Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 186 It’s the revolutionary army!

A knock on the door interrupted Sengoku's thoughts.

"Come in."


The door of the office was pushed open, and a colonel from the intelligence department of the navy headquarters walked in, bowed and handed Seng Guo a document.

"Information just came back. Sixty percent of the pirates who originally attacked naval branches and towns along the Grand Line evacuated this morning."

"The pressure on the lieutenant generals dispatched by the headquarters to support has been reduced a lot. In addition, the pirates in the four seas have also stopped. The number of pirates entering the entrance to the Grand Route has increased sharply today."

After hearing this, Warring States began to look through the documents.

After a while, he looked up and asked, "How is the tracking of those owls going?"

The colonel replied: "Intelligence agents have been tracking for a long time, but these newspaper delivery owls seem to have been very strictly trained. After selling out the newspapers, they will fly to the clouds. And... they will care about whether anyone is following them."

Warring States frowned slightly.

Will you pay special attention to whether anyone is following you?

Morgans of the World Economic News, in the form of bird, bird, fruit and albatross, cannot do this.

The ability to fly is rare, and the navy's intelligence department can only rely on numbers, but this group of owls actually has the consciousness to escape tracking.

And flying above the clouds... This is not the habit of birds like owls.

"I know, continue to observe for a while. The channel of this newspaper is very important, and the intelligence department needs to continue to persist for a while."

The colonel saluted: "Understood."

After the people from the intelligence department left, an anti-eavesdropping phone on Sengoku's desk rang.


"Warring States. Maybe... the revolutionary army."

There was only one conversation, but Zeng Guo's eyes were slightly focused.

Because after the Yonko's bait was thrown down, all the pirates were in a boil. Even Lieutenant General Tsuru also set sail and left the headquarters.

And the newspapers that were spread all over the world last night were naturally received by He.

A reminder made Sengoku, who was already known as a wise general, think of many things in an instant, such as the strange stance revealed in the entire newspaper.

Yes, only people from the Revolutionary Army would not forget to step on Sakaski while helping the Navy.

Only the revolutionary army would divert the attention of pirates from ordinary people in this way.

The easy-to-understand analysis now seems to be to let the pirates understand that killing civilians is useless. If you want to become the four emperors, you must achieve the purpose of reducing the number of pirates.

After sighing, Warring States said: "How long will it take for you to come back?"

He replied: "It will take some time. The Don Quixote family in Beihai is making great moves and has already become a broker in the underground world. I have traced clues to Doflamingo here."

Warring States pondered for a moment and then replied: "Okay. If you need support, you can contact the headquarters at any time."

The caller hung up and Seng Guo looked out the window.

Compared to Zefa and Garp, only He is still reliable among the four people who fought together at the beginning. Just a phone call solved the troubling doubts.

Revolutionary Army?

Such a group of people have begun to master powers that they should not master. Those five people on Mariejoia are not fools.

The Navy was able to know that the revolutionary army was behind the newspaper without any evidence, and Wulaoxing could also guess it just by guessing.

At the same time, Kuzan, who left the Sengoku office, was heading to the headquarters canteen with a newspaper in his hand.

Is this the surprise that Kevin was talking about?

So it seems that the family has the same power as Newsbird to deliver newspapers to the world.

At noon, Kuzan walked into the cafeteria, causing the originally buzzing scene to suddenly become quiet.

After looking around, Kuzan found a familiar figure and sat down.

The huge round table was filled with big meats, and a giant lieutenant general was eating and drinking.

Lance Rocky glanced at Kuzan: "They are all discussing the matter of Sakaski. Yesterday's newspaper had a big impact, and you, who is also an alternate general, are here, and the scene is a little cold."

Kuzan took a piece of bone and chewed one end, then drank a glass of wine: "That guy and I are not in the same period, and everyone should know about my dispute with him in O'Hara, right?"

The obviously amplified sound made the canteen gradually become lively again.

Within a few minutes, the topic returned to the newspaper that was all over the sea last night.

"Only Lieutenant General Sakaski survived among the entire sailing warship..."

"The other party is BiGMOM, what else?"

"The reason why it is BiGMOM, Lieutenant General Sakaski should have been able to think of it from the beginning, right? No one can survive except him."

"So you think Lieutenant General Sakaski is going to kowtow to a pirate? BiGMOM, he is a pirate with the ability to fly!"


"No but! Don't be influenced by that inexplicable newspaper! Inciting people and announcing the plans of the World Government and Navy to the public is also a crime!"

The discussion at the table on the left came from the table. Kuzan and the other three showed no expressions and continued to eat meat and drink wine.

On the other hand, the results of the discussion were completely opposite.

"BiGMOM should not be provoked in such a situation. Ordinary sailors are also colleagues, and their deaths are meaningless."

"The entire warship was split into two, and the power of BiGMOM burned everyone. The pain can be imagined."

"We all grew up from the bottom of the sea. If we don't care, then ordinary sea soldiers are really just expendable?"

For a time, the voices of discussion in the cafeteria started one after another.

The flow of information is very fast, and even the middle-level navy already knows the capabilities of the Yonko level.

Take BiGMOM's flying capabilities for example. In fact, middle-level lieutenant-level officers are basically unaware of this if they are not qualified to participate in meetings.

But at this moment, no matter BiGMOM, Whitebeard or Kaido, their special abilities besides the three-color Haki were also explained in detail by the newspaper.

The content of the discussion is not only the report about Sakaski, the front page article "The Four Emperors Are Bait" is also being discussed.

"Using a name as bait to attract pirates to kill each other is such a shocking plan."

"Have you forgotten the name of the Marshal? Zhijiang Warring States, it can only be the method that the Marshal came up with."

"Haha! So do you know how many towns were massacred by pirates and how many people died in just half a month?"

"Every one of us has been on a mission during this period. Haven't you seen the tragic situation in those towns? Haven't you seen the corpses scattered all over the place?"

"For the sake of future stability, these are necessary sacrifices, right?"

A voice that was obviously lacking in confidence argued.

But then...


The tabletop was slapped, and a lieutenant stood up with red eyes: "So is this your reason? A necessary sacrifice? So what is the meaning of the navy's existence? Is it a necessary sacrifice for ordinary people?"

As he spoke, the lieutenant raised his hands tremblingly to mark a distance of about seventy centimeters.

"Such a small, such a small child! A child not yet a year old was impaled on the wall with the tip of a knife, and her parents' heads were decapitated right below her! So... So is this necessary?!"

It seemed that he was emotionally suppressed and broke out at this moment. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the major who had just spoken. He did not care about the other person's military rank at all, and his face became increasingly ugly.

"As the Navy, what are our responsibilities and obligations? The food piled on the table and the drinks in front of you, aren't these given by them?"

The major picked up the wine glass and drank it down: "These are the funds given by the world government, your salary, mine, and the navy's benefits. Also, pay attention to your attitude! Lieutenant!"


The wine glass he had just put down was slapped away, and the lieutenant stared at the other person with tears in his eyes.

"Don't you know where the funds allocated to the navy from the world government come from?! Those days..."

Before he finished speaking, a cold breath broke out in the cafeteria.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared above the lieutenant, with one hand covered with armed domineering and pressing his head on the table.

Lance Rocky suppressed the lieutenant so that he could not raise his head, but he looked at the major in front of him with a smile: "This guy really lacks training. Tell your commander, I will take care of this person."

The major looked at Lance Loki, who had the rank of major general in front of him, for a moment, then quickly stood up, saluted and agreed.

Even though the cold air was just a touch away, he knew exactly whose action it was.

Thinking back to Lieutenant General Kuzan, who has been rumored for a long time, it would be better to hand over this idiot to the major general in front of him.

Nodding, Lance Rocky twisted the lieutenant and turned around to leave the canteen.

Next to Kuzan, who was still eating just stopped for a while. If his friend hadn't taken action, he might have thrown the bones in his hand.

Soon, Kuzan, who had finished his lunch, signaled to Lacroix and left. Three minutes later, Lacroix also got up and left.

After the chill just now, the entire canteen including the chef fell silent.

It wasn't until all three people left that it resumed again.

"You really dare to say anything..."

"Do you really think you are Mr. Karp? How dare you call...those people."

"It's normal for young people's blood not to be cold yet, isn't it?"

"So sometimes I still envy them. At this time, their will is the strongest."

"So you want to try Mr. Garp's way? First go to the warship port and see the warships that were smashed by fists."

"'s just talk."

After wringing out the high-spirited lieutenant, Lance Loki put him down: "From today onwards, you will board my warship for action. I will retrieve the files later."

The lieutenant was put down and rubbed his neck. He couldn't make any sound under the force just now.

But that didn't mean he gave in.

He is a loner himself, and his only purpose in joining the navy is to avenge the pirates.

However, yesterday's newspaper shattered all his illusions about the navy.

Since the chaos of pirates on the sea began, he has been providing support at sea day and night.

Countless towns along the Grand Line were massacred by pirates. The scenes reminded him of his past, and every time he wanted to eat those pirates alive.

However, even though he was so tired, he could feel that his will became stronger and stronger, because as a navy, he had been on the road to hunt down pirates.

Until yesterday, the newspaper let him know that the reason for the massacre in the town was actually due to the planning errors of the World Government and the Navy.

And after the error, they chose to abandon some of the people, abandoning those lives that might be wailing and waiting for rescue.

Such a truth was a huge blow to his will, and it was precisely because of this that he had an emotional outburst today and scolded his superior.


The lieutenant sitting on the ground laughed out loud, his eyes were full of bloodshot since he had not slept since yesterday, and he looked up slightly at the major general in front of him: "So you think so too? And Vice Admiral Kuzan?"

Before Lansloki answered, he laughed to himself: "The entire navy is rotten! Even Vice Admiral Kuzan, Mr. Garp's disciple, also looks at ordinary people in this way."

Obviously, although he was only a lieutenant, he just knew the origin of the chill.

At this time, a lazy figure walked over.

"So you are ready to die as a martyr? But your death will probably not have any effect. You are just a small lieutenant. Even no one in the navy will change because of this." Kuzan looked down at him: "Even Mr. Garp started to insist after becoming a hero of the navy. You are just a lieutenant. Do you know what kind of impact will be caused by what you just said?" "You think the navy is rotten. But when you finish that sentence, do you know how many people will start to spend the price to save you because of your ignorance?" The lieutenant was stunned when he heard it, and looked at Kuzan with red eyes. "You are not the only one who is righteous, it's just that others are smarter than you." After the voice fell, Kuzan didn't say another word, and walked towards La Croix with Lance Rocky. The lieutenant standing behind him laughed at this moment. His body kept shaking, and when he was extremely desperate, he saw hope. ...


Lacroix laughed, "Kuzan is really a gentle person."

Lanceloki sighed, "There are many young people like this in the Navy. It is what they have seen and heard over the years that has changed the justice of many people at the beginning."

As he said this, he looked at Kuzan, thought about it, and leaned over to whisper, "The newspaper... the operation at home?"

Kuzan nodded slightly without leaving a trace, "Take care of that kid, and don't mention anything about the family in the short term. Just keep his will firm. For now, stability is the main thing, but some potential members can also be arranged on board."

Lanceloki responded, "Who is that... Black Arm? Teacher Zefa?"

Kuzan glanced at him, "Why don't you go ask Teacher Zefa?"


In the afternoon, in the youth training camp of the Navy Headquarters.

As the chief instructor of the youth training camp, Zefa has always lived in the youth training camp. His family has long been gone, and naturally he has no home.

A newspaper was placed aside at this moment, and Zefa looked at the students in front of him with a trance.

In the outdoor training ground, the new students are sweating profusely. They take Kevin as their target and want to fight for justice.

The implementation of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, the vice admiral gambled his life, regardless of everything.

They also want to become such a navy, so they fight so hard.

At this time, Zefa's mind is flashing with paragraphs of text, as if those words have special magic.


But a general who values ​​life is sometimes not a qualified general.

The title of not killing the general is the greatest shame for him from the day his relatives died.

Now, he hates pirates no less than anyone else, and regrets his persistence more than once.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

Zefa was interrupted and was not angry. Compared with Kevin's youth training camp, Zefa's attitude towards students is much more relaxed now that he is older.

The student smiled and wiped the sweat off his face. He hesitated and asked, "Is the general named Black Arm in the newspaper referring to you? Or is he based on you?"

Zeff was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "I don't know. I don't even know who wrote this newspaper. But don't hold back on pirates. That's my advice."

If I hadn't insisted on not killing them at that time, then my wife and children wouldn't have died, right?

The student nodded and left in confusion. He could feel the change in Zephyr's mood.

Zeff sighed and looked at the newspaper again. He thought that the general named Black Arm might make a different choice.


East China Sea, Shimotsuki Village.

Kevin practiced swordsmanship here in the morning and wrote some words.

The response to the first issue of the New Era Newspaper was very good from the perspective of the Navy. The analysis of the intentions of the World Government and the Navy also made the pirates believe what was said in the newspaper.

At least now there are not so many pirates attacking the G5 branch. From a glimpse of the situation, the situation in the entire ocean has also eased.

However, the first issue of the newspaper does not contain many new ideas, and it is more of a pastime for civilians.

The story of the Black Arm General has just begun, which means that the king of the Celestial Dragons has not yet started to exert his strength, and the image of the general needs to be built in the early stage.

"Bulu Bulu..."


"Now, immediately, immediately, appear in front of me!"

"No, I want to code."

Kevin decisively refused.

The Ginny imitated by the phone bug immediately changed her face and looked sad.

"So... the child who was raised by borrowing milk from door to door is not willing to accompany me to choose a wedding dress at such an important time?"

"It was so difficult at that time. I couldn't even eat enough for myself, and I had to carefully raise a child who could only howl and cry. But now you are not even willing to do this?"

"Ugh... So I don't have any relatives, and now even the children I raised with my own hands are not willing to accompany me through the most important milestone in my life?"

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