Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 197 The Tragic Sakaski

"What a bold man!"

New World, on the Moby Dick, Whitebeard looked at the newspaper Marco had just bought in front of him.

With just a headline, the newspaper was snatched up by Newgate, which also caused the business of the owl that landed on the Moby Dick to be particularly good.

Seeing that Dad was so interested, and that all of them had been educated by Kevin before, they couldn't wait to buy new newspapers.

"Haha, that guy Crocodile has become a lackey of the World Government? King of the Shichibukai? This title is a shame for pirates."

"Didn't you see the analysis in the newspaper? What the World Government cares about is that these seven people can shake the sea and then challenge Dad's failed record. They can indeed do this."

"Look at the back! Look at the back!"


Diamond Jozi's eyes widened, and he looked at Marco next to him and said, "Are you sure this isn't bragging? Although those fat pig-like Dracos are no different from trash, but..."

Marco took over what Jozi said: "Just taking action against the Celestial Dragons will lead to the dispatch of the navy admiral. Although the admiral is just a general to us, the power of the navy and the world government is not just a general. ah……"

"In addition, sir, he not only attacked the Celestial Dragons, but also killed six Celestial Dragons. Such behavior can be said to be standing on the head of the World Government."

These words made Bista frown: "Marco, maybe we can be more polite."

Marco was unconvinced: "We are pirates, there is no difference between being polite and rude."

Bista sighed and pointed to Saatchi who was recording at the side: "Next time we meet Mr., do you think he will tell Mr. what you just said? In that case, I guess when we are drinking and having a banquet, You must be being hung up for education, right?”

Marco: (◣д◢) "Thatch, hand over your notebook, you bastard!"

For a moment, there was a lot of excitement on the deck.

Newgate looked towards the sea level, recalling the previous scene in his mind.

The baby who survived the Valley of Gods now has the ability to take revenge on those people.

But the meaning of this news is much more than just announcing his revenge.

From 800 years ago to today, the Celestial Dragons living in Marijoa have been aloof and no one can resist, even pirates will keep away from them.

Descendants of Gods, World Nobles... Such titles were like a protective shield before that, preventing anyone in the entire sea from taking action against them.

And these so-called big pirates, whether it is himself, BiGMOM, Golden Lion Shiji, or Kaido who was just a kid at the beginning...

After experiencing the Valley of the Gods incident, I will no longer have trouble with this group of rubbish.

That gentleman from the Revolutionary Army took off the protective shield of the Tianlong people.



Qiao Zi held the newspaper in one hand and waved it: "Let's go find a Celestial Dragon to kill him! Sir, we have killed six of them, and we, the Whitebeard Pirates, have to kill at least seven!"

Whitebeard Newgate: →_→

Kill the Celestial Dragons? Or seven?

Do you really think those slugs from the Celestial Dragons can be killed at will?

Do you really think the world government is made of mud?

Do you really think those guys in the Knights of God are all slugs?


Newgate coughed and reached out to pat Jozi on the shoulder: "What do you think is the difference between us and the Revolutionary Army, no, compared to the cloaked men?"

Dad's words attracted the attention of Marco, Sage and others.

The black-bearded Teach in the corner also smiled. He knew the difference between the two very well. He even knew the difference between the pirate group and the revolutionary army.


Thatch raised his hand and said: "Sir, you can hide yourself in the dark. The same goes for the revolutionary army. That's why the world government can't do anything to them, right?"

Jozi frowned on the side, and Marco sighed and explained to him.

"Ku la la la!"

Whitebeard Newgate laughed loudly: "Silly son, your reaction is normal. It coincides with the battle for the four emperors, and this is probably one of the goals of that brat."

"It's really...incredible courage."

Above Mariejoia, only five days had passed, and the atmosphere among the powers-that-be was once again tense.

The tabletop in the center of the sofa was shattered. It was obvious that the five people who were in charge of the world's highest power were really angry just now.


The most fiery-tempered Saint Nasshouro stamped the scabbard on the newspaper: "This thing must have come from those stinky rats in the gutter. How dare that bastard make his crimes public? Does he know what this means?"

Saint Maz on the side spoke slowly: "To completely oppose the world government? This is what they have been doing all along, isn't it?"

Holy Way of Wuchuli: "This group of people has long ignored the will to fear death. This is something we have known for a long time. Now, what we need to discuss is the response strategy, not the incompetent rage."

Incompetent rage?

Saint Nashoulang looked over, but finally took back the scabbard and sat back on the sofa.

Ever since this newspaper was delivered, there has been a commotion among the powers that be.

The killing of the Tianlong people has always been a secret. Even if the middle and high-level officials in the navy know something about it, they also know what can and cannot be said.

And now, this secret is known to the whole world, especially those pirates who know nothing but can act lawlessly and boldly.

Saint Satan closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"Now we need to select a naval general as soon as possible."

Saint Peter nodded slightly: "Always once the Tianlong people are in danger, the navy must dispatch the generals immediately, but the positions of the three generals have been vacant for too long."

Saint Sartan opened his eyes: "In the past, the three largest navies had the highest combat power. Zefa lost his inner will after his family was killed. It doesn't matter if Garp doesn't mention it, and Warring States has already been promoted to marshal."

"The highest combat power of the navy is vacant. Before that, in order to prevent the cloaked people, Porusalino was responsible for the safety of the Draco people as a lieutenant general."

"With the speed of the Shining Fruit, he is still the first choice. In addition, we also need a candidate who can really scare the pirates, otherwise the crazy pirates may become unstoppable madness."

There was a moment of silence among the powers that be.

The remaining four five old stars are very clear about the meaning of Satan's holy words. The timing of the second issue of the New Era is so clever that the appearance of this newspaper will give the pirates new choices.

The whole Four Emperors incident seemed to have started right away, and then the aftermath was completely out of control, running wildly in an unpredictable direction.

The pirates first attacked the navy branch and massacred towns, hoping to increase their popularity and get newspapers to recognize them and give them the title of the fourth pirate emperor.

Following the first issue of the New Times, the role of the name bait of the Four Emperors was clearly explained, which allowed the crazy pirates to turn around and start challenging the three big pirates who had confirmed their names.

At this time, the second issue of the New Era was released, exposing the fact that the cloaked man killed six Dracos.

In this way, it was foreseeable that the Celestial Dragons would become targets.

Perhaps those who are timid are still afraid of the status of the nobles of the Tianlong world, but those arrogant people who don't know the heights of the world like frogs in the well after possessing power will inevitably want to reach the sky in one step.

Before that, it was already troublesome to prevent those guys from going to the Shampoo Islands because of the cloaked men.

This was because the body of Saint Samit was brought back to Mariejoia, and its tragic condition made those guys frightened. Otherwise, there will inevitably be some wrangling.

And now...

"We can't possibly ban all Draconis from leaving Mariejoia."

Saint Maz frowned: "And those pirates who are seeking fame will never be killed unless..."

Saint Satan raised his hand to stop what he said: "Our existence is for the balance of the sea. The time has not yet come, and the form has not reached that level either."

Saint Wuchuli raised his head slightly: "Then what needs to be discussed is the choice of the position of admiral. Do we need to ask the Warring States Period about this aspect?"


Saint Satan pondered for a moment and then continued: "There are only four monsters that have come out of the Navy Headquarters Youth Training Camp in recent years, Sakaski, Porusalino, Kuzan, and Kevin."

Peter Saint said: "Select three from four people? In comparison, although Kevin is from our side, his qualifications are still too junior."


Saint Satan thought of the Bardigo incident a few days ago. After that sword was swung, seniority, which had been mentioned a lot in the opposition to the Shichibukai system, may have been wiped out.

That kid seemed to have taken every step in the right place from the moment he entered the Navy Headquarters.

He colluded with Spangdyne to get through the early promotion, and later gained the qualification to meet them because he opposed the Shichibukai system.

It's not just courage and ambition, it also requires a lot of luck, just like this time...

"Sakaski was defeated by BiGMOM in the Sea of ​​All Nations not long ago and fell into coma. Although that woman did not dare to kill her, this matter was published in the first issue of the New Times."

Satansheng paused and continued: "In this case, Sakaski's deterrence is somewhat insufficient."

Maz Sheng on the side questioned: "That woman from BiGMOM, even Kuzan, Porusalino and Kevin can't compete with her at this stage, right?"

Saint Wuchuli also looked over: "Even in the Rocks Pirates, they were at the level of cadres, and their growth time was very different. Sakaski's combat power is not weak."

Nashou Langsheng: "Not only that, the three generals all have natural disaster-like abilities, which are also deterrents to a certain extent. And Kevin... seems to be pure domineering and physical strength."

Among the five old stars, except for Saint Satan and Saint Pit who did not speak, the three of them were skeptical.

"He...has never been defeated by pirates. This is the biggest factor."

Saint Satan gave the follow-up reason: "Even if he was defeated by Sakaski at the Navy Headquarters, it was something that happened before, and more of it was intentional."

"This situation has been circulated to the Navy Headquarters, but most of them are in admiration. And the senior leaders in the Navy, including the Warring States Period, have seen it clearly."

Having said this, Saint Satan looked at the other four people.

"Don't forget our purpose of promoting this boy!"


The purpose is that after serving as marshal of the navy during the Warring States Period, the obedient general he once was no longer exists.

The awakening of the overlord's domineering energy and the justice that reigns over the world are both a clear benchmark.

A person from the World Government, one of our own who has been colluding with Spangdine for so long and has considerable combat power, is more suitable than Sakaski.

Although Sakaski behaved quite obediently, his character was not likable.

The most important thing is that the most important reason for letting the three generals appear in advance is to scare the pirates, but Sakaski was defeated and knocked unconscious by BiGMOM not long ago.

"so be it."

"Let Porusalino, Kuzan, and Kevin be promoted to the rank of three admirals in the navy. Their responsibilities include the safety of the Draco people."

"Porusalino will be the main mobile one, Kevin from the G5 branch will be in charge of deterring the New World pirates, and Kuzan will be in charge of blockade and extermination."

"Inform Malinfando."

"No matter what, this situation that has arisen against the Tianlong people must not be allowed to continue to expand!"

"In addition, let the CP agency increase its investigation and follow-up on the New Times, and we must cut off the mouthpiece of this group of bugs!"

East China Sea, Shuangyue Village.

As time goes by, Kevin's sword skills have improved considerably. Although the progress is far behind the two monsters Kuina and Sauron, he can still feel his obvious progress.

After pressing today's dose of healing dandelion into Kuina's forehead, Kevin looked at the panting girl.

After Guina recovered, Kevin suddenly said: "You train like this every day, does Guina have a dream of your own that you want to realize?"

Hearing this, Guina was stunned.

Kevin waved his hand and slapped another healing dandelion on Zoro's forehead.


In the crisp sound, Zoro covered his forehead and grinned.

This kind of differential treatment has not happened once or twice. The guy in front of me is not a good person.

So...why am I not a girl?

Zoro turned his back and squeezed his pectoralis major thoughtfully.

At this time, Kuina looked up at Kevin: "I... want to prove to my father that I can also become a swordsman and become a candidate who can inherit the dojo."

Kevin shook his head slightly when he heard this.

"If this is the case, maybe you will be defeated by Zoro in the future, Kuina. Just inheriting the dojo is not a dream."

The two looked at each other, and Kevin continued: "Zauron is very nervous, but you should have felt that you are different, right? The changes in your body, what I have brought to you are not just recovery. ah."

Kuina was silent for a while.

She was aware of the changes in her body. Her basic strength alone was much higher than before. Even if she fell down the stairs before, she would just faint.

To this extent, inheriting the dojo can no longer be said to be a dream. Because this dream is already within reach.

At the very least, it has been a long time since my father used that disappointed look in his eyes and said words that disappointed him.


Zoro, who was pinching him left and right, was stunned, and turned around with a arrogant look on his face: "What are you doing? Do you want to start the one hundred and thirty-ninth duel?"

Guina shook her head slightly: "What is your dream?"


The mention of the dream made Zoro's eyes light up, and he raised the knife in his hand.

"I want to defeat you! After defeating you, I will go to sea and challenge all kinds of swordsmen and great swordsmen in this sea!"

"One day, I will become the strongest swordsman in this sea, and my name will be resounding throughout the sea!"

Under the eloquent words, if the other hand had not lifted up the short sleeve and put it inside, it would probably be more in line with the picture.

But just like that, Guina was stunned.

The name echoes throughout the sea? this a dream?

Kevin watched this scene and threw a stone, hitting Zoro on the back of his hand.

"Take your hands out. The greatest swordsman in the world doesn't know how to touch himself."

Zoro looked unhappy, being treated differently again.

He obviously spoke so gently to Kuina, but it was so-called encouragement to him.


Kevin's voice immediately attracted the attention of the two brats.

"The awakening of domineering energy comes from the firmness of one's own will, and dreams are naturally a type of will. The will to never give up in pursuit of dreams can bring new strength."

After the words fell, Kevin stood up and patted Guina on the little head: "Go ahead, it's just enlightenment at this stage. Today's showdown with Sauron can't be left behind, right?"

Hearing this, Guina was still thinking about what Kevin had just said, while Zoro on the side had already drawn out his long knife with an excited look on his face.

"Come on Kuina! Let's start our one hundred and thirty-ninth duel. I will never lose to you this time. I want to become the world's greatest swordsman!"

Kevin looked at the fanatical Zoro thoughtfully.

Speaking of which, if Kuina defeats Hawkeye Mihawk and becomes the world's greatest swordsman, then Zoro might be able to achieve this easily.

If he marries Kuina, won't he become the world's greatest swordsman?

The two brats walked away, while Kevin smiled evilly.

Until Koushiro appeared behind him, also holding the latest issue of the New Times in his hand.

"You are really brave."

Kevin glanced at him and said, "It doesn't matter whether the situation is big or small, isn't it? They threw out the Four Emperors as bait, so naturally I can use it."

Koshiro exhaled, "In this way, the group of Celestial Dragons who were so high and mighty before this may be in danger."


Kevin replied, "You underestimated them. Although the slug-like Celestial Dragons are weak, there are many strong people in CP. Although they can't fight against big pirates like Whitebeard Newgate, they won't be stupid enough to kill Celestial Dragons. Fundamentally, they are different from us."

"There will be many ignorant and fearless pirates, but these guys may not be able to break through the CP's special agent guards."

Hearing this, Koshiro wondered, "Then the purpose of doing this... is to pull them off the altar?"

Kevin smiled and didn't answer him again.

Pulling the Celestial Dragons off the altar is naturally one of the reasons. With his own example of killing Celestial Dragons and still being safe and sound, the Celestial Dragons' mythical golden body that cannot be offended naturally has cracks.

But the purpose is not just that.

Those who are high and mighty can be pulled down from the altar or even slaughtered. This is an inestimable encouragement to the inner resistance consciousness of the people of the world.

In this case, the development of the Revolutionary Army in various regions will be smoother, which is an overall blessing for the Revolutionary Army.

There will be new reports in the New Era Newspaper. The newspaper is radical while the radio is low-key and subtle. This is the policy set by the enlarged meeting not long ago.

Seeing Kevin silent, Koshiro also brought up this topic.

Bowing slightly, Koshiro thanked: "Kuina has changed a lot, thanks to the care of you all the time."

Kevin replied: "It's just that the education method is wrong. Otherwise, the future of this child is not necessarily worse than Zoro. The great female swordsmen I know are not worse than men."

Koshiro smiled.

Kevin waved his hand: "That's all for today, let's go."

The moment the voice fell, he also disappeared on the spot.


After the Baldigo incident, Uncle Xiong and Ginny's wedding had to be postponed.

The East Sea remained silent. The newly appointed commander of the East Army of the Revolutionary Army, Belo Betty, had many issues to hand over to Ginny.

Although Belo Betty was the deputy commander of the East Army before, she still didn't know what the commander had in hand, and now she needed to hand over the whole thing.

In addition, there was the Sky Island headquarters. Vegapunk had urged them three times. The new headquarters had been busy for five days, but there were still many things to be done.

As the head of the logistics unit, Uncle Xiong was directly drafted into the army due to the convenience of the Meat Ball Fruit ability.

The wedding... naturally had to be postponed.

Kevin had just returned to the G5 branch, and not long after the shadow clones dissipated, the Den Den Mushi on the desk connected to Marinford rang.

"Bulu Bulu..."


"Lieutenant General Kevin, have you read the latest issue of the New Era Newspaper?"

As soon as the voice fell, Kevin straightened his face.

"The serious crime of killing the Celestial Dragons was actually made public. The existence behind the New Era Newspaper can be imagined. The criminals of the Revolutionary Army are so bold, so are they going to take action?"

Before Zhan Guo opened his mouth, Kevin continued: "The action a few days ago let that bastard escape. If we have a way to limit his teleportation ability, we can definitely kill this criminal!"

A series of righteous words made Zhan Guo a little stunned.

At the same time, the five old men who monitored the call also relaxed a little.

Sure enough, it is still reliable to have your own people.


Zhan Guo coughed twice to calm down. He reacted with just a reminder. This kid is really smart.

"The headquarters is also tracking the New Era Newspaper. In addition, in order to deal with this incident, the Navy has decided... to advance the performance of the three admirals."


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