Become a revolutionary mentor from a pirate

Chapter 30 Kevin the Executioner

Half a month later, after sweeping away the pirates in the Western Sea for the last time, Kevin boarded a warship heading to Marineland, the headquarters of the Navy.

And when the news spread from Rath Gap Town to the West Sea, the guys on various islands who had not gone to sea because they were afraid of the name of the executioner all celebrated crazily.

That bastard is finally gone!

The entire West China Sea was ridiculed as the weakest sea after the East China Sea, all because of this bastard blocking the entrance to Upside Down Mountain.

Even Garp, the naval hero of the East China Sea, has to work at the headquarters for a long time. Only occasionally returning to the East China Sea for vacation is a nightmare for the pirates of the East China Sea.

And Kevin, that bastard, has been staying in Xihai for a long time since he joined the 80th branch two years ago.

Not to mention blocking the entrance to Upside Down Mountain, this bastard even occasionally fishes for law enforcement.

Basically, as long as there are pirates who have robbed civilians, no one will be able to survive.

Even before the pirate flag was raised, he would not let go of even the bandits, which was absolutely cruel!

Now that he is gone, he has gone to the Navy Headquarters and will not come back. Why not hold a banquet to celebrate such a happy day?

Must be opened! Open now! After driving, go to Upside Down Mountain and go swaggering!

The 80th Naval Branch in Ruthgap Town, I heard that the base commander there is an ordinary guy, so it would be appropriate to kill the pirate flag and sacrifice it.


Wine glasses clinked and cheers could be heard.

All the taverns in the entire West China Sea have never been more lively than today. The villains who have been oppressed for nearly three years have completely let themselves go today.

"Boss! Serve the wine! Do you want me to stab you in the head?"

"Hahaha! In a place like the Grand Line, even Kevin the Executioner would be killed by a big pirate if he went there!"

"Yeah, deal with it. The boss is right, we might get the news that that bastard was slaughtered after we go to sea."

"Everyone! To One Piece! To the treasure of Pirate King Goldo Roger, cheers!"

"To the treasure! Cheers!"

"Boss, do you want to die? Where's the wine?"

Amidst the shouting and cursing, an old man was shaking with anger behind the bar.

All the stored wine had been drank by these bastards, but not a penny was given to them.

Such a situation would never have happened in the West Sea before. Under the inspection of the Navy Lord, he never cares whether you are a pirate or not.

Bandits, gangsters, bullies, anyone who is guilty will be killed by that one. On the contrary, some people who dreamed of going to sea basically survived.

At that time, the old man never thought that such a scene would happen today.

"No, no more wine..."

The trembling body resisted fear, but the next moment a hand enveloped him.


The old man was slapped to the back of the bar, the utensils fell to the floor, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

These bastards, maybe they will die here today, right?

The stored wine was gone, and he had no purpose in living.

Trembling, the old man stood up, stretched out his hand and pointed his crutch at the puppies in front of him.

"The Navy Lord will come back one day, or one day I will meet you on the Grand Line. One day, all your actions will pay the price!"

"You bastards! Be afraid!"

"This sea will eventually swallow you up!"

Amidst the roar, a flintlock gun was pointed over.

"Old man, what are you talking about? Do you want me to give you another minute to think about whether you said the wrong thing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his index finger on the trigger was already ready to pull it.

However, the next second, he felt that he could not buckle it no matter what.

"Actually, I think what he said is right. After all, he doesn't even have the courage to face me directly. The ultimate result of going to sea is just to feed the fish."

Kevin's finger was on the trigger, and he broke his wrist with a backhand grip.


Amidst the screams, the arrogant laughter in the tavern suddenly stopped.

The next moment, voices of fear and anger rose one after another.

"It's the executioner!"

"This bastard didn't leave?!"

"He lied to us! Run!"

A young pirate wearing a turban took out a short gun: "What is he afraid of when he is alone? Concentrate the fire and kill him..."

Before he finished speaking, a middle-aged man patted him on the back of his head: "Run, kid, do you want to die?"

The next moment, some people in the tavern actually turned around and shot after hearing this.

The smell of lead bullets filled the tavern, but none of them hit.

Under the domineering power of Jianwense, all attacking auras are captured. From the special perspective of the prison, Kevin was very excited as the crime value went from high to low.

The news was spread before leaving. After the warship set sail, it turned back and went to several large islands in the West Sea to conduct sweeps. This was only because Rem was willing to arrange it.


He grabbed his face with one hand and pushed him to the ground, causing the back of his head to crack and die.


The Marine Six-style shaving is very simple for Kevin today, even so simple that he can accurately control the speed and direction.

The next moment, Kevin appeared behind a middle-aged pirate with a crime value of five hundred and six.

"Three years ago, a village was plundered, and more than a dozen young men who resisted were tortured and killed. I have looked for you several times in the past two years, but you have avoided me all the time."

"Now that you have jumped out, does the bandit want to change his career? For people like you, death is not the end, only pain."

Before he finished speaking, he swung out a slap and twisted his head, and the entire spine of his neck was shattered.

Soon, the guys with guilty values ​​were caught up and killed with one blow.

All the crazy counterattacks with firearms or knives were all in vain, and even his wrists were pinched and his head was chopped off with his knife.

The fresh blood ignited the fear of all pirates. Over the past two years, especially in the past six months, this bastard has become stronger and stronger like a monster!

But why does such a monster still stay in the West Sea? Didn’t you say you’ve already gone to the Grand Line?

A minute later, nearly 90% of the young people in the tavern who were fascinated by the treasure were frightened and fled out due to Kevin's intention.

And the other 10%, those original bandits, gangsters, and Mafia trainees were all killed and their souls were extracted.

Two days later, the three largest pirate gathering places in the West China Sea became a restricted area for pirates.

Because no one knows whether that bastard will make another surprise one day.

The bullying-like massacres two days ago made many young people in Xihai who were originally red-eyed because of the treasure frightened by the blood.

The 80th branch of the West Sea ended as usual, with the heads of pirates with bounties on their heads as compensation for civilian losses. The excess will be used as bonuses. This is Luomi's rule in Xihai.

Kneel down and beg to pursue reading, kneel down and beg to pursue reading, gentlemen.

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