Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 109 A completely different fate

Oden, who also finished two speeches in a row, was in a complicated state of mind at the moment. He didn't even have the heart to pay attention to the play between Hiyori and Kevin opposite him.


Five years ago, when I traveled across the ocean with Roger, there was no such thing in the world.

At the beginning of this term, perhaps everyone thought that the so-called revolutionary army was just a small fight.

Even the bounty on the cloaked man, how much of the two billion beli is related to the dead Dracos?

I'm afraid 99% of them are.

The World Government underestimates the Revolutionary Army. Perhaps at this time, the Revolutionary Army is just an organization that can contain Mr. Fire.

At this time, Oden seemed to understand why Captain Roger was willing to continue living in that form.

The captain is not a person who is afraid of death!

Even if he is terminally ill, he can still laugh and fulfill his dream in the last year.

After the execution in Rogge Town, these guys were already people from the old era.

How could a character like Roger be willing to continue to exist in an immortal form if he didn't want to see the verification of his words in the future?

As for the guidance of the two predictions of the future, which of the two different futures is better, there is no explanation on the stone tablet.

The first time I heard the name Revolutionary Army, I was furious because of Kanjuro's death, but now I think about it, when this name appears in such an era, it means a lot of things.

Return power to the people and do not put the safety of the entire country on one person.

Just like what Mr. asked himself before, does Momonosuke really have the courage to become the monarch of a country in the future?

The monarch of a country...

He did not seek outside help due to his own impatience, naively believing that the other party, like Whitebeard and Roger, would be a powerful pirate and would abide by the agreement.

If it weren't for the name of the Kang family, if Hikoichiro Shigetsuki hadn't really brought back foreign aid at the last moment, if it hadn't been for the two magicians who were killed in advance...

Too many ifs.

Because of one of his choices, millions of people in Wano are in hell. Countless people will die under the rule of the Beast Pirates, and living has become a luxury.

This ending is all because of a choice made by myself as a member of the Kozuki clan and as the monarch of Wano.

With millions of lives tied to one, is this system any good?

This seems to be beyond doubt.

Oden's eyes were still looking at the speech instructor outside the window who was spitting and full of emotion.

He also saw the indignant warriors among the crowd of onlookers.

However, these promotions will eventually be crushed in front of those two words and turned into the dust of history.

The name of the Kang family is too persistent.

But you can't be attached. This country has been liberated, and what will follow will be the emancipation of the mind.

On the day when the country is truly founded in the future, this country must become a support for the revolutionary army.

Otherwise, there will be chaos in the country and a real ideological struggle.

"You seem to have already thought about it?"

Kevin asked casually while holding Hiyori and teasing her.

Oden picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Think about it. If I hesitate again, it will only bring disaster to this country."

Kevin looked at Oden.

It seems that after experiencing Kanjuro's betrayal and Kaido and Orochi's deception, this person has grown a little bit.

Compared to his experience of going to sea with Whitebeard and Roger, this period of time made him look more like a monarch.

"It will take some time for the people of Wano to awaken. During this period, the country needs to be stable. Therefore, the management of the general and the daimyo will not change for the time being, and the position of the general is still yours."

Kozuki Oden nodded: "I understand. The influence of Kaido and Orochi is still there, and the people have not yet emancipated their minds. Big changes at this time will cause panic."

"Yo? You're a lot smarter."

Kevin smiled.

The little Hiyori on the body was not happy anymore, and reached out to pull Kevin's hair.

"You are laughing at father, bad uncle!"

This statement made the two of them laugh.

Compared to Momonosuke, Kevin prefers little Hiyori at this age. After all, no man can resist a smart and beautiful little daughter, even if it is someone else's little cotton-padded jacket.

After ruffling Hiyori's hair, Kevin said casually: "Do you, Roger, Rayleigh and the others see anything in Lovedru that includes me?"

After the words fell, Oden's hand pouring tea froze in mid-air.

After a while, he put down and said: "Ravdru can't say that that place is the last hope of the world."

"Is that so?"

Kevin did not ask again, but pointed out another person who has always had a weak sense of existence: "The ability of the Fruit of Time is very special. Although it cannot travel to the past, it can keep going to the next future. Moreover, it can also travel to the next future. Can see some pictures of the future.”

"Mrs. Shi knows more about this world than you and I. She was even a figure in the blank hundred years ago eight hundred years ago. And the stone tablet with the historical text was made by a stonemason from the country of Wano."

"So I don't think it would be surprising at all if Raff Drew had prophecies about me or about the Revolutionary Army."

Oden smiled helplessly and sighed.

So this is the gap, the intelligence and analysis are too different.

This person can infer a lot from just a few words.

But he still didn't answer. As mentioned before, there are two futures of this world recorded there, one of which is the kind of existence that can make the whole world laugh, and the last ambiguous words.

No matter which one, he will not say it because it concerns the entire world.

By this time, the speech on the high platform in the street had also ended.

Not long after, a woman held a few books on her chest with one hand and led a girl with the other hand up the stairs to the second floor of the teahouse.

After taking a look, Kevin felt something strange.

The instructors who came to the country of Wano for lectures and classes from the Revolutionary Army were all selected by Dorag and Uncle Xiong and transported with the power of the Chicken Talisman and the Meat Ball Fruit.

Compared to four thousand people, the number was much smaller, and Dorag could bear it.

But precisely because of this, Kevin really didn’t know what was coming.

"Mr. Mask!"

There was joy in the exclamation. The ten-year-old Robin, who had grown much taller than two years ago, trotted over directly from the stairs.

"I didn't expect to meet Mr. here."

Behind Robin, Olvia bowed slightly towards Kevin.

But the next sentence exposed Little Robin.

"Isn't it because you knew Mr. Tinder was here that little Robin you worked so hard to become a mentor?"

These words made little Robin panic.

Although she is already the youngest scholar and ideological mentor on the island, she has absolute admiration for Mr. Tinder, who created the central idea of ​​the Revolutionary Army.

This is not only because of O'Hara's saving grace, but also because the more deeply we understand the ideas brought by Mr. Tinder, the more great we feel.

Kevin also looked at Robin in surprise: "So little Nicole is not only the youngest scholar now, but also the youngest ideological mentor? This is really amazing!"

These words made Robin blush even more.

Nothing proves your efforts better than the recognition of those you admire.

At this time, little Hiyori, who was still in Kevin's arms, was unhappy. Her little head came out and looked at Robin: "I can also be a mentor!"

Oden, who was sitting opposite, also looked at Robin in surprise. After hearing Hiyori's words, he laughed and replied: "That is not a simple thing, little Hiyori. In addition, maybe you will call me later This is my sister, teacher.”


Xiaorihe pouted and was very unconvinced.

She felt that as soon as this young lady appeared, she stole all the attention from Uncle Mask and her father.

Robin was also looking at little Hiyori curiously, and even reached out to rub his colorful hair.

"My name is Nico Robin, and I am currently serving as the rotating instructor of Huadu No. 1 Academy. If you want to become a scholar or instructor, you need to work very hard."

Xiaohihe turned his head and tried to get rid of Robin's sinful little hands, but he was too young and could only be ravaged.

Soon, under Robin's lingering gaze, Olvia took her to the other side to order some special food.

The interaction between the two little guys made Kevin feel a lot more relaxed, and his originally tragic fate was changed.

In his memory, Robin, who had been constantly betrayed since he was eight years old, leading to him not trusting anyone until he met the protagonist group, now also had a wonderful childhood.

Little Hiyori, who is still angry in her arms, remembers that she has been hated by her country and her family since she was a child. As a princess of the Kozuki clan, she lives in a brothel and becomes an courtesan, defrauding money to support the people of Wano Country who can no longer live happily.

But now Oden and Mrs. Toki are still there, Orochi is dead, Kaido is taken in, and his original destiny has been completely changed.

Kevin lifted little Hiyori and placed her on the table.

"Study knowledge and ideas well, it can make the people of Wano live a better life. One day in the future, maybe you can become the first female president of Wano."

Female president?

What is a president?

Seeing the little guy's doubts, Kevin explained: "He is the commander who manages the political and military affairs of the people of Wazong. Don't you think your brother is not good enough? Then maybe you can work hard."

The little guy didn't listen to the rest of the sentence at all, but only remembered the first half of the sentence.

Manage the entire Wano Country?

Isn't that the general?

As a girl, she is actually smart and knows the difference between herself and her brother.

But now Uncle Mask says it’s okay?


Oda wanted to speak but stopped.

Kevin raised his hand to stop him and said bluntly: "Do you think the election is about talent? Or gender?"

One sentence left Oden speechless.

Compared to Momonosuke and Oden, Kevin actually prefers Hiyori.

Oden has been dancing for five years, but he lacks the courage and stupidity to break the boat. In order to prove himself, Momonosuke let his subordinates be restrained and sucked dry by the green bull, which is a fool.

But Hiyori, a little girl, felt that she was a burden after knowing that Kawamatsu herself couldn't eat enough, so she decided to leave.

Later, as a woman with no power, she was reduced to an oiran, but she still used her only power to help the people and avenge the snake.

"I want to be the female president! Let Taozi clean the toilet every day!"

Xiaohihe stood on the table with his hands raised, and his ambition directly interrupted Kevin's thoughts.

Oden opposite him also smiled helplessly. It would be nice if the two children's personalities were changed.

The early stages of Wano's arrangements are on track, and Kevin's focus has returned to the Navy Headquarters.

During the war with the Beast Pirates, the morning swordsmanship class was also interrupted for a long time.

I don’t know if the beating-resistant white hair has healed during this time. In addition, Kuzan’s recent voyages, the memories brought by the shadow clone seem a bit subtle.

This candidate, who is about to become the Navy's most powerful general, seems to be deliberately looking for traces of the revolutionary army, and has met people from the CP several times.

Under this situation, Kevin was also considering whether to meet Kuzan in another identity, or wait until this person truly confirmed his feelings.

In addition, the quadrennial world government conference and the collection of heavenly gold are about to begin.

The Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army has recently been rushing to control the sky gold collection route in the East China Sea and the first half of the Grand Route. This is very important.

The strength of the revolutionary army has entered the latent development stage. The money required at this stage is huge. The research institute is making demands every day, and the development of new latent members also requires Bailey's investment every day.

It is impossible to make trouble while hungry.

If it weren't for the trade from all over the world, it would have been completely depleted by now.

"Dong dong."

There was a knock on the armchair, and Kevin, who was lying on the deck with his eyes closed and thinking, opened his eyes: "Are you at the headquarters?"

"There's still half a day left."

Kuzan sat next to Kevin on an identical recliner.

After looking around, he asked in a low voice: "Have you read that book?"

Uh →_→

Most of that book came from the core provided by him, and he really didn't read it.

Kuzan exhaled and said: "A new round of heavenly gold on the World Government's side is about to begin again. In addition, the World Government in the North Sea is taking action against Germa."

Kevin looked at it: "I remember that Jerma is also a franchise country, right?"

Kuzan replied: "Looking through the past crimes is enough to find an excuse. What they care about is Germa's technology. After all, Vegapunk has been missing for some time."

Kevin: "What's the matter with us?"

Kuzan nodded slightly: "Marshal Warring States has been notified, and we will go to the North Sea as a crusade. Polusalino still needs to stay at the Shampoo Islands, Sakaski is in the New World, and my ability can be frozen The sea can prevent them from escaping."

To prevent escape...?

I don’t know if Germa’s technology, the boots that can walk on the moon, and a series of black technologies have come out yet. After all, the invisible black ones appeared quite early in the comic strips.

But the World Government is obviously well prepared. Unless Gaji is prepared to be alone with several children, they will really not be able to escape if the sea level freezes.


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