Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 15 Six Months Later, Solbe Kingdom

In the case of transportation monopoly, the profits from trade will be astonishingly large.

The Grand Line is isolated by the windless zone. If the world wants to enter the Grand Line, other than risking one's life on Upside Down Mountain, only special passages can lift the ship up and lower it down.

The weather in the Grand Line is weird and changeable. There are so many islands with only one season in a year. The trade gap caused by the different weather has caused the prices of goods on the two islands to be very different. However, the prices of goods on the islands with only peaceful weather are basically the same. .

So...this is a business.

But it is obvious that the special nature of the Grand Line has made the world government block this road.

So at this time Rem took a step back: "You are getting bolder and bolder Kevin!"

Kevin shook his head slightly: "Then what if I can ensure that you master domineering? In the end, this world must have power in order to have enough voice. This time I went to Rogge Town and met the person who was rumored to be in the elite class of this department six years ago. The monster genius, now he has the rank of lieutenant general, Rem. This speed of improvement is too fast. "

After the words fell, Rem frowned and said nothing.

And the monster in the elite class of the Navy Headquarters six years ago was Kuzan. Today, six years later, he and two other monsters have become the new alternate generals.

Admiral...the highest combat power of the navy.

Kevin was not in a hurry, smiled and patted Rem on the shoulder, then left for the bow of the ship.

The mastery and improvement of Haki depends on mental will, but its use requires strong physical fitness. Rem's physical fitness has already reached the standard, and the reason why he has been unable to master it is because his heart is not strong enough.

Working as a supervisor of the special channel has made him feel somewhat calmer.

But the more this happens, the less likely he is to get to the headquarters.

The death of Pirate King Roger gradually revealed its impact on the entire world.

In the Western Sea alone, the number of pirates who stormed Ruth Gap Town and entered the Grand Line was more than four times greater than before.

The naval branch in Xihai became busy, and the 80th branch also continued to provide support everywhere. There were countless people who were arrested just after they went to sea and raised the pirate flag.

Dorag also made a thousand trident kunai. After Kevin used the flying thunder god technique to go to the falling space coordinates, these thousand kunai were placed in many places around the world.

Also after this day, in the town of Rath Gap in the West Sea, in addition to Kevin, an executioner who worked hard to arrest pirates, a masked man who called himself Fire appeared in the poor countries of the Grand Line and the four seas.

half year later.

South China Sea, Sorbey Kingdom, Southern Town Church.

"Let's get married, Xiong Xiong."

"Huh? No, no."

"Why, you brat! You obviously love me so much, don't you? I will make you happy!"

"I also know..."

There was a trace of longing in Daxiong's eyes, but the picture in his memory soon woke him up.

So I picked up the newspaper and prepared to change the subject.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"Yo yo yo! Look what terrible news I heard. Ginny, are you going to propose to Uncle Bear?"

This sound made Big Bear and Ginny freeze on the spot, and then they saw a figure walking in from outside the church.

Big Bear laughed, and was about to put his hand on Kevin's head to rub it, but he was dodged.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Uncle Xiong!"

After a hug, Kevin continued: "If it's such a coincidence, wouldn't it be possible to attend your wedding?"

Daxiong said with some embarrassment: "Don't do this Kevin, I..."

Ginny on the side saw this and changed the topic: "You brat, do you just call me by my first name? I'm four years older than Bear, shouldn't you also call me Aunt Ginny?"

Kevin shook his head firmly: "Uncle Xiong saved me at that time, and you came with me to eat and drink."

"Ah! You bastard brat! I haven't seen you for more than two years. It seems you have forgotten my terror!"

Ginny attacked with one kick, but Kevin easily dodged it.

And she turned around and stretched out her feet, causing her to fall into the big bear's arms.

Kevin stretched out his index finger and shook it: "As I said, I am no longer a child. Ginny, a big devil like you, can no longer defeat me! Hahaha!"

These words made Ginny in the big bear's arms furious. She turned around and pointed at Kevin: "You brat! I bought the milk powder you bought from scraps when you were a kid, and now you dare to bully me! Bear! Beat him up with me!"

Big Bear, who was watching the two bickering and fighting, had no choice but to do anything. This has been a normal habit since Kevin was six years old.

Although Kevin has been helping out since he was five years old, this does not prevent the two from fighting against each other every day.

"Wow hahaha! It seems that you are living a good life. Is it so lively every day?"

Loud laughter came, and Ivankov and Dorag also arrived at the church at this time.

After Big Bear and Ginny looked over, they were surprised for a moment.


"Little Eva, who is the person next to you...?!"

Ginny was surprised by the appearance of Ivankov, and Big Bear, who had been paying attention to the actions of the Volunteer Army, was even more surprised by the appearance of Dorag.

At this time, Kevin no longer had the low profile he had when he was in Rath Gap Town.

He walked up to Dolag triumphantly and said, "This is the big shot I brought back this time, the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army, Monkey D Dolag. Uncle Xiong, the volunteer army you have been paying attention to before, It was the predecessor of the current Revolutionary Army.”

Dolag nodded, then walked to Big Bear and stretched out his hand: "The Volunteer Army officially became the Revolutionary Army half a year ago, and I have been looking for like-minded partners. Both Ivankov and Kevin recommended you to me. ...we."

Xiong hurriedly stretched out his hand and shook Dorag's hand: "I have always wanted to help others, but my strength is still very weak."

Ivankov hurriedly said: "The power of the meat ball fruit is not weak, Big Bear, we want to change the world, let's do it together!"

A very simple invitation, no fancy words.

But Daxiong, who had always known Ziyongjun, directly stretched out his hand and shook hands with Dorag.

At this time, Ginny on the side bumped Kevin with her arm: "You brat, tell me the truth. Did I just follow this guy's intention?"

Although the sound was very small, Dorag obviously heard it.

So he quickly said to Ginny: "I'm very sorry for the rudeness just now. Before I came here, I heard from Ivankov that you have a deep understanding of the communication phone bug, and you are also very powerful in combat."

"The revolutionary army needs all like-minded partners. It is impossible for me to change the world on my own. I need your help."

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