Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 195 The first expanded meeting of Sky Island Headquarters

Red Continent, Marie Gioia.

The five old stars who returned to the center of power took their seats, and their eyes were terrifyingly gloomy.

The plan against the cloaked men of the Revolutionary Army failed again, this was the third time, but they still didn't know what the problem was.

Just like what was said in the conversation when Kevin invaded Mary Joa last time, it is not that no one in this world has thought about resisting the world government for eight hundred years.

Under oppression, in this world where life is worse than death, even death is no longer afraid. There has been an endless stream of people who want to unite to resist the world government for eight hundred years.

O'Hara's group of scholars was never an exception. Organizations like the Revolutionary Army also existed.

But in the past eight hundred years, no one has ever succeeded, and no one has caused such a headache among the powers that be like the cloaked man.

Multiple and difficult abilities, not afraid of the restraint of P substance. If the Sea Tower Stone can't work, then the sea water can't restrain him either.

In fact, although the power of the flame blade is very strong, what Wulaoxing really finds difficult is the ability to teleport.

He can come and go as he pleases, except for Mary Joa where Im-sama is present, there is no way to encircle him anywhere else.

"Another one died."

Saint Pit said: "The Knights of God will come to hold them accountable again. Except for Mary Joa, we will be responsible."

Nasushiro's holy scabbard was placed on the floor and said angrily: "It is not our responsibility that the coordinates were discovered. This operation was part of the opponent's plan from beginning to end. It is simply an operation that cannot be successful."

Saint Wuchuli on the side shook his beard. The scorched black injury on his forehead was now undetectable and had long since recovered.

"According to the last discussed plan, we currently monitor quite a few revolutionary troops, but compared to the intelligence found by Donghai CP, this number is not much compared to the entire revolutionary army."

Having said this, Saint Wuchuli looked at Saint Satan: "Are you going to implement the plan? Arrest all those suspected of being the revolutionary army, and let Morgans publish the news of public executions in the next issue of the newspaper."

Saint Maz looked over and said, "It's not a large proportion, isn't it? The determination of that group of people is terrifying. After arresting them, we have to prevent them from committing suicide. Another question is whether the cloaked man will bite the hook."

"After this operation, he was very clear about our plan. He already knew it very well to use the lives of the revolutionary army to prevent them from teleporting away and to use their childish mentality to set up traps."

After the words fell, there was silence among the powers for a while.

Saint Satan closed his eyes and thought for a long time.

"The arrest cannot be carried out for the time being."

"As far as the number of revolutionary troops detected by the CP in the East China Sea, the part that has been monitored is simply insignificant."

Saint Satan sighed: "The bones of this group of people are too hard, and the will to persevere in their hearts can truly make them fearless of death. The sorrow and pain they have endured in the past is also the reason why this will can persevere."

"Because they... saw hope."

The voice of the last sentence was extremely deep.

Mary Joa is unwilling to let the world see hope. This is related to the weight of the world and the balance of their rule.

Hope for the bugs?

The five old stars looked at each other.

In fact, they knew very well why the revolutionary army was able to disregard life and death.

Although they cannot empathize with insects, they have more wisdom to understand after a long life.

Relatives died due to Tianjin's exploitation, fiancee was captured and sold into slavery, children were taken to the Shampoo Islands to be sold while playing at the beach, pirates plundered and the village was massacred...

Yes, even pirate plunder is fundamentally the responsibility of the World Government.

They let it go on purpose. Without pirates, who would be willing to pay so much money to become a franchise country?

Without pirates, how could the Celestial Dragons on Mariejoia live a luxurious life and do whatever they want while riding on these insects?

"Maybe... we need to get more information about the revolutionary army."

Maz Sheng said and looked at the other four people: "Because we have always felt that there is nothing to worry about, our eyes have always been on the cloaked man, and we only regard the revolutionary army as a bait to contain him."

"But now...the weapons on Baldigo that we have never seen before, as well as the brave will of the members of the Revolutionary Army to fear death. We already need to pay attention to it."

These words made the other four people look serious.

Saint Wuchuli looked at Saint Satan: "Will what you speculated on the island before be true? Although the guy gave an explanation because he wanted to delay time."

Saint Satan raised his head slightly: "The island in Baltimore represents wisdom, technological wisdom. Vegapunk was born on that island, and the Brain Fruit also appeared on that island."

"Many years ago, there was indeed an old man on that island who had terrifying insights into technology, even better than Vegapunk. But when I learned something about it, that man was already dead."

"From what the cloaked man said about Baltimore, he obviously also knew about the old man's existence. In this way, it is not difficult to understand that the Revolutionary Army accidentally obtained the technological power left behind by him."

"Finally, even if the revolutionary army really kidnaps Vegapunk, we still have no way to bring him back, right? This group of stinky rats in the sewer will not show up easily after this time."

After the words fell, the other four Five Old Stars' expressions darkened, because what Saint Satan said was true.

In this world, the Red Earth Continent and the Windless Zone are isolated from the world.

Coupled with the strange magnetic field of the Grand Line, communication in various places is extremely difficult, even with the world government.

If it weren't for the sea-floor stone technology left behind by Vegapunk, it would still be troublesome for warships to cross the windless zone, and they would need at least one or two high-end combat escorts.

It was also under this circumstance that it would take a long time to truly understand the development of the Four Seas and Great Line Revolutionary Army, and they were not willing to wait.

As time passed, the five people in power frowned and thought, trying to find a way to kill the cloaked man and destroy the revolutionary army.

After a long time, Saint Satan said: "In fact, compared to the original plan, I want to know the identity of the cloaked man more."

Having said this, Saint Sartan paused: "Saint Saint was tortured and killed in the Shampoo Islands. Those words fifteen years ago let us know the identity of the cloaked man. Then came the teleportation, changing appearance, ice, fire……"

"The guy isn't stupid, so that's what he wants us to see."

"From the first time Saint Samit of the Shampoo Islands was killed, to the later days when a total of six Heavenly Dragons were killed by him, it seems that in every action and plan, the other party was eyeing Mary Joa's Heavenly Dragons."

Saint Nashoulang looked over and said: "Isn't it normal for the hatred that comes with this identity to be the orphan of the original residents of the Valley of Gods, and to keep targeting the Tianlong people like this?"

"Not normal!"

Saint Wuchuli suddenly raised his head: "If he is just a loner, then it is possible that hatred and revenge will fill his body and become the strongest will in his heart. But... he is not alone. Count the time, He should even be one of the founders of the Revolutionary Army."

Saint Satan said: "This is what I was just thinking about. Over the past eight hundred years, many people have risen up in this world to resist, but every leader will not be dazzled by hatred."

"Even the boss of a mafia family in Xihai will move forward bravely for the goal and will not be lost in hatred."

"So... the clone that was exposed when he invaded Mariejoia last time, was it an ability he had long ago, or was it an ability he had later?"

"The most important thing...the weight of the world is shifting. We have once put forward the speculation that he is the awakening of the first generation. If it is correct, it can be imagined that it is dragging all this."


The first-generation Ghost fell to the ground and made a loud sound, but no one in the power paid attention to it.

Even Saint Satan, everyone's eyes were deep and their hands were slightly strong.

It seemed as if the last sentence of that paragraph contained something so huge that they all felt scared.


After a while, Saint Satan exhaled: "It's all just speculation at the moment. After all, even we haven't really seen it, have we?"

Peter Saint said solemnly: "We must... we must find it."

Saint Wuchuli took over: "If the clone's ability has been possessed for a long time, then it was not exposed before the invasion of Mariejoia. The other party obviously has a clear identity, and it is an identity that needs to be covered."

Maz Sheng frowned: "The need for cover means that the opponent has a big plan. At the same time, because Mary Joa cannot teleport, for the sake of safety, the clone will be invaded, and the main body will continue to hide."

The cloaked man's apparent status must be high, otherwise he wouldn't be so cautious.

When Saint Samit died, he deliberately exposed his ability to teleport and change his appearance, which was itself a cover-up.

And after the clone is exposed, I'm afraid it will be hidden even deeper.

Holding a high position, wielding a sword, and possessing three colors of domineering...

It can’t be Sengoku and Garp, right?

The age doesn't match up at all.

[Note: Kevin’s Overlord Color Haki has only been used in the attack against BiGMOM as a navy. There was only one Kuzan in the entire scene. Sakaski was unconscious. BiGMOM has not yet realized that this is a person. secret. 】

Saint Satan narrowed his eyes slightly...

The posture of a king, a person with such qualifications is unwilling to stay under others for a long time.

The former Rocks Pirates, BiGMOM, Newgate, etc. on the ship, as well as Rocks himself, the consequences of putting people with the appearance of a king on the same ship are self-evident.

In this case, only Sengoku and Garp in the entire navy have such qualifications.

One is a naval marshal, and the other has his own childish persistence.

Thinking of this, Satan paused.

No, whether it is the CP organization or the navy, if the inner will of the revolutionary army is the idea of ​​the revolutionary army, then it does not belong to the navy in its heart, and there is no such thing as being subordinate to others.

In addition, if the overlord color and domineering energy is hidden, it is possible not to be discovered.

Then... all that's left is high position, sword use, and age.

"With the cloaked man's ability to change his appearance, age cannot be used as a reference."

Saint Wuchuli also thought of this.

Saint Nashouro on the side nodded slightly: "The ability to change appearance existed when Saint Samit of the Chambord Islands was killed for the first time. With the cautious behavior of the revolutionary army, it is possible to change the age and appearance."

Saint Satan said: "Then there are only two points left. He is in a high position. This is inferred based on the opponent's behavior. Using a knife may not use the ability of flames, but he must also use a knife."

Mazsheng suggested: "Let the CP agency collect all the people on record who meet these two conditions, and then send them up."



At this time, the door between powers was opened.

After the guard reported, a middle-aged man with red hair and a Western knife at his waist walked in.

Perhaps because they were at the same level, the Five Old Stars stood up and greeted each other.

"Old Saint Green."

The visitor nodded and said, "I heard that your operation failed again this time?"

Saint Satan replied: "There is a reason. The ability of the mark has been known to him as early as the last Mary Joa incident."

Ancient Saint Green frowned slightly: "Although I didn't pursue it personally because I wanted its clone to go to the main body that time, the Knights of God reported the specific situation to me."

"The clone self-dissipated, but that doesn't mean he knew the mark's ability. He was just doubting it from beginning to end."

"The ability users of the Gate Fruit were used as bait to identify the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army with the coordinates. This was an excellent opportunity. Not only did you fail, but you also allowed the other party to sneak into Mariejoia again and kill a Celestial Dragon."

After the words fell, Saint Nashoulang who was standing behind said, "So are you questioning us?"

Ancient Sage Green remained calm and replied slowly: "Your duty is politics, and you are in charge of the power between powers, but these two incidents failed to protect the lives of the Celestial Dragons. So now, Don Quixote There are two other companies that have already found me.”

Saint Nasshoulang was about to say something, but the voice of Saint Satan in his mind stopped him.

Satan Saint said: "So it's that person's fault? The girl was not brought here. He had high hopes for that woman before."

Ancient Saint Green responded with silence.

After a moment, Saint Wuchuli replied: "At present, the Revolutionary Army has not yet dispatched the Knights of God. The ability of the cloaked man who is suspected of being awakened by the first generation is not restrained by Substance P. I believe that Ancient Saint Green can also understand what this means."

The first generation awakens...

Several words in the words were emphasized, and Ancient Sage Green frowned, as if he thought of something.

"If that's the case, it would be very troublesome. According to the records, the first pirate eight hundred years ago..."

He stopped before he finished speaking. Ancient Sage Green bowed slightly after thinking for a moment, then turned and left the room of power.

The five old stars looked at each other and sat down again.

The first pirate eight hundred years ago, that whimsical man who wanted to bring laughter to the world.

"Since Roger surrendered, the calm sea has become rippled, and the scope of the ripples has become wider and wider."

"The world is about to undergo a cleansing. This is the meaning of our existence, isn't it?"

"This generation of revolutionary troops is so different from the past. We must pay attention to these stinky rats in the gutter."

"Saint Nashouro, whether the Kingdom of Wano will be founded, we need to know as soon as possible..."


At the same time, the revolutionary army's new empty island headquarters.

The first expanded meeting after the relocation operation was held, with participants including Vegapunk, the manager of the institute, and the controller of Sky Island Headquarters.

Revolutionary Army Leader: Dorag.

Revolutionary Army Logistics and Transport Captain: Bartholomew Bear.

Commander of the Grand Line Army of the Revolutionary Army: Ambuni Ivankov.

Commander of the Revolutionary Army's Eastern Army: Ginny, Deputy Commander: Bello Betty.

Commander of the Revolutionary Army of the South: Lindbergh.

Commander of the Northern Army of the Revolutionary Army: Crow Karas.

Commander of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army: Giant Jasmine.

Captain of the New World First Division of the Revolutionary Army: Kaido.

Captain of the Revolutionary Army's New World Second Division: Olvia.

Finally, there is the mentor who is also the chief of staff: Mr. Tinder.

This enlarged meeting is actually the only few people in the entire revolutionary army who can know where the headquarters is after today.

Except for Bellobetti, almost all of them were at the captain level. Bellobetti was also present because of the relocation operation, so he joined the meeting as an exception.

Lindbergh was currently pestering Vegapunk with questions, and none of his three sentences could be separated from his recent whimsical weapon design.

However, Vegapunk's mind is not on this at all. What he wants to know most now is how long it will take for Mr. to take action to bring the giant mechanical soldier back to him.

You must know that currently, nearly 70% of the research projects in the institute are waiting for the huge energy problem to be solved before they can start the final stage.

"Lindbergh, the meeting is about to begin."

Dorag's voice sounded, but obviously it didn't have much effect.

Until Kevin reached his position, he raised his hand and knocked on the table.

For a moment, Lindbergh, who was pestering Vegapunk, and Ginny, who was whispering to Bellobetti, sat down quietly at this moment and looked at Kevin, who was sitting in the front seat.

Dorag sighed helplessly, but it was commonplace.

Because of his ideological enlightenment and the fact that the Tianlong people were actually killed, Mr. Fire has been the only one who has been respected and had a halo by basically the entire revolutionary army, and has even been slightly deified.

At this time, Kevin put on a mask.

He said slightly apologetically: "Because I don't want to hold this meeting with a fake face, and the real appearance is related to some important issues, so I ask for your understanding."

A hoarse voice came from Karas's generator: "Sir's decision naturally has his reasons, and we are all willing to believe him."

Lindbergh and others also nodded.

Upon seeing this, Kevin began to describe the decision-making process of this enlarged meeting.

The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Valdigo, was discovered, so a relocation operation had to be carried out.

In this operation, after planning, a Celestial Dragon was killed in Mariejoia again, and a group of slaves were released, which had been properly resettled at this time.

In addition, Vegapunk distributes new communication equipment with Sky Island Headquarters here.

At present, new equipment will be affected by the magnetic field in the new world, but it will be improved in the future, if the follow-up operations go well.

In addition, the commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army almost suffered a fatal blow to the headquarters due to his own exposed problems.

Coupled with Ginny's appearance and the problem of being discovered, she is no longer suitable for the position of commander of the Eastern Army, and Belo Betty will take over.

Ginny serves as the deputy captain of logistics and transportation, partnering with Bartholomew Bear.

As soon as this decision came out, Ginny jumped up and hugged the bear's forehead and took a bite, as happy as a child who was almost thirty years old.

In addition, the East, West, and South armies, including the New World and the first half of the Grand Line, began to form an intelligence network.

Intelligence is not just about the navy, the world government, and pirates. Each place needs to compile the tragic facts of each place and send documents to the headquarters through new equipment so that the New Times can generate new material.

At present, it is possible to record the covert activities of the revolutionary army, but it can only be summarized in the headquarters and not published, and the records must be destroyed after each region sends them to the headquarters.

Finally, from the Wano Second Division, which Olvia was in charge of, thirty newly trained instructors were recruited. They needed to ensure their flexibility and make arrangements to join the navy in the future.

Porusalino and Cuzan have served as vice admirals for so many years, and they have a lot of generals under their command. It is not a problem to arrange for thirty people to be dispersed.

However, Kevin did not say this here. The lecturer's task is to teach in a subtle way, not blatantly. This is also the reason why candidates must be flexible.

At this time, Kaido, who had been waiting for Kevin to finish speaking, raised his hand.

"Sir, I think we can start a war with all nations!"

The strong Kaido still has cracks on his face. Compared to a few years ago, his will has become stronger and his domineering aura is stronger now.

If it weren't for Zuitu's physical limitations, his combat power would have surpassed what he was a few years ago.

At this moment, Kaido was impassioned and waving his arms: "The people of all countries are being oppressed by that old woman, and they have to pay the price of one month of life every year. This is unreasonable! It is unacceptable!"

"Also! That old woman searched all over the sea for something to eat but failed, and she destroyed the country at every turn!"

There was an impassioned speech, but Kevin listened quietly until Kaido finished speaking.

Kaido at this time is completely different from the Kaido who was in Wano Country a few years ago.

After Guitu's reincarnation, Kevin originally used the power of magic to restrain him several times. But after completing the ideological course, he seemed to be a completely different person.

Considering his origin, it is not difficult to understand that he was initially loyal to the king but was betrayed and used as a test subject.

Later, Rocks' experience on the ship with his hometown and his experience of witnessing the power of the World Government in the Valley of the Gods were all the reasons for Kaido's violence and alcoholism in the past.

But now that I have seen hope, my understanding of the world and myself have fundamentally changed.

Not only him, but Jhin as well.

The only one who hasn't changed much, but has succumbed to power and Vegapunk knowledge, is the veteran Quinn.

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