Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 137 Gold Moon Dr. Tsukimi

Kevin knew about the giant robot that climbed onto the Red Continent and attacked Mary Joa more than two hundred years ago.

In fact, although the current technological level of Baldigo's research institute is much better than that of the outside world, it is far inferior to the future technological island in my memory.

The ability of the Brain Fruit cannot turn a fool into a genius, nor can it allow technology to evolve from the first industrial revolution to the level of Egg Tip Island in memories.

The fruit's ability only gives Vegapunk a huge information storage that can be retrieved at any time, but it also makes his brain much larger than a normal person.

Perhaps the brain-brain fruit first appeared because a scientist eight hundred years ago was worried that his brain's storage capacity was too low, so this fruit appeared.

Nearly four years ago, he half-forced himself to bring Vegapunk back to Baldigo in O'Hara.

In the past three years or so, Vegapunk has also brought sufficient returns to the Revolutionary Army after consuming huge amounts of funds.

Bolt-action rifles, impact cannons, and new ship guns are all reflected in basic combat capabilities.

But if we talk about black technology, maybe it only took more than three years. The research project based on blood factors is not even as strong as Germa's transformation of people nineteen years later.

Of course, Baldigo's research institute can research mechanical combat power, but it will not allow research on human cloning.

So...the giant mechanical soldier who attacked Mariejoia, and whose whole body belonged to the technology of the great kingdom eight hundred years ago, was really something that must be obtained.

But Marigio...

Even Vegapunk's research institute has black technology that isolates space. The World Government, which has ruled the world for eight hundred years, has teleportation fruits and door fruits. There is no way to guard against space-based abilities. He didn't believe it.

But Mariejoia is not a place of death and no life.

In my memory, Tiger climbed up a few years later, freed a large number of slaves and escaped unscathed.

Nineteen years after the original work, during the World Conference, Sabo cooperated with the Revolutionary Army to sneak into Marijoa, and even faced the Five Old Stars and Im.

From this point of may be very maneuverable.

For example...that Jasmine from the giant tribe is a user with the push fruit ability and is good at digging tunnels.


Vegapunk slapped the tome with one hand and looked at Dorag and Kevin.

"This robot is not simple."

"The attack on Mary Joa two hundred years ago did not cause much damage on the surface, but according to O'Hara's documentary records, it is very likely that it came from the huge kingdom eight hundred years ago."

Dolag Mask was confused: "We have just seen this origin. But I have a question, Doctor..."

After a pause, Dolag said: "What can he still move after six hundred years of something that was eight hundred years ago?"

Vegapunk was a little excited: "This is the point you asked. Six hundred years have passed, and the giant mechanical soldier is still able to climb onto the Red Earth Continent and even attack Mary Joa. The energy system in his body is What I need most!"

"A lot of research in the scientific research institute now focuses on energy. In terms of blood factors, it has even reached the level of replicability. We must obtain that mechanical soldier."

Kevin rubbed his forehead and sighed, but after taking off the mask, he had an ordinary face.

"I see."

"But I need to know, if my teleportation ability cannot be used like this in the institute, is there any way to break it?"

As he spoke, Kevin looked at Vegapunk: "The doctor should know very well that the best way to steal such a huge mechanical soldier from Mariejoia is to use the teleportation ability to move to the bottom of the Red Earth Continent nearby. nearest island.”

Drago on the side nodded: "Maryjoia is the residence of the Celestial Dragons, and there are many Devil Fruits with teleportation capabilities similar to yours. In the past eight hundred years, there has been no problem in Mariejoia. "

Vegapunk sat back with pride in his eyes.

"This research institute can prevent Mr.'s teleportation ability from directly entering, but it does not turn the research institute into an independent space. It is just a device that cannot be entered by special abilities."

"But again, this kind of device that disables space system capabilities cannot be used all the time on Mariejoia. The Celestial Dragons also value the power of technology, but their roots are domination and exploitation, and even their defense methods are very It may be that the ability of a certain phantom species’ devil fruit makes it impossible to move in space.”

"It's just that I want you to go there, not to kill a group of Celestial Dragons."

Vegapunk and Kevin looked at each other, making Kevin even a little embarrassed.

The main reason is that the evil value of the Celestial Dragons is too good. Mary Joa has so many people and kills seven or eight of them. What kind of bicycle do you need?

Next time I'll just see if I can get a Gundam out!

Converging his thoughts, personal force suddenly became important, but it was by no means everything.

"It's just a matter of bringing something out. As long as you don't get impulsive because of past hatred, there won't be any big problem."

Vegapunk said and glanced at Quinn: "Why are you shaking?"

"Excited, Doctor!"

With a flick of his tongue, Quinn slapped the table: "As long as there is a sufficient energy system, the super soldiers we are researching can continue to the next step. If successful, completely overthrowing Mary Joa will no longer be a dream!"

"Overthrowing Marijoa has never been the ultimate goal of the Revolutionary Army."

Drag shook his head slightly and said, "What we want is to completely change the world. Overthrowing Marijoa is a process, but overthrowing them is just the beginning."

Speaking of this, Dragon looked at Vegapunk: "But I am also curious about the project you are talking about. Is it currently stuck in the energy aspect?"

Vegapunk replied: "It's not just energy, there is also the specimen conversion of power replication. There is no point in saying more about the specific situation. If you want to know, you can read the test records."


Drag's eyes twitched, so he thought he thought he wouldn't understand even if he said it?

As for the test records, that thing is like a heavenly book, and it is thicker than the large document from O'Hara on the table in front of him. I can't understand it at all.


Kevin stood up: "This is what the institute needs, right? I'll find a chance to go there, but there are no coordinates for me on Marijoa, so it may take a little longer."

Vegapunk also stood up, thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "Gold. The Revolutionary Army needs to store gold next. We can't exchange gold for Bailey like before."


Including Kevin, the three of them looked at Vegapunk at the same time.

However, Vegapunk was stunned for half a minute. After his eyes regained their spirits, he sighed and pointed at his shrunken head.

"Because the skull can no longer bear the weight of the brain, I had to cut the brain and divide it into six parts."

"But the current processor is still too poor. It takes thirty seconds to retrieve just one piece of information."

"After this time, I will even forget the inspiration that came to me at the beginning."

Vegapunk got back to the point: "O'Hara in the West Sea, the tree of all-knowing has existed for thousands of years, and the knowledge stored in it is the wealth of the whole world. Even the scholars of O'Hara may not have read all those books."

"Gold is the key to the future. In the distant past, the gods who descended from the sky brought light, and the gods needed gold."


Drag and Kevin frowned.

Seeing this, Vegapunk continued, "God is not a real god. For people in this world in ancient times, perhaps a torch would be considered a god. It was difficult to obtain fire in the earliest human society."


Vegapunk's eyes gradually became solemn: "It is foolish to say that God is like this. But in my hometown of Baltimore, there was once a doctor named Yuejian. The few words he left pointed to the origin of God as the moon."


"The one in the sky?"

Drag and Quinn were stunned for a moment.

Quinn even doubted whether the moon that Vegapunk was talking about was the one hanging in the sky.

Only Kevin sat back in his seat and thought about it.

Dr. Yuejian.

The picture of this name in my memory is still an old man who was frightened by eating mooncakes and then choked to death by the mooncakes.

An outrageous but normal way of death. After all, the old man looked like he would not live long.

But these are not important. What is important is the information about the moon people.

The huge kingdom eight hundred years ago, the technology comes from the technology left by the moon people?

The moon people have advanced technology, but they came to this planet because of the lack of gold resources, so the endless energy is related to gold?

In addition...

In the 402nd year of the Haiyuan calendar, the golden city of Shandora, which is nearly 1,100 years away from the present, was destroyed in the blank 100 years eight hundred years ago.

This golden city is the place that is most easily associated with the word gold.

Gold, the time of the destruction of the golden city of Shandora, Dr. Yuejian, the moon people...

Kevin frowned as his thoughts flew.

These things can easily attract a person's original thoughts, because they are important, but they are not so important to the revolutionary army at present.

"Commander Dorag."


Kevin said: "Stop refining and transporting the gold on that island. Now we have a special passage to the Red Earth Continent. Based on that batch of heavenly gold, we will start to set up our own financial management and form a caravan."

Dorag replied: "We have been doing it. After the sir set the rule that middle and senior management are not allowed to do business, the responsibility of the caravan was handed over to specific talents, but they will never be given power in the revolutionary army."

"It is not possible to achieve self-sufficiency at present, but the batch of heavenly gold is still abundant. Speaking of which, the kid who manages the caravan was brought back by the sir."

A name flashed through Kevin's mind.


Kevin smiled: "That kid is indeed a talent for making money. As long as his thoughts are not corrupt, it is okay to let him change the world with his own expertise."

Then Kevin looked at Vegapunk again.

"I have seen some of the lunar technology, and I have also seen the scene of Dr. Yue's death. Although I only have a partial understanding, it is not important for us to delve into it at the moment."

Kevin continued: "The research project on bloodline factors can be temporarily stopped before the giant mechanical soldiers are obtained."


Vegapunk and the others looked at Kevin in confusion.

"Offensive power is important, but in the scene I saw, it is not so important."

Kevin paused: "I have seen a scene where red energy fell from the sky, destroying an island in an instant as if it was the end of the world. Not only that, even where the original location of the erased island was, a giant one appeared. The potholes cannot be filled even by sea water.”

After the words fell, several people present looked at Kevin attentively.

No one doubted this description, even Dorag had heard this from Kevin before.

It just leaves a bottomless hole...

You must know that even the legendary Pluto destroyed an island with one blow, but it did not say that a bottomless pit would be formed under the island.

So... this is what the world government relies on?

"The Wano Country investigation more than a year ago, at that time the World Government was..."


Before Dorag finished speaking, Kevin confirmed his idea.

"At that time, if the World Government confirms that the revolutionary army has a large number of combat forces and that I am in Wano, then they will launch such an attack."

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

Quinn felt her throat feel dry and itchy.

Is this kind of power the real terror of the world government?

The original Beasts Pirates had no chance of competing!

Therefore, the lecturer said that pirates can only exist because of their laissez-faire. It is because of the burning, killing and looting of pirates that so much heavenly gold is handed over to the Celestial Dragons.

Otherwise, if that kind of attack were launched against Wano, it would be impossible for Kaido to block it.

"It's not just that."

Kevin's voice continued: "The hole left by the kind of attack that destroys an island may exist for a long time. After that, tsunamis, earthquakes, and most importantly, rising sea levels, are the real key."

Vegapunk was stunned, and the sharp thoughts in his brain quickly thought of the key.

"How much will the sea level... rise?"

Kevin looked over: "One meter."

These words made Dorag relieved: "If it is only one meter..."

Before Dolag finished speaking, Bega Punk and Quinn interrupted him.

"Too much."

"That's the entire sea level, not one meter of sea level rise on a certain island."

"One blow destroyed an island, triggered tsunamis and earthquakes across the entire ocean, and raised the sea level of the entire world by one meter..."

Vegapunk's voice was trembling slightly: "Such a simple description is an understatement. The tsunamis and earthquakes caused by one meter of sea level rise are enough to take away a large number of ordinary people's lives."

"Dorag, this is not just the beach that we saw rose by one meter. The appearance contained in it is a terrifying natural disaster for ordinary people."

Having said this, Vegapunk looked at Kevin again: "The attack from the sky is unavoidable. Even the gentleman did not mention how the world government would launch such an attack, and what weapons would be used to launch such an attack. So... Sir, it is necessary Can I build something that can defend against such an attack?"


Kevin confirmed his guess, and then asked: "What I want to know is, can a so-called isolated space like this..."


Vegapunk shook his head directly: "I just said that the so-called isolation space only invalidates the ability to teleport or the door fruit. It does not mean that the entire research institute is really separated. It is just a kind of isolation. It's just a shielding device. If you want to defend yourself from the energy weapons you mentioned, you need the same amount of energy."

So the key lies in the iron lump on Marie Joa.

Kevin sighed: "The entire revolutionary army is currently working hard to emancipate the mind, and when most people wake up, it will be time for us to launch a complete change."

"Like-minded partners entrust their lives to us in order to realize a bright future and tomorrow, so that everyone can have a chance to live."

"If we cannot create a device to withstand this kind of attack, then the rise of sea levels will be inevitable. At that time, even if we attack Mariejoia, too many innocent people will die in this world."

Dorag nodded and said: "That kind of world is not the world we want."

Kevin continued: "So Dr. Vegapunk, I hope your next research direction is to enable each island to defend against this kind of attack. In terms of energy, I will bring back the giant mechanical soldier, no matter what."

Vegapunk nodded solemnly.

There are many secrets in the books O'Hara left behind, including records of the huge kingdom eight hundred years ago.

But this was the first time he learned in detail about the hidden power of the world government.

But as long as he knows such a secret, he will definitely do his best.

Three days later, the G5 branch.

After half a day of routine sword practice in the morning, Kevin used the phone bug to chat with Spangdyne again.

During the past three days, I would make phone calls when I had time to keep in touch, and by the way, I would reveal my curiosity about the Holy Land Marie Joa.

It was not obvious, and after the call bug hung up, Kevin was prepared to wait a few days before making a fourth call.

Being too eager is not a good thing, and Spangda is stupid because of his greed for money, but he is not an idiot.

However, in doing so, the risk of exposure is somewhat high.

The huge mechanical soldier was stolen, and he happened to be invited to go to Mariejoia. This exact time was the biggest risk, even if he had a shadow clone to form an alibi.

"Dong dong dong."

"Come in."

Tina walked in with a document, handed it to Kevin and scratched her head: "The chaotic analysis report in the Sea of ​​All Nations and the provocation of the Beast Pirates seemed to have triggered a riot in BiGMOM. After the onset of the disease, BiGMOM will The island is destroyed.”

Kevin looked at the file. Although he already knew the whole story of the chaos, he still explained: "Ignore them because they are fighting for themselves. At present, the headquarters has no plans to do anything to them, or it has never been thought of at all. Just continue to monitor them." Can."

Tina heard the Lieutenant General's dissatisfaction with the headquarters, but there was nothing she could do about it.

In the Age of Great Pirates, pirates who poured into the Grand Line from all over the world were captured one after another. The headquarters basically received requests for help from the franchised countries at all times.

And these pirates, after going through the waves, the elite flowed to the second half of the Grand Line: what the pirates called the New World.

If the Navy can maintain its current defense line, it has done its best.

After thinking for a moment, Tina took out another document.

"The Don Quixote family in the North Sea has officially participated in the trade channels of the dark world. It is expanding its influence by selling weapons to some countries."

"Even several cadres of this so-called family have set their sights on Dressrosa."

Kevin looked at Tina and smiled: "You should have provided this information to Lieutenant General He? Don Quixote, don't you think this last name is familiar to you?"

Tina was stunned.

She didn't think deeply about it at first. She only reacted after being reminded: "Dragon people?"

Kevin replied: "They are indeed the descendants of the twenty kings on Mariejoia, that's why the headquarters is so hesitant, and he doesn't hide it."

Tina frowned: "Then we want to intercept them? From Shampoo Islands to Dressrosa, our cordon here can stop them."

"Don't stop."

Kevin gave the answer directly, and then said to Tina: "This department cannot make a decision. If we do it in private, we can win, but you may not be able to survive."

As a Vice Admiral, there is no way to use Flying Thunder God and Flowing Blade Ruohuo.

After obtaining Cyborg's talent, Doflamingo will not be his opponent at this stage, but the operability of the line fruit will cause heavy losses to the G5 group.

Moreover, the navy headquarters would not appreciate the consequences of resisting Doflamingo's merchant ships.

On the surface, he is a member of the World Government.

You can't use the Flying Thunder God. If Doflamingo gets a phone bug and calls the five immortals among the powers, and then threatens him with the secrets of the Celestial Dragons, it will be difficult for him.

"Tina understands."

Tina felt a little ashamed, and then reported the trivial matters of the G5 branch one by one.

After finishing, I felt hesitant to speak.

When he opened the door and was about to leave, he turned around and said, "Mr. Vice Admiral, if pirates appear because they are no longer bound by the system, then is the justice of our navy just to eliminate pirates?"


The seeds planted more than a year ago seem to have taken root.

"Tina must have heard of different kinds of justice, right? For example, the absolute justice of Lieutenant General Sakaski, and the ambiguous justice of Lieutenant General Kuzan and Lieutenant General Porusalino."

Tina nodded.

Kevin continued: "Do you think these are real justice? Just like choosing not to intercept the Don Quixote family this time, do you think it is a compromise? Or something?"

Tina frowned and thought for a long time.

It wasn't until Kevin rubbed her pink hair that he glanced at the lieutenant general and left.

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