Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 190 Kevin’s preparation [4000 words]


The phone was hung up, and Porusalino's eyes narrowed slightly. He was already middle-aged, which made him look a little wretched at the moment.

After a while, the marines who had just avoided appeared again.

The adjutant was about to take the phone next to the recliner, but Porusalino waved it away.

"I've been given new orders from above, so I need to leave."

The adjutant was stunned. What was in the giant box at the back was not important anymore?

At this time, Porusalino stood up and continued: "In the future, people from the World Government will take over the escort. Don't worry too much about the specific situation, but don't continue the previous discussion."

"You can turn a blind eye to what I say, but the CP people are the truly obedient and loyal dogs of the World Government. Even if they are just discussing, they might be convicted of a non-existent crime and executed."

"At that time, even the headquarters will not be able to argue for them."

The adjutant recalled the previous discussion with the New Times and solemnly stated that he would definitely give instructions.

Porusalino nodded, and then lifted his hands directly.

Then a ray of light shot out in the direction of Baldigo, and his entire body turned into a flash of light and disappeared.

Not long after, Porusalino stood on a rock spit out from the sea.

After thinking about it, I tied a rope to the telephone bug connected to Mariejoia's five old stars, hung it in the sea and sank.

Then he took out a small box, and when he opened it, it contained a lively phone bug that was eating vegetable leaves.

Anti-eavesdropping and durable.

"Bulu Bulu..."

At the same time, Kevin, who was still in Baldigo, was discussing with Dorag the follow-up arrangements for the East China Sea Revolutionary Army.

After the phone rang, the bug laughed and said: "The giant mechanical soldier that Vegapunk has been talking about has been found."

Dorag looked over: "That one who will be one of the navy's highest combat powers in the future?"

Smiling, the phone was answered.

"So is there good news?"

Porusalino, who was imitated by the phone bug, revealed an aura of obscenity, pouting his lips and speaking in a high pitch: "Well... there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Kevin replied: "Bad news then."

Porusalino sighed: "I think you can listen to the good news first, after all, the bad news is indeed a bit bad."

"The good news is that the thing you entrusted previously has come to fruition. I transported the huge mechanical soldier to Punk Hassad. Because of the tight obstruction, I didn't notice it at first. I contacted you as soon as I learned about it."

"But now the escort has changed. I have a new mission. The World Government's Five Old Stars issued the order, and the new escort has become a CP person."

Kevin smiled and replied: "This is not bad news later. If you don't participate in the escort, it won't have any impact on you if I go over and rob it, right?"


Porusalino breathed out: "I didn't say this was bad. The route of the escorting warships should not change for the time being. I can tell you later, but the navy on the escorting ship hopes that you will not kill him. "

"I read the New Times newspaper that started spreading all over the world yesterday. The navy on the ship was talking loudly, and many of them still maintained their original justice."

Kevin agreed.

For the naval side, most of them are themselves one of the forces that can be united.

"But what's the bad news?"

Porusalino said: "Ten minutes ago, I received a notice from the Five Old Stars. The task that I need to carry out immediately is to go to Bardigo, the White Earth Island of the Grand Route. Speed ​​and concealment are required to detect Bardigo. Is it the headquarters of the revolutionary army?"


Kevin was really stunned now.

Baldigo was discovered?

How did you discover it?

In just one second, Kevin looked at the unconscious Bruno.

The problem will only occur with this tauren, because the difference from before is that there is only this guy.


Kevin soon thought of Marie Joa's action. After the clone dispersed, all the memories in Marie Joa's second clone would be returned to the original body.

So as to why the clones chose to dissipate at that time, he was also aware of the pretentious acting skills of the Knights of God.

At this moment, Porusalino's words were also heard by Drago on the side.

The Revolutionary Army's headquarters, Valdigo, has been discovered by the World Government. There's no worse bad news than this.

Kevin's face looked ugly. After all, the guy on the ground was brought to the headquarters by himself.

Things like life cards can confirm the direction. Bruno would have been taken away from here later and held in isolation, but he forgot about a certain guy on Mariejoia...

It was the one who suddenly made a sneak attack on the second Tianlong person he killed. He had the ability to mark the enemy.

"Inform Vegapunk to carry out the relocation operation and use rock salt crystals to accelerate the creation of island clouds. Let's release the original project reserves first."

"When I'm ready, I will bring Uncle Xiong back and carry out the relocation operation."

Dorag rubbed his forehead: "This is the only way."

In fact, the reason why Dorag stayed in Baldigo for a long time was because if the headquarters was exposed, he could transfer the most important research institute immediately even without Daxiong's cooperation.

For this precaution, the Revolutionary Army has made a lot of preparations, which also represents the importance of the research institute or Vegapunk's research project to the Revolutionary Army.

During the O'Hara incident seven years ago, Dorag didn't know this at that time. He even thought that Vegapunk had a choice, even if he joined the World Government, there would be nothing wrong with it.

But now... he felt that if he faced the old self now, he would jump up and do a big showdown.

Can worldwide signal transmission be trusted? Can a large island achieve instant communication? Can you believe that you can send an island into the sky and create a cloud to hold it up?

Not to mention the nearly unlimited energy that Vegapunk once guaranteed after the giant mechanical soldier was found.

The nearly unlimited refills of coffee represent almost unlimited food, almost unlimited weapons, and a protective shield that can defend against that kind of power.

Dorag clicked on the information and entered a certain final interface after a series of tedious operations.

A mechanical voice sounded: "Are you sure you want to use the leader's authority to wake up the doctor without restrictions?"


"Identity iris authentication in progress."

"Authentication successful."

The next moment, Vegapunk's face appeared on the tablet, and the other party could clearly see it.

Image phone bug electronic version.

It's just that... Vegapunk was obviously in a bad mood.

"What happened? If you use the highest authority, without a proper reason, I will be really angry!"

The appearance of Lao Bei is there. Even though his brain has become much smaller after the cloud processor was built, his long tongue is still hanging, and he looks a little cute even when he is angry.

Dorag replied: "It is indeed a very serious matter, so I have no choice but to use the highest authority to disturb you. Baldigo... was discovered by the World Government."

After the words fell, Vegapunk on the other side of the tablet was also stunned, but he understood Dorag's move of using the highest authority.

As the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Bardigo hides too many things. Just the inside of his huge research institute and the knowledge of books left by O'Hara are huge wealth to the world.

Dorag continued: "According to the relocation plan, with the number of rock salt crystals and technological support, how much area of ​​land can be moved above the clouds?"

A lot of data flashed through Vegapunk's mind on the other side of the tablet, and then he directly demanded: "According to the migration plan, everyone in Baldigo will be under my command before the migration is carried out. Mr. is here, right? Such a big one matter……"

"Let sir bring the big bear here first, and then everyone, including O'Hara's scholars, will gather at the institute for five minutes."

"In five minutes, I will start assigning execution tasks of the migration plan, and everyone will perform their duties and integrate resources."

Dorag nodded: "I understand, then please leave it to the doctor. In addition, sir is indeed at the headquarters."

Kevin on the side stuck his head out and said, "I will bring Uncle Xiong here immediately, don't worry."

Vegapunk in the intelligence glanced at Kevin's new face. Although he didn't recognize him, he also knew the fire mentor of the revolutionary army here.

"So the question this time was brought here by sir? The production of rock salt crystals is difficult to produce in batches before endless energy is available..."

As soon as he heard this, Kevin knew that this was to urge him. Even if the rock salt crystal had endless energy, it would still be impossible to mass-produce it.

There are many things involved in this. As far as the revolutionary army's current inventory is concerned, a considerable part of it can still be obtained.

"The giant mechanical soldier that attacked Mariejoia two hundred years ago has been identified. Once the relocation plan is carried out, it will be brought back in about a week."

Hearing this, Bega Punk's expression immediately changed significantly, and the previous state where Kevin owed him money disappeared.

Dorag on the side has already left. As the leader, he needs to issue orders. The five-minute gathering time is very short. Since the World Government has discovered this place, the faster the better.

"That's good."

Vegapunk looked happy: "In this way, many stalled projects can be restarted, the global signal sir needs can be completed, and the same can be done for the protective shield."

"In addition, energy weapon cores can be produced as long as the method is determined. The most important thing is the bloodline factor."

Speaking of this, Vegapunk hesitated.

But thinking that the revolutionary army's ideas originated from the person in front of him at the very beginning, he also said: "The ability of the devil fruit can be restored. As long as the original owner of the fruit's ability does not die, his ability will be restored. Carve it out.”

Kevin frowned slightly.

Devil fruits are not necessarily a good thing for the future of this world.

Having a sharp knife in mind and a desire to kill has arisen. After the Devil Fruit ability can be reproduced, its impact is not necessarily a good thing for the world.

"Doctors should know the consequences, right? If this technology spreads, then I'm afraid the entire world will become espers."

Kevin frowned: "The navy and the world government will get all the power that Impel City used to imprison people with abilities, and ordinary people will become demons with butcher knives... What the doctor now has will be the power that can disrupt the world."

After the words fell, Vegapunk sighed after a while: "I have really thought about this, so I want to tell you sir in advance. There are too many things involved."

"However, so far, the use of bloodline factors in devil fruit abilities is not perfect. After energy support is obtained, it can only reproduce some of the ordinary superhuman devil fruit abilities."

Vegapunk seems to have started researching again: "Animal Devil Fruits seem to be related to phantom beast species. According to the documents left by O'Hara, Animal Devil Fruits will have the influence of the original will."

"If you want a Devil Fruit to awaken, you must possess the original will of the opponent's fruit. Natural abilities are even more complicated. More than ten experiments have been conducted so far, but the reason for the failure cannot be found. Perhaps it has something to do with the nature of the Devil Fruit. related."


Kevin will think about the information about Devil Fruits, the most important of which is what Bergapon himself said in his memory.

Coupled with the appearance of the surgical fruit in Ferevans, isn't this thing formed by human beings' own desires?

No...that's not right.

This is just the result, but not the essence.

The manifestation of the power of rules is not just as simple as fantasy desires.

At this time, Vegapunk, who had fallen into self-mode, spoke again: "Regarding Devil Fruit, I guessed a very bold idea after combining it with the records in O'Hara's literature."

"Although I still don't know what's right or wrong. But the first pirate nine hundred years ago made me think that when the world first changed, it might be the essence of the formation of Devil Fruit."

At this time, a mechanical sound interrupted Vegapunk.

"Doctor, everyone at the headquarters has been assembled."

Vegapunk came to his senses, and the top priority now is to move the things belonging to the revolutionary army on Baldigo.

"Let's talk about it another time. Now I need the power of the bear."

Kevin agreed, and after closing the video call, he disappeared directly.

Big Bear was confused when he returned to Baldigo, and Bellobetti went to the open space outside the institute smoking a cigarette.

Vegapunk immediately started issuing tasks, allowing everyone to perform their duties and receive all materials and knowledge transfers from Baldigo Island.

After experiencing O'Hara's demon-slaying order, the O'Hara scholars quickly took action and began to sort out all of O'Hara's books.

Dorag gave Ginny the chicken charm to borrow, and Big Bear also rushed back. The two of them moved the needed things to the designated land one after another.

Compared with materials and other things, the first thing to be transferred was O'Hara's thousands of books, which was also the first target of the cooperation between Big Bear and Ginny.

[Sorry, sorry, I’m still driving on the highway, so I’ll type the next chapter first. I’ll change it back when it’s three o’clock in the morning. 】

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