Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 169 Collision with Whitebeard

The world will sink to the bottom of the sea...

Kevin did not embarrass a little mermaid girl again, and he also knew that Charlie's prophecy was only a vague scene, and he could accurately predict the birth time of Bai Xing, but he may not be able to accurately predict the death time of Im.

But if the whole world sinks to the bottom of the sea...

Is this scene because of the weapon on Mariejoia?

In the memory, after the Mother Fire appeared, Im mentioned that he wanted to conduct an experiment, and the reason why the Kingdom of Lucia was chosen as the test site, Im only said one word: near.

After the Kingdom of Lulucia was wiped out, huge potholes appeared, earthquakes and tsunamis occurred throughout the world, and the sea level rose by one meter.

This...should be the fundamental reason why the world sank to the bottom of the sea.

After leaving the room where Charlie was visiting, Kevin found a random place to sit down, frowning and recalling the information in his memory.

It has been a long time, and some details can no longer be recalled. Only the information about Marie Joa is the most profound.

After all, under the pain of his one-year-old years, during his infancy in the Kingdom of Sorbey, he imagined more than once in his mind how to make those maggots wail in pain in the future.


Kevin exhaled. Hatred is no longer the first priority for him.

At this time, the three people who followed Tiger and were pushed out looked at Kevin worriedly.

They also heard what Charlie said before closing the door, and now they understood what Kevin was worried about.

Aaron pursed his lips: "Sir, don't pay too much attention. Maybe Charlie saw that I was there today, so she deliberately told nonsense..."


Jinbei glanced at him to interrupt such outrageous remarks, but this was already the fourth time today.

Then he's an idiot.

For a moment, if Kevin and Tiger weren't there, Aaron swore that he would have to fight to the death with this fat-headed fish.

Tiger ignored the emotions of the two younger brothers, but looked at Kevin and said, "Are you worried, sir? But in this case, doesn't the meaning of Princess White Star exist?"

White Star……

Yes, I came to Fish-Man Island this time, because if Vegapunk's ability shield can be successfully developed, he will be able to form a king versus king versus general pattern while resisting weapons like Im.

Then Poseidon, the king of the sea, has little effect. If this is the case, why should we worry?


Charlie's prophecy is basically certain to come true, but each time the specific method or time may be uncertain...

If everything goes well, then the scene of the world sinking to the bottom of the sea should not appear. Instead, we will see Mary Joa burning in flames and Im completely burned to ashes.

Vegapunk has now become the chief scientist of the Revolutionary Army, and it is logically impossible for Mother Fire to appear.

So the problem still lies with the weapon on Mariejoia...

Regarding that weapon, a lot of things are just speculation.

The Mother Fire was Vegapunk's invention and was used to wipe out the Kingdom of Lucia, but whether the Mother Fire was a weapon or an energy source has always been a matter of speculation.

The reason why I thought it was an energy source before was that Dorag said in my memory that Vegapunk could not create such a world-destroying weapon. According to Vegapunk's self-reported dream, Kevin believed that Mother Fire was a kind of energy. Huge unlimited energy.

Or it could be a huge, clean energy source that can be produced repeatedly.

You must know that before Vegapunk created the Mother Fire, the Valley of the Gods had been erased. The same cratered terrain as the ruins of the Kingdom of Lucia in the memory also had an island of justice that was formed in an unknown period of time.

A huge pit that cannot be filled by sea water. He has been to Judiciary Island many times and is very familiar with it.


Nuclear fusion was originally intended to create a huge energy source, but later it became a weapon capable of destroying mankind. It is too similar to the mother fire.

It was precisely because of this that he initially guessed that the mother fire was an energy source, not a weapon.

The weapon is in Im's hand, but the energy accumulation or the power...

Kevin's thoughts stopped here.

Yes, the size of the power.

The power in my memory that can erase the Kingdom of Lucia is not necessarily the maximum power of that weapon...

For a moment, Kevin's face looked a little ugly.

Erasing an island would cause sea levels to rise one meter, and it would take at least a hundred attacks to sink the entire world.

That huge shadow above the clouds in the memory, Im chose the Kingdom of Lulucia because of its proximity. If the final battle started, would she control that thing to launch a hundred attacks?

Absolutely impossible!

Before deciding to launch an action to liberate the world, he must have been completely sure at that time.

If it were just to destroy Mariejoia, then the existence of the Revolutionary Army would be unnecessary and meaningless.

The hatred in the Valley of the Gods still exists, but now his ultimate goal is to change the world, not simply destroy Mary Joa.

Kevin rubbed his forehead, looked at Tiger and smiled: "I'm sorry. Because of the confusion in the intelligence, I was thinking too much."

Tiger scratched his head after hearing this: "It's good that Sir can figure it out. Although Charlie's predictions will always come true, all she can see is vague and uncertain information."

Aaron on the side nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, sir, if you think something is wrong, just think it's that little brat Xia Li who is talking nonsense."

Kevin shook his head slightly.

"Although Charlie's prophecy is always unclear, it will always happen, right? I know this very well, but also because of this, how such a scene appears and how the world recovers is also up to us. direction of effort.”

Having said this, Kevin smiled and looked at Tiger: "So it is meaningless for any party to change the world. The world sinking to the bottom of the sea... does not mean that we have failed."

At this time, a huge figure bent down and walked into the Mermaid Cafe.

For a moment, the mermaid waiters all looked over.

"Lord Whitebeard!"

"It's actually this gentleman!"

"This is a benefactor."

The two mermaids quickly came forward and bowed to say hello, asked Newgate what he needed, and introduced the desserts and delicacies in the cafe.

But it was obvious that Newgate was not interested in these, and he looked in Kevin's direction at first sight when he came in.

"Just have something."

After saying something casually, he walked directly towards Kevin, followed by Margao and his three former godsons.

In front of the round table in the hall, when Whitebeard came over, Tiger and Jinbe also stood up to pay their respects. Then they stopped sitting down and stood behind Kevin just like Margao and others stood behind Whitebeard.

After Whitebeard arrived, this meeting was no longer the casual scene just now. To a certain extent, it was a dialogue between the Revolutionary Army and the Whitebeard Pirates. Whether they, Margo, Bista and others, all Not eligible to sit down.

"Cloaked Man?"

Whitebeard looked at Kevin: "If you really have no ill intentions towards Fish-Man Island, then this face should also be fake, right?"

Kevin replied: "That's true. For some reason, even Whitebeard can't show his true appearance at the moment. It's rude."

Whitebeard did not ridicule, but his eyes narrowed slightly and said: "It seems that your weight on Mary Joa is a bit heavy. From the initial bounty, but the subsequent bounties increased several times, what did you brat do? What?"

Kevin smiled and didn't hide anything: "I killed three Celestial Dragons in the Chambord Islands. I recently went to Marijoa, freed all the slaves and killed two more. The increase in the bounty is also expected. "

After the words fell, Newgate's hand tightened.

As the strongest man in the world, he doesn't think Kevin is stronger than him.

But after killing five Celestial Dragons with his own hands, the world government still had nothing to do with him, so the ability to teleport is what this kid relies on?

No, world government is not that simple.

At this time, the mermaid waiter, who already admired Whitebeard, brought desserts and coffee.

Newgate asked Margao to pay, then brought it over and took a sip.

Chirp twice...

I'm not used to drinking, it doesn't taste good, and it's not interesting.

After putting down the cup, Newgate said directly: "Kid, be direct. I don't know much about the Revolutionary Army, but Fishman Island is my territory, so if the Revolutionary Army has any purpose for this island, It requires my consent.”

Hearing this, Kevin was equally direct: "Before this, I was ready to leave. I thought that Fish-Man Island was of little significance to the future, and just made a promise to change. But just five minutes ago, this idea changed. "

After the words fell, Whitebeard Newgate waited for Kevin to continue speaking.

However, Kevin shook his head slightly and said: "Although Fish-Man Island has always been protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates' stance is to stay on their own, right?"

"Although you have your own bottom line, you don't care about the future of this world. All you care about is your family and hometown."

The words made Newgate burst into laughter.

"Kid, do you know who you are talking to? You seem to know me very well, but if you just kill a few trash on Mariejoia and are so arrogant, you will suffer in the future!"

The words fell and their eyes collided.

The extremely suppressed domination collided, and for a moment the air in the cafe seemed to be extremely solemn.

If the two of them let go just a little bit, all the mermaid girls would inevitably faint.

"Ku la la la... It's really domineering."

Whitebeard stood up: "But just like that, you are not qualified to say what you just said, kid!"

Kevin looked at him calmly: "In the thinking of the revolutionary army, there has never been such a thing as seniority. Great ideas can be respected, but strong but ignorant people are just warriors."

"What are you talking about?! Asshole!"

"How dare you insult dad!"

"Even the revolutionary army will never forgive you!"

"Want to start a war, you bastard!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Margao and others who were following behind Whitebeard became angry.

However, Kevin's expression still seemed to be telling the truth: "Stay alone, keep the bottom line, but still exercise the pirate's style of behavior. There is no malice in what I just said, but just strong personal force cannot awaken the mind. Respected...Whitebeard Newgate."

Whitebeard frowned.

Keep to yourself...keep the bottom line but still exercise the style of a pirate.

A short sentence, but it truly explains the essence of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Coupled with the previous evaluation of himself by the revolutionary soldier, it can be seen that he knows the Whitebeard Pirates very well.


"Then let me see if your so-called ideological awakening is qualified to judge me."

After the words fell, Whitebeard turned and walked outside.

The reason why the domineering collision just now was compressed to the extreme represents the two people's concern for Fish-Man Island. After all, if they fight, the entire Fish-Man Street may be destroyed.

Even the Fish-Man Island is in the bubble secreted by Yang Shu Eve. Obviously, they will not collide here, nor will they have a fight on the Fish-Man Island.



"Let Namuel stay for a few more days, we will wait for him in the new world above."


Jozi glared at Kevin fiercely and left. Then Whitebeard raised his arms: "Young men, set sail! In the new world, I am waiting for this challenge to the revolutionary army!"

Kevin, who followed out, said: "It's not a challenge, Newgate. What I said is just the truth, isn't it? But if there is a fight, I can also accompany you."

"Ku la la la..."

Whitebeard's eyes gradually became serious: "You are really an arrogant brat! Then come on!"


A kunai flew past and was caught firmly by Malgao.

Obviously, everyone did not think this was a sneak attack.

"Take him with you and I will show up at night."

Whitebeard glanced at Kunai and remembered the teleportation ability on the reward order: "I will be waiting for you."

Immediately, Margao put away the kunai and followed Newgate out of the Coral Hill with the Whitebeard Pirates and headed directly towards the regular entrance and exit of Fish-Man Island.

Tiger and Jinbe on the side were a little anxious, but as the Whitebeard Pirates and the Revolutionary Army were talking to each other, it was not appropriate for them to speak on the Fish-Man Island side.

After all, no matter Whitebeard or Kevin, one of them is the benefactor who protected Fish-Man Island, and the other saved Tiger before and made a new agreement with the Mermaid Princess.

Aaron, who was left last, was full of excitement: "Sir, do you want to fight Whitebeard? That is the strongest man in the world!"


Kevin is a direct comparison: "Use honorifics. Although I don't agree with his philosophy, the Whitebeard Pirates have truly protected Fish-Man Island. You must respect your benefactor."

Aaron covered the back of his head. He felt that today was the day where the back of his head had been hit the most in his life.

It was clear that they were about to take action, and the other party was the one who started it, so why should we respect him?

At this time, his position had already shifted.

"Sir, how about I inform His Majesty King Neptune? Such a fight is really pointless."

Kevin replied: "No. Sometimes a fight can help you talk better, right?"

Jinbei was stunned: "Sir, you are actually sure that you can win? That is Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world..."

Before he finished speaking, Kevin waved his hand: "It's not about winning. When the positions are not completely opposite, there is no need to fight to the death. But if you want him to be willing to listen to you seriously, you must let him use force. Recognized.”

"Originally, this battle was indeed meaningless, but the significance of Fish-Man Island has changed significantly after Charlie's prophecy, so the revolutionary army needs such a battle to a certain extent."

The Revolutionary Army is still in the latent stage, and there is no way to give Fish-Man Island shelter like the Whitebeard Pirates.

Kaido's Beast Pirates don't have the same reputation and status as Whitebeard on Fish-Man Island.

If the world will sink to the bottom of the sea in the future, then the role of Fish-Man Island will be huge, and the role of Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi will also be huge.

In a word, Fishman Island is a great place.

Thoughts were swirling, but Kevin paused.

It seems that... I remembered something.

Im's weapon, the national treasure of the Celestial Dragons.

Yes, before the destruction of the Lulucia Kingdom, the information about why Mariejoia was able to rule the world was mentioned in the Dressrosa chapter.

The person who mentioned it was Doflamingo of the Don Quixote family and one of the Celestial Dragons who once lived in Mariejoia.

I no longer remember the specific conversation, but the meaning just came to mind. It was the conversation between Doflamingo and Trafalgar Law.

The ability of the surgical fruit is related to using Marigio's national treasure and then controlling all the real power in this world.

The immortality surgery brings eternal lifespan. Lifespan is related to whether the national treasure can be used, and the use of the national treasure can control the world.

So lifespan can replace energy?

Or can it be activated at the cost of lifespan, causing the sea level to rise suddenly and submerge the entire world?

The mother fire, which is currently unknown as an energy source or a weapon, can only destroy an island and cause the sea level to rise by one meter.

For a moment, Kevin's thoughts were a little confused.

There is not much information, and it is not yet certain whether the national treasure on Mariejoia is the huge shadow.

After thinking for a moment, Kevin patted Tiger and Jinbe on the shoulders: "You still have some time, take me to visit Fish-Man Island. In addition, if you want to join me, you have to wait until after the fight. I was sent to receive ideological study from the revolutionary army.”

Jinbe looked at Kevin: "Is it really okay, sir?"

Of course Kevin knew that he was asking about Whitebeard: "Don't worry. What I met in Mariejoia is much more powerful than the Whitebeard Pirates."

"In addition, we can take this opportunity to show the appearance of discord with Fish-Man Island. Fish-Man Island is also special in the eyes of those people, so we can also use this battle to make a fuss."

Later, three big fishmen took Kevin around the fishman island.

With the bubble vehicle, you can actually wander around.

The historical text of the red road sign in the Sea Forest has disappeared, leaving only a letter of apology.

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