Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 117 Madam, you don’t want Sanji either

Chapter 117 Madam, you don’t want Sanji either...

Vincemok Gaji looked at Kuzan who was activating his ability.

According to Germa's intelligence, the youngest admiral candidate in the Navy Headquarters has the ability to freeze the sea.

The activation of Devil Fruit abilities comes from physical strength, and with such a large area frozen, it looks like a monster.

But it is obvious that if this monster is not defeated, Germa, who has been ambushed by the World Government, is destined to be unable to escape.


The air was trampled, and the weapon in Vinsmoke's hand formed into a cone-shaped spear, with electric light flashing on it, heading straight for Kuzan.

Kuzan, who had just stood up, looked at the other party, but showed no intention of dodging.

It's not that he is arrogant, but that this level of attack does not pose a threat to him.

The cold air took shape in his hands, and the ice formed sharp points, and he stabbed towards the opponent with a wave of his hand.


The blood fell, and the three transformed Germa warriors stood in front of Kuzan. Their hearts were pierced by ice spears but they didn't care.

The next moment, the sharp spear flashed with lightning and struck the transformed warrior's neck, instantly shattering Kuzan's head.

"There's no focus."


The high-tech shoes spurted out airflow in the opposite direction, and Vince Moggaji pulled away and retreated.

As for Kuzan, whose head had just been pierced, the broken ice gathered again.

Kuzan, who was holding his neck with one hand and twisting it, looked at the other party: "It's really an incredible technology. That lightning made your speed so much faster that you almost got shot in the head."

Kevin on the side smiled disdainfully.

Are you kidding me? A candidate with the highest combat power in the Navy can be killed by an attack of this magnitude?

So because you joined the revolutionary army, you started to imitate Porusalino without working hard?

Vince Mokjiaji, who retreated, now also understood the gap between himself and Kuzan.

He's no fool.

After MADS was arrested by the World Government, Vegapunk was incorporated, but he was able to escape and use his blood factor technology to kill the four countries in the North Sea.

And in this case, it was still possible to collude with the World Government to obtain immunity, and finally became one of the joining countries.

Such a person has a way of assessing the situation. Apart from his hesitant character at the beginning, the gap should have been seen by now.

Sure enough, at the same time that Kuzan took a step forward, Vince Mokgaji raised the big spear in his hand: "We admit defeat!"

The moment the words fell, all the reformers present stopped.

Even though his head was pierced by a bullet, he didn't make any move to resist.

This scene made Kuzan frown: "Not afraid of death, obey orders completely, without any fear..."

Kevin on the side added: "And the cost of manufacturing it is much less than the resources required for a sailor. And in terms of time, it only takes five years."

Kuzan was silent.

He suddenly understood the reason why Kevin didn't want this guy. People who play with life, this kind of thing is fundamentally inconsistent with the bottom line of the family.

At this time, Spangdine, who had been left in a very embarrassed state by Kevin before, after adjusting his hair twice, walked out laughing.

"Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier?"

Spangdine waved his hand, and CP's agents directly handcuffed everyone in Vinsmoke.

Among them, Reijiu and other four active children were also given special treatment and completely restrained.

"Is this the end? I haven't had enough of it yet."

"Father said to admit defeat, we can only obey the order. Hahaha!"

"How many of you have I just killed? Let's compare!"

The three children with different hair colors spoke bloody words, but there was no trace of fear in their eyes.

He seemed to be tied up and killed the next moment without any fear.

There was only one girl, who was frowning and looking at Sanji who was being handcuffed to the side.

In Reiju's heart, she wants to protect Sanji, because this is the life that her mother must protect at the cost of her health.

At this time, Spangdine did not dare to get close to Arrogance until Vinsmoggaji was completely tied up.


Spangdine kicked him, and the next moment he found that his foot seemed to have been kicked on an iron plate.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

Spangdine, who had been holding his feet and jumping for a long time before recovering, stepped on his head: "Wouldn't it be better to admit defeat earlier? It's not your life. Serving the world government is not much better than your snail kingdom. "

Vince Mokgaji didn't resist. He knew the outcome the moment he surrendered.

The World Government is determined to win over him, and with the candidate general with the freezing ability, Germa doesn't even have a chance to escape.

The infiltrated agent was discovered too late.

"MADS members, don't you already have Vegapunk? Why do you still need me to serve you?"

Spangdine knelt down and reached out to pat his face: "As a dog, you don't need to know this. But people like us will also have the benefits of being a dog. You will find that being a dog is easier than being a human. too much."

After Spangdine stood up and waved his hand, the World Government agents began to fully accept Germa's giant snail.

"Thanks brother."

Spangdine put an arm around Kevin's shoulders.

If Kevin hadn't been there just now, maybe he would have been really cold.

He almost died on such an easy mission, which also made him understand that he must ensure his own safety when going on missions in the future.

Kevin smiled: "When you get promoted, we still have to find ways to make money. If you die, who should I ask for help?"

Spangdyne smiled happily, and this kind of words suited him.

"Sir, a child ran away."


Spangdine turned around and his expression changed instantly: "Do you need me to teach you? Except for Vince Mokgaji, there is no point in taking anyone else back. Kill him!"


The CP9 agent was about to leave when Kevin reached out to stop him.

"I didn't get anything done when I came here, and it won't be easy for you to report back."

In just two seconds, Spangdine realized the meaning of Kevin's words.

Operation North Sea is where the world government needs researchers who have studied bloodline factors, and the navy acts as a supporting force.

After the task is completed, the action report is written by myself. How to hide a person and highlight a person's performance is what I am good at.

Obviously, my brother also wants to go further.

"Then I'll leave it to you. It doesn't matter whether I catch him or not. He's just a kid. Come back as soon as you go. I'll take you to a nice place in Beihai to play in the evening."

Kevin waved his hand, asked the CP9 guy a few questions, and walked directly towards the far side of the ice.

Kuzan, who has returned to the warship, still maintains his ability under the perception of seeing, hearing and color.

Run away!

At this moment, Sanji's handcuffs have been opened, thanks to his sister's help.

However, because he also performed well and was given special attention, his sister did not take advantage of the chaos to escape with him, so now he is the only one left.

I... must save my mother.

Sanji got on the giant snail, and his little figure crawled carefully in the pipe.

He knew very well that his advantage was his small stature, and if he was discovered, he would be killed.

Soon, Sanji saw Sora lying on a hospital bed in the yard on a giant snail.

There is no one in this room now. Ebony, who was taking care of it, was also caught when she went out to inquire. The agents of the World Government are still busy taking inventory.


Sanji, who was only two years old, couldn't control his emotions and burst into tears.

Sora on the bed also knew the current situation. After picking up Sanji, he comforted him and looked out the window.

After just crying for a while, Sanji took his mother's hand: "We have to leave here quickly, mom, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Sola shook his head slightly.

All the giant snails in Germa are frozen. Even if a small boat is sent down, it will not be able to leave the frozen area.

And Gaji has surrendered, and World Government agents will soon discover this place.

"Sanji, no matter what, you have to live well, you know?"

"Let's leave quickly, mother who can escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the room was kicked open.

Kevin looked at the two mother and son: "Yo? I didn't expect that there is a beautiful woman hidden here!"

Sora hid Sanji in his arms and looked at Kevin: "Vinsmoke has surrendered. What you need is Germa's technology and Gaji's knowledge, right?"

Obviously, this great mother had already thought about how to negotiate to protect herself and her children when Vincemok Gazi surrendered.

Sure enough, Sola's eyes didn't flinch at all: "I am Vinsmoksola, and I am also Gaji's wife. This child is also Gaji's son. You..."


Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Kevin: "The World Government will give him what he wants, and you don't have much weight in the heart of Vince Mokgarji, do you?"

"An evil legion whose goal is to rule the North Sea. In that guy's eyes, this kid is just a waste, right?"

"Madam... you don't want your child to be killed because he was given up, right?"

Sora's eyes suddenly stiffened.

Kevin also walked over and reached out to rub Sanji's sprouting head: "If such a lovely child dies because his father gave up, no matter who he is, he will pity him, right?"

Sora glared at Kevin: "What do you want? I am Gaji's wife no matter what, you..."

"No, not any time soon."

Kevin's smile was a little evil: "That guy hasn't mentioned you at all until now. It seems that you or this child have lost value to him, right?"


Sola's eyes gradually lost focus.

Because she knew that her body was indeed worthless.

And the child he saved at the cost of his life also lost value after he did not have the talent to control them.

"No matter what, please save Sanji's life."

Kevin smiled: "Of course. Beautiful lady."

Naturally, Kevin walked out of the castle with his mother and daughter. Along the way, CP agents would bow to Kevin, but directly ignored the mother and son behind him.

"Mom...this person..."

Sora put his hand on Sanji's head: "He will help us, don't worry Sanji."

Sanji nodded, took Sora's hand and followed Kevin off the boat.

On the ice, all of Germa's people have been imprisoned on the World Government's warship, and Spangdyne is also trimming his nails out of boredom.

After seeing Kevin, his eyes were immediately attracted to Sora.

The blond hair and a slightly morbid appearance are the temperament of Princess Germa, which elevates this morbid beauty to a new level.

"What a great product!"

Spangdine stepped forward, touched Kevin and asked, "Where did you find this? Is there any more?"

Kevin raised his head proudly: "How many more princesses of Germa do you think there are? This one belongs to me."

"You're lucky."

Spangdyne sighed and patted Kevin on the shoulder: "I'm going to die for these two people. It's easier to take care of them if you have a son. But there is an alternate general in the Navy. How about I lend you a ship to go back to?" ?”

The two looked at each other and smiled lewdly.

"Then please. That guy in the Navy is quite troublesome. You can get me a ship, and the candidate general and I will go back separately."

"Well... I'll just use it as an excuse to escort the most heinous criminal, and we'll report it together when the time comes."

"It's extremely vicious. Yes, you still understand me."

Later, Sora and Sanji were taken aboard a warship, and the World Government agents aboard turned a blind eye to the two of them, as if they didn't exist.

Kevin also explained to Kuzan the reason for leaving the headquarters.

"You don't really have a crush on Germa's princess, do you? I tell you, this is a mistake."

"There are regulations in the ideological program, don't think that I don't know it. If you make a mistake, I will definitely tie you up and take you back when I see you next time, sir."

Looking at Kuzan's vow, Kevin scratched his head.

This guy has changed a lot. Now he only cares about rules and regulations. He talks about what is going on at home.


"I'll go over to Dressrosa and give them a chance to leave. Don't worry, I'm not to the point of fucking liking kids yet."

After waving his hand, Kevin went directly to the World Government's warship.

Originally, he didn't want to save the kid Sanji, but thinking about the nightmare that this kid had been having since he was born, he spoke again.

Sora's life is short.

And before the fruits of the operation come out, I am afraid that only the healing fruit from Dressrosa can bring her life back.

Given a new path, how to do it, and what the future will look like is all up to Sanji himself.

As for Reiju and Yuji, as cases of successful transformation, they will not be killed.

More should become Punk Hassad's defense force, and the island's laboratory will also become a new place for Vince Moggadj to continue researching blood factors and technological power.

The kind of drug that causes new beings to lose their emotions and obey orders. The power that will allow newborns to grow up to have exoskeletons of steel also needs to be destroyed.

But now is not a good time.

Kuzan is a future naval admiral, and he is also the backbone of the future navy.

If you take action, you will lose more than you gain, and you and Kuzan will also arouse suspicion from above.

Kevin waved after thinking for a moment, and then asked CP's agents to bring back two more women.

A sick person and a child cannot survive, and they need support.

Therefore, Ebony and Reiju, who were captured before, were also brought here.

But the way Spangdyne looked at him was even more lewd, as if he was tacitly understanding it.

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