Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 100 The first confrontation in Changying Port

"Do you really want to kill me? Kinemon..."

The person who turned around was a woman with a delicate face, dressed in blue, with a humble and soft look in her eyes.

"Kin'emon, the general asked me to come, and I can't refuse. Do you...really want to kill me?"

Kevin felt a little ridiculous.

What he was wearing now was Kin'emon's face, and the woman in front of him was Kin'emon's best friend, Ahe.

In order to save his life, this guy would do anything.

The old witch's body was full of wrinkles, and just thinking about this made Kevin feel a little nauseous.


At this time, Oden, who had just been looking at the body of the black charcoal snake in a daze, also looked over. It was obvious that he knew Kinemon's old friend.

"This was also the General's Mansion five years ago. At that time, you should have seen this imitation fruit ability user. Why are you still so stupid now?"

Kevin's words reminded Oden of Black Carbon Mu Chan.

At that time, it was this guy who used the appearance of his father, Kozuki Sukiyaki, to make Kutan Orochi the official general of Wano Country.

"You are not Kinemon!"

A sharp voice sounded, and Heitan Muchan, who was imitating Ahe, regained the appearance of the old witch, and stared at Kevin: "Who are you? Why can you break through the barrier of Chanwan and see through the magic below? !”

Kevin rubbed his forehead with one hand.

Why are people in this world really slow in some aspects? Not to mention the pirated Straw Hat Pirates in the Shampoo Islands in my memory, but here at Oden, after seeing someone with the ability to imitate the fruit turn into sukiyaki, he still... Being deceived at the critical moment.

"You are not Kinemon! Who are you? There is no way in this world that there is magic like mine!"

The sharp sound was a bit ear-piercing.

Kevin said: "Mary Joa wants to know this question more than you, but why should I tell you?"

As soon as the words fell, the old witch with nearly 10,000 sin points from the prison's perspective was found dead.

"So you came here for these two people with special magic?"

Oden looked at the three corpses in the room.

In fact, he also knew that if it was just him, he would not be able to break through the barrier alone, and in the end he would still be threatened by the big snake as a hostage.

Even with his eloquent words, it is not certain that he will persuade Oden to wait for a five-year agreement again.

Kevin glanced at this guy: "You think you haven't been persuaded just now? You still have illusions in the face of the facts. Two generations of you and your father almost plunged the entire Wano country into darkness. Just the surname Kozuki , do you think you can be a general?"

Hearing this, Oden froze on the spot.

Is just the surname Guangyue really enough?

He did not want to become a general, and even the name of Jiuli was not what he wanted. He went to sea thirty-eight times when he was young, and severing ties with his father represented his own wishes.

Perhaps the revolutionary army's philosophy is right.

That position requires the right person. If a person without talent takes the position of general, it will only be a disaster for the country of Wano.

Kevin looked at the dancers in the corner, thought for a while and said, "Your freedom needs to be restricted in the next period of time. Is it okay to go to the Daming Mansion in Jiuli?"

Several women looked at each other, nodded in agreement, and then looked at Kevin with a sad look.

But obviously, Kevin didn't answer.

"They need to go to Jiuli to take care of them for a few days. In addition, your retainers, Shigetsuki Yasujia and several other daimyo can start preparations."

Oden was stunned for a moment: "What are you preparing for? Orochi is already dead."

Kevin exhaled and slapped the hilt of the knife horizontally on his head: "I will only give you half a day. After half a day, I will take all Orochi's men to Changying Port in Rabbit Well."

After the words fell, a burst of smoke dissipated after Kevin formed the seal, and Kinemon's original face turned into a black charcoal snake.

"I hope that in the end only I will escape to Onigashima with a small number of people, while the others will all be ambushed at Changying Port in Usagi."

For a moment, Oden's eyes widened.

Can you still play like this?

He forgot that the gentleman from the revolutionary army in front of him also had the requirement to be able to transform into someone else.

And compared to Orochi's subordinate's sorcery, even his clothes can change.

Kevin suddenly had an idea and changed his plan.

Yi Fei Lei Shen took Oden and the surviving people back to Jiuli, and the dancers he brought back were also directly under his supervision at Daming Mansion.

Oden then summoned his retainers and notified the Shigetsuki Yasu family, asking them to contact the daimyo and samurai in various regions, as well as Hao Goro of the Flower City, to inform Changying Port of the ambush plan.

But after the rendezvous, Shigetsuki Yasujia and Hao Goro had a conversation.

"According to what you said, they really don't seem to care about the throne of Wano Country, but they must return the choice to the people."

Flower Leopard Goro tapped the floor lightly: "I'm just a gang leader in the Flower City, and I don't understand this."

Shigetsuki Yasujia's face was serious: "The general of Wano Country will only be Mitsuki. This is our original oath."

Baogoro shook his head slightly: "That is an oath between you and the daimyo, not mine. But... I will support Oden."

At this time, Baogoro's first wife came over and handed Shuoyue Kang's family a cup of tea.

"Brother Bao, His Highness Oden's dancing is getting better and better. I also believe that His Highness Oden can lead Wano to recover."

The Shigetsuki Yasujia on the side breathed a sigh of relief: "That Mai, in the past five years, has finally disappointed all those who were full of hope. So... I hope that I can take this opportunity to allow His Highness Oden to clear his name!"

Bao Goro looked over: "How to correct the name?"

Shuoyue Yasujia: "A big victory, we will definitely win, a big victory over the annihilation of Orochi's subordinates."

After returning to the General's Mansion, Kevin threw the body of the black charcoal snake into the manure pit.

Soon, outside the already dead general's mansion, a few returning warriors noticed something was wrong. When they opened the door, they saw corpses on the ground.

"Lord Fu Lu Shou..."

"How can it be?"

"who is it?"

"Quick! Find Lord Orochi!"

Several people split up and finally found Kevin with the face of a big snake in a hidden place by coincidence.

The trembling body seemed to be frightened: "Oden...that bastard Oden! I'm going to kill him!"

In one sentence, several warriors knew who the attacker was.

But such a fool, Oden, who has danced like that no matter what the weather has been for five years, why did he suddenly get angry?

So do they still need to be loyal to Lord Orochi?

"What are you thinking?!"

Kevin looked at the group of people with cold eyes: "A despicable guy who attacks sneakily, can he defeat Kaido?!"

After hearing this, several warriors suddenly lost their previous thoughts.

Kevin also stood up and straightened his robes: "Since that bastard Oden didn't abide by the agreement, let's start a war! Only I can lead the country of Wano, and I am the orthodox general!"

"Notify everyone! Assemble at Changying Port in Rabbit Well, we will go to Ghost Island, and then lead people to kill Kuri!"

The warriors knelt on one knee: "I understand."

Yes, attacking the general's mansion with a sneak attack is nothing.

Behind Master Orochi is Master Kaido!

Several people stood up and prepared to call for help. Kevin became anxious after taking only two steps: "Take me with you, General! Are you idiots planning to leave me here?"


Several samurai who were bandits before looked at each other, but when they thought of the powerful Beasts Pirates, they still felt that the general's position should be stable.

Time passed quickly, during which Kevin flew Thunder God to Big Bear and Dorag to discuss the next plan.

In the evening, five large ships docked at Changying Port.

And Kevin, who summoned all the Orochi men, also arrived here.

However, as soon as he arrived with the manpower, what Kevin saw made him couldn't help but hold his forehead with one hand.

So these warriors in Wano are sick?

He clearly told Oden that he was talking about an ambush, not a direct fight by blocking the port!

"Everyone! We are all from the Kingdom of Wano. We should know how many people in the Kingdom of Wano have died in the mines in the past five years! How many people have died in the weapons manufacturing factories!"

"But even so, they still don't think it's enough!"

"Everyone! If you don't resist, you will die!"

"Kill the black charcoal snake! Destroy Onigashima!"

In front of the Wano warriors, the leaders were Shigetsuki Yasuie and Hananohao Goro.

Shuoyue Yasujia thought for a moment and then stepped forward: "His Royal Highness Oden has been holding back for five years, just for today! The sorcerer is dead, and the name of Guangyue should be restored!"

Not far from Changying Port, Kevin, who looked like a big snake, looked over.

In the name of Fu Guang Yue?

Shuangyue Kang's family, Bai Wu's famous name.

In my memory, this person was much more qualified as a decision-maker than Kozuki Oden.

Even excluding the butterfly effect caused by his own existence, it brought about changes in Shigetsuki Hikoichiro's request for help offshore.

At the cost of his life, he changed the location of the crusade, and by accident, he got the best actor Kanjuro together, which can be said to be the most important part.

But... speaking like this at this time, it seems that this guy is a complete royalist.

To liberate Wano, Kevin knew there would be great resistance.

The country's warriors, as well as their loyalty to the master, and a series of abnormal spiritual wills will be obstacles to liberating the people's minds.

But I didn't expect that before Kaido was killed, the Shimozuki family was already losing chess.

"It's really... quite a headache."

The new Yutingban ninjas on the side leaned forward and said, "Sir, what should I do?"

Kevin glanced at him.

The arrow was already on the string and had to be fired.

It was obvious that the other party also had the same plan, that's why he shouted such a slogan just now, and it was a slogan recognized by various famous names and Hanazhibo Goro.

This is a battle that must be won. After all, Kevin, who turned into a snake disaster with the transformation technique, is one of his own, so the Wano side will win no matter what.

In this case, the slogan of "restoring the name of Guangyue" can easily cleanse away the "foolish highness" that was brought about by the five-year dance in this victory.

Kevin's eyes looked at Shuangyue Kang's family slightly solemnly.

Being able to take advantage of the situation in such a short period of time cannot be underestimated.

However... only those with power can have the real right to speak.

"Shoyue Kangjia!"

Kevin: "A few years ago, when I was in danger, I was entrusted with the position of general because of the trust of the previous general. Where was Oden at that time?"

"Our fool, your highness, has been breaking the law and trying to go to sea since he came of age. He abandoned his own subjects and all the retainers and warriors who trusted him!"

"In the face of powerful enemies and everyone's expectations, we still do that dance year after year!"

"Such a person will lose the trust of the previous generation of generals precisely because of this!"

After the words fell, everyone on Orochi's side was stunned.

Several of them, who had interacted with the snake before, even turned their heads to look over.

Why do you feel that Orochi-sama has become more eloquent?

The two sides faced off, and Kevin and Shuangyue Kang's eyes collided, and they both understood the other's plan.

However, Kevin didn't want to continue giving him a chance.


"Those who are rebellious and those who are treacherous should be punished to death!"

"Come in! The day we return from Ghost Island is the time to bring order to the chaos!"

As soon as the words fell, the spirits of the warriors on Orochi's side were shaken.

Onigashima has the Beast Pirates and a terrifying fighting force like Kaido. As long as you rush to Onigashima, you will be victorious when you come back.

There are also many Beast Pirates in the weapons processing factory. As long as they still want to make weapons, they are natural allies.


Suddenly, chaos in Changying Port began.

As before, Orochi was guarded by many samurai and ninjas, attacking the enemy and heading towards the port.

In fact, at this time, Wano Country only needs to destroy five large ships to cut off this side's retreat.

But Mr. Shuoyue Kang's family didn't allow it, and gave a reason that was enough to convince everyone.

In the land of samurai, there are indeed many swordsmen.

Long knives flew across the battlefield, corpses lay down one after another, and the number of people on Orochi's side quickly dwindled amidst shouts of killing.

The inner will of most rabble comes from interests. Such spiritual will is not enough to carry strong enough sword skills and strength.

In fact, if it weren't for Kaido, Orochi's power would not cause any trouble in Wano Country. Just the daimyo of each region or Leopard Goro of the Flower City could kill him.


White light passed by, and Shuoyue Yasujia pulled out the long knife from the heart of a ninja.

Wherever you look, everyone you fight is a citizen of the country of peace.

Even the one who just fell was still a member of the Imperial Court before Orochi succeeded him as the general.

Just like Fu Lu Shou, their loyalty is to the position of general, not to Guangyue.


The three shurikens were blocked by the long sword, Shigetsuki Yasujia passed by with his backhand, and the blade slashed towards the attacker.


Blood spattered and the enemy fell to the ground, but he frowned.

Amid the shouts of death, Kevin was escorted across the battlefield, and the two of them looked at each other.

When you start scheming, maybe the other person is also scheming against you.

These words reminded everyone of Oden's unreliability in the past, and also gave some samurai who were loyal to the position of general some confidence.

When Oden brought back the new arrangement, Shigetsuki Yasujia immediately discussed with Hanazhibao Goro. In order to restore the reputation of the Kozuki clan, this head-on confrontation took place.

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