Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 223 This world will one day see the light of day

"Really tenacious..."

CP0, wearing a mask, looked at the revolutionary army in front of him: "What on earth makes you so desperate? You should know what you are doing, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, CP0 appeared in front of Lor, waving his finger gun.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The upper body was covered with the armed color domineering, and the heart was beating violently. The flash of insight domineering just now could not be felt at all at this moment.

"There was also a bastard in the North Sea before."

CP0's face gradually became ferocious as the offensive continued: "That guy is a doctor. He seems to be in contact with the king's army of a certain country. When we found him and wanted to arrest him, this guy actually went out with a bomb every day!"


The finger gun pierced the armed color domineering, and the blood hole in Lor's abdomen was bleeding, but his eyes were still firm.

"People like you won't understand."

"Understand? Understand the stupidity of that guy? The bomb is very powerful, but it only injured two of us."

Lan Jiao!

The slash passed by, and Lor, who blocked with his arms covered with Armament Haki, was knocked away, his arms bleeding.


Lor, who was only 21 years old, raised his head slightly with a sarcastic smile: "That's why I said that people like you can't understand us... For the lofty ideals, for the future that only appears in dreams to become a reality..."

"We... are fighting for our own future!"

Amid the roar, the wounds all over his body burst into blood again, but his heart was truly calm.

At the beginning of the practice of Observation Haki, you need to be quiet, and you master the power of listening.

The teacher who taught Haki said that Haki awakens from the spirit and will, especially Observation Haki and Conqueror Haki.

According to the records mentioned by the teacher, some people are born to listen to the voices of all things, and some people are born to hear the voices of others, and empathize with them and influence them.

The extreme of Observation Haki has many abilities, including the ability to foresee the future a few seconds later.

The awakening of Haki lies in the spirit and will, but practice requires fighting. How can you be satisfied with quietness in battle?

Lor's eyes were solemn.

So it wasn't that the environment was quiet enough, but that after being knocked down again and again, his inner will remained firm, and he formed an inner peace.

Fearless, not afraid of life and death, so stable.

"That's why I don't know why, seeing the faces of you stinky rats makes me feel disgusted!"

CP0's ferocious face seemed to want to tear the person in front of him to pieces, and the fighting power formed by the storm feet spread everywhere.

Here it comes!

For a moment, in Lor's mind, the path of each attack emerged.

"Boom boom boom!"

The surrounding houses were cut off, but Lor successfully avoided all attacks.



Pointing gun!

The attack pierced the air and went straight to Lor's heart.

However, this time, even though the distance was so close, the entire trajectory of the attack was heard clearly.

Sideways punch.

The heat in the body surged and exploded.


CP0 flew backwards and crashed into the house, causing it to collapse.

Since the fight, this masked guy was knocked away by Lor for the first time, his entire abdomen sunken, and he coughed up blood.

"How... is it possible?"

"You rats, how on earth can you become so strong, bastards!"

With a roar, CP0 rushed out.

For a moment, the two became evenly matched.

Just as he couldn't understand the hearts of the members of the Revolutionary Army who were ready to die, he also couldn't understand why these people all mastered domineering, and even stood up after being knocked down again and again.

In contrast, he began to train like hell in his childhood, and went through countless life and death situations before reaching his current level.

And now... the gap was easily eliminated by the opponent.


At the same time, at the entrance of the town.

After seeing Lor's rescue device being destroyed in the first place, Ayag and Bach knew that they needed to fight for their lives.

Ayag held back one person, but Bach, as the captain, knew that he still needed to know something.

These lackeys of the World Government seemed to know them too well.

He turned around to avoid the attack and pulled the trigger while swinging the sniper rifle.


The bullet embedded in the opponent's arm. The powerful kinetic energy under the armed color domineering could only cause such a minor injury.

"What a difficult bastard! I was careless this time and was discovered by you government lackeys."

The butt of the gun was slapped horizontally, and a roar sounded under the collision of domineering.

The leader of CP0, Harob, taunted: "Careless? No, you have been monitored by us from the beginning. Otherwise, why do you think we are ambushing here?"

In just a few seconds, the two collided dozens of times again in close combat.

Under the competition of armed color domineering, the six-style physical skills were fully demonstrated by the opponent.


The body was pierced by the finger gun, and Bach took advantage of it to withdraw, splashing a touch of bright red.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three bullets were fired continuously to force the opponent back. The next moment Bach turned around and exposed his back.

"Are you scared? This is different from the revolutionary army I know!"

Rain kick!

A slashing attack followed by a slashing attack.

But Bach did not turn around.

A figure appeared between the two of them, with wounds all over his body, but no sign of pain.



The slash of Lan Jiao was resisted.

Harobu, who rushed over, looked slightly condensed: "A guy like you is qualified to stop me? You are looking for death!"

In an instant, the finger gun was swung out.


Without any surprise, this attack hit directly.

But at the same time, Ayag's hands also tightly grasped the opponent's wrist, and his body suddenly exerted force.


A mouthful of blood was sprayed directly on the opponent's face: "Observation Haki... Haki... I can't compare with you. But I can avoid the vital points."

Ayag said and looked at the left side of the heart. The armed Haki had just been removed, and the opponent's entire finger pierced into the side of the heart.

"It really hurts..."

This scene stunned Harobu.

What kind of will can achieve this step? !


A roar, and at the same time, the guy who had just been freed by Ayag also reacted and rushed towards Bach, who had already pulled a long distance away.

The magazine was also changed at this moment.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Three consecutive shots were directed at Harob, who was bound by Ayag.


A roar, Harob, facing the threat of death, wanted to break free, and the finger gun in Ayag's wound suddenly rushed forward and then struggled to retract it.

"Don't even think about it!"

The forehead was covered with Armament Haki.



While seeing stars, bullets followed.


The first bullet made a dent in the back of his chest where Armament Haki was superimposed on the iron block, and then the sharp bullet was hit again.

"Bang, bang!"

After two collisions, the first bullet broke through his Armament Haki and went straight into his heart.

At the same time, another CP0 was approaching at this moment, but he suddenly braked when facing Bach's turned gun.

He had seen the power of this gun just now. He originally thought that the opponent's bullets could not break through his Haki and iron block, but now it seems...

It was actually possible to shoot three bullets at the same point. Such a gunmanship and observation Haki are too outrageous.


A roar instantly attracted the attention of the two.

The guy whose Armament Haki had just been broken by three bullets and penetrated into his heart had actually forced the bullet out of his body.

The next moment, a hand suddenly penetrated Ayag's chest, blood splashed from his back, and his whole body was hung up.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

While panting, it was obvious that the ability just now was too much even for CP0's action command.

"It was really close... If it went deeper, my life would be lost here, bastard!"

After the voice fell, Harobu's hand that had pierced Ayag's body suddenly pulled out.



Harobu looked at the revolutionary army who knelt on the ground but grabbed him tightly again.

"You're almost dead."


Blood kept flowing out of his mouth, and Ayag looked back with a sharp breath.

His vision was gradually blurring...

But the captain had to leave.

The two looked at each other, and at this moment, Bach's hand holding the sniper rifle was bulging with veins, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

The cooperation just now was the last chance, and that kind of cooperation itself was used to deal with enemies that could not be defeated.

For this reason, both Ayag and Lor practiced with him many times.

The action records and eavesdropping devices must not be lost, and the intelligence just obtained must also be sent back home.

The thought flashed through his mind, and after looking at each other, Bach suddenly rushed to the outskirts of the town.

"Stop him!"

With a roar, CP0, who had just been forced to stop, tried to stop him, but was stopped by Bach with a shot.

After seeing the captain's back leaving, Ayag slowly closed his eyes, but his hands were already tightly holding the other's wrist.


The finger was broken directly, and only in this way could it be thrown away.

Harob looked towards the distant forest: "Go over there to help. The order from above is to kill these three people. Even if one of them is let go, it will also be a mission failure. And for those who are useless, you should know what the result will be."


The two separated, and Harob rushed into the dense forest, chasing Bach in the direction he rushed out.

"I forgot to tell you that the old man you saved before is also dead. Did he know you? At that time, I heard him call your name and beg you to save him."


The sniper rifle sounded, forcing the other party to stop and slow down, and Bach ran again.

Sure enough, you bastard has been monitoring me all the time!

The CP agent responsible for the rubber fruit did not wear a mask, and he was obviously not from the same organization as these three guys.

So CP9 is responsible for the devil fruit, and CP0 is responsible for monitoring the revolutionary army?

Lor's rescue device was targeted by these people at the first time. Obviously, their understanding of the family exceeded his imagination.

Not long ago, my family informed me that the members of the Taijira Wolf were exposed and all were sent back to study again. Combined with this, it seems that the World Government is planning something against the Revolutionary Army.

"You can't escape."

A voice behind me said: "Except death, you will not have another ending."


The speed of pursuit exploded again. If the previous shot had not consumed the opponent too much, I am afraid that he would have been caught up by this time.

As soon as the thought occurred, Bach suddenly turned around again and flicked the muzzle of the gun.


Gunfire rang out, but this time it was dodged.

Bach frowned and turned around to continue running.

Is there any room for deliberate shaving? That was the Moon Step just now, the ability to suddenly change directions in the air.

If this goes on, it might be difficult to get rid of the opponent.

Ayag's sacrifice, and Luo Er, who must be besieged by the two at this moment...

Thinking of this, Bach reached out and touched the action record in his arms, thinking about his past in his mind for a while.

The teacher once said: If you don’t break out in silence, you will only perish in silence.

In my hometown, everything changed after the people from the World Government appeared.

All men, women, and children were arrested. Non-franchised countries that could not afford the heavenly gold had to face not only the invasion of pirates, but also the oppression of this group of jackals, tigers, and leopards.

The pirates will plunder them, and the navy branch in the East China Sea will plunder them... but this is still not enough.

Even a bottle of milk has become a luxury item. They just want to live, but even this wish cannot be realized in the end.

The entire town was taken to Tequila Wolf to build the sea-crossing bridge that was never completed.

Those days were hopeless and suffocating, because as slaves, the future they saw was dark.

Not only them, but those children who were just born also have no future. The descendants of slaves are also slaves, and they need to build bridges for the Tianlong people in Taqila Wolf for life after life.

"Got you."

A voice sounded from behind.

The next moment, Bach turned around and looked at the other party.

"do you know?"

With a mocking tone, Bach suddenly hugged Harrob.

"This world...will have a bright future one day!"

Amidst the roar, Harrob suddenly saw the small black mass on its abdomen, and the red light at the top was flashing, which was particularly dazzling.

"Asshole! Let go, bastard!"

While struggling, all he saw was Bach's firm gaze.


Fire shot into the sky, the violent explosion shattered the surrounding trees into pieces, and the entire ground shook.

After the violent explosion, the jungle returned to calm. There was only a deep pit with a radius of nearly three meters, and a pile of minced meat was scattered all over the place.

Ten minutes later, in the town that was completely slaughtered.

The besieged Luol had a long knife pierced through his abdomen at this moment, and there was no intact place on his body.

Even if he increased his domineering power during the battle, he now understood his situation.

He knew exactly what the explosion was. It seemed that the captain still hadn't escaped, and that CP0 bastard hadn't come over either. He was probably taken away by the captain.

As a result, the action records and small-scale signal receiving devices should also be destroyed.

This... is already good.


Luo Er, who was holding on to his feet, coughed out a handful of blood, but a smile appeared on his face.

"The abdomen was punctured, the internal organs were severely damaged, and there are countless large and small wounds on the body. It is impossible for you to survive... Why are you still laughing?!"

There was fear in the questioning.

In their view, no one can remain calm in the face of death.

So far, probably only the Pirate King Goldo Roger eleven years ago can smile on the execution platform.

There is no way for them not to be afraid of such an enemy.

And Luo Er also looked at the two guys in front of him: "My captain... and teammates... have all been... sacrificed. Now... it's my turn."

As soon as the words fell, the two CP0s immediately retreated several meters.

This is a madman, a madman who has no fear in the face of death!

Prior to this, many of the records of the Revolutionary Army's actions in CP0's intelligence were about detonating bombs at the last moment with the intention of dying together.

Coupled with the violent explosion in the dense forest just now, they had to be afraid.

"Haha...hehe. Why...are you so far away? Aren't you...going to kill me?"

The two people in CP0 looked at each other and showed no intention of getting closer.

"You can't delay it for long. You've lost too much blood due to the wound, and you should have felt dizzy long ago."

"We don't need to take action, you won't last long."

One minute, two minutes...

Luo Er gasped frequently, but resisted and did not dare to fall.

"It's really...a pity."

At this time, figures broke into this quiet town one by one.

Luka reached out and grabbed Lor's hand.

"Emergency surgery is needed, quickly!"

The other two people belonging to Luca's team rushed over, and one carried Lohr, who was already breathing intermittently and unconscious, and retreated behind their own side.

The other one quickly observed Luo Er's injuries, his brows getting tighter and tighter.

It is no longer possible to delay such an injury, but for safety reasons, it is safest to perform the surgery behind one's own side.

"Inform the commander of the army."


Luca glanced at the rooftop in the distance. Members of another team above had already begun to contact Bellobetti.

After doing all this, he looked at the two CP0 agents in front of him.


"Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, six bullets surrounded the two men.

But at this moment, a figure fell from mid-air and threw both of them out.

The armed color was covered with domineering force, and all the warheads fell to the ground.

"There are so many people...the revolutionary army."

The visitor also wore a mask, and in the shadows behind him, figures dressed in white also appeared.

For a time, the two sides fell into a confrontation.

CP0 also sent out a signal for help. They have never underestimated the revolutionary army.

"Kill everyone in the entire town... You have no basis for humanity anymore, lackeys of the World Government."

On the rooftop opposite, a CP0 said: "Untouchables must have the consciousness of being untouchables. In order to ambush you guys, their sacrifices are valuable."


Luka's eyes narrowed slightly: "Some people will forget their past once they have power. You idiots must have been one of these worthless people, right?"

At this time, a guy wearing a red mask with hair like an octopus on his back came out.

Gismonda said: "As a strong man, you have naturally got rid of the status of a pariah. Now... leave that guy behind, and you can leave..."

Before he finished speaking, the sniper rifle on the roof suddenly rang out, and a warhead hit the ground in front of Gismonda, splashing a burst of broken bricks.

At the same time, the revolutionary army who fired the gun replied: "We have never abandoned our comrades here, you bastard. If you want to fight, you can give it a try and see how many troops you can gather in the East China Sea in one day."

Gismonda looked towards the roof, then looked at Luca again.

"Is this what the Revolutionary Army means?"

Luka did not answer, but directly took out the saber from his waist and directly stated his position.

At the same time, at the rear of the revolutionary army, the footsteps of six people were heard again. This was a slower team.

Three minutes later, Gismonda waved his hand, and all CP0s disappeared into the darkness, including the two just retreated together.

It wasn't until he couldn't see the other person's back that Luka breathed a sigh of relief.

In the East China Sea, it is true that the number of troops that the revolutionary army can gather in one day is terrifying, but this is also not allowed by the family.

Although Luka doesn't know the specific situation, the World Government that has ruled this sea for eight hundred years must have some power that makes the family worry.

Otherwise, in terms of military strength, they already have the confidence to compete with the Navy.

"Let's go. Brothers who went to check on the explosion, remember to report back."

Luka waved his hand and looked around, only to find that he seemed to be alone.


They are all team captains. These action teams have just been able to make themselves stand out, but now they obviously don't want to continue to give him this face.

Taqira Wolf's temporary base.

Bellobetti was planning the strategy of rearranging the Taqila Wolves when the communication device from the East China Sea rang.



Holding the headset in one hand, the pen in the other hand has stopped.

"Understood. Noelle will be there soon, along with the medical team. How is his condition?"

"Be sure to keep his heartbeat, I will find a way here."

The communication was hung up, and Bellobetti immediately contacted the vice-captain and asked him to lead six teams to support.

Bellobetti's phone call then went directly to the Revolutionary Army Sky Island Headquarters, asking Dorag to contact Mr. Tinder.

Three minutes later, Kevin appeared at the temporary base of Donghai.

The coordinates were taken by Noel, and the healing dandelion formed from Kevin's blood quickly made Noel's injury improve quickly.

"He was still standing upright waiting for rescue despite such a loss of blood. This was all due to his firm will."

The doctor from Ferrevans sighed: "If it weren't for Sir, we would have planned to hang our lives and let Trafalgar Law come as soon as possible."

Kevin, who was wearing a mask, nodded: "With such a firm will...his gains will not be small after this battle. But...I heard that two people were sacrificed?"

Bellobetti behind him nodded: "In order to prevent the action recording and signal receiving device from being discovered, a guy holding CP0 detonated the bomb. The fragments of the two were mixed and can no longer be distinguished."

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