Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 114 The beginning of the collision between old and new

"What was taught in the school today? To let you know the bravery of General Oden? Or is it the big bad guy Heitan?"

In a small house in the border area of ​​Huadu, a middle-aged woman was busy lighting a fire and cooking. She asked her son after he saw him come back.

The child who had just returned home quickly put down his things and picked up a bamboo tube to help his mother light a fire.

Soon, the fire gradually started to burn.

The little boy stopped, looked at his mother and said, "I miss my father."

These words caused the woman's movements to pause, and the smile on her face to stiffen.

"What's wrong? Why suddenly..."


The little boy's eyes met his mother's: "At that time, Kurotan Orochi became a shogun and his father was forcibly captured and forced to work in the mines. Did mother ever resent Kozuki Oden at that time?"

In an instant, the little boy's mother's expression changed drastically.

He took three steps at a time and looked around at the door, then turned around and lectured: "Shogun Oden is a noble! He is the general who has ruled Wano Country for generations! Remember in the future, you must not say these things again, and you must call him "Sir" !”

The little boy stubbornly shook his head: "The teacher said: There is no value in life! Your Excellency Kozuki Oden also agrees with this sentence. Today, all students will no longer call you "sir" at the request of the teacher."

At this point, the little boy seemed to want to vent all his thoughts that were about to explode, so he spoke faster and faster.

"There is no dignity in life. We should distinguish between good and bad based on our own standpoint. In order to save the civilians who were taken hostage by Orochi, Mr. Oden chose to surrender. This is a good thing for us."

"But as the next general, he still traveled to the sea regardless of it, causing the black charcoal snake to steal the position of general. This caused my father to die in the mine, so this is a bad side for us!"

"In the past a long time ago, Guangyue was no different from us. It was because Guangyue could lead us to live a better life, so we chose Guangyue to become a general."

"Mother, we must distinguish between good and evil and good and evil from our own standpoint. We cannot follow others' opinions, we must..."

The next words were immediately blocked.

The woman covered the child's mouth with one hand, her face full of disbelief.

But at the same time, the recent speech on the high platform in Huadu Street also flashed in his mind.

Have you ever felt resentful? Of course!

On the day her husband was taken to the mine, she didn't curse the Guangyue clan in her heart.

Cursing why the old general let the black charcoal snake act as general, cursing why the next general ignored the people in order to go to sea.

Five years ago, His Highness Oden, who had placed all the people's hopes on him, returned.

But just one day later, everyone's hopes were shattered. People were still dying every day in the mines and weapons processing plants. My husband also died of overwork in the mines at that time.

But what can they do?

The Black Carbon Orochi was killed and the pirates were wiped out. The days to come will definitely return to the way they were in the past.

Although the husband is dead, the children have not grown up yet, so all the resentment is not worth mentioning at this moment.

All she could do was dream back in the middle of the night and dream that her husband would be able to hold on until this day, and that he would not have to die until those who could save the country of Wano appeared.

That day, in the sky above Onigashima where the pirates were, the dragon-slaying swordsman wielding a flaming sword was the savior of Wano.

The seeds of ideological enlightenment were planted on this day. There were too many children in Wano Country. What they questioned after returning home on this day shocked the older generation.

For the first time, ordinary people began to think about the rights and wrongs of noble monarchs.

In the General's Mansion in Huadu, two small figures were struggling together and could not be torn apart.

Although Hiyori Momonosuke is two years old, his height is not much different from Momonosuke's, and coupled with the momentum he has accumulated from beating his brother for a long time, he has an absolute advantage at this time.

Oden on the side sighed, reached for the tea cup and drank it in one gulp, without even thinking of pulling his two children apart.

After all, his son and daughter knew about the scandalous things he did when he was a child, and he didn't have the shame to get over it now.

Look at what these two little guys are saying.

"You just want to form your own harem in the future, right?"


"Still saying no? The last time I passed by Flower Street, your eyes were opened! You perverted brother!"

"Did I tell you? I am from the Guangyue clan, so my position is correct!"

"Bullshit! You just want to have a harem. You were so envious in class that you almost fainted!"

"You're talking nonsense!"

"Do you think I don't know? I sneaked over and looked at Uncle Kin'emon's album. That perverted expression has already given you away!"

Oden on the side was stunned when he heard this.

That guy from Kinemon is already quite old, doesn’t he have Ahe? Why do you need such a thing as an album?

At this time, Guangyue Shi, who was still wearing simple clothes, hurriedly walked in, and then went straight to the two children.

However, after being pulled apart, the two little guys still refused to let go.

"The brother of a perverted pervert!"

"Violent woman!"

"Pervert who wants to build a harem!"

"That's Father, not me!"


Oden's tea on the first floor spurted out, causing him to choke and cough.

Soon Kozuki brought the two little ones over, bowed to Oden and said behind him, "Sir, are you just watching from the side like this?"

Hiyori said loudly: "There is no dignity in life, so there is no need to be called adults except parents!"

Oden looked at Hiyori and smiled: "It seems that sir has a good vision. Our Hiyori has only attended two classes and already knows that there is no value in life."

Momonosuke's eyes were swollen, and his face was still unconvinced.

"We are the Kozuki clan. I am the next generation head of the Kozuki family and the future general of Wano! This is my position!"

A future general?

Oden's eyes were slightly solemn, and at the same time Kozuki looked at Momonosuke with a frown.

Compared to Oden's solemnity, Kozuki was more worried.

The ability of the Fruit of Time cannot change the past, but it can see some of the future to a certain extent.

But the future is not static, and the future she sees is just a possibility.

If you want to influence the future you see, it may lead to the opposite of the purpose, but not necessarily.



Oden paused, and then said: "In the future, you should be the head of the Kozuki clan, but you may not necessarily be the general of Wano."

These words made Momonosuke stunned, and asked dully: "Why...why?"

Oden exhaled: "Wano Country or the world is facing an unprecedented change. All the past will be crushed, and the dawn of the future will shine on the entire world."

"The future general of Wano will not become a general just because his surname is Mitsuki. Only when he has the trust and recognition of all the people can he become a future general of Wano."

After the words fell, Momonosuke froze on the spot.

Hiyori jumped up and reached out to pat Momonosuke on the shoulder: "Brother, your dream of building a harem is gone!"


Momonosuke, who had a bruised nose and face, slapped Hiyori's hand away and stared at Hiyori with his swollen eyes: "You have no idea what this means!"

He roared angrily and rushed out.

Kozuki wanted to chase him out, but Oden raised his hand to stop him: "Denjiro will follow, don't worry too much."

"Oden... Your Highness, have you made a decision?" Kozuki looked over.

Oden nodded, and then hugged Hiyori in his arms: "The Kozuki clan is special, but this specialness does not mean that they will be famous kings for generations. Father, he is not, and neither am I. Momoko is now It seems even less so.”

"If you think that you are superior from the bottom of your heart, how can you become a famous king who thinks about the people?"

Kozuki fell silent. Although he and his husband had never communicated with Rafdru eight hundred years ago, they knew a lot of things.

The Kozuki clan is special, and Wano Country is also special, but the revolutionary army may not use this specialness.

General, the future Wano Kingdom will not even have the title of general anymore.

Oden rubbed his daughter's cheek and reached out to straighten her messy hair: "Learn to think for yourself and learn to look at problems from the perspective of ordinary people. Only in this way can you become a good leader."

Xiaohihe nodded firmly: "Yes. I will definitely not let Uncle Mask down!"

Under night, the General's Mansion.

In the yard, Rayleigh and Oden were drinking wine and admiring the moon.

After the war in Wano ended, Rayleigh chose to stay and reminisce with Oden, but in fact his real goal was the revolutionary army.

There are also lectures in ideological education classes. These days, he has not missed a single lecture. He will even stand outside and listen to the classes at Huadu No. 1 School.

"Another possibility has really emerged..."

Rayleigh drank the wine in one gulp.

The same is true for Oden, who is sitting opposite him: "The awakened mind will crush all those who stand in the way. The evil dragon that has been repeated in the past will finally come to an end, and a relatively fair world may come."

Rayleigh looked at the moonlight in mid-air: "Remove the lives of those in power, the lives of the decadent system of the old era, and the lives of all feudal ideas in the past..."

The two fell silent.

After a long time, Reilly said: "The minds of the people of Wano are about to be liberated, and the collision between the new era and the old era has become inevitable. You have made a choice, but your role during this period can reduce unnecessary sacrifices. "

Oden put down the wine glass: "I understand. Sir, he asked me to serve as a general, which is what it means. And you know, I don't like this position."

Reilly laughed, and then said: "I'm leaving too. Go back to my hometown. After all, there are still people waiting for me there."

Oden smiled meaningfully: "The vice-captain is getting older too. But...don't you plan to join in? Just watch the wave of ideas in the new era?"

"You also said it's a new era."

Reilly continued: "Remnants of the old era like me should just wait for the world to change. The captain is different from me. He joined in in another form. He wants to see that future, this kind of The idea even surpassed the dignity he had always insisted on."

At the mention of Roger, Oden sighed.

Perhaps, after another possibility began to arise, the words of execution in Rogge Town became the captain's bondage.

But he knew Roger wouldn't regret it.

Just like none of them would tell the Revolutionary Army or Mr. about the record of Raftel.

That is also a possibility, a kind of insurance.

At this time, footsteps sounded at the corner of the corridor.

Denjiro came over and bowed slightly: "General, Momonosuke was taken to the residence of Lord Kangjia in Huadu shortly after he went out, and he is back now."

Shimotsuki Kangjia...

Rayleigh on the side adjusted his glasses and had a slightly sarcastic smile.

And Oden covered his forehead and sighed.

Lord Kangjia helped him a lot when he was transforming Kuri, and even stopped the development of the Hakumai area and gave him money to build Kuri.

And this lord has a very good reputation in Hakumai, and there is no question of oppressing the people. He is very gentle.

But the only thing is that this daimyo is loyal to the Kozuki clan, which is beyond doubt.

At that time, his father broke off relations with him, and the rumor spread throughout Wano Country that the position of the general might be given to him, but he always said that only he was the real future general.

"Tenjiro, you should also go to bed early."


After Tenjiro left, Oden took a deep breath for a while.

"That Daimyo Hakumai will probably do something more. Momonosuke's identity is the best point. If the other party's plan involves Momonosuke, you will be very passive."

Rayleigh made an analysis.

And Oden also understood these things, but understanding does not mean that he has the ability to change.

The liberation and awakening of thoughts is by no means something that ends with holding hands and singing songs. The collision between the old and new eras is bound to be full of blood.

Wano Country does not belong to the general, nor to Kozuki, but to all the people of Wano Country.

No one can stop the crushing of history, even if it is Lord Shimotsuki Yasuie.

"It's better to let Momoko go to that guy less." Rayleigh said casually.

Oden replied: "Momonosuke is still young, and by the time he grows up, everything might have been settled. What I'm really worried about is my father, who is still nowhere to be found."

"My father has basically all the old-fashioned ideas of Wano Country. And I know him. Wano Country was lost to him once, and he won't allow it to be lost a second time."


In the dead of night, Momonosuke, who had already fallen asleep, was very excited. His bruised eyes narrowed into a slit, but he still couldn't fall asleep.

It's not that no one supports his ideas...

I am the future of the Kozuki clan of Wano Country, and also the future general!

This is my position.

Just like what Uncle Kangjia Daimyo said: There has never been a saying of revolutionizing oneself!


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