Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 124 Seeking Heavenly Gold

The next day, the royal family of Goa Kingdom had already prepared the payment of heavenly gold.

Boxes of jewelry and Baileys were counted and sent to the escort ship. The large number, coupled with the workload of the entire East China Sea, also resulted in not checking the details of each box.

The inventory personnel were mainly concerned with the authenticity of the property and the number of Baileys.

For a long time, no one in this sea dared to dream of gold from the sky.

Although Navarta has also analyzed Kevin's abilities, it is known that the cloaked man's three attacks were against the Celestial Dragons in the Chambord Islands. This is also a habitual understanding.

Soon, the agents of the CP agency completed the inventory, and the five escorted ships set off from the port of the Goa Kingdom and headed to the next point.

Five days later, the escort ship began to leave for the Red Earth Continent.

According to Chameleon, after arriving at the special passage on the Red Earth Continent, the World Government's army troops will be there to respond.

At this time, Chameleon was a little panicked.

After all, the master who holds his soul can completely locate the escort ship with a single spatial coordinate, which has caused a certain loss in his value.

In this state, he wanted to prove his worth more and more.


Kevin patted Chameleon on the shoulder: "Time points and conventional roadmaps are very useful. After all, I don't know the specific time when the Goa Kingdom will hand over the heavenly gold."

Chameleon breathed a sigh of relief, leaned forward and said, "How soon do we take action, sir? This location is already far away from Windmill Village. Even if Garp wants to rush over as soon as possible, it will take three or four days."

Roger on the side also said: "That old bastard also dislikes the Tianlong people, because even if you are not a general, you can choose to ignore them. And it's three or four days' journey, and that old thing can't fly."

Ginny was faintly excited: "The children at home are all eager to be fed, just waiting for the rice to go back to the pot."

Daxiong also smiled and said: "Taking it from the people and using it for the people, this is the best result."

Hearing this, Kevin stood up and put his hands on the shoulders of Ginny and Big Bear, and the five of them formed a unit.

The next moment, he disappeared directly on the small boat.

"How long does it take to reach the special passage?"

On the escort ship, Navalta observed the surrounding sea level with a telescope.

This has been the case in the past few days. Although I haven't found any enemies, I have been feeling restless these days and always feel like something is happening.

After practicing the Haki of Seeing and Hearing to the extent of predicting the future, this situation has happened before, and it was always life-threatening.

Has anyone got their idea struck gold?

how can that be possible?

Even the most vicious pirate in the New World should know how hot these treasures are.

The pirates that filled the entire sea were just meager in Mariejoia's opinion, and only by allowing them to exist would they have the value of existence.

"Sir, there's still one day's flight left."

Navalta was silent for a while, and then ordered: "Let everyone be more vigilant."


The subordinate officer left and issued the order, but after returning, he still wondered: "There should be no fool who wants to rob the sky and gain gold, right? After so many years..."

Before he finished speaking, Navarta's pupils suddenly shrank.

The next moment, he pulled out the long sword, and the blade was already transformed into a black sword with armed domineering force.


The cold light fell.


A scabbard appeared out of thin air, and Kevin suddenly appeared with four people, saying in a deep voice: "Action."

With a backhand shot from Big Bear, Roger, Chameleon, and Ginny headed directly for the surrounding escort ships.

As soon as the bear's paw-shaped bubble appeared, Navalta was shocked: "Revolutionary Army! Cloaked Man!"

Kevin raised his head slightly and looked at him under the mask: "Congratulations, you got the answer right!"

"The sins in the world will all turn into ashes. The blade flows like fire!"

After the words of liberation, Qian Da took out the scabbard, and the blazing flames made the surrounding area extremely hot.

Even the wood of the entire ship began to glow with sparks, which could be ignited by the heat at any time.


The long knife fell suddenly, breaking through the flames with huge force, and collided with Kevin's flaming blade.


The core temperature is six thousand degrees. At this temperature, the black knife's collision point shows signs of melting.

The defensive effect of armed color Haki is not invincible, and the so-called top two-color Haki is just a relative term.

In the memory, Vergo's full body armor color would be easily divided into two by Luo.


The huge force knocked Kevin away.

Just like when fighting Kaido, his shortcomings are obvious.

A trace of spatial coordinates was swimming on the deck, but when it was about to climb onto Navarreta's body, it was pulled away to avoid it.

"Spatial coordinates? It's a pity, cloaked man. From what I've seen, your ability to teleport is useless."

Kevin frowned, raised his hand and threw out six kunai.


"Bang bang bang..."

With a swing of the black long knife, all the kunai were knocked into the sea.

Navalta still stared at Kevin: "Your intelligence analysis has been studied countless times by CP and the Navy. Do you think I will let your coordinates fall?"

Sure enough, he was targeted.

Although it had been anticipated, it would be a bit difficult to deal with the Navy and the World Government in the future, and it would be a bit difficult to create a situation where the other party would inevitably accept the hot attack of Ryūren Wakaro.

The thought lasted only a moment, Kevin suddenly rushed over, the sharp blade in his hand swept, and the flames swept several agents around.


Without any suspense, the agents who were not able to avoid it with their observation Haki were all cut off and their internal organs burned.

"All dispersed!"

Navalta roared and avoided him, the bow was already burning, and it became a sea of ​​fire.

Kevin frowned under the mask.

The so-called plan was like this, basically everything was calculated, but the extremely high temperature of the Ryujin Jakka itself was ignored.

If it dragged on, the ship would definitely be burned to ashes and sunk into the sea, and Bailey would be useless if he turned into charcoal.

"You are good at hiding. So do you think others can hide like you?"

After the voice fell, Kevin suddenly went to the CP agents around him.



"Kill him..."

"Bang bang bang..."

The lead bullets were fired, but no one could withstand Kevin's attack wherever the flames passed.

Compared to Navalta's two-color domineering, the escorted CP agent was only at the level of the first half of the Grand Line to some extent.

The raging blade swung, even if it was blocked by a long sword, the weapon that did not form a black sword would melt in a very short time.

And when the Flowing Blade Jaka slashed, the internal organs would be directly turned into charcoal when the flames swept over, without exception.


Amid the roar, an agent died after his whole body was ignited, and the internal damage made him not even feel the pain of burning.

But it is obvious that the soul absorbed into the prison after death will experience another more extreme pain.


After his men were killed one by one, Navalta still did not dare to confront Kevin head-on.

In the battle of the Sabaody Archipelago, a hidden assassination force of CP0 was killed, and the Navy's alternate admiral Borsalino did not even dare to land.

Obviously, the raging flames on the long sword have reached a level that his current armed color domineering cannot contend with.

At this moment, Navalta was very upset.

There was news that the latest thermal insulation material had made a breakthrough a month ago, but the things that can be applied have not come out yet.

If there is equipment that can counter this flame, the opponent's strength and domineering have not reached his level.

The blow just now and the previous analysis of the cloaked man by the World Government all illustrate this point.

Soon, the agents on the ship were cleared out by Kevin.

The Shikai of Ryujin Jakka was also lifted, and the flames burning on the entire ship were also taken back by the Zanpakuto.

Kevin held the shallow attack, and the armed color domineering rendered the blade, and the observation color domineering also stared at Navalta on the opposite side.

The improvement of domineering is in battle, this is what Kevin told Smoker and Tina in the G5 branch.

But for him, the attribute cards of mental will and physique can also be improved, so for a long time he has not taken the path of improvement in battle.

But now... maybe you can try.

Seeing that the flame was taken back by the long sword, Navalta's tense expression also relaxed a little.

"Without the flame of that sword, you would not be my opponent. And the form of that flame requires you to chant that sentence, right?"

Navalta stepped forward tentatively: "Change appearance, teleportation, flame, and even freezing. All your abilities have been analyzed and discussed countless times here."

"Among them, the teleportation ability requires the help of coordinates. The coordinates can be printed on weapons similar to darts, or they can be directly dropped on the enemy's body during battle."

"Under such restrictions, although it is a bit troublesome, it is also easy to restrain. At least my observation Haki is the most perfect restraint."

The moment the voice fell, the opponent accelerated suddenly.


The long swords collided.

The huge force still shocked Kevin, who was well prepared, but the opponent also took this opportunity to draw the sword and cut horizontally.

However, before the blade fell, he withdrew again.

The coordinates on the deck flashed by.

"Quick reaction."

Kevin raised his head slightly and put the shallow sword in his hand back into the scabbard.

Seeing this situation, Navalta did not think this meant a truce, and his eyes were still full of vigilance.

"So fighting with someone like you means you can't relax at any time. If you hadn't seen the scene where you disappeared after one second, you might not have been able to avoid it."

At this point, Navalta continued to test: "Although the seastone can't work on you, your teleportation coordinates can still be eliminated by enough armed color domineering, right?"

Kevin gripped the hilt tightly: "Guess."

The moment the voice just sounded, the domineering color domineering that suddenly burst out gathered on the shallow hit.

This is a move that doesn't require the first release, and it bursts out with an unprecedented speed in an instant.



The light of the blade flashed, and Kevin came to Navalta in an instant.


The deck and a section of the stern were cut off, and the slash even cut a section of the sea level behind it, and then fell into the sea again.


The sea water rose and fell on the deck.

Navalta, who avoided it in advance after foreseeing it, was terrified. If he hadn't avoided this attack, he would not be able to defend it.

It is true that his training in Armament Haki is superior to the other party, but extreme speed will also bring extreme power.

The explosion of the attack just now has exceeded the critical point.

"You dodged very quickly. No, it should be said that you saw the scene of yourself being cut off in advance, so you were able to avoid it."

Kevin put the shallow hit back into the sheath.

Fuzhan is also a move of Ryujin Jakka. At present, with his swordsmanship training, he has not been able to use it after drawing the sword.

It can only be used by copying the gourd.

Navalta's observation Haki is maintained, but after seeing Kevin's methods, he dare not attack at this moment.

The ability used has exceeded the number of palms. God knows what other abilities this monster has not used.

"You should know what you are doing, cloaked man! Tenshangjin belongs to the world's nobles. Do you really want to be hunted down by the world government?"


Kevin laughed softly: "What kind of stupidity makes you say such a thing? I have three lives of those scum in my hands! Do you think those bastards on Mary Geoise would keep me here if they could do it?"

The foot exploded, and the domineering aura gathered and drew the sword again.


The slash swept past, and the mast of the brig was cut off.

But the attack was still dodged.

Kevin sighed.

So sometimes special abilities may not make you win, but saving your life is first-class.

Just like the targeted Flying Thunder God Technique, even if the coordinates cannot be dropped, it can still avoid attacks and run away directly.

This is not the battle I want now.

Kevin did not sheath the sword again, but wrapped the domineering aura around the blade and rushed straight away.


The blades collided and the deck shattered.

With the opponent's foresight, Kevin made several mistakes and was captured, but he avoided it with the coordinates of the treasure chest under the deck, and jumped up again under the broken deck to attack.

"Are you out of tricks, cloaked man?"

"Shut up, idiot!"

The cold light flashed on the deck, and for a while no one could win with one blow.


At the same time, on the other four escort ships, Da Xiong and others locked the communication equipment as soon as they boarded the ship.

All the Den Den Mushi became the first target, and then the agents who guarded them one by one.

Just as Chameleon said, an escort ship like the East China Sea basically does not have two top combat forces, and sometimes there is not even one.

After all, the escort of Tenjo Jin has been so many years that those who want to rob it have no strength, and the powerful pirates are not so stupid.

The four people's cleaning went smoothly, and the damage to the ship was a world of difference compared to Kevin's side.

The ship where Kevin was was almost sinking at this moment.

This is just the Ryujin Jakka in the Shikai state. If it is the temperature of Bankai, the sea in this area will be evaporated completely in a while.

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