Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 154 The Irregular Shadow Clone

The Navy needs evidence, the World Government does not.

Are you worried that you won’t understand such a strikingly meaningful statement?

Since when...does the Navy need evidence too?

They are also one of the violent organizations, but Kevin never thinks that Sengoku and Crane will be good people. They may be firm in their understanding of justice, but after all these years of being in charge of the navy, how could they be good people?

Still calm on the outside, Kevin smiled and replied: "It seems that Lieutenant General He always likes to do some unnecessary things. My position is just that I hate the pirates in this sea, and Wano Country In the investigation, why do you think I chose to cooperate?”

"For that Bailey? Just such a little money can't test my heart, you two."

As he spoke, Kevin sighed: "Some fates that are destined from birth are annoying. Ordinary people in Wano shouldn't die in this so-called fate, right? Just like me at that time, I ended up living alone. Come down."

With a self-deprecating smile, Warring States and Lieutenant General He looked at each other.

Then the topic was naturally passed by.

Lieutenant General He played the role of the beater, and then Sengoku began to make his promises.

The G5 branch is still under Kevin's jurisdiction, and the position of the alternate general can be clarified, and he has the right to recruit troops from the three branches in the New World.

The first two are irrelevant, but the latter one is real power.

The base commander of the naval branch of the New World is himself a lieutenant general. Although the specific strength is uneven, its actual jurisdiction has actually increased.

It is even possible to make the Revolutionary Army, like the G5 branch, gradually infiltrate and turn the entire branch into a stronghold of the Revolutionary Army.

After all, Kevin has the right to recruit, and it is feasible to send more than a dozen people to become captains of the branch unit based on their military exploits.

Until Warring States finished speaking about the promise, He also frowned and thought for a long time.

In her opinion, the main reason why Barternom's case was not revealed was that the Revolutionary Army was different from the pirates, and its past events allowed her to understand its position among ordinary people.

And based on Barthelnomy's position, it is possible to believe what Kevin said before to a certain extent.

Then... maybe I can try to tell you something.

"Lieutenant General Kevin, if you have compassion for ordinary people because of your background, then I hope you can endure your emotions when you go to Mariejoia the day after tomorrow."

Lieutenant General He continued: "Over the years in this headquarters, Lieutenant General Kevin should have been to the Shampoo Islands and heard about the deeds of the Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands in the past."

Kevin replied: "I know. That location is a hell for slaves, right? But in the Chambord Islands, no Tianlong people dare to go there now, right?"

"Although the World Government covered up the news, the middle and high-level people within the Navy still knew about it. Vice Admiral Porusalino was transferred to the Chambord Islands for a long time, and was later transferred back, so they didn't dare to come down?"

The deliberately sarcastic tone made Sengoku and He pause for a moment, most likely thinking about the attitude expressed by this sentence.

"In this case, it's best not to say anything again after leaving this room. You are a loyal dog in the image of the World Government, so maintain it, and the Navy will give you the greatest support."

Warring States sighed. At this moment, he also understood He's intention of telling something to the young man in front of him.

After thinking for a moment, he stood up, walked over, patted Kevin on the shoulder and said: "The navy's philosophy has always been to eliminate all pirates on the sea, but do you know why there are more and more pirates, but they are always evenly matched with the navy? ?”

Warring States said with a self-deprecating smile: "You should know about Upside Down Mountain, right? That mountain where the sea water flows upstream is the only way for pirates from all over the world to enter the Grand Route."

"From a newcomer to a great pirate, it is not achieved in one fell swoop. After entering the Grand Line, new pirates from all over the world will begin to strengthen their will and awaken their domineering power. Then they will grow up in battle after battle, fighting each other to reach the Grand Line. The middle section of the Chambord Islands."

"So the pirates before entering the Grand Line were actually not very powerful. The Navy only needs to arrange for Vice Admiral Porusalino to be stationed at the entrance of the Upside Down Mountain where it merges into the Grand Line for a long time. How many pirates do you think can start alive? Their first island?"

Kevin frowned, pretending to think.

Warring States also said appropriately: "That's why they need pirates, and they also need a navy. Without the threat of pirates' plunder, there will be no new joining countries, and even the original joining countries will withdraw."

"Without the navy, pirates would have no source of gold from the sky to operate unscrupulously. Moreover, countries that have paid protection fees would be unwilling to pay them if they no longer have protection."

Kevin's voice became hoarse: "So this is balance, right? Let the world go back and forth endlessly in struggle and pain. Is this the truth of the world?"

He saw this and said, "The truth is far more than that, Lieutenant General Kevin. If it were just like this, the world wouldn't be like this."

Lieutenant General He's words made Warring States pause. It was obvious that this was all they wanted to say.

As for some secrets of the world government that the two know, it is currently impossible to tell Kevin.

It's just that Kevin knew what Sengoku said a long time ago.

After Kevin left the marshal's office with a heavy look on his face, Sengoku looked at He: "Did he say too much? If he couldn't control his emotions in Mariejoia, then..."

He shook his head slightly: "The person who can figure out how to gain fame in that way and successfully convince Mary Joa will not be a fool. Even if I predict correctly, he will choose to take the escalator."

The human-powered escalator is an escalator that automatically moves people on Mariejoia. Below it are slaves who have been eliminated by the Celestial Dragons. It is known as waste utilization.

Every time Sengoku and other senior naval officials went to Mariejoia, they would choose to walk on their own instead of taking the escalator underneath which was stained with endless blood.

This is also their last insistence.

"he is very smart."

Sengoku took off his glasses: "Compared to Garp, who also gained huge influence, he is much smarter."

He denied again: "He and Garp are different. Garp's anonymous D is the biggest hidden danger to the World Government, so in fact he knows the same and chooses to stay in the position of lieutenant general."

After returning to his residence, Kevin stayed at the Navy headquarters as a shadow clone, while his real body went directly to the Revolutionary Army's Western Army stronghold.

However, as soon as he appeared, Kevin almost didn't return directly the next moment.

"Sir, Jasmine misses you very much."

A tall giant with a beard, wearing a skirt at the moment, looked shy and wanted to hug him, but Kevin slapped him back.

Although the size of the hand is completely unequal, the small hand can slap it back, which shows that Kevin's strength has reached a certain level.

"it hurts."

Jasmine rubbed her hands, looking aggrieved.

Kevin, who was wearing a mask, said helplessly: "I should have told Jasmine that this kind of expression of emotion is not something anyone can bear."

Jasmine nodded seriously: "I am only so excited because Mr. appeared. After all, your thoughts will make this world finally usher in the dawn."

With a helpless sigh, Kevin found a place to sit down. This was also a deserted island, but it was currently a stronghold of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army.

"Aren't you busy today?"

"Sir, the captains of Sihai are not busy at the moment. There are not many places where we need to take action in the latent development stage. The busiest ones have always been the lecturers."

Jasmine said and looked at Kevin: "Originally, I also wanted to be a glorious lecturer. I got enough grades in the ideological class, but I was eliminated because of my giant appearance."

Kevin replied: "Giants are huge in size, and there is really no way for humans to communicate with them. There is no way around it. However, your ability as an army commander is perfect for helping to build underground passages."

Later, Kevin informed Jasmine about Barthelnomie's exposure.

Hearing this, Jasmine also regained her seriousness: "So, sir, do you mean to withdraw it?"

Kevin shook his head slightly: "Let him make his own choice. Of course, it is best to maintain the status quo. But in this case, maintaining the status quo is irresponsible for his safety, so tell him the whole story and let him make his own decision. choose."

"However, his exposure this time was entirely due to his carelessness. Regardless of whether he chooses to stay or evacuate, he must learn the lesson of the latent regulations again."

Sometimes a casual sentence can make the other party deduce a lot of things. Even Kevin himself, with his shadow clone, just prevents the enemy from connecting Kevin to the cloaked man.

Kuzan, on the other hand, took action after becoming suspicious. That was also a lesson for him.


Jasmine nodded, and then reported on the development status of the revolutionary army in Xihai.

Although these things are specifically managed by Baldigo, Kevin's reputation in the Revolutionary Army makes Jasmine eager to get recognition from Mr. Tinder.

Kevin kept listening carefully.

The development of the West Sea is a bit worse than that of the Grand Line, but it’s still okay.

There are a large number of new pirates who want to go to sea, and they have already begun to resurgence in the past few years since Kevin left.

The pirates' plunder and the sky-high gold that the participating countries need to pay have given the revolutionary army the soil to develop, but funds have begun to be scarce again.

After listening to the report, Kevin went to Baldigo and needed to retrieve the chicken charm stored in Dorag.


In the prepared conference room, Dorag had been waiting for a long time. This time the location was not at Vegapunk's research institute, but Kevin appeared directly at the place where the kunai was placed.

"I have learned about the matter at the Navy Headquarters."

Dolag said: "The Navy allowed this incident to spread within the Navy, and their thoughts were not beyond Sir's expectations."

Kevin glanced at him: "How long did it take for you to learn to flatter? Let's get straight to the point. Did Vegapunk explain it?"

"The most important thing to go up this time is the giant mechanical soldier on Mariejoia. If teleportation is not possible for such a huge body, then I will most likely have to float it into the sky or even into the stratosphere."

"The movement speed of this method is very slow. I can only leave with it if I can use the teleportation ability."

"It is inevitable that he will be discovered, so if he cannot teleport away in the end, I will let this big guy fall about six kilometers directly from the Red Earth Continent, and let the bear take over in the New World."

Kevin paused and said, "In fact, so far we only know that this big guy attacked Mary Geoise two hundred years ago, but we don't know where it is currently hidden."

Drag took out a tablet: "Giant energy detector. After learning that you want to take action, the institute worked overtime overnight to make it. Vegapunk said that the processor is too slow, otherwise it should be easier."

"But... after two hundred years, does that big guy still have energy?"

Drag was a little skeptical.

"What the doctor meant is that according to O'Hara's documents, the energy in its body can be regenerated to some extent, which is why we need it. Endless energy is the foundation of the future created by the Revolutionary Army."

Kevin took the tablet and quickly understood this kind of fool-operated thing under the operating instructions.

But... the energy restart of that thing, wouldn't it be Nika's Drum of Liberation?

After thinking for a moment, Kevin put it away.

"After this trip to Marijoa, the two areas of the New World close to the G5 branch can start the naval infiltration work."

"After entering the list of candidate admirals, I have the power to dispatch three branches including the G5 branch in the three areas. In other words, if it is handled properly, it can become a base for the Revolutionary Army."


The specific operation was discussed for nearly an hour, and there was also the issue of Nomi's exposure in the West Sea.

Because it requires a long time of communication, this is why Kevin must come.

After taking away the chicken talisman, Kevin left Baldigo directly and appeared in the headquarters' residence.

At this time, the shadow clone was talking to the G5 branch. After all, Tina and Smoker, as well as the navy of the branch, did not know that this trip to Marijoa was just a performance, not a real accountability and imprisonment in the city of Impel Down.

"Don't worry, Tina. Marshal Sengoku has said that there is no problem. The higher-ups also need to consider the mood of the navy, right?"

"Well, I'll be back soon."

"After all, little Tina is waiting for me..."


Originally, they were talking seriously, but something was wrong as they talked.

At the critical moment, Kevin directly released the shadow clone, and the Den Den Mushi can only imitate, not project, so he is not worried about being exposed.

"Mr. Lieutenant General..."

"Go to bed early."

Kevin looked at the sky outside and hung up the Den Den Mushi directly.

Next time, I have to stop answering the phone with the shadow clone, otherwise if it can be projected next time, won't it be directly exposed?


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