tiger. She directly put her car in front of the "Peerless Sabre" and finally overtook it. "Peerless Sabre"!

This is Xiaochun's nirvana-the crow flies in a plane!

Then when everyone was "Crow Xiang Tianxia", which was originally led by Xiaochun Yitong Sao, was still so unbelievable. After a while, he was overtaken by "Peerless Sabre", and finally lost completely. !

Zhang Haolie was so shocked by Xiaochun’s show that he didn’t use the nirvana "Saber Dance", but he still won. The performance of these two cars is no longer on the same level. Although Xiaochun’s four-wheel drive has its appearance It's so cool...

After Zhang Haolie won, he hurriedly explained to Xiaochun, saying that her trick of "crow flying" is absolutely against the rules if it is in a formal competition. If that is the case, everyone might as well run the game and put it in his arms. Hold the four-wheel drive, keep running, run to the end, and then turn on the switch of the four-wheel drive, won't you win?

The spectators who reacted to the side were laughing crazy. Everyone finally discovered that the original four-wheel drive car can also have nirvana, that is-the combination of man and vehicle, and the crow flying by plane!

Xiaochun said that this move "crow flying by plane" is not a real nirvana. She has another ultimate nirvana "tornadodecimatestrailerpark" that has not been used yet, otherwise this time it will definitely be her "Crow Xiangtianxia" win. .

Zhang Haolie was bluffed again. He couldn't translate the name of the move this time, but he wrote it down and went back to look it up one word by word. Finally, he knew that the name of this move was called——

The tornado destroys the parking lot!

What kind of show operation will this be?


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