Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 126 Ace: I have a dream

"Forget it, there are a lot of things going on at G5 recently. The Navy Headquarters will let me go back for a meeting even if it doesn't work out, maybe next time."

Kevin said as he was about to leave, but Roger put his arm around his shoulder.

Looking back, I found Roger's eyes looking a little strange under his mask.

There is no sharpness at all, nor the usual cynicism. Instead, there is some kindness in it.

what's going on?

"Little boss, how about a penny talk?"


Kevin rubbed his forehead: "You learn these slangs quickly."

Roger spread his hands: "Because it feels very smooth. After further training in prison, I feel that if I meet Kurokas again, I can make him speechless."

Kevin: "Why your ship's doctor?"

Roger was already accustomed to his little boss's ability to predict the unknown, and he didn't even ask how he knew about the ship's doctor Kurokas.

"Every time I drink some wine, that old guy will appear. In the past, he was under control, but now he drinks without any taste, and maybe he will be exposed."

Roger said and sighed.

At this time, the floating power attached to the two people may end at any time. After all, five large ships need to be maintained there.

After thinking for a while, Kevin put his hand on Roger's shoulder, and the next moment the two of them appeared in the stronghold in the town below the Kingdom of Goa.

Kevin opened a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass.

"You should rush to see your son after the operation is over, right? What do you want to talk to me about?"

Roger looked at Kevin's glass and swallowed, but it was clear he couldn't taste it.

"Although Kaido's combat power is not as high as that of Garp and I, he can still be considered a big pirate in this sea. The little boss killed him one on one, so to a certain extent I feel that I have reached that level. Top level?"

[Note: Kaido is the Kaido from 20 years ago in the original work. At this time, there was no concept of the Four Emperors. His domineering strength is not as strong as that of the Four Emperors twenty years later. 】

[In addition, the top level Roger is talking about here is him and Garp, or the golden lion who has no rudder on his head and has not lost his will. 】

Hearing this, Kevin didn't say anything and just drank half a glass of wine.

But he understood that his previous complacency was discovered by Roger. And this is indeed his problem, a mental problem that just appeared.

Roger continued: "Perhaps the little boss thinks that fighting is a competition of levels? Whoever has the top combat power will definitely be able to defeat the ordinary so-called high-end combat power?"

Kevin's hand holding the wine glass paused.

Upon seeing this, Roger continued: "The term "top combat power" originally came from the navy. This title was placed on generals, but it only shows that they are the top combat power of the contemporary navy. When the new generation rises, , the so-called top and top are completely different.”

"Zefa, the general at the same time as Warring States and Garp, I heard that that guy had problems with his will a long time ago, but he is still a general, right? He is still the top combat power of the navy."

The wine glass twirled in Kevin's hand.

He knows very well that at this stage, Teacher Zefa has a certain gap compared to Porusalino, Kuzan and Sakaski, who are still alternate generals.

Clear hierarchy does not mean clear victory or defeat...

Is this influenced by the so-called hierarchy concept in the previous life?

There are still twenty years left before the Wano Chapter in my memory, and Kaido is not yet the Four Emperors.

"On this sea..."

Roger's eyes became serious: "There is never absolute strength or weakness. Even me or that guy with white beard will die soon due to illness or be killed by a sneak attack."

"In addition to domineering power, there are also fruits in this sea. The abilities of superhuman fruits are all kinds of strange. The fragmented fruit is immune to slashing to a certain extent, the slippery fruit can cut apart all attacks, and the rusty fruit can make people touch it if touched. Things get rusty.”

"For example, the teleportation ability of the mini-boss."

Roger and Kevin's eyes collided.

"In comparison, the teleportation fruit's ability does not require coordinates, but it is not as far away as the mini-boss, and will be restrained by sea tower stones and sea water."

"But if the power of seeing and hearing color reaches the level of predicting the future, it is necessary to restrain this ability. Even the high-temperature flames of the little boss, if the armed color domineering reaches a certain level, coupled with the collision of external non-contact, the little boss will suffer. "

Kevin drank all the wine in the glass: "Kaido can also be armed and domineering, and he can even be surrounded by the overlord color."

Roger shook his head slightly: "He is still too young. He reached the level of a great pirate in his thirties, and his own race and the growth of the phantom beast species accounted for a lot of the reasons."

"Eighteen years ago in the Valley of the Gods, that boy was just the little guy following Charlotte Lingling."

"When Garp and I and... were fighting Rocks, both Charlotte Lingling and Wang Zhi had no choice but to stay away."


Putting the glass down, Kevin exhaled.

Sure enough, the problem lies in the battle between Onigashima and Kaido.

In twenty years, Kaido cannot be placed at the same level as the Yonko twenty years later, and there are also issues of intelligence and ability.

Just like how easy it is to kill a chameleon in the Chambord Islands, after the Flying Thunder God and the Blade Ruohuo were carefully analyzed by the World Government, Navarta, who has the ability to foresee the future, is much more difficult to deal with.

Even to a certain extent this time, it would be really difficult to chase the opponent if he ran away decisively.

"Little boss, do you understand?"

Roger smiled again.

And Kevin also understood a lot of things: "There is no constant strength and constant weakness, which is different from the enemies of the World Government and pirates. For such a huge organization, after the death of three Celestial Dragons, they will definitely treat me Focus on analysis.”

Roger once again looked at the wine bottle aside: "Just understand. The goal of the Revolutionary Army is not just to overthrow the world government, but also to change the world. Among them, the ideas brought by the small boss are the top priority, so …”

"The future I'm looking forward to... is the kind of future the little boss wants."

Returning to Windmill Village from Chengxia Town, it turned out that Garp had been urgently transferred to the sea area where the accident occurred.

Now that the old bastard is gone, Roger can go home to his son in peace and peace of mind.

But as soon as he entered the door, he found Ace kneeling, and Lujiu holding a wooden stick beside him was explaining the truth with great pains.

"I know you have your own friends outside. If you have money to spend, you can tell your mother that some behaviors are absolutely unacceptable."

Lu Jiu's voice was still soft, and the wooden stick in her hand didn't even have a deterrent effect.

As soon as Roger entered the door, he was stunned, and then asked: "What's going on? You're still kneeling."

Ace tilted his head: "I knelt on my own. Mother wants to be beaten, so I can only kneel down and get beaten."

Then Lu Jiu said: "The tens of thousands of Baileys pressed under the bed are missing. Although the money is not much, I just took some, and the difference was only five minutes."

So it's not a thief?

Roger and Ace looked at each other, thought for a moment and asked, "Is anyone in the room?"

Lu Jiu sighed and put down the useless wooden stick in her hand: "It was only Ace and little Nami for five minutes. Bellemere took Nokigao to the town to buy things, so... I believe Ace ,but……"

Kevin, who had been silent since he came in together, was thoughtful.

Lu Jiu also owed him a favor, but obviously her mind was full of tangles now and she didn't know how to deal with it.

After thinking for a while, Kevin asked: "Is little Nami asleep?"

Lu Jiu nodded: "She has been a lot better recently. She crawled into bed and slept by herself."

Climb by yourself?

Kevin smiled, then walked directly into the bedroom, lifted up a corner of little Nami's quilt, and reached in to touch it.

Sure enough, there was something underneath the cotton wool.

Just as he was about to turn it over and take it out, he found a pair of big eyes staring at him.

Kevin twitched again, and the result...

"Wow wow..."

Little Nami started crying at the top of her lungs, pressing her money with both hands and feet.

Helplessly, Kevin could only take back his hand, looked at Roger and his wife and said, "This little money man took it, and it was pressed under the cotton wool. He woke up when he touched it."

Lu Jiu, who had just followed in, was stunned.

Then he quickly went out to apologize to Ace.

Roger was very curious and tentatively stretched out his hand, only to be bitten by little Nami.

Obviously, anyone who dared to touch her Bailey was an enemy and would bite her.

"How did the little boss know?"

Kevin looked at little Nami on the bed. She was much cuter after her hair had grown. He stretched out his hand to rub his head, but was almost bitten as well.

"This kid has been a money addict since he grew up. I have seen it, so I wonder if he was like this when he was a child."

Roger was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

He remembered that there was an intern with a red nose on the ship, and he was also very concerned about the treasure and his nose.

Shanks accidentally ate a Devil Fruit once, and almost collapsed in despair after learning that he couldn't swim.

Because then the treasures under the sea have nothing to do with him.

Speaking of which, Shanks' kid will come back here after finding a companion to travel with, right? After all, Ace is here and has a future entrusted to him.

In the end, no one could take those Baileys. Only an angry Ace went over, but was given a few Baileys.

In this situation, Ace looked at little Nami's cute big eyes, and for a moment he completely forgot the purpose of rushing in.

You must know that even Nozhigao and Aunt Bellmere failed to get a Bailey.

This particularity made Ace pat his chest and promise that if he ate anything in the future, Nami would definitely drink it in one gulp.

He is an older brother and will definitely protect his sister from now on.

After having a meal at Roger's house, Kevin also left. Garp did not come back for vacation after being urgently deployed. It was very likely that he was scolded by Sengoku and sent back to the navy headquarters.

Without the old bastard, Roger would naturally go home to spend time with his wife and children every day.

But Ace was used to being wild, and now he and Sabo were searching for treasures in the garbage.

He wasn't trying to save money to buy a boat and go to sea, or he was just following Saab for fun.

The day's trash-picking operation was over, and the two lay down on the ground to rest in the secret base.

Sabo closed his eyes and said: "A few days ago, the heavenly gold of the Kingdom of Goa was paid."

After a pause, Ace waited for him to continue.

"That's a lot of money, so much that ordinary people may not be able to count it. Anyway, I can't count it."

"There was an old woman in a town below the city who died. She stabbed her head with scissors. Because she was afraid of pain, she hesitated, so she fixed the scissors on the table and hit it with one end."

Ashton sat up immediately: "Why?"

Sabo breathed out: "Because there are five people in their family, and if one dies, they only need to pay the heavenly gold of four people. The taxes of the Kingdom of Goa and the payment of the heavenly gold leave the old man with this choice."

After the words fell, Ace fell silent.

He didn't know much about these things, because his mother and that unreliable father had never told him about the issue of heavenly gold.

"I want to go to sea!"

Sabo stood up: "Every second I spend here, I feel suffocated. I want to go to sea, and I can be a pirate, to find true freedom."


Ace was still a little confused by the jumping conversation.

But pirates...

"Pirates are not a good thing Sabo."

Sabo looked over: "Why do you say that?"

Ace lay down again: "If you just want freedom and adventure, there is no need to do it in the name of pirates. In this sea, there are too many bad guys who burn, kill and loot in the name of pirates."

"But I heard people in the tavern say that the freest man on this sea is the Pirate King Goldo Roger."

"Freedom does not mean unscrupulousness, Sabo. If everyone is unscrupulous and free, then do people like that old woman in this world still have a way to survive?"

After the words fell, Sabo lowered his head and frowned in silence.

Freedom does not mean unscrupulousness. Pirates represent sin, not so-called freedom.

"For ordinary people, order is the most important thing. Although the current order is very distorted, they will not be able to survive without order."

Ace said opening his eyes.

These were the words of his unreliable father, but he could understand the logic behind them. After all, his father would explain them bit by bit.

So he doesn't have a great impression of pirates, but he also has a disgusting attitude toward the navy and the World Government.

"What about you Ace?"

Sabo asked: "What do you want to do when you grow up? Or what is your dream? Always stay in Windmill Village?"

Ace jumped up with a smile: "Of course not! I want to see the world just like you. My father told me about many wonderful islands, and I want to see them all. Of course, I will not become the sea thief."

"But if you talk about dreams..."

"Saab, I want things like that to happen to the old woman never to happen again. At least I won't take my own life because I can't live anymore."

Speaking of this, Ace looked at Sabo: "Is this dream a little too big? I know it will be difficult, because those vested interests that my father said will want to skin me and remove my bones."

"But if no one resists and no one is willing to stand up, then this dream of mine can only be a dream, or even a dream."

After the words fell, Sabo stood stunned on the spot.

For the first time, he felt that his little friend had different thoughts from those of his peers.

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