Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 134 Immortal Kaido’s Stubbornness

For more than a year, although he would be beaten up by Kevin at regular intervals, Smoker still persisted and always challenged.

Only this time, Kevin took the initiative to twist this guy up and beat him up.

"Did Mr. Lieutenant General obtain some powerful Devil Fruit? He was able to awaken as soon as he obtained it. It is really powerful!"

Smoker said as he took off the Ten Hands from his back: "I happened to have a few battles with BiGMOM's son recently, and ability users can be restrained by Sea Tower Stone. I also made progress..."


Before he finished speaking, Smoker suddenly noticed the approaching attack. He wanted to react, but found that his fist was getting bigger and bigger.

The domineering power disappeared in a flash.

The ten hands covered with armed domineering were broken by a punch. The white smoke that had just been transformed into elements and had no time to dodge was caught in the physical form and flew away with a punch.


Smoker flew out of the air, his head was like paste.

how come?

This kind of power is like facing a mountain, and your own armor is smashed without any resistance...

The getting wider and wider.

Smoker tilted his head while his thoughts were surging and he fainted.

Kevin clenched his fist: "Not bad."

Tina on the side sighed, walked over and kicked the broken wood aside, then went out and called two people to carry Smoker to the infirmary.

"It's like this every time. I still fight even though I know I can't win."

Kevin was still feeling the new power in his body, and then replied: "Awakening of domineering power lies in will, but growth requires constant fighting. Your knowledge and weaponry are already different from Smog's."

Tina brushed the pink hair on her head: "Tina is not weak either. Does the Lieutenant General also want to beat Tina once a day?"

Kevin glanced at her: "Your tone is a bit bitchy. But I really need to thank you today, otherwise I might have been sucked out of my body."

"You're welcome Mr. Lieutenant General."

Tina hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "So the state Mr. Lieutenant General was in just now was really due to the awakening of the Devil Fruit?"

Kevin shook his head slightly and casually picked up Smoker's broken head.

There was no weak reaction when the Sea Tower Stone came into contact, but it could also be that the ability user had adapted to the Sea Tower Stone and was just unable to use his abilities.

"With the second development, the bones, internal organs, and meridians have all undergone a qualitative improvement. It was compressed for too long, so I didn't pay attention to an explosion, which created a dangerous situation where the body was almost empty."

Secondary development?

Tina's eyes widened, with an expression that said you don't have to say anything if you don't want to say it, don't bully me for not being well educated.

Although Mr. Lieutenant General is only twenty-one years old, he is not at an age where he can develop a second time, right?

"When you or Smoker encounter pirates that cannot be dealt with, you will be able to see this improvement."

Kevin said, waving his hands and going out to where he lived.

However, as soon as they stepped out of the office, a group of marines from the G5 branch crowded the aisles, leaving a space at the door.

"No wonder the people who just carried Smoker came so quickly."

Kevin looked at these guys: "What? You also want to test how far I have improved?"

"Hahaha. Lieutenant General, you are joking. We just can't sleep at night. Let's see if you still need food here."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lieutenant General, you are tired today and need to rest. We have also trained all day today. Let's go back to sleep."


"Mr. Lieutenant General, please rest early."

"We are not Major Smoker. We are never stubborn."

"Hahaha... Our heads are made of meat, only Major Smoker's head is made of iron."

"Iron-made Smoker, hahaha..."

A group of people just say something to each other and they all disappear in the blink of an eye.

As for the Iron-headed Smoker, this term was first introduced from Kevin, and later it was further changed into the Iron-headed Smoker.

After everyone dispersed, Kevin returned to the resting place.

Late at night, the revolutionary army's single-line contacts in the waters of the G5 branch were activated in many places.

The basic information is much the same.

[Lieutenant General Kevin, the base commander of the Navy G5 Branch, suspected that the awakening of the Devil Fruit caused the body to be evacuated. After a day of eating and supplementation, it gradually recovered. The ability of the Devil Fruit is currently unknown. Achievable goals. 】

This kind of information related to the combat power of a Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and the fourth monster in the Navy Headquarters Youth Training Camp, so the information was gradually compiled and passed to Baldigo.

Dolag, who had just separated from Donghai, was slightly lost in thought while looking at the documents in his hand.

It's not because Kevin is one of his own, but because for Mr. Devil Fruit, it just adds a weakness that can be restrained by the Sea Sea Tower Stone, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Before he could think about it, the phone next to him rang again.

"Bulu Bulu..."


The phone answered, followed by an urgent voice.

"Captain Kaido led his men to rob an island in BiGMOM's sea of ​​nations, and is now fighting BiGMOM's second son Katakuri."

Dolag rubbed his forehead: "Is the pressure on Pulin Island no longer possible?"

The phone bug nodded nervously: "Because of our arrival, the lives of the people on Pulin Island are getting better and better, and the taxes they need to pay are also very low. In contrast, the people in the Wanguohai area need to pay life span to survive, and the psychological gap is huge. ”

Dorag frowned.

Pulin Island is close to the Sea of ​​All Nations. For more than a year, Kaido and Jhin, together with some ideological lecturers sent by the Revolutionary Army, formed the new Beasts Pirates.

Yu New World also occupied part of the territory, and Kaido relied on his immortality to gain the title of Immortal Beast.

As for why the original phantom beast's fish-fruit green dragon form is no longer used, except for the top brass of the Revolutionary Army, it's just speculation.

Even the ability to be immortal is considered by many people in the New World to be the special ability of the phantom beast species.

As for the conflict with BiGMOM, the cause is that among the people of Pulin Island, many relatives went to the waters of Wanguo more than a year ago and became subjects of BiGMOM, exchanging their lifespans for the right to live in Wanguo.

They were willing to do so at first, and even many people on Pulin Island thought about going to Wanguo at first.

After all, compared to a place like the New World where one could die at any time, where natural and man-made disasters occurred every day, giving up one month of life a year was a very cost-effective thing.

However, things are afraid of contrast.

Cloaked in the guise of the Beast Pirates, but actually the arrival of the New World First Division of the Revolutionary Army, Prin Island truly felt what it was like to be alive.

So people on the other side of the sea of ​​nations wanted to leave, but faced with the soul incarnation that collected rent, anyone who chose to leave completely lost their lives.

Relatives died, and the people who had just awakened their minds became angry.

For more than a year, 20% of the people on Pulin Island, which is located in the New World with strong folk customs, awakened their armed domineering spirit, brandishing straw and wooden sticks, and wanted to go to the waters of the world to bring back their relatives.

Even the lecturers of the Revolutionary Army cannot stop this kind of spontaneous organization of the people that is reasonable and does not ask for help.

As the captain of the Beast Pirates, the lovely people and relatives on the territory were detained, and Kaido, who had a bad temper, also did his part.

I have fought against the BiGMOM pirates several times recently, and I have picked up a lot of them.

"After Kaido is cut off according to the old rules, everyone including Jhin begins to evacuate. After everyone leaves, Mr. Tinder can bring Kaido back."


The caller hung up, and Dorag looked at the intelligence document in his hand.

It has reached Katakuri's level, and if it continues, BiGMOM may take action.

The current form of pirates in the new world is a tripartite state. Whitebeard is playing the game of bringing the old with the new, dragging a boatload of sons of all sizes around.

They don't burn and kill, but they loot, especially those who eat black and white do well.

No matter BiGMOM or the Beast Pirates, they basically don't collide with him.

Then there is BiGMOM's Wan Guo, who has given birth to thirty-four children through marriage over the years. It is said that she is pregnant with decuplets recently.

According to what the husband said, they are as productive as sows. Five generations can probably form a town's population.

All Nations of the BiGMOM Pirates is considered one of the overlords of the new world. His second son, Katakuri, is not weak. His Haki is about the same as Kaido's, but his Haki is weaker, and he has not even mastered the power of external release.

However, although Kaido's domineering side is powerful and his inner will has found new persistence, due to the lack of physical strength of the immortal body, the fight is still going back and forth.

Finally, there is the Beast Pirates, Kaido and Jhin, who rely on the Revolutionary Army, plus the Revolutionary Army's first team, which is equipped with scientific weapons and has mastered the two-color Haki.

Relying on the characteristics of immortality, Kaido often chooses to wave the iron rod to cut off the rear of the first team.

Even if the body is damaged, it can recover quickly and continue fighting.

The first time he collided with BiGMOM, he was punched to pieces, but his body turned into ashes and continued to reorganize. He picked up the thorn iron rod and smashed it on BiGMOM's head.

The arm was broken, but BiGMOM didn't break the defense.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and punched, broken again, recovered again, and was hit again.

After going back and forth several times, he was finally wrapped in syrup by Perospero, the eldest son of BiGMOM, and put on a sea tower stone chain.

However, Kaido, who was reincarnated in the dirty earth, was not afraid of the Hailou Stone at all. After the large troops evacuated, he grabbed the Dier with his head. Most of his body was broken and he escaped, and he started to abuse the food with a big black stick.

It wasn't until the BiGMOM Pirates were exhausted and suffered numerous casualties that they were sealed again by the three layers of syrup rice cake's entire body.

But within two days, Kevin took the time to go there and brought it back.

The current structure of the new world is basically like this. The three big pirates Whitebeard are aloof, the Revolutionary Army is developing very slowly on its territory, and BiGMOM and Kaido fight every two months.

There are other newcomers who are coming forward, but basically they have not reached the level of these three.

Dorag put down the file, thought for a moment and dialed Kevin's anti-eavesdropping phone number, which only rang once before hanging up.

one two three.

In three seconds, Kevin appeared directly at the door of Dolag's office, where a trident kunai hung.

"Is something wrong?"


Drago stood up and said, "Kaido has another conflict with BiGMOM. I need you to go there in two days."

Kevin found a chair and sat down.

"Are they fighting again? That old woman is not easy to deal with. Is Kaido addicted to being blasted to pieces?"

After receiving Cyborg's talent, Kevin felt for the first time the power of the real monsters in this world.

Not counting the battle between Wano and Kaido, Kaido at that time was not up to the level of the Yonko twenty years later.

After all, not everyone is like Wang Lufei twenty years later, who grew up from a trash pirate in the East China Sea to a capable Immu in a little over two years.

"Immortal Kaido, this is a title that has become popular recently. The Navy's bounty order also uses this title. He likes it very much, and said that he wants to go to the Navy headquarters recently."

Dorag sighed as he spoke: "Although it went smoothly to accept the ideological transformation from the Revolutionary Army, this mentality of seeking excitement has not changed much."


Kevin chuckled softly.

Looking for excitement is not pure stupidity. If this stupid guy is really stupid, why doesn't Mary Joa suddenly appear in his memory?

Even I don't dare to try Im's methods now, let alone Kaido?

"Okay, I'll go there in a few days. Is there anything else?"

Dorag hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Sir, did you eat a devil fruit?"


Kevin also knows that the current six units of the G5 branch are mostly members of the Revolutionary Army, and the information will definitely be passed to Dolag.

"The strength has grown a bit faster, but the specific extent has not been tested yet. The Devil Fruit is superfluous to me, but you have people from Beihai and Donghai start looking for two Devil Fruits."

Dorag asked: "Is it a very special ability?"

"It's special, but there are limitations."

Kevin knocked on the table: "Beihai's superhuman surgical fruit can perform immortality surgery on the target at the cost of life. The immortality surgery is not in line with the revolutionary army's ideology, but the ability of the surgical fruit is related to the life and death of the people of a country."

After the chaos in the Kingdom of Harmony, Kevin understood that the spread and acceptance of ideas still require a certain environment.

In a country that can survive, before they experience the pain of this world, most of the people are muddle along and are ignorant and kind-hearted.

As long as they have a mouth to eat and as long as their family can survive, they will not be willing to fight for liberation.

Therefore, in the past year or so, the revolutionary army has mostly developed in countries that are suffering. For example, the white town of Ferrevans left a spatial coordinate and ignored it.

Because no one would believe that the outbreak of lead disease would be just over a year later.

The amber lead mine has brought prosperity to the white town. With a prosperous life, even if some people have begun to suffer from amber lead disease and died, the people will not be willing to leave their comfortable and prosperous life.

It still takes time.

Dolag took out a pen and paper and recorded it, because this fruit is related to the life and death of all people in a country.

Then, Kevin continued: "Another...a fruit escorted by the East China Sea World Government: the rubber fruit. Just inform the Revolutionary Army East Army and let Ginny and Chameleon pay attention."

"If you don't find it... don't force it. You don't need to pay too much attention to this devil fruit."

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